The Thunderbolt 122814 Deferred Thunderbolts


TB Clndr

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes





1) FYI Section:

1A) Food Not Bombs in Olympia

1B) Season’s Greetings from the Backbone Campaign

1C) Update from the Green Party about our Community Rights Ordinance

1D) Update from POWER

2) FREE SKOOL: Trans 101: For Allies and Questioners

3) Global Noise Demo for Prisoner Solidarity: New Years Eve 2014-20154)

4) Bonus Tip of the Week:




Deferred Thunderbolts!



Deferred Thunderbolts!

Hey Kids!

Yes, the Thunderbolt is late this week. I celebrate Christmas; I just don’t celebrate it as Christmas. I took a couple of days off. There’s nothing on the calendar until Monday anyway. Dock it from my non-pay. Get over it.


Thunderbolt Disaster!

I have experienced something of a disaster that is relevant to the Thunderbolt: I had an Excel workbook that contained all the links to all the political information that I often share here — and somehow that document was turned into something else when I was transferring my digital world from the Dominion of Microsoft to People’s Republic of Apple.

I feel like someone has stolen my magical talisman with which I safely stand bravely and stalwart whilst hurling turds into sacred punchbowls! I can prove that’s a turd, sucker! I can name the frigging names and I can link directly to the burnt asses! I gots the facts so nyah, nyah, nyah!

I have included many if not most of these links in past Thunderbolts and so I can probably dig through my archives and find many if not most of them — but there were a lot of rather esoteric ones that I didn’t include that I will possibly never be able to find again, and besides that digging through archives looking for stuff is a pain in the ass that I don’t really have time for.

Whatever. I’ll be back, don’t you worry…


The World Situation

As far as the world, things have continued more-or-less just like before in spite of my little mini-vacation. Their punchbowl continues to overflow with exceptionally malodorous turds that obviously came from something that subsists upon some sort of incredibly nasty toxic waste. Obama continues to say all the right things whilst doing all the wrong things, the American War Machine continues unleashing hell on earth all over the planet, and Justin Bieber continues to run around in public unsupervised.

I can’t actually prove any of this at the moment because I’ve lost my magic box of nasty secrets, but I can assure you that it is all just as I say it is! (Well, the turds and the punchbowl were metaphorical — but you probably already figured that out on your own…)

One of the reasons I don’t attend many political educational events lately is that over the decades I haven’t been able to avoid noticing that the same story just keeps repeating itself. I am forced to keep trying to think of new and interesting ways to say the same thing over and over again. There are different players and different details but otherwise it’s like some never-ending reality nightmare-loop of ever growing putridity…

Wow, I thought I just made up another word [i.e. ‘putridity’] but since Microsoft Word did not place one of their infamous little red squiggles under it, then I guess that’s the ultimate authority decreeing ‘putridity’ to be an actual word — so an actual word it is!

How putrid!

Whould’a thunk?


Our ‘Terrorists’

Speaking of ‘putridity’, I just learned the very interesting information that the survivors of the victims of the Cubana Airlines Flight 455 bombing and the survivors of the victims of the 9-11 attack are getting together to join their voices in a cry for justice.

A reminder: Some right-wing anti-Castro Cubans under the direction of two gentlemen named Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles blew a Cuban civilian airliner out of the sky killing all 73 people aboard, including the entire Cuban junior national fencing team that was returning from a successful tournament in Venezuela.

The Cubana airliner bombing represented the second worst act of air terrorism in the Western Hemisphere after 9/11.

The two masterminds — Bosch and Cariles — are both living the high-life in Miami under the full protection of the United States government in spite of numerous requests and arrest warrants from Cuba and Venezuela.

This is from the Council on Hemispheric Affairs:

Notwithstanding attempts at deportation and minor charges regarding immigration matters, Cuban born Bosch and Posada continue to live unmolested in Miami and are treated as heroes by hard-line segments of the Cuban community. The pair, responsible for a long line of terrorist activities yet treated as virtual celebrities, have appeared on various local television and radio stations, attended a variety of public functions, and Bosch was even photographed in the front row at a speech made in 2002 in Miami by President George W. Bush. In 1982 the Miami city commission held a Dr. Orlando Bosch Day while the guest of honor was at the time in a Venezuelan jail. Hundreds attended the event, including a religious ceremony and a civic proclamation at City Hall.

Keep in mind it was celebrating two of the most notorious terrorists in the hemisphere.

Posada is now a part-time artist who has sold his works at numerous gallery exhibits throughout South Florida; proceeds from his artistic endeavors have earned him thousands of dollars. He is often seen at public functions and is unfailingly greeted by supporters who champion his cause as a freedom fighter.

The FBI once described Bosch as the Western Hemisphere’s “most dangerous terrorist”, and Posada is currently under investigation for lying about his connection with a string of bombings against various Cuban tourist targets in 1997. However, neither one has ever faced legal proceedings in the United States regarding their role in the Cubana Airlines bombing.

This is in spite of overwhelming evidence, including multiple reports from American intelligence agencies, that has irrefutably established the pair’s involvement in the downing of the passenger airliner. On its fatal flight, the Cubana DC 8 had taken off from Barbados on its way to Jamaica, and then to its final destination, Havana. The flight originated from Venezuela, with a short stop in Port of Spain, Trinidad. Seventy-three people were on board, including the entire Cuban junior national fencing team, which was returning home following a successful tournament in Caracas.

It’s time to get to work…




The Thunderbolt Calendar

Week of December 25th 2014 thru January 1st, 2015




1) FYI Section:


1A)   Food Not Bombs in Olympia

There is an organization in Olympia that holds to the radical idea that we should feed people rather than bomb them. They are called Food Not Bombs. I have personally been watching Food Not Bombs feed people for several years now and I have never once seen them bomb anyone, so they are true to their mission statement and they live up to their name.

If you would like to start feeding people rather than bombing them, Food Not Bombs is often in need of some helping hands, so feel free to drop by Media Island on Saturdays around 2:30 pm to cook up some quality vegetarian grub to be served in front of the Timberland Library at 4:30.

Media Island is located at 816 Adams St SE, which if you walked out of the back door of the library that you can’t walk out of anymore and then proceed straight ahead across Adams Street, and you will run into Media Island.




1B) Season’s Greetings from the Backbone Campaign

Here is a message from one of the premiere activist organizations in the world.

From Bill:

Backbone means standing up with the moral clarity that people, communities, nature and our obligations to future generations are not just NOT FOR SALE, they are SACRED.Please support our ongoing work today.

In this season of Gratitude and Generosity, we at Backbone Campaign are grateful for the support and collaboration of people like you who have made all our this possible over our now 11 years of work. If you value what we do, please propel it forward.

What I am most grateful for and proud of that our work is making an impact on people’s lives and amplifying their voices and aspirations. It is deeply satisfying to see images from past Backbone actions continue to resonate, reappearing in print and online. It is gratifying to experience the flourishing of change agents and efforts which we’ve worked to support.

It fills my heart with joy to see our courageous friends –and increasingly people I’ve never met and who may have never heard of the Backbone Campaign – utilizing the actual tactical tools and techniques we’ve shared across the country. In the past couple weeks, images from the LA Times and Washington Post, the streets of NY City, DC, Michigan, San Diego, Baltimore, Seattle, Spokane, Oakland and elsewhere.

What is more important to me to express to you than any particular analysis, list of accomplishments, or victories is this. Backbone Campaign works from the moral and strategic understanding that what is of ultimate importance is the relationships that we weave with each other. Those relationships are the ground from which the power to manifest a better world takes root and bears fruit.

Backbone is dedicated to sowing, nurturing, and tending those relationships. We are investing in the cultural competence and anti-oppression work that must be done to allow all of us expand our alliances and move forward together. I believe that even imperfect efforts (mine are certainly imperfect) of engaging and reengaging with honesty, the humility to reconsider assumptions, and the courage to forgive is the only true path forward.

The demands upon the Backbone Campaign are growing. We make every effort to answer the invitation for engagement with change agents with uncommon generosity. That generosity is a reflection of our faith in YOUR generosity.

As we welcome the literal and symbolic light back into our lives and our world, I hope that you will consider recommitting to Backbone Campaign’s work in some meaningful way. Even $5 is a gesture that communicates that you feel like you are part of what we are building together. If you know you can do more – please do more. As we grow into the challenges of 2015, we NEED people who have never given before to become members, at any level.

To our current members and old friends to whom we are forever grateful, please do renew your membership, it is not automatic. And please consider joining our sustaining donors, the Lumbar Club.

FYI – We have until March to claim a $10,000 matching grant for our Solutionary Rail/Protect the Salish Sea project. So, right now – any gift toward that work is functionally doubled.

I truly believe that Backbone is one of the best investments that you can make toward realizing positive social change. Please don’t delay in making your commitment or recommitment as we recommit ourselves to the work sacred ahead. Forward together!

Wishing You a Joyous Holiday with Loved Ones!

In Gratitude & Collaboration,

Bill Moyer
co-founder/Executive Director
Backbone Campaign

PS – And maybe we’ll even get some long awaited accountability in the New Year?




1C)   Update from the Green Party about our Community Rights Ordinance

This is from Janet:

Report on a Phone Conversation with Kai Huschke, December 18

(Next meeting is January 10)

I talked to Kai for about 45 minutes on the 18th.  His final word was, Stop chewing over what scenarios might work and what might not work and just pick something and run with it!   You’ll never be an inspiration to to other communities until you take that next step!

He didn’t think the idea of citizens having standing to enforce the Clean Water Act (or other environmental laws) was a good enough basis for a CRO, because he wants the Ordinance to be based on our rights rather than laws handed down from above.  In other words, our CRO shouldn’t refer back to any other laws.

Also, he said our CRO should clearly demonstrate the opposition between citizens and corporate power — as in, citizens versus frackers or citizens versus corporate farms.  To me, that requirement rules out the Puget Sound as the basis for our Ordinance, because the “enemy” is not so much corporations as it is other citizens, with their dumping of toxic chemicals (in small amounts each time) and building things that make it hard for water to proceed naturally into the Sound.  We can’t get up the requisite feeling of opposition if the enemy is other citizens.

Unless you want to say, no more oil, insecticides or herbicides will be sold in Thurston County. That would demonstrate that the pollution is due to corporations, as required.  Do you want to say that?   Please let us know (respond to the listserv).  We can talk about it.   Otherwise I’ll assume it’s too drastic for you.

So I would say, sadly, that unless we want to ban oil and other chemicals, we can’t create a CRO for the protection of the Sound.  It just doesn’t fit.

But we are still involved in several other efforts.

  • Banning genetically modified crops would work if it referred to the whole of Thurston County, and that might well be possible after the Better Thurston people manage to turn us into a charter county.  We would then have a reasonable process for bringing a petition to the citizens and having it stick once they voted it in.  But we won’t have a charter county until at least 2017.
  • Better citizen control over their own neighborhoods is still a possibility. A lot of people wanted this option on September 13 of this year.  It needs a lot  of polishing though.  We’ll look harder at this one at the next meeting.  If it’s the right one, it’s time to finalize it and get it moving.   We’ll do that at the next regular meeting, January 10.
  • Getting a Citizens Review Board to rein in the police seems to me to satisfy all the requirements.  It can be voted on by the citizens and the results would stick.  It’s a valid issue, there is real injustice under the present system, and if citizens knew about it they would want change.  It poses us citizens against an entity (the police union) that has seized power over us, illegitimate power because we are the ones hiring them and they should be doing what we say to do, not the other way around.  The proposed change — the Review Board — is easy to grasp and it would be effective.  You can say most citizens don’t yet understand how much the change is needed, but that would be up to us to fix through ongoing education.  That would be our job.  Let’s look at it on the 10th.

Thanks for sticking with this discussion.  It’s been going on for a long time (18 months).  It seems to me that’s because it’s not an easy assignment.  Up until just now I would have said the protection of the Sound was the most viable issue for our CRO and now I think we should just drop it.  Maybe it just took that long to think it through.

I believe we will get there.

If you have any reactions to the above, please respond on the listserv.   It would be nice to hear a new voice right about now!

Janet Jordan



1D) Update from POWER

This is from Monica at Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights [POWER]:

Dear POWER members,

We’ve had a POWERful year of hard work, witnessing personal and community struggles in the face of growing poverty and economic disparities. While we look back to review some significant events that occurred in 2014, we invite you to find ways to continue to support our work to come. Your faith in our work makes all of the difference.

Though there are key accomplishments we are proud to share, we want to start with a matter of the heart by acknowledging the loss of a member of our community this year. Long time POWER volunteer and Board member, Jennifer Roberts died at home on April 18th. Many of you may have met Jennifer over the years as she has been an integral part of our work, and if so, you know that she is truly missed. Jennifer’s memory lives on in our work as we continue the fight for economic justice.

Another pivotal time in our work happened this spring as we were selected and funded by the Thurston County Home Consortium to launch a two-month project, which culminated in a Rural County Needs Assessment. Through extensive research and outreach with low-income people, service providers, religious leaders, and elected officials in rural Thurston County, we found that rural services are funded at a lower rate than urban services. There is a belief that folks tend to travel to urban areas for services, but we found transportation to be the largest barrier for rural folks in accessing services as well as employment. This was just one of the myths that our work in rural Thurston County uncovered.

We presented our report in July.  You can find it at:  It was well received and has been creating ongoing dialogue about rural services. We were delighted to recently receive word that there is talk of expanding rural bus lines in Thurston County.

As poverty deepens and economic disparity grows throughout the US because of governmental decisions on national, state and regional levels to decrease supports that alleviate poverty, we are faced on a daily basis with the effects of these decisions – families fighting to stay sheltered, together, and safe.

We recently learned that Governor Inslee is including additional cuts to social services in his 2015 budget. We are receiving calls from members who live with permanent and severe disabilities and have barely managed to stay housed while their monthly disability benefits were cut from $339 to $192. Now this small monthly allotment is on the chopping block!

Along with our on-going advocacy, we provided intensive support this year for families whose poverty and disabilities are making them targets for discrimination. POWER welfare witnesses provided direct support at a local hospital and in family court to stand with families fighting for their rights and their children.

Considering the current economic situation, it is no surprise that we’ve had to make some cutbacks, as have many nonprofits in the last few years. Our work is possible because of our strong member base, and we ask you to consider how you can help us keep this important work going strong for the coming year. No donation is too small, and larger donations allow us to deepen and amplify our workPlease consider what would best fit your budget and support us with a one-time or an on-going monthly donation of $5, $25, $50, $100, $1,000 or more. You can mail checks, or use our secure Pay Pal donation option on our website to donate with debit or credit cards POWER is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, our EIN # is 39-2070376; your donations are tax-deductible.

If you are unable to provide a financial donation, consider contacting us for volunteer opportunities, where you can be trained to do outreach and advocacy to help us spread our important work to others. A few hours a week or even a few hours a month of your time can make a big difference. POWER is member driven and it is when we all contribute that we are able to truly access our potential to affect change. It is consistent volunteer support and the financial donations of folks who believe in our mission that have allowed us to continue to be a place of refuge, learning, strength and support to low-income people.

POWER is a small organization with a big mission. We hope you can join us in our work and we appreciate your continued support!


Monica Peabody                                                                     Shelly Robbins

Executive Director                                                                   Board Treasurer



2) FREE SKOOL: Trans 101: For Allies and Questioners

Monday December 29th at 2 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St



3) Global Noise Demo for Prisoner Solidarity: New Years Eve 2014-2015

Wednesday December 31st All Day @ Every Prison and Jail

This is a worldwide movement and it is an important issue.

From Yahcob:

Inside and Outside Prisons, Jails, & Detention Centers around the World

Noise demos outside of prisons in some countries are a continuing tradition. A way of expressing solidarity for people imprisoned during the New Year, remembering those held captive by the state. A noise demo breaks the isolation and alienation of the cells our enemies create, but it does not have to stop at that.

Prison has a long history within capital, being one of the most archaic forms of prolonged torture and punishment. It has been used to kill some slowly and torture those unwanted – delinquents to the reigning order – who have no need of fitting within the predetermined mold of society.

Prison is used not only as an institution, but a whole apparatus, constructed externally from outside of the prison walls. Which our enemies by way of defining our everyday life as a prison, manifest themselves in many places, with banks that finance prison development (like Wells Fargo, Bank of America, BNP Paribas, Bank of the West, and Barclays), companies that are contracted for the development of prisons (like Bergelectric Corporation, SASCO Electric, Engineered Control Systems, MacDonald Miller Facility SLTNS and Kane MFG Corp.), investors in prison development (like Barclays Intl. and Merrlin Lynch) to the police and guards who hide behind their badges and the power of the state.

Solidarity is not only an expression by way of our own revolutionary poetry which is defined by a developing anarchist analysis, but as an expression of actions put into practice within the social war daily. That is why we propose to others who have a certain reciprocal understanding of the prison world and the conditions it creates to remember this day, to mark it on their calendars. To locate points of attack. To not limit ourselves to just a noise demo, but proliferating actions autonomously from one another. That break the mundane positions we lock ourselves into by our own internalization.

To all our comrades known and we have yet to know. Just because we have not met, does not mean we do not act in affinity with one another. Our struggle continues not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. Prison is not an end, but a continuation. Through individual and collective moments of revolt, by the methods one finds possible. Like fire our rage must spread.

Against prison, and the world that maintains them.

For the social war.

In solidarity with those currently imprisoned.

An incomplete and growing list of NYE noise demos:

Oakland, CA:

Seattle, WA:

Portland, OR:

Portland, OR:


London, UK:



4) Bonus Tip of the Week:

Listen to The Thunderbolt this weekend on your radio or your computer.



The Thunderbolt 121814 Tortured Logic

Counter Strike

TB Clndr

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes





1) FYI Section:

1A) West Central Park Update

1B) Update on HAARP

2) FREE SKOOL: Creative Writing Potluck

3) Free Skool Organizing Brunch

4) Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation 39th Annual Peace Vigil

5) FREE SKOOL: Protest Safety and Security Culture

6) FREE SKOOL: Herstory Book Club

7) FREE SKOOL: Intro to Digital DJ-ing

8) Bonus Tip of the Week




Tortured Logic



Capitalism Defined

Hey Kids!

Capitalism is the idea that purely evil people will do purely evil things for the good of humanity.


An Historic Event

An historic event happened today: Barack Obama made a major policy decision that I can find absolutely nothing to criticize about, i.e. his decision to ‘normalize’ relations with Cuba.

A word about Cuba: Fidel Castro was a totalitarian dictator and he severely punished anyone who participated in any sort of anti-government criticism or activism. Boo. That said, in spite of crippling decades-long economic sanctions imposed by the United States the common Cuban enjoys one of the highest standards of living in Latin America. They have a longer life expectancy than Americans do and they have a lower infant mortality rate than Americans do. While the United States mostly exports weapons of mass destruction these days, the Cubans export mostly doctors.

The stated reasons for American antipathy toward Cuba are pure bullshite. Yes, Castro is an undemocratic dictator, but the United States actively supports brutal dictatorships all over the world that almost literally make Castro look like a saint.

The reason that the powers that be in the United States have always harboured such a pathological hatred of Castro and his country is because he successfully told the United States to go enjoy sexual relations with its maternal ancestors — and he got away with it. Castro represented an example of a Third World country successfully standing up to American hegemony and that was utterly unreservedly absolutely thoroughly totally and completely unacceptable. Thus, for decades Castro had the most powerful country in the world trying every trick in the book to topple his regime — and we are talking here about the United States of America, a country that has successfully toppled literally dozens of other regimes. In addition, Fidel Castro personally also had the deadliest people in the world trying to kill him. These were the same people who successfully assassinated a president and the same people who framed another president forcing him to resign in disgrace.

Virtually all the people who were trying to kill Castro are themselves now dead.

Both Castro and his regime are still alive and kicking.


The Sincerest Form of Flattery

The Taliban is evidently taking cues from domestic American ‘terrorists’: They have taken to invading schools and mass-murdering small children.


Keep in mind: While this doesn’t come within light-years of an acceptable justification, the fact remains that the Pakistani army in the border regions with Afghanistan have evidently been taking their cues from their American patrons for they have begun mass-murdering the families of Talibani members as well as large numbers of innocent civilians. The Taliban says this latest school attack in Peshawar is retaliation for these murders.

When our ‘allies’ mass-murder children then it is not such an outrage.

It isn’t even reported, in fact.

If you reap what you sow, then according to my calculations there is still a lot of reaping yet to come…


Grand Jokey

This ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ thing seems to be becoming a full-blown movement.

I would encourage people who are concerned about the annual mass-slaughter of black kids to consider the underlying issues that allow police to mass-murder young black men with impunity.

(See the next section ‘Tortured Logic’ to explain a few parts of that particular puzzle.)

One of numerous positive side effects and results of this whole Ferguson/ New York/ Oakland/ etc. blow-up is that many Americans are becoming aware of and educated about grand juries. Since simply being arrested is often a traumatic and disastrous experience no matter what the eventual outcome, the idea behind a grand jury is that the prosecutor must convince a jury of our peers that criminal charges are warranted before actually arresting and putting someone on trial.

In theory this is a great idea. In theory, a grand jury is supposed to help assure that the prosecutor has sufficient evidence to assure that criminal charges are warranted before actually proceeding. However, as with so many positive theories and good ideas, our Machine has managed to take a good idea and turn it completely upon its head.

First of all, a grand jury is 100% the prosecutor’s show. There is no judge. There is no one representing the potential defendant (referred to as a ‘target’ in this context). The prosecutor can use hearsay and illegally obtained evidence, he/she can speculate, and he/she is not required to present exculpatory evidence. There is no cross-examination or challenges to the testimony of witnesses. The ‘target’ is not even allowed into the proceedings unless he/she is subpoenaed and his/her lawyer is not allowed to be present regardless — and indeed, the ‘target’ often does not even know that he/she is the subject of a grand jury proceeding. (Gee, I was wondering why my ears were burning all last month…)

The proceedings are secret and the ‘target’ is not allowed to know what the prosecutor or the witnesses are saying about him/her and the ‘target’ has no opportunity to correct or challenge information even if he/she does know what is being said and/or done. The result of all this is that the prosecutor virtually always gets whatever outcome he/she wants. Since grand juries are usually not required in order to issue an indictment, they are often used to cover a prosecutor’s ass so that he/ she may evade responsibility for bringing or failing to bring criminal charges. The prosecutor can blame the indictment or lack of indictment on the grand jury so his/her hands are tied as far as proceeding — or, as in the Michael Brown case, he can claim that it was the grand jury that failed to bring the indictment.

As for the Michael Brown case in particular: I can just about guarantee you that Mr. Brown was the one who was put on trial in that grand jury room. You can bet that every negative thing that could be said or implied about Mr. Brown was said and implied. The six witnesses that said Mr. Brown’s hands were raised when he was shot were certainly marginalized by the prosecutor and possibly he even demonstrated the proven unreliability of eyewitnesses to the jury members — a fact of which prosecutors generally prefer that juries remain ignorant.

Another thing: The cop was allowed to present a defense. This is something that virtually never happens in grand juries except in cases involving cops — and I can just about guarantee that the prosecutor gave the cop every benefit of every doubt, emphasized exculpatory evidence and suppressed damning evidence — also something that virtually never happens except in cases involving cops.

I can just about guarantee that the prosecutor got exactly the result that he wanted.


Tortured Logic

Now that the ‘Torture Memos’ have been released, the torturers are all over the TV Machine spinning justifying cajoling begging seeking validation for their crimes — and the TV Machine is fully cooperating by simply ‘reporting’ their lies without explaining that they are lies.

Disregarding for just a moment the profound moral questions that torturing people brings forth; consider the fact that the only reason that there is to torture people is to instill terror in the populace — i.e. torture is the tactic of terrorists. Torture is very famously bad at eliciting actionable information. People under torture will say whatever they think their torturer wants to hear whether or not it is the truth. Torturing people makes people think that you are not a nice person. Along with everything else that has been going on since 9-11 and beyond, rather than being a respected beacon of freedom and democracy the United States has instead become a criminal gang of thugs and bullies who are universally hated everywhere in the world.

You can safely give the Americans all due credit for the explosive growth of ISIS, for instance. All those tens-of-thousands of people whose relatives have been murdered by the Americans now have an effective tool for battling their oppression.

And by the way, the only person to be prosecuted over these crimes was the whistleblower that told us about it, John (I think you spell it) Keriaku.


It’s time to get to work…




The Thunderbolt Calendar

Week of December 18th thru December 24th, 2014




1) FYI Section:


1A) West Central Park Update

This is from Alicia:

Hope you have been able to come out the Park in the evenings from Thursday to Sunday night when The Hot Box food cart is at West Central Park serving up delicious hand made food from 6-1 on Thursday and Friday, and from 6-3 on Friday and Saturday.  It’s where to go when you are out late and missed dinner!

The Park is looking forward in the next week or so to an additional food cart, La Taqueria Esquinita, that will be there daily from 11-8. Stay tuned!

[If you] would like to decorate the neighborhood tree, don’t hesitate to come out absolutely any time day or night to adorn the beautiful fir. All the decorations from last year have been saved and will be going up with more on Sunday, but this is a big tree and your help in decorating would be more than welcome!

Stay warm, happy and healthy and thanks for being you.




1B) Update on HAARP

Again, I know almost nothing about this issue except lots of people are upset about it.

This is from Elana:

12 15 14 UPDATE ON THE OLYMPIC PENINSULA “WAR GAMES,” JANUARY 9 DEADLINE TO PROTEST, COMMENT, QUESTION THE NAVY Hundreds turn out for Navy Growler EIS Scoping Meeting in Port Townsend Thursday Pacific Beach community meeting with the US Navy 10 Reasons Why Handheld Devices Should Be Banned for Children Under the Age of 12 Are Underwired Bras Causing Focusing of Cell Phone Signals? Maryland City Votes Unanimously To Alert Citizens to the Health Risks of Cell Phone/Wireless Radiation and To Oppose Cell Towers on School Grounds Arizona Senator Kelli Ward Convenes “Chemtrails” hearing The Influence of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation on the Platelet Aggregation Most cancers are linked to the environment Remote Neural Monitoring: How They Spy on Your Thoughts Police cadets in New Mexico trained to have ‘warrior mentality’ and to use more deadly force A particle accelerator the size of a speck of glitter Former DARPA director on research into Beast Tech – You need to know this When ‘Smart Homes’ Get Hacked: I Haunted A Complete Stranger’s House Via The Internet (Forbes) Will try to attach pdf for complete photos.

Hullo folks,

Please use the link below to comment and question the Navy plans!

The fight of those defending the Olympic National Forest is our fight because this sets a precedent for all national parks, even United Nations World Heritage Sites—those already targeted include Olympic National Forest, Taos Pueblo, Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde—to be the playground of electromagnetic War Games, despite endangering local humans and wildlife populations and world famous natural environments. This as an international issue that can only be defended by environmental activists like YOU. Please keep alert for my next petition which will go to all the leading environmental groups worldwide.

Remember, that  you are good, remember that you are strong—and do not forget that you are sacred. felicidades, Felicia


on the Navy’s upcoming Draft EIS on adding 36 new Growler jets to the fleet of 82 already stationed at Whidbey Island. The page for both electronic and (paper) written comments is here: Questions are effective.

The confusion tactics include changing the date of the deadline, so please ignore the ‘new’ date and get yours in by Jan 9.

Please add your voice to defend their rights—and your own:

 From the leader of this fight, environmentalist Karen Sullivan:

Comments should do the following:

  1. Confine the subject matter to effects from jet noise and radiation from the jets, and
  2. Ask questions! If commenters do not ask questions the Navy will not respond.

Hundreds turn out for Navy Growler EIS Scoping Meeting in Port Townsend Thursday

Posted on December 4, 2014 by Al B.

Hundreds of people from the North Olympic Peninsula came to Fort Worden in Port Townsend Thursday afternoon to hear the Navy explain their plans for expansion of the Growler air fleet. The Navy had subject matter experts with signage to help explain their plans, which in some cases did clarify issues. (more on that later). Additionally, the Navy provided scribes and the ability for people to get their comments logged to the official record of public comment.

Opponents of the expansion were out in force, and had stations with question banks so people could ask knowledgeable questions. The opposition groups have a great deal of concern about noise pollution, jet pollution, the tie in of this expansion with the Electromagnetic warfare training that the Navy plans to use these planes to test over the west end of the Olympic National Park and Clallam County.

Some interesting questions that were answered were that the Navy has traditionally only scoped a radius of 10 miles from the base. We and the San Juans are about 15 miles away. It took petitioning our government representatives to get the Navy to wave the distance requirement for San Juan and Jefferson County. Speaking of that, many of our local elected officials were present.

Also, the Navy spokesperson was quite clear that the multiple EIS, EAs etc. that the Navy currently has moving, while easily seeming to be a tactic to throw off the civilian opposition to the expansion, in their minds is a work load issue. They just couldn’t take on all of them simultaneously.

Another question that was answered was that the planes are currently not funded in the military budget. It’s assumed they will be, but they could see funding cut at some level. It appears that the plan is for the maximum they want to add with the money they assume will be there.

There appear that are no EIS alternatives that are “no expansion”. The “No action” choice is being used as a ‘baseline’ as they call it, for the others, and the Navy claims it would not meet the goals of the DoD for electronic attack capability. To be clear, the Navy expects to expand their fleet here. The only possibility standing between that expansion is citizen opposition at all levels to change the goals, or have them find another field elsewhere. The Navy seems not interested in those options at all.

It is clear that these folks see their job to sell this expansion to us, as a simple matter economic savings by bringing all the planes and pilots here. Some of the people I spoke with live on the East Coast, have lived with Navy jet noise for years and see it as just the way the world works. It’s up to people here to make the Navy understand that expansion of this base, in a heavily populated area, is not something we have been able to vote on, and  that seems to be unstoppable, as the Navy themselves gives no alternative option to growing the base. While people who are openly anti-military attended the meeting, it seemed as if the bulk of the people are simply concerned with the growing noise pollution, threat to the environment, possible unknown health risks from these secret devices on the planes, and feel that it’s better suited to another, more remote base. One where the local population is much smaller, and spread away from the jets and their training.

So there you have it. It’s up to you to decide. They have presented their case. Do you want an expanding world of unmuffled jets, flying an expanded array of sorties throughout the day and night, or will you take some action now to try and put some rational limits on the local growth of this particular base? Do you want to continue to trade away our environment, both as it affects humans and the natural world around us? Do you think that people will continue to come  here to camp, fish and sail as the jet noise continues to increase, when they can choose to go elsewhere where it’s quieter? It’s not just about the environment, but it’s also about economic issues.

It is worth noting that we put up with a huge amount of Navy now, and have for decades. Indian Island, Bangor Sub Base and the ongoing closures of the Hood Canal Bridge which ties up commerce, harassment by Coast Guard of recreational sailors for what seems like practice on their part rather than any real concern, noise pollution of jets waking us at midnight, and unknown deaths and injuries to Orcas, whales and other sea life. The Navy admits they kill sea mammals. It’s just a question of how many, not if they will or not.

The Navy sees this all as part of their job to protect us. They are nice people, many with families too. They feel very patriotic about their job and they should. But they work for us, not a bunch of shareholders and stock. We are the ones that would have to say, “thanks’ but we have enough Navy here now, and your plans don’t fit this place. You are not actually saving us money if your consequences impact our economy. We have a unique environment with endangered species, some which are impacted severely by noise. We are not some part of the country that has already been trashed, and has nowhere to go but up. We really are in the middle. We’ve lost a lot, but have a lot more to lose. We can go either down or up in our quality of life.  We have families that come here from all over the world, because it’s quiet and beautiful. They can go outside to fabulous mountains, rivers, lakes and the ocean, and expect peace and quiet. It’s not Seattle, or some other noisy big city. If they need to do this, they need to go somewhere much more remote. “

It’s a long shot to take this on, but if you don’t, no one else will.

Pacific Beach community meeting with the US Navy

from RainDagger Productions PLUS 1 week ago / via Final Cut Pro ALL AUDIENCES

Electronic Warfare Operations Public Meeting 11-19-2014. Santa Fean Elana Freeland was present and tonight is speaking on the radio about this nightmare.

An invitation was extended to the US Forest Service who has the final say on the issuance of a permit to the US Navy, but they failed to show to answer questions from the public. For more information please visit and “like” then select “get notifications” on the Protect Olympic Peninsula FaceBook page:



2) FREE SKOOL: Creative Writing Potluck

Thursday December 18th from 6 to 8:30 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE



3) Free Skool Organizing Brunch

Thursday December 18th at 12:30 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE

If you want to plug in with the Free Skool, then attend this meeting if at all possible.

This is from OFS:

A new coalition of free skools or otherwise autonomous learning projects is forming in the southern Salish Sea area (aka Puget Sound). No money will be charged to attend any of these open hoses or for any activities connected to this network/ coalition. Free means FREE. We are expanding our capacity to work together in creating all that which education has suppressed. This is a long-term and multi-generational project for those of all levels of capacity.



4) Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation 39th Annual Peace Vigil

Saturday December 20th from Noon to 1 pm @ Percival Landing, 4th Ave and Water St

Oly FOR has been doing this for almost 40 years. This is important and it’s a lot of fun.

From Glen:


39th Annual Holiday Peace Vigil

SATURDAY DECEMBER 20 from 12 noon to 1 p.m.

Along West 4th Avenue at Percival Landing, Olympia

The public is invited to participate in Olympia’s 39th Annual Holiday Peace Vigil on Saturday December 20 from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. along West Fourth Avenue, along the south side of Percival Landing and in front of Heritage Fountain.

The annual vigil is an Olympia tradition.  Signs are provided, but participants may bring their own.  Children are welcome.  Members of the Artesian Rumble Arkestra will perform.  Participants may enjoy free refreshments nearby after the vigil.

“During this holiday season of joy and good will, let us set aside all violence and militarism, which are the opposites of joy and good will,” said Glen Anderson, vigil organizer.  “The vigil gives participants and passersby an opportunity to pause and consider choosing peace instead of violence.  Peace is so much more consistent with the holiday spirit.”

The vigil is sponsored by the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR).  The Olympia FOR has worked nonviolently since 1976 on a variety of peace and social justice issues.  It is the local affiliate of a very broadly interfaith, international pacifist organization founded in 1914.

The Olympia FOR has also sponsored a weekly peace vigil in Sylvester Park at the corner of Legion and Capitol Way, from 12 noon to 1 p.m. every Wednesday since March 5, 1980, and another vigil at the south end of Percival Landing from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. every Friday since November 1998.

The vigil is free, but the Olympia FOR will gratefully accept donations to support its persistent work for nonviolence, social justice and peace.

For information contact Glen Anderson at (360) 491-9093 or or visit the Olympia FOR’s website,

We grow up in a political culture that shows us only a VERY LIMITED range of choices.

Most people choose from this VERY LIMITED range, so our political culture remains stuck.

We can make progress only if we CREATE A MUCH WIDER RANGE of choices 
– and then using our best values and our best thinking to choose the wisest, most compassionate ones

— and also ENCOURAGE AND EMPOWER OTHER PEOPLE to explore wider possibilities too.

Glen Anderson (360) 491-9093



5) FREE SKOOL: Protest Safety and Security Culture

Saturday December 20th at 5 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE



6) FREE SKOOL: Herstory Book Club

Sunday December 21st at 3 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE



7) FREE SKOOL: Intro to Digital DJ-ing

Monday December 22nd at 2 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE



8) Bonus Tip of the Week:

Don’t torture either people or logic.



The Thunderbolt 121114 Future or Not?

Heart Breakers

TB Clndr

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes





1) FYI Section:

1A) Inter Occupy Working with Flush the TPP

1B) Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation Death Penalty Survey

1C) PiPE’s New Advocacy Group

1D) Off the Grid: Communities Moving toward Self Sufficency

2) Bernie Meyer on Gandhi

3) Olympia World Affairs Council Discussion of Current Policy Issues

4) Black Lives Matter: Oly Kids for Justice

5) The Village Winter Warmer: A Celebration of Placemaking

6) Seahawks Shutdown: Black Lives Matter

7) Third Annual Housing and Homeless Luncheon and Award

8) FREE SKOOL: DIY Screen Printing

9) FREE SKOOL: Creative Writing Potluck

10) Free Skool Organizing Brunch

11) Bonus Tip of the Week




Future or Not?



Breaking News

Hey Kids!

One problem with my schedule is that when news breaks on Wednesday I don’t have time to write a piece on whatever it is before that week’s publication.

The Senate ‘Torture Memo’ was just released, and as you might guess, I have a lot to say about that — I just don’t have time to say it right now.

Tune in next week.


Works in Progress

It occurs to me that I have never given Works in Progress proper dues: In case your entire time in Olympia has been as a slave held in a basement and thus you’ve never been downtown, Works in Progress is a local radical monthly newspaper that publishes under-published information that you need to know. They are available free of charge in stands all over downtown, in most of the downtown coffee shops, and at both the food co-ops.


New Jersey: #1 at #2!

NPR is a mix of government/ corporate propaganda, truly interesting facts about our world, and some truly radical stuff. Occasionally I learn something truly profound or important or interesting or mind-blowing listening to NPR.

For instance: I just learned that the modern flush toilet was invented in the Garden State of New Jersey! How appropriate!

For a while the state of New Jersey had a complete monopoly on flush toilets. If you wanted to flush your #2 away then you had no other choice but to do it through the state of New Jersey.

If you didn’t like it you could just use the outhouse.

I love it when something happens that is just so in-your-face karmically appropriate; if New Jersey is going to be #1 at something it might as well be at #2 since so many aspects of their great state — from its corrupt politics to its corrupt cops to its poverty to its vast endless landscapes consisting of cement and smokestacks from horizon to horizon — the Garden State of New Jersey just so often reminds me of their former #1 product’s #2 contents…

Speaking of karmically appropriate, I now find myself wondering if it would be possible for New Jersey flush itself down its own toilet?


Useful Philosophy of Life

I joke — therefore, I am…


Precisely Targeted Murder

I’ve been covering the drone issue for a long time. I regularly get serious pushback from Obama apologists when I say that hundreds of women and children have been killed by Obama’s drone strikes and that these strikes thus represent a clear-cut case of mass-murder and war crimes. Due to the insane conditions on the ground, while the mass-killings of civilians is well known, up until now only a few dozen of these deaths have actually been documented to journalistic standards. Thus, up until now the Obama-bots have been able to get away with parroting the contention that these strikes are carefully and precisely targeted to minimize innocent casualties and that such casualties are far and few between. The people I trust for my information have been saying otherwise and since they have almost always been right in the past I figured they were probably right this time too — but up until now the evidence has been scattered, suppressed, and delegitimized enough so that Obama’s war crimes have not become a major issue with the general public, and indeed, most Americans don’t even know this is happening, and even those that do know about the strikes think that they are killing ‘terrorists’ without endangering American troops, so they are chill with it.

Whatever. The evidence is now in. As usual, the sources I depend upon for my information have once again proven to be, if anything, understated. An English human rights organization called Reprieve has just blown Obama’s contentions out of the water. Reprieve has issued what I believe to be the first comprehensive report on the actual numbers involved…

…and it turns out that things are actually much worse than even I have been reporting.

Get this: Reprieve’s report states that US drone strikes kill, on average, 28 innocent civilians for every intended target. [Emphasis added] Reprieve’s report states that drone strikes targeting 41 people in Yemen and Pakistan have killed more than a thousand innocent civilians. [Emphasis added]

Reprieve’s report states that in its attempts to kill al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri alone, the CIA killed 76 children and 29 adults. [Emphasis added]

They killed 76 children and 29 adults trying to kill Al-Zawahiri.

Al-Zawahiri is still alive.

I think that these facts should be emphasized.


Justice — or Not?

A misperception suffered by most Americans is that the police exist to solve crimes. They do sometimes work to solve crimes — though usually not very enthusiastically and usually not very well — but the central purpose for the formation of the original police forces and the central purpose for their continued existence was and is to keep the populace (especially that portion of the populace with black skin) under thumb and in line. I don’t have time to dig up the links right now but I believe the original metropolitan police force was in Philadelphia and it was specifically formed to quell ‘civic unrest’. Many of the early police forces were direct outgrowths of the old slave-catching gangs that found themselves out of work after slavery was abolished.


Future — or Not?

Wall Street is still enjoying record profits. The rest of us not so much. The numbers are truly astounding and maddening.

Last week I kind of created custom definitions for ‘value’ and ‘wealth’ by stating that one is real while the other is not.

I can just about guarantee that this reality (or non-reality) is about to bite us in the butt big time.

While I constantly diss on the government’s lack of response to Wall Street criminality, actually there is not really much if anything that they can really do about it. I mentioned last week that the power to destroy something was to have complete control over that thing and the Banksters will almost certainly destroy it before they give it up. If I can see what’s coming, you would think the people who are actually making this stuff happen also know how it all ends — though possibly they share that aspect of human psychology wherein people are able to simply not see things they don’t want to see. I also suspect at least some of them think they can construct walled compounds with private armies or something to survive the coming catastrophe — and while speculating on that particular aspect of the situation is way beyond my area of expertise or knowledge, I suspect that isn’t going to work out for them very well.

I have a lot of trouble not screaming at my computer when I hear some talking head speculating about how long it is going to take for our economy to ‘recover’.

News flash, Kids: Our economy is not going to ‘recover’. The Machine has sucked the United States dry. There is nothing left. There are still tens-of-trillions in ‘derivatives’ out there and when those notes come due then we are going to see an economic collapse that makes 2007 look like child’s play — and that day is not all that far off. All we have left in our larder is derivative wealth that has no actual value. The vast treasure that our life’s blood has been creating over the last few decades has been stolen from us and it is now sitting in Cayman Island bank accounts — and no one is trying to get it back. The only thing saving our collective economic asses right now is the fact that the US dollar is the reserve currency of the world — but the BRIC countries are about to create a competing reserve currency and if they succeed at this (and there is no reason to believe that they won’t) then that will knock the last legs from under the United States’ economic house of cards.

While I was spot-on concerning what was about to happen when I called the coming economic collapse in 2006, I was a little off in my timing as I was thinking that Henry Paulson et al would wait until after the 2008 presidential election so they could blame the Democrats — and I think that was indeed the Republican’s plan, but I suspect things got out of hand and they just couldn’t hold it together quite long enough.

Or perhaps there was back room backstabbing going on.

Whatever. When our economy collapses then civilization itself is quite likely to collapse with it and then things will go truly nuts.

We need to start growing our own food, and since the normal pattern in such situations is for people with guns to make slaves out of the people who grow food, then we need to plan for counteracting that paradigm also. Citizen militias would be a good thing to have in such a situation, but the only organized and armed groups that we have are police and soldiers and various other agents of the Machine. Since such people tend to take over during disasters and catastrophes then that is probably going to be a big problem.


Black Mirror

While the title for this bit sounds like one of mine, it is actually the name of the latest little Netflix gem that I have discovered. Black Mirror is a series of vignettes that has elements of the Twilight Zone, and The Hunger Games but it is also completely unlike either and is in fact a whole new thing of its own unlike anything else I’ve ever seen. Each episode is a completely different story with different characters and different ambiance a lá Twilight Zone and the fact that it is impossible to describe Black Mirror is a description in and of itself.

The sui generis nature is apparent in the plot for the first episode: A very beautiful and very popular princess is kidnapped in England — and the demand for her return is that the very unpopular prime minister must have sex with a pig on live TV. The kidnappers are computer geniuses and they proscribe any conditions that would make it possible for the prime minister to fake anything. Then, there ensues a completely believable series of events with truly talented actors that make you believe in the plausibility of a series of events leading to the prime minister of England having sex with a pig on live TV…

Which is what makes this such an incredibly imaginative (if somewhat uncomfortable) project.

Then ending of this episode is also completely unexpected.

I’ve only watched two episodes so far and they have both blown my mind. Check it out.


Ugly Americans

There was a popular novel when I was young called The Ugly American that represented one of the earliest examples of the new brand of modern novelistic criticisms of American foreign policy. I actually haven’t read it since I was a child, but I remember that book because it was one of the first ‘alternative’ views of American society that I had ever read. (I led a ‘Leave It to Beaver’ lifestyle until I was 11.)

The Ugly American was an exposé exposing how mucked up most American foreign embassies were (and in most cases still are). The literal ‘ugly’ American in the novel was an American who was literally ugly — but he was the protagonist — whereas the metaphorical ‘ugly’ Americans were all of the glittering and attractive society mavens that make up most American diplomatic entourages.

The Ugly American posited that a good deal of American foreign policy was being conducted out of sheer and almost willful ignorance. The diplomatic staff of whatever country the story took place in (I forget if it was a real or a fictional country) knew absolutely nothing — and cared absolutely nothing — about the culture or the people of the country in which they were stationed. They constantly made ignorant political and social faux pas some of which were highly detrimental to American interests. Then, as now, many of these diplomatic posts and ambassadorships are awarded as political payback for generous campaign contributions or whatever rather than for any particular diplomatic skills or knowledge. Since American foreign policy toward most foreign countries consists of ‘my way or the highway’ then diplomatic skills or cultural sensitivity or things like that are pretty much irrelevant in most embassies anyway…

…and I maintain that there is absolutely nothing ignorant about this strategy. I maintain that these ignorant people are intentionally placed where they are because American interests consist of maintaining violent chaos in major parts of the world — especially the parts that have oil — so that the Wall Street Oil War Machine can control the overall economic interests of these countries by arming ever-changing factions that are variously funded by the United States or by Saudi Arabia or by China or by Iran or by Russia or by whoever and who thus spend so much time butchering each other that they don’t have the time and/or they don’t have the wherewithal to challenge their true enemies — they, in fact, are often completely dependent upon their true enemies for their funding and are thus unlikely to stand up to them even if they actually realize who their ‘true enemy’ is. What they definitely do know is that their land is chock-full of large organized gangs consisting mostly of heavily armed mass-murdering lunatics. The locals need help protecting themselves — which help is almost always available if you are willing to pay the price.

Said price usually consists of some form of selling your soul to the devil.

It is literally insane — but it continues unabated.

What has changed as a result of all the recent revelations of massive corruption and fraud in the government portion of the War Machine?

(The disappearance of hundreds of billions in cash in Iraq and the disappearance of $1 trillion into the Defense Department budget come immediately to mind…)

What has changed?

Since ‘paraphrasing’ means to shorten and/or simplify a comment, it isn’t possible to paraphrase James Risen’s comment when he was asked the same question about the Security State — but to adapt Mr. Risen’s comment to the question of any significant changes to the manner in which the Wall Street Oil War Machine conducts its business:

Not much.

It’s time to get to work…




The Thunderbolt Calendar

Week of December 11th thru December 17th, 2014




1) FYI Section:


1A) Inter Occupy Working with Flush the TPP

Inter Occupy has plugged in with Flush the TPP. Here is a link to their webpage and an online petition to flush the TPP:


1B) Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation Death Penalty Survey

This is from Glen:

Regardless of what you think about the death penalty – and regardless of whether you live in the greater Olympia WA area or elsewhere – the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation is seeking your ideas.  We invite you to complete this survey by Tuesday December 23, 2014.

Your answers will be anonymous unless you choose to identify yourself for follow-up participation.

People in the greater Olympia area have been working for 25 years toward abolishing the death penalty.  A huge amount of progress has occurred in recent years nationwide.  The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s death penalty committee has done good work and invites YOUR ideas so we can make more progress here in Washington State.

Thank you for completing this survey by December 23, 2014.

The survey is at this link:



1C) PiPE’s New Advocacy Group

This is from Renata:

Trans* Day of Remembrance spawns T.A.G.—PiPE’s Trans Advocacy Group!

On November 20th, nearly 150 people gathered in Sylvester Park to honor Trans* lives lost to violence in the last year. This is the 16th international event, and the 2nd in Olympia.

A committee of PiPE volunteers organized the local #TDOR, which included authentic first-hand stories about what it’s like to be Trans* in Thurston County, as well as a Q&A reception on policy and cultural changes promoting inclusion.

PiPE’s efforts earned local media coverage about the event and about the Trans* rights movement:

  • PiPE volunteer Kerry Scott on MIXX 96’s “It’s Your Community”(scroll to hear Kerry’s Nov. 16th interview!)
  • Olympia hosts Transgender Day of Remembrance to honor victims, raise awareness(The Olympian, 11/16/14)
  • Olympia vigil honors transgender victims who died from hate crimes(The Olympian, 11/21/2014)

But we’re not stopping there. PiPE will continue Trans*forming our community throughout the year! Our organizing committee is continuing on as TAG: the Trans Advocacy Group, and now you can get involved too, as a trans* person or ally.

TAG meets Thursdays from 4-6 at PiPE’s Purple House downtown, at 408 7th Ave SE. (map here) If you want to take action, build skills and build community, simply show up on Thursdays, or write to (flyer attached!)

Or, come to the Olympia City Council meeting Tuesday, Dec. 9th at 7pm sharp, where the council will recognize city staff for a score of “100” on the Human Rights Campaign Municipal Equality Index. The city went from a 65 to 100 in one year, thanks to dedicated advocacy by PiPE staff and volunteers!




1D) Off the Grid: Communities Moving toward Self Sufficency

This is from Janet:

Starting up in Mississippi:  a community (presently 170,000) based on cooperative economics, a transition away from fossil fuels, support for local economy and for low-income members of the community.

Janet Jordan



2) Bernie Meyer on Gandhi

Thursday December 11th at 7 pm @ Traditions Café, 300 5th Ave SW

Come hear about Bernie’s journeys to the Far East.

From Mike:

Traditions Fair Trade & Café

Thursday, December 11th

7:00 PM

5th and Water St.


Bernie Meyer brought his Gandhi message for the 14th time in ten years to India in September and October. Kolkatta, Bihar, Jarkhand, Bopal, Delhi, Chandigarh, Jaipur, 
Rajsamand, Aurangabad … includes many internationals.

What is going on in India?

What about Gandhi?

What was the response to the “American Gandhi’s” message?



3) Olympia World Affairs Council Discussion of Current Policy Issues

Friday December 12th from 7 to 9 pm @ the Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St N

I’m not sure who these folks are but they claim to be a non-partisan educational organization so I’ll take them at their word.

This is from the World Affairs Council:

World Affairs Council
Date: Friday, December 12, 2014
Time: 7PM – 9PM
Short Description: Discussions of current policy issues.
Location: Olympia Center

222 Columbia St. N.

Olympia, WA 98501



The Olympia World Affairs Council cordially invites you to its annual December discussion of current policy issues and dilemmas confronting the United States. As we have selected three topics about which well-informed and reasonable people might well differ, we expect a lively discussion aimed at delineating the main elements of a considered U.S. policy. The three subjects — with the moderator listed in parentheses — are:

— The Rise of ISIS and the U.S. (Chuck Peterson);

— Turmoil in the Ukraine (Dave Hinshaw); and

— The Immigration of Unaccompanied Children from Central America (John Hamilton).

The December meeting is scheduled for 7:30-9:00 PM the second Thursday — the 11th — and will be held at the Olympic Center, but in a room down the hallway from our normal meeting place. Following a few minutes of mixing and enjoying Christmas cookies, we’ll divide into three groups. At the conclusion, the moderator of each group will summarize the discussion for all the members present. We hope all members will come for what should be a lively and interesting meeting.

Below, we have listed articles that provide helpful background and offer diverging views.


1..The “Islamic State” Crisis and U.S. Policy. Congressional Research Service.

  1. “Faulty Powers, Who Started the Ukraine Crisis?” inhttp:// with authors Michael McFaul, Stephen Sestanovich and John Mearsheimer.

3.. “Five Takeaways From Eastern Ukraine’s Separatist Vote” inhttp://

  1. “Poroshenko: “Cease-Fire Deal ‘Adjustments’ Possible After Pseudo- Elections” in ukraine-141103-voa01
  2. “The Surge in Unaccompanied Children from Central America: A Humanitarian Crisis at our Border” Diana Villiers Negroponte. Brookings Institute.–unaccompanied-children- central-america.

  1. “The Surge in Unaccompanied Children from Central America: A Humanitarian Crisis at our Border” Diana Villiers Negroponte. Brookings Institute.–unaccompanied-children- central-america.

  1. “Children Illegally Crossing the U.S. Border: Responding Requires Policy Changes.” David Inserra. The Heritage Foundation. research/reports/2014/07/children-illegally-crossing-the-us-border-responding- requires-policy-changes

“Unaccompanied Children from Central America: Foreign Policy Considerations.” Peter J. Meyer, Coordinator.



4) Black Lives Matter: Oly Kids for Justice

Saturday December 13th from 4 to 7 pm @ Sylvester Park, Capital Way S & Legion Way SE

Even the kids are tired of cops murdering people.

This is from Ell:

In solidarity with the march on DC this Saturday, Oly youth are leading a candlelight vigil and procession honoring the lives of youth killed and impacted by racist violence. This is an all ages demonstration of support for a new culture in which all children of color and their lives are valued.


bring candles, signs, bubbles, sidewalk chalk to share and please invite all families seeking justice.



5) The Village Winter Warmer: A Celebration of Placemaking

Saturday December 13th from 6 to 9 pm @ Eastside Urban Farm and Garden, 2326 4th Ave E

This is from the Village Building Convergence folks.

From Chris:

The Holiday season is upon us, and with it comes food, merriment and catching up with friends and neighbors!  I hope you’ll do just that with us next Saturday, December 13, when the Olympia Village Building Convergence crew presents the:

The Village Winter Warmer

6:00 pm, Saturday December 13

At the Eastside Urban Farm and Garden store

2326 4th Ave. E. Olympia

Suggested Donation $5 – $10

Families and Children are welcome!

This community party will mark the kickoff of our plans and preparations, looking ahead to the Olympia Village Building Convergence, a year-long series of placemaking events to bring together neighbors and communities, culminating in a 10-day summer extravaganza in August 2015.

The Village Winter Warmer will be a celebration of local efforts to transform common spaces into friendly neighborhood places.  Featuring a delicious feast, gingerbread village building, and interactive ways to build connections in your community.   Music, libations and almost certainly dancing. All people welcome.

Co-sponsored by Northwest EcoBuilding Guild, Olympia Federal Savings and Transition Olympia

(please print and post attached flyer where interested people gather!)

What we’ll be doing:

In addition to eating, drinking and dancing, we’ll have some neighborly speed networking, musical chairs-style!  We’ll build a gingerbread village to get in the placemaking spirit.  We’ll be shooting some video at the event for our promo and fundraising videos!  RSVP if you would like to be interviewed about placemaking in the community!

If you come, you’ll learn more details about the OlyVBC, including numerous ways to get involved:

  • Join one of our planning committees, meetings begin in January:

o   Project/Site Coordination

o   Fundraising

o   Outreach

o   Food and Venue

  • Placemaker’s Academy 11-part training series next April – July
  • Neighborhood potlucks to form Placemaking Teams

Join our Facebook Group:

Our new website Coming Soon:

We hope to see you soon!

Chris van Daalen

Shannon Pritchard

Matthew Kreiling

Kimberlie Gridley

Emily Dunn-Wilder

Pat Rasmussen

Brighida deVargas

The Winter Warmer committee!



6) Seahawks Shutdown: Black Lives Matter

Sunday December 14th at 11 am @ Century Link Field, 800 Occidental Ave S, Seattle

I don’t usually promote Seattle events but this is big and getting bigger — and this particular action also combines another of my favourite activities, i.e. pointing to sports fans how they spend all of their time/ money/ passion on some stupid pointless game that means absolutely nothing while their world is collapsing around their ears.

This is from Outside Agitators:

We Demand Justice for Mike Brown, Eric Garner, and other victims of police brutality. WE SAY NO MORE Injustice. NO BUSINESS AS USUAL. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE.

Seahawks Game,11AM @ Century Link Field.
Bring your Seahawks gear and a second layer of clothing (this part is important) and prepare to shake shit up a bit.

Remember, the nation is expecting this movement to die down after a few weeks. Let’s not let Seattle give anyone that satisfaction.

See you Sunday.



7) Third Annual Housing and Homeless Luncheon and Award

Monday December 15th from Noon to 1 pm @ Women’s Club New Location, 1002 Washington St SE

This is an awards ceremony for some of Olympia’s homeless-advocate heroes.

This is from Anna:

It’s time for the annual Housing & Homeless Luncheon & award:

3rd Annual Housing & Homeless Hero awards luncheon

Monday, noon – 1 pm

December 15, 2014

Women’s Club – new location

1002 Washington St SE

Downtown Olympia

We will be presenting the 2014 Housing & Homeless Hero award to Meg Martin, by a nearly unanimous vote

We will also be presenting an award to Commissioner Karen Valenzuela for her many years of leadership, hard work & advocacy for housing, shelter & social service programs


  1. Anna Schlecht  / Housing Program Manager

City of Olympia Housing Program

City of Olympia / 601 4th Avenue East  /  Olympia WA 98501

(360) 753-8183  /

City of Olympia Website:

Please Note:  This message and any reply may be subject to public disclosure.



8) FREE SKOOL: DIY Screen Printing

Wednesday December 17th at 6 pm @ 428 Plymouth St



9) FREE SKOOL: Creative Writing Potluck

Thursday December 18th from 6 to 8:30 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE



10) Free Skool Organizing Brunch

Thursday December 18th at 12:30 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE

If you want to plug in with the Free Skool, then attend this meeting if at all possible.

This is from OFS:

A new coalition of free skools or otherwise autonomous learning projects is forming in the southern Salish Sea area (aka Puget Sound). No money will be charged to attend any of these open hoses or for any activities connected to this network/ coalition. Free means FREE. We are expanding our capacity to work together in creating all that which education has suppressed. This is a long-term and multi-generational project for those of all levels of capacity.



11) Bonus Tip of the Week:

Help build a future today.



The Thunderbolt 120414 Discount Petards

Emergency Measures

TB Clndr

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes





1) FYI Section:

1A) Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation Seeks Funds

1B) Olympia Old Growth Poetry Collective Weekly Open Mic Series at Café Love

1C) Update from the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance [WLIHA]

2) Dine Out for the Deschutes

3) West Central Park Project Toy Drive

4) ArtPower Opening Weekend

5) Coffee Strong Annual Celebration with Dahr Jamail

6) Dana Lyons Concert at Traditions Café

7) Media Island Monthly Benefit Brunch: SPEECH

8) Open House Skill Share

9) Survivor Council

10) Annual Human Rights Celebration to Benefit the Rachel Corrie Foundation

11) Capitalism and Racism: From Slavery to Ferguson

12) Bonus Tip of the Week




Discount Petards



It is crazy to want too much. A man cannot possess more than his heart can love…


                                    —Excerpted from Deadly Code, 2013 Movie Release


Joe Slides Through…

Hey Kids!

It might seem as if Joe Biden ‘contradicted’ himself back in 2011 when he said that American troops would be out of Afghanistan by 2014 “come hell or high water” since just recently Mr. Biden enthusiastically joined all of the other Obama-bots in a unified chorus of war, war, and more war in general — and more war in Afghanistan in particular. This would seem to be another example of Mr. Biden ‘misspeaking’ back then — though apologists would probably say something about no one back then being able to predict something like ISIS — though many others — including myself — were predicting something exactly like ISIS in 2011.

Those familiar with deciphering legalese and politick-speak, of course, will immediately note the word ‘or’ in Mr. Biden’s statement. This provides Mr. Biden with a technical out since, due to the fact that we had both hell and high water, then Mr. Biden’s ‘or’ as opposed to saying hell ‘and’ high water means that Mr. Biden is not guilty — if only in a purely technical sense.

And believe me: Every politician knows very well the difference between ‘or’ and ‘and’. (From whom do you think that I learned to watch out for them?)

I was thinking for a minute there that maybe the Thanksgiving turkey should be pardoning Joe Biden — but maybe Mr. Biden is not as stupid as he seems.


Due Credit

I heard a few people wondering why the Democrats did not seem to gain any ‘credit’ in the last election for our allegedly improving economy.

I guess they don’t read The Thunderbolt. I give them full credit for our economy all the time.

For instance: I credit the Democrats (with notable assistance from the Republicans) for the fact that, according to Professor Richard Wolff, while deliveries of so-called ‘light’ jets — the smaller cheaper models — were down 17% last year from what they were the year before and down 67% from 2008 — but deliveries of the big luxury mega-jets went up by 18%! It is a similar story for yachts: Sales of boats longer than 300 feet are at a record high but prices for boats between 100 and 150 feet long are down 30% to 50%, depending upon your region.


Wealth vs. Value

Someone who takes something and then adds value to it produces actual ‘value’. For instance, if someone takes a piece of wood and carves a soup-spoon out of it, then he has created something that actually has value out of something that had little if any value; thus, this person has created ‘value’.

Wall Street banksters, on the other hand, produce almost nothing and do almost nothing except manipulate paper. They create virtually no useful products and they add virtually no actual value to nearly anything. They ‘create’ ephemeral and unreal ‘wealth’ that exists only on paper and that has minimal correlation to any actual value. This creates a truly twisted set of values and worldviews that have nothing to do with reality.

Consider: Say you own some land. Did you ‘produce’ that land? Did you ‘manufacture’ that land? If you make improvements then you are creating actual value, but the land represents ‘wealth’ no matter what you do with it.

What that means is that under our system, it is not what you produce or create that matters, it is what you own…



And a message for those of you who think you can become part of the Machine and ‘reform’ it from within: To extend your logic, then all good Americans should be joining ISIS in order to reform them from within…


The Department of Perpetual War

John McCain — who’s never met a military intervention that he didn’t advocate — will soon be heading the Senate Armed Services Committee.

It might as well be renamed the ‘Senate War Committee’.

They should take all of the recent enthusiasm for more ‘efficiency’ in government and just combine the Senate Armed Services Committee with the Defense Department, the White House, the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department, and all of the various numerous ‘security’ agencies contained within the aforementioned departments — and just wrap all of them up into one big fun conglomeration and call it what it is:

The Department of Perpetual War.


Climate Change Not Committee


On the all-important climate-change front, the news is equally grim: James Inhofe — arguably our nation’s premiere ‘climate change denier’ — will soon be heading the Senate Environmental Committee.

It might as well be renamed the ‘Environmental Destruction Committee’.


Discount Petards

While all of this is cause for liberals to tear out their hair, I am of the ‘let them hang by their own petards’ school of thought. I maintain that since the only time Americans actually become activated is when the Machine pushes the envelope too far — and considering that when given free reign they always and invariably end up pushing the envelope too far — and considering that they now have pretty much free reign to push that sucker about as far as they wish to push it — then I maintain that this is actually good news.

It’s not like there’s any shortage of petards or anything…


Discount Scorecards

As far as what is going on in the Middle East, don’t even bother trying to keep a scorecard of who the ‘good’ guys are and who the ‘bad’ guys are; these days those designations often switch around literally overnight. Just to further confuse things, the enemy of our enemy is often also our enemy and the enemy of our friend is often also our friend.

What fun.

As I believe I have mentioned maybe a few or maybe 764 times now, there have been banksters financing both sides of major wars for hundreds of years. They have been loaning both sides the money to fight each other — usually at extortionist interest rates — and then they turn right around and take all that money that they just loaned right back by selling both sides all of the guns and shoes and bombs and stretchers they will need whilst butchering each other — also usually at extortionist rates.

They also use their money to manipulate the governments into these wars.

This thing of governments directly financing both sides of a foreign war — while not new — has never before been practiced on the epic scale to which the United States has now taken it. (Remember what I said about the mileage they are able to obtain from their pushed envelopes whenever they are able to act without restraint?) There are so many documented instances of US tax dollars funding both sides of a wide variety of conflicts everywhere all over the world all the time (the Iran-Iraq War that killed millions during Reagan’s heyday in the 80’s comes immediately to mind, for instance) that it would almost be banal if it were possible for mass-death and violent chaos to be ‘banal’.

Only from our own unique little Machine-manufactured ‘All-American’ branded perspective could such things ever be considered to be ‘banal’.


I am quite certain that most of the dead people would not have considered it in such a manner, for instance.

It’s a pretty sure bet that their families don’t, either.


This all reminds me of an old saying that starts out, “With friends like these…”


And by the way: How the hell does one ‘push an envelope’ anyway? What the hell does that even mean?


No Species is an Island

And finally, I have mentioned several times that we are in the beginning stages of the 6th Great Extinction — and this extinction event is only being partially caused by climate change. Archaeologists are discovering that ever since humanity has been migrating, in fact, that large animal species have been going extinct everywhere than humans have gone and our ability at wiping out species has grown exponentially over the last century. Even without human-induced climate change we have killed over 90% of all the large fish in the ocean, and I forget what percentage of land animals have gone extinct, but that number is also huge and that number is also fixing to grow exponentially.

Consider this: One of the premiere aspects of the Endangered Species Act is an attempt to preserve habitat for endangered species. This has resulted in little islands of natural environments where these species can live that are completely surrounded by concrete, freeways, and industrial parks.

What happens when these islands become uninhabitable due to climate change?

Where will all of those animals go?

When we have killed all the other species, does that mean that we win?

It’s time to get to work…




The Thunderbolt Calendar

Week of December 4th thru December 10th, 2014




1) FYI Section:


1A) Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation Seeks Funds

Oly FOR does all kinds of awesome work. Help them continue.

From Glen:

If you like what the Olympia FOR is doing, we warmly encourage you to support our work. The Olympia FOR does not charge dues or have paid staff.  We rely on volunteer labor and voluntary contributions.  We trust that each person will help in whatever ways they can.

Contributions to Olympia FOR are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

THANK YOU for helping us stay active in working for social justice, nonviolence, and peace.

Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s Mission Statement

The Olympia Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation works for a nonviolent world, a healthy environment, social justice, economic justice, and peace.  We bring together people of diverse ages, races, and faiths who are committed to active nonviolence as a transformative way of life and as a means of profound social change.  We model these principles by personal example.  We collaborate and dialogue with the larger community for mutual education and to engage in nonviolent and compassionate actions.

(360) 491-9093



1B) Olympia Old Growth Poetry Collective Weekly Open Mic Series at Café Love

This is a reminder that the OGPC has poetry — some of it very political in nature — every Thursday at 7 pm at Café Love, 205 4th Ave E.

This week’s reading features Lennée Reid:

Back from break! We’ve been touring, but it’s time to hear from Olympia! As always, $3-$7 for the featured poet, this week straight from Olympia. Check it out! Invite your friends!


Lennée Reid is a spiritualist, poet, environmentalist, and survivor who is just trying to make sense of it all and find peace. She is a member of the Olympia Poetry Network and lives in Cascadia. She has performed on stages from Seattle to Montana and beyond including The G Funk Stage, Icarus/Daedalus art show, Rainingman, and The Center for Spiritual Living in Seattle. Her work has been published in “Works in Progress” and in two anthologies: “Swords of Words; We Cry for Peace” and a Maya Angelou tribute: “The Phenomenal Woman Poetry Collaboration”, and 6 chapbooks. With her poetry she paints a multicultural narrative, shines a light through darkness, and speaks of spiritual harmony.




1C) Update from the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance [WLIHA]

I haven’t included a WLIHA update in awhile, so here you go:

This year, we protected funding that will keep 32,000 people from becoming homeless.

Next year, we’ll continue the fight to end homelessness and ensure a home for everyone

in Washington. We have ambitious goals that we can only achieve with support from you.

We’ll continue to advocate so that children can live in a stable home and have the opportunity to succeed in school and in life.

We’ll continue to educate because hardworking people should not have to choose between paying rent and putting food on the table.

And we’ll continue to organize our statewide movement because it’s only fair that everyone has a safe place to live.

But we can only continue with your financial support. You can make your Giving Tuesday gift to the Housing Alliance quickly and easily here.

Thank you for being a part of our community.


P.S. The 2015 legislative session is just six weeks away. Your support right now is critical in helping make sure we’re ready to go in January.

Rachael Myers, Executive Director

Washington Low Income Housing Alliance

206.442.9455 x202  |  |  fb @wliha  |  tw /wliha

Our vision is that all Washington residents have the opportunity to live in safe, healthy, affordable homes in thriving communities. Help us make this vision a reality: click here to donate




2) Dine Out for the Deschutes

Saturday December 6th from 10 am to 6 pm @ Traditions Café, 300 5th Ave SW

Come help restore Olympia’s abused river and estuary!

This is from Eva:

On Saturday, December 6, join us at Traditions for a bite to eat! 20% of the profits will benefit our education, outreach and advocacy for Deschutes estuary restoration.

Come down and enjoy the delicious and wholesome foods in their cafe, all house-made, including lasagna, paninis, enchiladas, quiches, veggie burgers, chicken sandwiches, soups and salads. They also have espresso beverages, house-made chai, herbal teas, Italian sodas and other specialty beverages. Enjoy a tasty bite in full view of the past and future estuary!

You can also grab something on the go, like a bagel or pastry. Or maybe some Olympic Mountain Ice Cream if the cold weather isn’t too much for you!

Also, don’t forget to support Traditions by spending some time doing your holiday shopping in their store. We’ll even have Yestuary! t-shirts and bumperstickers for sale!



3) West Central Park Project Toy Drive

Saturday December 6th from 11 am to 6 pm @ West Central Park, SE Corner of Harrison and Division Streets in Westside Olympia

This is from Alicia:

Mark your calendars for next Saturday, December 6th from 11-6 when there will be a toy drive, a visiting horse named Dood, two burros named Henry and Pearl, a visit from Santa and the Elves AND the WCP tree lighting at 5!  There will be hot cider and cocoa and a decoration making table and carol singing too! Come on out to the Park next Saturday from 11-6 and help us warm up the winter with you!

In other Park news, strides have been made with new designs for the Parkside Cafe. A plan is developing that I hope will be charming as well as functional for the neighborhood.  The 500 square foot commercial kitchen will serve not only the Parkside Cafe , but food trucks that operate in the Park as well. If there is empty time at the kitchen, there could be community rental opportunities.  There will be a 550 square foot cafe with a deli counter and espresso.  There will be a stairway leading to a second floor which will be a venue for rent, that will include a bar and a small stage.  When not in use, this area will have extra seating area with expansive Olympia views and a gas fireplace to bring a coffee on a rainy day and surf the net. One more set of steps will lead to the roof top with additional seating, stage, and garden boxes that drain to rain barrels below.  I target our opening about a year from now.  See you at the Parkside!

As always the West Central Park counts on your participation to survive.  Your help is the very reason the Park has survived for a year and a half so far and has very shiny prospects of continuing in the same way for a very long time.  The Board of the West Central Park, and I think its safe to say that the Park itself, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!



4) ArtPower Opening Weekend

Saturday December 6th at Noon thru Sunday December 7th at 5 pm @ POWER, 309 5th Ave SE

ArtPower — which proceeds benefit Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights [POWER] — is now open full time! Come check out the opening weekend!

This is from Monica:

ArtPower is now OPEN ALL YEAR!

Come check out our new gallery space “gallery@POWER” where we showcase new work by our members monthly.

Enjoy live music by Vince Brown, Jenny Jenkins, and Yodelady along with TASTY DESSERTS by Hello Sweetie!

Proceeds benefit local artists as well as POWER’s work in the community.

gallery@POWER is the front room of the POWER office, conveniently located at 309 5th Ave SE in downtown olympia next door to Rainy Day Records. See you there!



5) Coffee Strong Annual Celebration with Dahr Jamail

Saturday December 6th from 5 to 7 pm @ Coffee Strong Office, 15107 Union Ave SW, Lakewood

Coffee Strong is a coffee house just outside JBLM that engages in activism on the behalf of soldiers and veterans. They are awesome.

This is from Coffee Strong:

Saturday, December 6  Coffee Strong Annual Celebration with Dahr Jamail

Don’t miss out on celebrating Coffee Strong’s 6th Anniversary as we:

  • Celebrate our victories and accomplishments from 2014 and transition to an all-volunteer organization
  • Unveil our repainted and much improved military and veterans rights center
  • Welcome an address from Dar Jamail
  • Eat snacks and drink home-pressed apple cider

The event will be held at the Coffee Strong office, 15107 Union Ave SW, Lakewood, from 5 to 7pm. RSVP by calling (253) 581-1565 or by email to




6) Dana Lyons Concert at Traditions Café

Saturday December 6th at 7 pm @ Traditions Café, 300 5th Ave SW

Dana Lyons is a local legend. Come check out some hilarious political musical styling’s.

This is from Scott:

Cost: $15 (students/low income: $5)

Info and advance ticket sales: 360-705-2819



7) Media Island Monthly Benefit Brunch: SPEECH

Sunday December 7th from 11 am to 2 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE

Every month Media Island teams up with another social justice organization to meet, teach, and learn about each other’s work. This month the brunch will benefit MI and South Puget Environmental Education Clearinghouse [SPEECH], publishers of the Green Pages.

This is from Media Island:

This ongoing First Sunday Brunch features Media Island International (MII) partnering with a different local non-profit org to raise their visibility and raise funds for them.  Enjoy a tasty brunch for a worthy cause each month.

11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at MII, 816 Adams Street SE (just east across Adams Street from Olympia’s downtown library).  If you need a handicap entrance, use the alley behind it, accessible from 9th Ave SE.

On the first Sunday of December (the 7th), the beneficiary is the South Puget Environmental Education Clearinghouse (SPEECH), which publishes South Sound Green Pages, our excellent local publication about environmental issues which is about to celebrate their 25th Anniversary.

This benefit brunch relies upon voluntary donations, rather than a fixed price. Come help launch SPEECH onto another 25 years!!
For info about SPEECH and South Sound Green Pages,




8) Open House Skill Share

Sunday December 7th from 2 to 6 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE

Come learn skills that are very likely to become invaluable in the near future.

This is from Media Island:

Open House Skill Share

A Learning Network of the South Salish Sea

December 7th from 4 to 7 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE, Olympia, 98501

A new coalition of free skools or otherwise autonomous learning projects in the southern Salish Sea area (aka Puget Sound) is hosting a series of people to gather for our collective self-determination. We will share our visions, dreams and current activities, and expand our capacity to work together in creating all that which education has suppressed. This is a long-term and multi-generational project for those of all levels of capacity.

No money will be charged to attend any of these open houses or for any activities connected to this network/coalition. Free means FREE. Food will be provided, potluck style. Please refrain from wearing strong fragrances to facilitate a fragrance-free, accessible space. Wheelchair accessible.

These projects are taking place on contested lands that have been stolen from the indigenous peoples of this region by individual invaders/settlers, public and private corporations, and the US government. It is the intention of organizers of these gatherings to act in solidarity and joint struggle with native/tribal nations of the region and for the return and protection of their ancestral lands. Seattle is occupied Duwamish and Suquamish land. Olympia rests on occupied Nisqually territory. Memory is power.



9) Survivor Council

Thursday December 9th from 6 to 7:30 pm @ New Safe Place, 521 Legion Way SE

Come discuss surviving sexual assault with the survival experts.

This is from Safe Place:

This meeting is a space for survivors to tell their stories of healing. We talked about various ways that we could employ arts-based practices and the possibility of sharing our healing stories with the community, if that felt right. All survivors are welcome to attend this group and participate at whatever level feels comfortable. This next meeting will be focused on continuing to develop our plan for this group. Please join us at the new SafePlace building on December 9th from 6pm to 7:30 for our fifth session.

Call or email Jen Friedlander for more information at (360) 786-8754 x111 or



10) Annual Human Rights Celebration to Benefit the Rachel Corrie Foundation

Thursday December 9th from 6:30 to 9:30 pm @ Abigail House, 1002 Washington St SE

This is a benefit for the Rachel Corrie Foundation.

This is from the RCF:

Annual Human Rights Celebration

To Benefit the Rachel Corrie Foundation

December 9th 2014

Abigail House

1002 Washington St SE


Music, Dancing, Food, & Drink!

Reserve your spot now!


Tickets $30 


2014 has been a year of struggle across the globe.  Each day brings new crises, either overseas or in our own neighborhoods.  Tonight, as a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, failed to bring an indictment in the case of Michael Brown, killed earlier this year by a member of the city’s police force, we are witness once again to the pain that has engulfed that community and that resonates throughout the U.S.  In the face of profound disappointment, Michael Brown’s parents have called for people to “fix the system that allowed this to happen” and to “make a difference.”  

In Olympia this year, the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, brought people together for a day-long conference: Yet Again as Captives: Mass Incarceration in the U.S. and Palestine to share conversations so necessary on race, oppression, and injustice.  With keynote speakers Angela Davis and Noura Erakat we looked at how within Israel’s matrix of control, domination of Palestinians is largely reinforced through policies of mass arrest and incarceration, and how in the U.S. past policies of segregation and domination have continued through mass incarceration of people of color.

As we move forward and soon into a new year, determined to see the connections between all these issues, to “make a difference” and to do our part to “fix the systems” that allow the tragedies to continue, we need your support.

Tuesday, December 9, RCF invites you to Rejoicing for Rights, an event to reflect on the year’s struggles and to celebrate the pursuit of global human rights as a response. The evening of music, dancing, food, and drink is 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the Abigail Stuart House, 1002 Washington Street SE, in Olympia. Tickets are $30 per person and can be purchased through the RCF office or online at  RSVP by November 30th.

Centaur Midwife, an electric quartet out of Ellensburg, Washington, mixes folk and jazz, and with this appearance makes its debut performance on the west side of the Cascades.  To make sure your belly is full before getting on the dance floor, local craft beer supplied by Three Magnets Brewing Co. and delectable, hearty appetizers from the neighborhood food truck All Fed Up will be served.

This annual Rachel Corrie Foundation Human Rights celebration and fundraiser supports our ongoing grassroots efforts in pursuit of social and economic justice.  Attendees are invited to purchase silent auction and giving tree items that fund RCF’s numerous projects, including the Maia Water Project, Ramadan Soccer Tournament, and more in Gaza, and education and advocacy here in the U.S. and elsewhere.

The Rachel Corrie Foundation is a grassroots, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that conducts and supports programs that foster connections between people, that build understanding, respect, and appreciation for differences, and that promote cooperation within and between local and global communities.  RCF encourages and supports grassroots efforts in pursuit of human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice — pre-requisites for world peace.  Continuing the work begun and envisioned by human rights observer and activist Rachel Corrie, who was killed in the Gaza Strip in 2003, RCF’s current emphases are Israel/Palestine and the broader Middle East.

Put on your dancing shoes!  

Celebrate the rights to which all are entitled.  

Help us make a difference. 

Get your tickets now!

  • RSVP and purchase tickets online at Brown Paper Tickets:
  • RSVP with your personal check for $30 per ticket to the Rachel Corrie Foundation.  Put “Rejoicing For Rights” in the memo line.  Mail to Rachel Corrie Foundation, 203 East 4th Ave, Suite 402, Olympia, WA 98501.

Need more information?  Email or call (360) 754-3998.



11) Capitalism and Racism: From Slavery to Ferguson

Wednesday December 10th at 7 pm @ Traditions Fair Trade Café, 300 5th Ave SW

Come to an informative workshop on how imperialism works.

From Matt:

This workshop will examine how racism underpinned the development of capitalism within the United States and continues to shape the present. It will end with a discussion of what we are seeing in Ferguson and what actions we would like to take.

These economic workshops are an effort to share and facilitate community knowledge and understanding that not only can we understand the fundamentals, but we can change them. Our aim is to encourage economic literacy and invite dialogue and discussion on inequality and the on-going crises of capitalism.



12) Bonus Tip of the Week:

Let’s raise the price of petards!

