The Thunderbolt 013014 Evangelical Sexism



The Thunderbolt!!!


News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes





1)  FYI Section:

  1A)  Roots Action to Cut Off the NSA’s Electricity

  1B)  Sneaking It In Through the Back Door:  TPP being Fast Tracked

  1C)  Community Rights Movement Moving Forward

  1D)  POWER Newsletter

  1E)  Chief Ronnie Wants More Homeless in Jail

2)  Innocent Convict Speaks

3)  Mangos with Chili:  QTPOC Bliss, Etc

4)  Environmental Lobby Day at the Capitol

5)  Anti TPP Actions:

  5A)  Backbone Campaign Call to Action on the TPP

  5B)  Seattle Action

6)  Media Island Monthly Benefit Brunch:  Youth N Action

7)  Moms Rising Meeting

8)  Bonus Tip of the Day




Evangelical Racism




The Thunderbolt Eats Crow!


Hey Kids!


Last week — with great fanfare and tooting of horns — I announced a rather prosaic change in the format of the Thunderbolt, i.e. I was moving the Calendar Index to the Calendar.


Astute readers may have already noted that — in spite of my triumphant marketing campaign delineating the many non-profundities of the New Improved Thunderbolt Format just last week — the Calendar Index has once again proudly claimed its spot at the head of the page.


Two readers noted that — due to the already excessive amounts of scrolling required to read the Thunderbolt — that when someone has interest in a specific event in the Calendar, then having the Index at the beginning allows readers to copy and paste an event into a search box and go straight to the desired information — whereas having the Index buried in the middle of the mess makes people scroll through the News and Commentary section in order to find it.


Sometimes change just for change’s sake is not such a hot idea.




Secret Underground Thunderbolt Studio Evicted!


A prominent local activist recently accused me of using the Thunderbolt for self-serving purposes.  With caveats, I denied this accusation stating that I used the Thunderbolt for Thunderbolt-serving purpose since I think I am putting out vital information in an entertaining fashion and therefore feel no qualms about shamelessly promoting it.


Now, in another delicious irony, I find myself in a position wherein I need to use the Thunderbolt for rather blatant self-serving purpose (if also for Thunderbolt-serving purpose):  Me looking for a place to live may not seem of sufficient importance for elevation to mention in the Thunderbolt, but the problem is that the maximum I can afford to pay is $250 per month — which under normal circumstances may be enough to rent a small closet.  I am hoping that someone who knows about all of the unpaid work that I do every week may be willing to rent the Thunderbolt a space for under-market value.  (I’m afraid that I come along with the deal too, though.)  Not too many strangers are going to do that.


About a month ago I moved both the Thunderbolt and myself into my daughter’s garage.  Due to a very long story she was having trouble with rent and I needed a cheap place to live and so I built a little 8×12-foot plastic house inside her garage that is heated and carpeted.  It is quite comfortable.  I spent most of my adult life on the Road and I have experienced much worse.  This is actually an awesome arrangement, especially since I actually get to see my daughter once in a while.  (I have twice briefly spotted my granddaughter, but she is a teenager with a brand new driver’s license who looks like a Barbie doll and who loathes hippies like her grandfather, so I still don’t see much of her.)


Unfortunately I moved in just in time for my daughter’s landlord to sell the house and evict all of us, so now I need to find a new place by March 1st.  Oh well.


As if I weren’t already asking enough, I am afraid that Wi-Fi is necessary for the proper hurling of Thunderbolts and I kind of need a detached place both because I tend to make loud noises early in the am whilst recording the radio-show and because I tend to play very loud music at very odd hours — though I could curb that last aspect of my lifestyle if it proves problematic.  I also need access to a bus line.


If anyone has a small detached room or a garage with a spare 100 square feet of floor space where I can build a plastic house and set up shop then please let me know.


Alternatively, since my daughter and her daughter now also need a place to live and since she is willing to rent me a space for $250 per month, then if you know of any 2-bedroom places that have a detached building or a garage that I can move into — and that she can rent for under $800 per month — then that works too.


Okay, blatant self-serving done!  Time to hurl some Thunderbolts!


This week’s theme is Evangelical Racism!




Alternative View of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


I was selling Real Change the other day and this week’s issue features a large picture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  A young and very attractive white girl walked by, saw the picture, graced Dr. King’s picture with a thoroughly seductive smile, and then with a purr that dripped sex all over the walkway she said, “Oh, he is soooooo HOT!



I have given much thought to Dr. King during the course of my life.  I must admit, though, that I have never once thought of him as being ‘soooooo HOT’!


Dr. King had many talents indeed.




Socialist Alternative


I did not follow Kshama Sawant’s campaign real closely because it was local to Seattle (or so I thought) but since I was getting two and three emails a day from various sources about her campaign and since the polls were saying she was doing well, I knew that she was working it hard.  When I did consider her campaign I was thinking that if a non-white female Socialist could get 30% of the vote then that would send a powerful message; the idea that an open Socialist could actually win a citywide election against an entrenched and connected incumbent did not even cross my mind.


I also pointed out that while Bill de Blasio, the newly elected mayor of New York City, sounded like the real deal that we must still ignore what politicians say and watch what they do — and one of the first things that Bill de Blasio did was to appoint William Bratton, an enthusiastic supporter of fascist police tactics such as Stop and Frisk and a pioneer in Rudi Giuliani’s implementation of the Broken Window Theory of Law Enforcement in New York, as the Chief of Police.


He said he’s against it but as soon as he is elected he then does the opposite; business as usual.


In the case of Kshama Sawant, though, my usual proscription about ignoring what politicians say and watching what they do — while still extant — is not so vital as many knowledgeable people personally know Ms. Sawant and Ms. Sawant was an active member of Occupy Seattle — so evidently she is the actual real deal.


This should get interesting.  Stay tuned.




White on White Violence


There is an epidemic of rape on college campuses.  Since most of the victims are privileged white girls then Barack Obama has formed a task force to study the problem.


Obama continues to completely ignore the mass-rape of black people that has been happening for over 400 years, though — even though Obama is himself half Scottish.




Evangelical Racism


Last May I did a piece called Evangelical Sexism wherein I posited that the reason women have been so brutally oppressed for so many centuries is because, due to their ability to create new life, women are actually the ones with the real power around here and that generations of justifiably insecure men have felt the need to beat rape burn degrade drown mutilate and keep women firmly under the dominance of oppressive male-thumbs lest they start exercising their power; I am convinced that women have been suffering all of this oppression for all these centuries because all of these big bad men are actually a bunch of sissies who defecate in their little knickers and whose little testicles shrivel at the thought of women’s power.


Personally, I find women’s power to be a total turn-on — but I’ve always been a contrarian, so whatever.


I have a similar theory for racism, at least as it is practiced in the United States:  What has happened here is that, using best practices in animal husbandry, our ancestors have created a race of super-humans amongst us.  The first forge was the journey from Africa:  Only the strongest and most determined managed to survive that experience.  Those that survived were subsequently bred like animals for centuries with an eye toward strength and stamina and intelligence.  In order to keep them under thumb, the white power structure has been forced to ever increasingly desperate measures over the centuries.  When slavery ended, Jim Crow was actually even more effective in many ways, and when Jim Crow ended then the War on Drugs proved to be even more so; now there are more Blacks under the thumb of the Prison Machine than were held in slavery at the beginning of the Civil War.


I think that Blacks should be proud of the fact that the white power structure is so utterly terrified of them.


Blacks already completely dominate sports — one of the few areas where they are allowed to compete on an equal field with Whites — and if they ever gain equal access to things like education, jobs, and economic opportunities then I suspect there is a very good chance that they would start dominating nearly everything.


The thing about making people live in a forge is that forges tend to harden the steel.  Since the United States is now basically operating a world-wide forge, then we are hardening the steel in a lot of people these days and many of these people very justifiably hate the United States government very much — though more of them than you may think make a distinction between the American government and the American people.


American Blacks, though, have always received special attention.


Anyway, the end result is that due partly to Slavery-Jim Crow-War on Drugs-etc. the Machine has thus far largely succeeded in keeping American Blacks down…


…but I think that their most effective strategy has been that they have managed to convince most of the Blacks themselves that they are worthless inferior losers.


You are whatever you think you are.  If American Blacks ever figure out the myth of their own inferiority — you may want to take cover.


It’s time to get to work…




The Thunderbolt Calendar

Week of January 30th thru February 6th 2014






1)  FYI Section:


1A)  Roots Action to Cut Off the NSA’s Electricity


From Roots Action:


A bill with bipartisan support in the Washington State legislature would block all state support for NSA activities that violate the Fourth Amendment. This could include cutting off electricity and water to the NSA’s surveillance center at Yakima from which the NSA spies on our phones and emails without any warrant or probable cause.


Let the bill’s sponsors know the whole country supports them.


The Fourth Amendment Protection Act (HB 2272) would block the use of unconstitutionally gathered data in state court and block state universities from partnering with the NSA as long as the NSA engages in criminal activities.


Rep. David Taylor (R-Moxee, in whose district the NSA facility sits) and Rep. Luis Moscoso (D-Mountlake Terrace) need to hear from all of us right away. They need to be able to tell their colleagues we support their proposal to uphold the rule of law.


Please click here to sign the petition. 


Then forward this to everyone you know.


Note to NSA employees spying on this email: It’s nothing personal. Remember, you know all about us but we don’t know you at all.


— The team


P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen Rowley, Frances Fox Piven, and many others.


P.P.S. This work is only possible with your financial support.


Please donate.




Tenth Amendment Center: Bill Proposes Criminalizing Help to NSA

Associated Press: NSA Listening Post in Yakima Is Secret No More





1B)  Sneaking It In Through the Back Door:  TPP being Fast Tracked


This is very spectacularly mega-super-duper badness, Kids.  I cannot stress how bad the Trans Pacific Partnership is.  (Note that there are a couple of large actions coming up in this week’s Thunderbolt Calendar concerning the TPP)


Now Congress is trying to sneak it in through the back-door because it so odious.  They are using a chicken-shite procedure known as Fast Track, wherein Congress gives the president a blank check to do whatever he wants because they don’t want any responsibility for anything.


This from Oly FOR:


“Fast Track” legislation for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has been introduced in Congress!


I am compiling information about TPP and “Fast Track” for a 3-page section in the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s February-March 2014 newsletter, which we will mail on January 31.


We are posting this new TPP information now as a .pdf on the Olympia FOR’s website,  Simply click the “Global Economics” link and see today’s new .pdf directly under the “Global Economics” heading.


You get a sneak peak right now because the TPP and “Fast Track” need urgent, vigorous opposition.  I hope you will read and act on this information.


The Olympia FOR’s current (Dec.-Jan) issue has plenty of information about the TPP on pages 2-5.  You can read that information below today’s new .pdf on the “Global Economics” page of  See this link: 

New Information – January 21, 2014 (Pdf document) about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and “Fast Track” for a 3-page section in the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s February-March 2014 newsletter


You can read about other important issues in our current and previous newsletters posted at our website.  If you want to receive our newsletters electronically or as paper publications in the postal mail, please contact me with your name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address.




1C)  Community Rights Movement Moving Forward


This is a massive bi-partisan movement to take our communities back from Wall Street.  The Olympia chapter is particularly active.  Plug in here.


WCRN – January 20th meeting summary


·         In Skagit County, people are circulating a petition urging the County Commissioners to adopt a community bill of rights that would include protection of air, the Skagit River and other water bodies, neighborhood rights to decide about major development, workers rights to organize, transition to a carbon-free era, and adherence to the UN Declaration on Human Rights.


·         In LaConner, they have been working on a local clean and fair elections ordinance (money out of politics).


·         In Spokane, following the Envision Spokane charter initiative being kept from the ballot last year, they are continuing appeals in the courts on that question and considering other possible initiatives around police accountability and income inequality (i.e. worker rights).  Kai recommended reading the powerful CELDF appeal brief just filed, which you can see here.


·         In Olympia, the big issues are GMO-labeling (I-522 passed in Thurston County), and protecting the south Salish Sea. These have not turned into actual campaigns yet, though folks there are looking at possibly running a community bill of rights in Thurston County and/or looking at a home rule charter campaign.


·         Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin of Port Angeles, a contract lawyer for CELDF, mentioned a recent Washington State Supreme Court case brought by the Swinomish Tribe against the Dept of Ecology which had departed from its own statutory mandate and favored development over protecting instream flows for fish.  The Tribe won.


·         Kai talked about the people in three counties in Oregon that are pursuing campaigns variously to exclude GMO crops and to protect against pesticides.


·         We discussed SB 5347, which would guarantee that a local initiative with enough signatures would go to the ballot.

·         We reviewed the difficulties of moving through the formal county charter adoption process without preparing the ground with years of informal conversations.  The community rights people in Jefferson County have first hand experience with the difficulty of this work.  Their aim had been for the County to adopt a charter which included the initiative process


·         CELDF has drafted state constitutional amendments for ten states, including Washington State.  The two-page draft for Washington State can be viewed here.




1D)  POWER Newsletter


Last week I shared the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation event calendar.  This week I am going to share Parents Organizing for Economic and Welfare Rights [POWER] calendar.


That’s the difference between public service and business; I promote my competition.




Mark your calendars for February’s POWER Outage:

Telling Your Story


What makes a story interesting?

Can my story really make a difference?

How can I keep control of my own story?


Join us for this interactive workshop


Monday, February 3rd, 2014


POWER Outage begins with a potluck meal at 5:30 pm.  Bring something to share if you are able.  Discussions from 6 – 8 pm at Darby’s Café in downtown Olympia, 211 5thAvenue.


The café is closed, but the owners kindly let us use the space.


Childcare will be provided down the Street at the POWER office, 309 5th Avenue by the Olympia Childcare Collective!


Brought to you by POWER

Parents Organizing For Welfare and Economic Rights

Call 360-352-9716 or email


POWER is an organization of low-income parents and allies advocating for a strong social safety net while working toward a world where children and care giving are truly valued, and the devastation of poverty has been eradicated.



1.Call to action – contact legislators to support increasing access to dental care.

2.Call to action – sign a national petition to say no more cuts to food stamps!

3.Learn more about the groundbreaking civil liberties case POWER’s Julianne is a plaintiff in tonight at Evergreen.

4.Truthout article about WA state fighting back against government spying.

5.Utah’s simple strategy to end homelessness!



1.  On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, an overflow crowd turned out to speak up for House Bill 2321 and access to dental careIt was a powerful show of support for a new way out of our state’s oral health crisis.  See below for some of the voices from around the state that testified in favor of the bill.


This was an unprecedented public demonstration for a mid-level dental provider, but we need to keep it coming in order for this bill to move out of committee.

Please take a few minutes today, and send an e-mail message to the following committee members asking them to support a workforce solution proven to get safe, efficient care to kids and communities in need.  If you are part of an organization, please send this request out to all your members and colleagues!


Committee members (you can cut and paste the second column directly into an email):


Cody, Eileen (D) Chair

Riccelli, Marcus (D) Vice Chair

Schmick, Joe (R) *

Harris, Paul (R) **

Clibborn, Judy (D)

DeBolt, Richard (R)

Green, Tami (D)

Hunt, Graham (R)

Jinkins, Laurie (D)

Manweller, Matt (R)

Moeller, Jim (D)

Morrell, Dawn (D)

Rodne, Jay (R)

Ross, Charles (R)

Short, Shelly (R)

Tharinger, Steve (D)

Van De Wege, Kevin (D)


Message:  Support HB2321.  The time is now for Washington state to get safe, efficient oral health care to kids and communities in need.


 Voices from all across Washington State spoke up at the hearing (click here to listen to testimony):


“Statistics don’t lie. Statistics have shown that [mid-level providers] provide safety and quality care, it is well documented. So I ask you, what does it take to get you to vote yes?”- —  Hon. Brian Cladoosby, Chair of the Swinomish Indian Tribe and President of the National Council of American Indians


“The need is dramatic…. Out of all the offices [in Skagit County] we called, just three will take an adult on Medicaid: one was a denture clinic, one was Sea Mar Community Health Center, and one was our clinic.” — Dr. Raymond Dailey, DDS, Swinomish Tribal Dental Clinic


“In July 2012, I experienced an oral health crisis that threatened my life…I couldn’t eat anything. I couldn’t sleep. The pain was inescapable. This is Washington State, and I expect us to do better by all our residents, whether they are flush with cash or struggle to get by…How many more lives will you risk because oral health care is inaccessible and unaffordable?” — Aaron Kathman, Spokane resident and member of Children’s Alliance and Washington CAN!


 “We have done the things the dental association has put forward but we still have people not getting the care they need. We need to do more. This is the next step.” —Rep. Eileen Cody, Bill sponsor and House Health Care and Wellness Committee Chair



For more information or if you have any questions, please contact me or Tera Bianchi, Oral Health Access Project Manager, Children’s Alliance, tera@childrensalliance.org206-324-0340 x28.


Thank you!  Pam


Pam Johnson

Oral Health Outreach Coordinator | Children’s Alliance


206.755.4309 (cell)



2.  Last year’s $5 billion food stamp cut has slammed low-income Americans so hard that food pantries and soup kitchens are running out of food. Seriously.


But despite these devastating cuts, Democrats and Republicans are nearing a deal on the Farm Bill that would cut another $9 billion from food stamps.


Sign the petition: Denounce Congress for planning to cut $9 billion from food stamps.


This horrific news proves that private charity cannot compensate for the food stamp cuts that have already taken effect—let alone another, even deeper round of cuts.

We need to make sure that every member of Congress gets the message that any cuts to food stamps is absolutely unacceptable.


Please add your name to this crucial petition.


Keep fighting,


Michael Langenmayr

Daily Kos




3.  Join Attorneys and Plaintiffs to hear the unraveling story of Panagacos V Towery:


 A landmark civil liberties case that antiwar activists filed against the Army and other agencies. Fellow activist “John Jacob” was found to be Army intelligence agent John J Towery who worked with a Fusion Center at nearby Fort Lewis (JBLM). Towery infiltrated the antiwar group Port Militarization Resistance (PMR) which blocked military shipments en route to Iraq and Afghanistan. The case is set to go to trial in June 2014. 


This Monday, January 27th 2014 5-7PM SEM II E 1105


4.  Truthout

Friday, 17 January 2014 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG


Washington State Bill Proposes Criminalizing Help to NSA, Turning Off Resources to Yakima Facility


By Michael BoldinTruthout | Report


The campaign to turn off power to the NSA has gotten a big boost. Washington has become the first state with a physical NSA location to consider a Fourth Amendment protection act designed to make life extremely difficult for the massive spy agency.


The state-level campaign to turn off power to the NSA got a big boost January 15, 2014, as Washington became the first state with a physical NSA location to consider a Fourth Amendment protection act designed to make life extremely difficult for the massive spy agency.


Bills introduced in California, Oklahoma, Indiana, Missouri and Kansas seek to prevent the NSA from expanding further or sharing data and metadata in non-terror investigations. But Washington’s House Bill 2272 (HB2272 takes things a step farther because the state is home to the secretive “Yakima listening post” documented by famous NSA researcher James Bamford in his 1982 book, The Puzzle Palace.

HB2272 was introduced by a bipartisan team of legislators, Rep. David Taylor, a Republican from Moxee, and Rep. Luis Moscoso, a former three-term secretary of the state Democratic Party from Mountlake Terrace.


If passed, the bill would make it the policy of the state “to refuse material support, participation, or assistance to any federal agency which claims the power, or with any federal law, rule, regulation, or order which purports to authorize, the collection of electronic data or metadata of any person pursuant to any action not based on a warrant.”


Taylor, whose district houses the Yakima post, said he “cannot sit idly by while a secretive facility in his backyard violates the rights of people everywhere.”

“We’re running the bill to provide protection against the ever-increasing surveillance into the daily lives of our citizens,” Taylor said. “Our founding fathers established a series of checks and balances in the Constitution. Given the federal government’s utter failure to address the people’s concerns, it’s up to the states to stand for our citizens’ constitutional rights.”


Practically speaking, the bill prohibits state and local agencies from providing any material support to the NSA within their jurisdiction. This includes barring government-owned utilities from providing water and electricity. It makes information gathered without a warrant by the NSA and shared with law enforcement inadmissible in state court. It blocks public universities from serving as NSA research facilities or recruiting grounds. And it bans corporations who continue to do business with the NSA from holding any contracts with the state.


According to documents made public by the US military, as of 2008, a company called PacifiCorp is the primary supplier of electric power and Cascade Natural Gas Corporation supplies natural gas to YTC. The Kittitas Public Utility District, a function of the state, provides electric power for the MPRC and the Doris site, but no documentation has yet proven that it also provides electricity used directly by the NSA facility. And while YTC does provide a bulk of its own water, documents also show that some of it gets there by first passing through upstream dams owned and operated by the state.


The Army report states, “YTC lies within three WAUs whose boundaries coincide with WRIAs, as defined by the State of Washington natural resource agencies.”

WAU’s are the state’s Water Administration Units. WRIAs are state Water Resource Inventory Areas.


A Washington company has a strong link to the NSA. Cray Inc. builds supercomputers for the agency. Calls to the company for comment were not returned.

Taylor said he understands the need for “national security” but insists we can’t trample over the Constitution in the process.


“Simply claiming ‘national security’ does not negate an individual’s constitutional rights. We have a legal system which provides law enforcement agencies the means to conduct legal, constitutional surveillance. We’re simply asking the government to follow the supreme law of the land,” he said.


Three public universities in Washington are among 166 schools nationwide partnering with the NSA. Taylor’s bill would address these schools’ status as NSA “Centers of Academic Excellence” and would bar any new partnerships with other state colleges or universities.


OffNow national campaign leader Shane Trejo said that while people tend to focus on the banning of resources to NSA facilities, the bill’s prohibition against using data gathered without a warrant in state court probably would have the most immediate impact. In fact, lawmakers in Kansas and Missouri are considering bills simply addressing this kind of data sharing.


“Last fall, Reuters reported that NSA is sharing information gathered without a warrant with local law enforcement. The documents said that most cases where this is happening are not terror-related. By banning this practice, the bill would lessen the practical effect of all that data collecting that NSA is doing.”


Trejo said he expects at least three more states to introduce the act within the next few weeks.


“This idea is catching on. And if people in Washington make phone calls to committee members,, the bill has a good chance of passing. That will just encourage even more states to do the same,” Trejo said. “In the end, our goal is to put a stop to these NSA spying programs, whether the Congress wants us to or not.”




Utah Is on Track to End Homelessness by 2015 With This One Simple Idea

Give them an apartment first, ask questions later.

Utah has reduced its rate of chronic homelessness by 74 percent over the past eight years, moving 2000 people off the street and putting the state on track to eradicate homelessness altogether by 2015. How’d they do it?


The state is giving away apartments, no strings attached. In 2005, Utah calculated the annual cost of E.R. visits and jail stays for an average homeless person was $16,670, while the cost of providing an apartment and social worker would be $11,000. Each participant works with a caseworker to become self-sufficient, but if they fail, they still get to keep their apartment. 


Other states are eager to emulate Utah’s results. Wyoming has seen its homeless population more than double in the past three years, and it only provides shelter for 26 percent of them, the lowest rate in the country. City officials in Casper, Wyoming, now plan to launch a pilot program using the methods of Utah’s Housing First program. There’s no telling how far the idea might go.


Jenny Shank


Jenny Shank is a fiction writer and journalist in Boulder, Colo. Her first novel, “The Ringer,” won the High Plains Book Award. Her stories, essays, satire and reviews have appeared in The Atlantic, McSweeney’s and The Guardian.




1E)  Chief Ronnie Wants More Homeless in Jail


Ronnie Roberts, Chief of Police for the City of Olympia, wants to prohibit certain people from coming downtown.  (Guess who?)  That is so outrageous I am at a loss.  Ronnie Roberts is a fascist who terrorized the homeless in Eugene, Oregon in his spare time between oppressing political activists.  He is the worst sort of fascist too:  Intelligent, charming, and good looking.


From the Olympian:



Downtown drug issues require new police emphasis

The Olympian – January 19, 2014 Updated 15 hours ago


…There will be no satisfying solution for people damaged by negative life experiences until all levels of government and community activists muster the political will to provide adequate resources for treatment facilities and intensive case management.


But the level of drug-related crimes and threatening behavior in the downtown core has risen to a point that endangers the economic viability of small business and consequently the city center’s future.


…Roberts wants to take the next step and declare a 1,000-foot area around city-owned buildings as drug-free zones…The drug-free zones would allow prosecutors to seek enhanced penalties on conviction and an exclusionary policy that would prohibit previous offenders from returning to that zone.


He does want to send the worst people to ‘alternative’ methods of dealing with them.  This is an old political trick wherein you give everyone something they want so that everyone comes away happy.  However, it is also admitting that he knows himself that he is full of it with his fascist methods of dealing with things.



2)  Innocent Convict Speaks

Thursday January 30th at 7:30 pm @ Timberland Library, 313 8th Ave SE


People suffer from many illusions about our criminal justice system — such as thinking that it works at all, for instance.  Every day guilty people walk free and innocent people are convicted.  Come hear how easy it is to go to prison for something you didn’t do.


From Oly FOR:


Jason Baldwin served 18 years in prison
for a life sentence for murder,
but he was totally innocent!


Hear him speak at Olympia Library 7:30 pm Thursday January 30


In 1994 three completely innocent teenagers (the “West Memphis 3”) were convicted of murdering three younger boys in their small town.  Two teenagers were sentence to life without possibility of parole (LWOP), and one was sentenced to death.  After 18 years in prison it turned out that they were completely innocent, and they were released from prison in 2011.  Jason Baldwin, one of the teenagers unjustly convicted and sentenced to life, will speak about his experiences at the Olympia Timberland Library at 7:30 pm Thursday January 30.


Baldwin will speak about his experience as an innocent man sentenced to LWOP, and then Holly Ballard from the Washington Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (WCADP) will speak about other problems with capital punishment and share the work that is being done in Washington state.  Holly has worked on a number of social justice issues, and reforming the criminal justice system has emerged as her strongest passion. 


The event will occur at 7:30 pm at Olympia Timberland Library, 313 8th Ave SE (between Franklin and Adams), downtown Olympia.  It is sponsored by the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s Committee for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, whose chairperson is Emily Hammargren (360) 352-0695


See many very informative resources on the Death Penalty section of the Olympia FOR’s website,


Contact WCADP at (206) 622-8952 


Also contact the Safe and Just Alternatives campaign to abolish Washington State’s death penalty at 


Please mark your calendars for THURSDAY JANUARY 30, 7:30 pm at the Olympia Library – and spread the word!


“Perhaps the bleakest fact of all is that the death penalty is imposed not only in a freakish and discriminatory manner, but also in some cases upon defendants who are actually innocent.”

~ Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan Jr., 1994


Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation   (360) 491-9093



3)  Mangos with Chili:  QTPOC Bliss, Etc

Thursday January 30th at 7 pm @ the Evergreen Experimental Theater, Communications Building Room 124 on TESC Campus


It’s alternative bliss!


From FIST:


Mangos With Chili
The floating cabaret of QTPOC bliss, dreams, sweat, sweets and nightmares proudly presents

WHIPPED: QTPOC Recipes for Love, Sex, and Disaster

(otherwise known as the sometimes annual show about the miracles, dreams, and cream our hearts make)
As part of our 8th anniversary tour!

January 30, 2014
door 7 pm, start 7:30

The Experimental Theater
Evergreen State College campus
Communications Building room 124.
As part of Creating Dangerously: Experiments in And Diaspora Art
Sponsored by FIST

Mangos With Chili knows that queer and trans* folks of color do love, sex and total disaster like none other! In this special Valentine’s themed production queer and trans* folks of color will tell their true life stories of love, desire and disaster through music, spoken word, theater, dance, drag, film, and video diaries. Bring a trinket for the altar we’ll build to the loves we’ve lost, known, and are praying for, and come prepared to hear truths you’ve never heard spoken before but always needed to.

Promising to be sexy, smart, provocative, comical and touching, WHIPPED is sure to explore the many faceted aspects of desire, from the dark to the jubilant.

Valentines exchange to follow shows, so get them lovenotes and that courage ready!


Kay Ulanday Barrett
Yvonne Fly Onakeme Etaghere
Askari González
Beast Ly
Monica McIntyre
Cherry Galette
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

With video art by:
Alexis Pauline Gumbs and Julia Wallace
Yosimar Reyes
Nazbah Tom
Manish Vaidya and Adrian Q Quinteo
more t.b.a

Access info:
The Experimental Theater is wheelchair accessible and all ages. There is fat friendly seating. Shows contain mature content. So that performers and community members with chemical injury can attend, we ask that attendees come fragrance free. Lots of info about how to do so and POC products can be found here:

For more about Mangos With Chili:

For even more information, press or access inquiries:

Our beautiful 2014 touring artists:

A 2009 Campus Pride Hot List artist, 2013 Trans Justice Funding Project Panelist, and 2013 Trans 100 Honoree Kay Ulanday Barrett is a poet, performer, educator, and martial artist navigating life as a disabled pin@y amerikan transgender queer in the U.S. with struggle, resistance, and laughter. Based in NY/NJ, K. has featured at universities and stages internationally; Musee Pour Rire in Montreal, Princeton University, UC Berkeley, University of Chicago, The Brooklyn Museum, and The Loft in Minneapolis to name a few. Their bold work continues to excite and challenge audiences.

K. has facilitated workshops, presented keynotes, and contributed to panels for NQAPIA, Forward Together, Philadelphia Trans Health Conference, The Audre Lorde Project, FIERCE, NQAPIA, Res Artis, and is a proud member/facilitator for The Brown Boi Project and Disability Justice Collective. He has also served on committees and advisory boards for The Sylvia Rivera Law Project and Transgender Law Center. Honors include: Chicago’s LGBTQ 30 under 30 awards, Finalist for The Gwendolyn Brooks Open-Mic Award, and Windy City Times Pride Literary Poetry Prize. His literary contributions can be found in Kicked Out Anthology, Windy City Queer, Filipino American Psychology, Asian Americans For Progress, POOR Magazine, Bitch Magazine, and upcoming anthology, Criptiques. K. turns art into action, dedicated to TQPOC, Asian, youth communities, and remixing his mama’s recipes. Please see his online swerve at: and on twitter @kulandaybarrett.

Beast Ly
San Francisco Bay Area

Beast Ly’s mediums of expression and areas of collaboration include film, repertory theater, painting, writing, and protest/street art, the sweet spot turned out to be site specific performance art and dance installation. Names of shows and artistic collaborations include: Are you there Gaga? It’s me, Mazique. (a lady gaga drag performance in an all queers of color curated by Mel Mel Sukekawa-Mooring), if it’s leaking it’s working, if it’s leaking i want it (with Blair Talbot, a contemporary dance on the hysterical ecstasy of menstruation), and Look at Me (a dance duet in the performance series Penny’s Big 21: queer rites of passage). Beast began working and living in the SF Bay Area in 2011, when they summer interned with the performance project Sins Invalid, doing media, PR, party planning, and promotion, returning again in summer 2012. In June 2013 they returned to live in the Bay full time.

Films about/starring Beast have gone to such film screenings as the Chicago Anarchist Film Festival, “The Monstrous Series” of the MisAlt Film Festival”, the2013 Belgrade International Film Festival for and by People with Disabilities, and The European Film Festival. Summer Stew, directed by Aaron Richmond Havel and inspired by if it’s leaking it’s working, has gone into the vault at Periwinkle Cinema, a queer San Francisco screening series. A fan and sculptress of erotic art, you can also find the seabitch sliding around on an increasing number of places for the romantic, the dirty, and the altsy like Queerporntv, Crash Pad Series, and Indiepornrevolution. “Lame is Punk!” was Beast ly’s short lived and potentially resurrectable guest column in Maximum Rock n Roll. Beast’s performance with Mangos with Chili includes pieces from the erotic essay on bodies, sex, surgery, coming out, and coming in, “body/Horror:Yours/mine”, which is to be published in the forthcoming issue 2 of LIES through AK Press.

Askari González
San Jose & Santa Cruz, CA

Askari González es una bruja, a magical gurl dropout, a wannabe xingona, a genderescent divinity, a political trans woman of color. She is a poet, a mixed media artist, and the author of Trauma Queen. She aspires to create films centered on queer and trans people of color. Her hobbies include online shopping, copious amounts of anime marathons, and unraveling her inner trauma healer.

Yvonne Fly Onakeme Etaghene
Oakland Based. New York Gully. Nigerian Soul.

Yvonne Fly Onakeme Etagheneis an Ijaw and Urhobo Nigerian dyke performance activist, poet, dancer, essayist, playwright, actress, video artist and mixed-media visual artist who was born with a mouth full of dynamite and sugarcane.

Etaghene has rocked stages and melted microphones internationally. She was interviewed by and was a Contributing Writer to None on Record: Stories of Queer Africa, a digital media project that collects the stories of LGBT Africans from the African Continent and the Diaspora. She has toured nationally with both of her one-woman shows, Volcano’s Birthright{s} and GUAVA.

A mixed-media visual artist who has produced four solo art exhibitions, Etaghene founded Sugarcane, an LGBTQ Of Color writing workshop. Etaghene has written and directed 2 poem videos that marry film, poetry and music, has self-published 3 chapbooks of poetry and independently released an album of poetry and music. Her second album of poetry, Nigerian Dyke Realness, drops in 2014. Etaghene’s first novel, For Sizakele, which addresses Queer African love, identity and inter-partner violence, will be released in 2014. For more info: &

Monica McIntyre
New Orleans, LA

Monica McIntyre is equal parts Jamaican metaphor-laden mother and read-the-dictionary-for-fun father; a perfect writers combination. Originally from Hyattsville, MD, she began her cello career in classical studies; honing her craft through private lessons and orchestral ensembles with the District of Columbia Youth Orchestra (DCYO). After graduating from Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt, MD, Monica migrated to Philadelphia, PA to study Fashion Design at Drexel University. In 1999 she earned a BA from the Nesbitt College of Design Arts.

Living in the city of Brotherly Love, where she was immersed in: Funk, Soul, R & B, Jazz, and World Music; brought her back to her first love, music. In October 2003 she released her debut album Blusolaz — a collection of original songs which fused the genres of Blues, Soul and Jazz. Bars of Gold, her first single, was released in August 2005. Monica has been featured at numerous events throughout the world most notably: Soul Sista’s Jukejoint (GA) 2005, The 215 Festival (PA) 2005, Sistahood Celebration (Vancouver) 2008, The Philadelphia Fringe Festival (PA) 2008 & 2009, The Black Women’s Art Festival (PA) 2009, Sisterspace (MD) 2009, Ladyfest New Orleans (LA) 2010 & 2011, New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival (LA) 2013, and The French Quarter Fest (LA) 2013. Most recently Monica was a featured artist on the online International music show “Balcony TV”.

In November 2010, Monica relocated to New Orleans, LA and became immediately involved in the thriving local music community. She joined forces with singer-songwriters Lynn Drury and Margie Perez forming The Honeypots, an acoustic women-led group which beautifully blends genres, original songs and harmonies. Their debut album Something Sweet was released in April 2011 on the ThreadHead Record label. The Honeypots have had immediate success being nominated for The Best of The Beat Awards 2013 and landing coveted spots on the Abita stage of the French Quarter Fest (LA) 2013 and the Lagniappe stage at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage (LA) 2013.

Julio Salgado
Berkeley, CA

(Julio will be appearing in our San Antonio- New Orleans dates)

Julio Salgado is the Art Director of Dreamers Adrift, a creative project documenting the struggles of undocumented youth. He arrived in California from Mexico in 1995 when he was 11 years old, and became undocumented as a child when he overstayed his visa. Julio is a leader in implementing cultural organizing tactics in the immigrant rights movement, and believes that we (undocumented people) should be leaders in documenting our history. He has a bachelors degree in journalism from California State University and is riding the bus because “[he] want[s] to make sure other folks know we have to come out and not be afraid.”

Ms. Cherry Galette

Ms. Cherry Galette is a movement artist, choreographer, queer showgirl, performance artist and producer who has earned recognition for creating movement narratives exploring race, power, empire, migration, queer bodies in diaspora, and for presenting genre pushing work based in sultry, sacred, and profane fusions of traditional dance forms and song with queer story, burlesque and cabaret. Cherry’s performance is a collision – a crossroads of era, tradition, and place – evoking elements of the cosmopolitan cabarets of the golden age of Middle Eastern and Latin American dance, the legacy of movement passed down in women’s kitchens and salons, and the energy, joy, and enthusiasm of collective street dance.

She has has captivated, delighted, roused and stunned audiences on stages across the Americas from La Habana to Montreal, including La UNEAC, Teatro el Sotano (La Habana, Cuba), Irvin Mayfield’s Jazz Playhouse, Tipitina’s, One Eyed Jack’s (New Orleans), Palace of Fine Arts, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Brava Theater (SF), Buddies in Bad Times Theater (Toronto), Juste Por Rire (Montreal), Columbia City Theater, (Seattle), Bronx Academy of Art and Dance, The Knitting Factory, Bowery Poetry Club, WOW (New York), over 28 universities, as well as burlesque and cabaret stages in cities all over North America.

Ms. Galette has danced with some of the Bay Area’s most noted dance ensembles, is proud to have been an Oakland Tribune Timeout covergirl, and has also been featured in Oakland Local, Bitch, Make/Shift, San Francisco Bay Guardian, the SF Chronicle, and other independent media across the US. Cherry was raised by a family of legendary music makers, performers and innovators who centered song and dance as tools for transmitting hope, history, revolt, and the ability transform and lift heavy hearts. She is proud to continue her family’s work by giving audiences quality dance and burlesque performance based in roots of resistance, tradition, and inherited movement and musical legacy. Cherry’s work is grounded in the transformative power of story to make change, creating accessible, community oriented theater and performance, and putting movement and music back in the bodies of the people through creating a dance movement that encompasses all experiences, ages, genders, and bodies. For info on recent projects, please visit

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Oakland, unceded and occupied Mississauga of New Credit territory, Toronto.

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha is a queer disabled Sri Lankan cis femme writer, performer, transformative and disability justice organizer and psychic tarot card reader. The author of the 2012 Lambda Award winning Love Cake and Consensual Genocide and co-editor of The Revolution Starts At Home: Confronting Intimate Violence in Activist Communities, her work has appeared in the anthologies Dear Sister, Letters Lived, Undoing Border Imperialism, Stay Solid, Persistence: Still Butch and Femme, Yes Means Yes, Visible: A Femmethology, Homelands, Colonize This, We Don’t Need Another Wave, Bitchfest, Without a Net, Dangerous Families, Brazen Femme, Femme and A Girl’s Guide to Taking Over The World. She is part of the Allied Media Conference family and a member of the Badass Visionary Healers.

A lead artist with Sins Invalid and an educator with June Jordan’s UC Berkeley’s Poetry for the People, in 2010 she was named one of the Feminist Press’ “40 Feminists Under 40 Who Are Shaping the Future” and is one of the the 2013 Autostraddle Alternative Hot 105. She has taught, performed and lectured across North America, Sri Lanka and Australia and co-founded Toronto’s Asian Arts Freedom School. She is currently completing her memoir, Dirty River, a third book of poetry, Bodymap, and a writer’s manual, Writing the World, to be published by AK Press in 2014. 



4)  Environmental Lobby Day at the Capitol

Thursday January 30th at 1 pm @ Capitol Steps, Washington State Capitol


This is from the Environmental Priorities Coalition:


We’re Coming To Olympia!


Join us as we visit legislative offices and drop off information about our two Priorities:


What: Environmental Priorities Coalition Lit-Drop

For: The Oil Transportation Safety Actand Closing the Big Oil Tax Loophole

When: Thursday, January 30th at 1pm

Where: Meet at the Capitol Steps 

RSVP: Sign up here


See you in Olympia,



P.S. Want to do more?  Check out our 60 Days/60 Ways to get involved!


This alert is part of a series of action alerts from the Environmental Priorities Coalition, a network of leading environmental groups in Washington state. Formed in 2003, the Environmental Priorities Coalition selects priority issues each legislative session that make Washington State a better place to live.


The Environmental Priorities Coalition is a combined effort of:


  • American Rivers
  • Audubon Washington
  • Cascade Bicycle Club
  • Climate Solutions
  • Conservation Northwest
  • Earth Ministry
  • Environment Washington
  • Fuse
  • Futurewise
  • Heart of America Northwest
  • The Lands Council
  • League of Women Voters of Washington
  • National Wildlife Federation
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • NW Energy Coalition
  • Sierra Club Washington
  • Surfrider Foundation
  • Transportation Choices Coalition
  • Washington Conservation Voters
  • Washington Environmental Council
  • Washington Toxics Coalition
  • Zero Waste Washington


Environmental Priorities Coalition

1402 Third Avenue

Suite 1400

Seattle, WA 98101

United States of America

Read the Vertical Response marketing policy.



5)  Anti TPP Actions:




5A)  Backbone Campaign Call to Action on the TPP

Friday January 31st — Various Actions Available Throughout the Day


The Backbone Campaign is right in the middle of the Anti-TPP Movement.


From Bill:


Friday Jan 31st Day Of Action and Rally to Celebrate the Defeat of TPP


While it may be a little premature to declare a final victory over the TPP, with more than 50 organizations demanding congress vote NO to Fast Track, a Inter-Continental Day Of Actionon the anniversary of passage of NAFTA, multiple leaks of the TPP secretive text, over 150 members of congress declaring opposition to TPP and Fast Track, twitter storms during the State of the Union, and citizens mobilizing across the U.S., it seems pretty clear which way the tide is moving.


Let’s strike the final blows against this Corporate Coup threatening democracy and our sovereignty. Action is needed now!


Although opposition to the TPP is strong and growing, President Obama will use the platform of his State of the Union address to push the corporatocracy agenda. 


Ways to Take Action:


  • Join the Twitter Storm Tonight during the State Of The Union (Details HERE)
  • Overpass Banner in your district between now and Friday
  • Fax Spineless Citations to your representative for not standing up for democracy by publicly opposing Fast Track (Find out where they stand by visiting HERE, so far only McDermott is opposing Fast Track in Washington state)
  • Call your Reps
  • and most importantly, take to the streets! Join Backbone and friends to Deliver Spineless Citations in Person on Friday January 31st and Rally at Westlake Center at noon.

If you have any questions contact Team Backbone


No More NAFTAs-Stop the TPP Action!!International Day of Action

Friday, January 31st 2014

Culminating in a Rally at Noon at Westlake Center 400 Pine St, Seattle


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: On Friday we need volunteers, please call or text 805-776-3882 or email to RSVP


  • 4 or more to be Grim Reapers
  • 2 Corporate Vultures
  • 2 people to hold the “We the Corporations Banner”
  • 3 or more to hold the “We The People” banner

8-9 AM: Overpass Bannering in Representative Reichert’s district (Friend of The TPP Caucus). Meet at I-90 overpass at 142nd Pl SEnear Bellevue Community College (parking garage just northwest of overpass). We need your help to send Reichert a strong message!


Noon: Converge at Westlake Center with activists from across the state to Declare “No More NAFTA’s, Don’t Fast Track the TPP Corporatocracy!”




5B)  Seattle Action

            Noon @ Westlake Center, 400 Pine St, Seattle


This from Ryan:


No More NAFTAs-Stop the TPP Action!!

International Day of Action


Friday, January 31st 2014


Westlake Center

400 Pine St, Seattle


The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a massive “free trade agreement” that could impact nearly every aspect of our lives, from the food we eat to the air we breathe to the quality of our jobs.  Despite the huge impact the agreement would have on our communities and the environment, the TPP is being negotiated in near complete secrecy.


Earlier this month a bill was introduced in Congress to fast track this flawed trade deal which would mean Congress can only do an up or down vote with NO amendments. To date, only Congressman McDermott has pledged to vote “No” on Fast Track and demand that the public have an opportunity to shape this trade deal and make sure our jobs and environment our protected.


What:  Press Conference/Rally highlighting the need to shed light on the TPP and to say “No” to fast track


When: Friday, January 31st 12 pm


Where: Westlake Center, 400 Pine St Seattle


Who: Washington Fair Trade Coalition, labor unions, social justice advocates, environmental groups and you!


Please join us to show the Obama Administration and our Congressional Representatives that we demand an open and fair accounting of the TPP before any decision is made.  We need a 21st Century trade agreement that protects worker rights and environmental laws. 


For more information contact: 




Robin Everett

Organizing Representative

206-378-0114 x308

206-713-5474 (cell, for reporters or urgent matters)



6)  Media Island Monthly Benefit Brunch:  Youth N Action

Sunday February 2nd from 11 am to 2 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE


It’s Media Island’s monthly benefit brunch!  This month the Island is teaming up with Youth N Action, working to empower youth.


From the organizers:


For February 2014, Media Island is partnering with Youth N Action, for our monthly benefit brunch.

Youth ‘N Action (YNA) is a Washington statewide program that brings youth voice to community affairs. YNA empowers under served youth, ages 14-24, to make impacting change within ourselves, our communities, and surrounding systems.

YNA programs empower youth leadership through providing technical assistance and outreach, community advocacy, peer support, accountability, and sustainability.

Youth ‘N Action projects have facilitated documentary film-making, development of community facilities for youth, organizing community outreach and events, and organizing educational conferences directed toward empowering youth and advancing youth interests in the broader community.



7)  Moms Rising Meeting

Wednesday February 5th at 9 am @ Wagner’s Bakery, 1013 Capitol Way S


Moms Rising kicks ass.  Plug in with these folks if you want to lobby legislators on the behalf of children.


From Moms Rising:


MomsRising folks in Olympia are gathering for our first meeting to talk politics, kids, and how Capitol moms can be a force for change in Washington state and we want to hear from you! Over the last couple of years these meet ups have been lots of fun and an incredibly effective way to help raise the voices of families in Washington state. We’re also going to eat a few pastries and we’ll have plenty of coffee on hand to fuel the conversation!


Want to join us for this yummy and effective gathering? Kids, babies, and dads are welcome! We’ll have extra bagels and snacks on hand for little hands.


Here are all the details:

When: Wednesday, February 5th

Time: 9am – 10am

Where: Wagner’s Bakery |1013 Capitol Way S, Olympia, WA 98501


RSVP to and feel free to bring kids & friends too!


What’s the lowdown on this gathering?  It’s going to be a great time: a little chit-chat, a little political discussion, a little brainstorming about some fun and effective activities we can do together (cool speakers, great kid-friendly events?), and then moms take over the world!

MomsRising members are powerful. There are now more than one million MomsRising members out there across the country. Nationally, MomsRising members helped pass the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the reauthorization and expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). In Washington state, we helped pass paid family leave and are working to protect funding for preschool and childcare. Over and over again, we’ve changed the political dialogue and focused our leaders on mom and family economic security issues.


And moms in Capitol cities, like Olympia, are especially powerful. They can be the in-person voice for thousands of moms across our state who can’t get to the State Capitol in person.


Here’s the email to RSVP again:


And please invite all the amazing moms you know to come along.  It will be a great chance to get together, meet other great MomsRising members, share great ideas for the future of Washington state and be MomsRising together!


Thank you for your work on behalf of children and families!


–Lauren, Sarah, Kristin, and the whole team


P.S. Have any questions?  Call or email Lauren at 206-550-7784 or

Like what we’re doing?  Donate: We’re a bootstrap, low overhead, mom run organization. Your donations make the work of possible–and we deeply appreciate your support.  Every little bit counts. Donate today on our new, secure website.


On Facebook?  Become a Fan.  Follow us on Twitter.


What should MomsRising tackle next?  Tell us what’s on your mind.



8)  Bonus Tip of the Day:


Hug an ethnic minourity today.






The Thunderbolt 012314 Pointless Points



The Thunderbolt!!!


News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes





Pointless Points




Microsoft Word’s Dirty Secret Revealed!


Hang onto your word processors, Kids, for I now have what, as far as I know, is a Thunderbolt Exclusive that exposes a shocking secret which is possibly buried deep in the bowels of your very own personal computer…


A writer develops a relationship with his/her/it’s word processor.  I type the Thunderbolt on Microsoft Word.  I have typed several novels on Microsoft Word.  Since I often make up words and since I often intentionally use grammatical errors for various artistic effects, then Microsoft Word constantly scolds me for perceived violations of some largely arbitrary rule or another.  (Alas; I am even misunderstood by my own computer program!)  You would think that after all these years it would get tired of its never-ceasing bitching and harping about every little thing, but Microsoft Word carries on undaunted and unbowed through all the vicissitudes of my problematic linguistic gymnastics.


(It did just teach me how to spell ‘vicissitudes’, though, so it’s not all bad.)


Not to give you nightmares or scare children or anything, but as a public service the Thunderbolt feels duty bound to expose this dark secret that threatens the comfort someone feels whilst ensconced safely and warmly in some fuzzy room wrapped up with their favourite word processor!  I have discovered a skeleton in Microsoft Word’s closet so vile it staggers the imagination!


So I hope you are sitting down:  As everyone with at least a third-grade education knows, it is common practice in English to capitalize He as I just did when referring to their god.  Microsoft Word has no problem with that.  (Actually it just did have a problem there, but it was suggesting that I use a capitalized ‘Him’ rather than a capitalized ‘He’ in that context.  However, since Microsoft Word is an idiot computer program, then in addition to being quite immune to the subtleties and nuances of my art, it also doesn’t recognize idiomatic references or colloquialisms unless they are ‘officially approved’ colloquialisms — which is an oxymoron.  Whatever.)


However, here is where I discovered the shocking secret:  When I try to capitalize She as I just did — then Microsoft Word places one of those little green squiggles from Hell under the word!


(For those of you as yet unfamiliar with the 21st Century, this is the subtle yet demonic method that Microsoft Word uses to manipulate and control you by using mockery to instill a profound sense of innate guilt about the errors of your linguistic ways.)


(It’s a vile conspiracy I tell you!)


But I wander again:  If you investigate Microsoft Word’s allegation that you are in error by capitalizing ‘She’ then Microsoft Word will tell you that according to the Rules of English as Interpreted by Microsoft Word, you are allowed to capitalize ‘He’ but you are not allowed to capitalize ‘She’!


So in addition to being dense, overly bitchy, unimaginative, and unappreciative of my art — Microsoft Word is also sexist!


And this from some soulless sexless thing that exists nowhere except in some electronic circuitry in my computer!  (And thus, also in some NSA data bank…)


Call out the Feminazis!  (Oh right, that’s the other side!)


However, my loyal readers need never fear!  Your brave reporter intends to stand proud and defiant in the face of Microsoft Word’s derision and attacks on my linguistic character!  I will stand like a rock in the face of that inevitable torrent of disparaging little coloured squiggles all over my computer screen!  I will ignore the persistent contumely of Microsoft Word as I bravely go where no hack writer has gone before!


On my word I now publically swear to you, my theoretical readers:  In spite of Microsoft Word’s ridicule and disdain I fully intend to continue capitalizing ‘She’ any time that I damn well please!


Do I hear YEAH!


Microsoft Word can just take its little green squiggles and stick them into one of those crannies inside a computer where the sun don’t shine!


Do I hear YEAH!



Microsoft Word just scolded me again:  Evidently I should have just said to either stick it where the ‘sun doesn’t’ shine or to stick it where the ‘suns don’t’ shine.


I knew that; I was just goading Microsoft Word again.  My apologies if I upset anyone.




 (Note:  I just submitted this piece to Works in Progress so you might read it there next month.)


Kevin Stormans Talks the Talk but Stumbles Badly on the Walk


It is said that a journalist with a personal stake should not report on a story.  I disagree.  While actual objectivity is a noble goal, more often than not these days ‘objectivity’ is a false flag that is used to hide true agendas.  I think that someone with a stated point of view is much more trustable than someone who is hiding their agenda behind a veil of ‘objectivity’.


So full disclosure:  I am about to report on a story in which I was directly involved and upon which I have a point of view.



While everyone is a hypocrite on one level or another, there are highly varied levels.


First, the context:  Our society used to take care of mentally ill people but Ronald Reagan emptied the nation’s mental hospitals out onto the streets back in the 80’s and they’ve been there ever since.  Now they can be found in the alleys and gutters and jails and rescue missions in every city in the country that is large enough to have alleys and gutters and jails and rescue missions.  I became directly involved in activism on the homelessness issue about three years ago when I was at a meeting of political activists (I forget now what the meeting was even about) and our meeting was crashed by a local homeless gentleman known as Dude Man.  Dude Man then related a story of insane police harassment that he was suffering and — literally in tears — he stated that he was at the end of his rope, had no idea what to do, and he begged us for our help.  I somewhat reluctantly agreed to look into the matter since I was technically homeless myself at the time.  (I was living in my truck — explanation forthcoming)  Upon conducting said investigation I discovered that the Olympia Police — representing the nearly omnipotent armed might of the state — were conducting a reign of terror not only upon Dude Man but upon the most helpless and vulnerable members of our community, i.e. mentally ill homeless people.


All my life I have loathed bullies.  All my life I have defended the weak from the strong.  These people’s lives were already problematic as it was and suffering constant violent police harassment just made the problems worse for everyone involved — this was absolutely the last thing in the world that these people needed.  I was so profoundly outraged that I formed an organization called Citizens in Violation of Illegal Laws [CIVIL].  CIVIL then decided to first target the busking-laws since these were the most outrageous and unpopular of the many laws specifically designed to harass homeless people.  CIVIL then organized the two ‘Busker Parades’, wherein we surrounded city hall right before a city council meeting with about 80 people playing illegal music to greet the arriving council members and express our contempt for their law.


The city subsequently rescinded their busking laws — but our joy over this was somewhat dampened by the fact that they simultaneously passed an exponentially more problematic Sit-Lie Ordinance that basically makes it illegal to be homeless in Olympia.


Thanks to ‘Sit-Lie’, the homeless are now forced to hide from the police in camps out in the woods like animals.  These camps tend to be very cold and very dark and very wet this time of year.  Our city forces humans to live in conditions in which it is illegal to keep an animal.  Out in these camps the predators are free to prey on the homeless kids with near impunity — and indeed, robberies, rapes, and even murders are regular occurrences.


However, all the privileged white liberals of Thurston County no longer need to be made ‘uncomfortable’ as in the bad old days when — after leaving their nice safe warm homes — they were forced to step over people sleeping on the downtown sidewalks.  Now that the homeless are out-of-sight-out-of-mind-out-in-the-woods then evidently everything is now good as far as they’re concerned.


As for Dude Man, though, things didn’t work out so well.


Dude Man, in fact, recently committed suicide.



I have heard several city council members say that the city should not be tasked with solving the homelessness problem.  I agree.  However, I will task the city government with not making stupid ignorant classist laws that kill people.



Next, the full disclosure concerning my personal involvement in this story:  I became homeless in 2008 after all of the profits from my mobile espresso stand went into the coffers of Exxon Mobil (you may remember that this was the year when — due to Wall Street speculation — they began charging $4 per gallon for their gasoline).  Then my espresso machine broke and by that point I didn’t have the $3,000 to fix it.  Then my daughter’s ex-boyfriend stole all of my equipment along with a $1,500 generator that I had recently purchased to operate my stand.  As a result of this chain of events I became homeless in Olympia for three years.  I ended up vending a ‘street paper’ out of Seattle called Real Change, which is a newspaper that focuses upon issues of low-income and homeless people.  Real Change wins prestigious journalistic awards on a regular basis and they have some truly talented weekly columnists.  They educate people about the actual facts and issues concerning homelessness rather than leaving people to the common stereotypes that are hyped in the Media Machine which often have little if anything to do with reality.  Selling the paper provides an alternative to panhandling for people who have no income but would rather sell a quality product than beg from strangers on some freeway ramp — even though I would make much more money on the freeway ramp.


While Real Change isn’t the complete solution for homelessness, it does work very well for people who are mentally capable of operating a small cash business.


Bottom line:  I am one of several hundred people who are no longer homeless thanks to Real Change.  It works.


I have been vending Real Change at the Olympia Food CoOp for five years now, but I recently moved from a rent-free caretaker situation into a rent paying situation — which meant I needed to sell a lot more papers per week.  Especially since there is now another Real Change vendor also working at the CoOp, I figured that location was pretty much saturated and thus I needed an alternative spot for at least a couple of days per week.


Top Foods, Safeway, and Fred Meyer all flatly refused before I gave up on the corporate chain stores.


Thus, I approached Kevin Stormans, the owner of both the Thriftway and Bayview grocery stores, which are the only grocery stores located anywhere near downtown Olympia.  Kevin Stormans is also a right-wing political activist.  He sued the state because he didn’t want to be forced to sell the ‘Morning After Pill’ in his stores.  He is also a leading promoter of the oppressive laws against the homeless and he was a vocal proponent of the new Sit-Lie Ordinance.


Anyway, I explained Real Change to Mr. Stormans and I asked permission to vend Real Change one day per week at each of his stores.


He refused.


Being very familiar with the profound hypocrisy of right-wing ideologues (and left-wing ideologues too, for that matter) this was exactly the answer that I had been expecting and I was prepared; I then conducted what is known as an ‘ambush interview’.  I whipped out my Works in Progress press pass and informed Mr. Stormans that in that case, I was going to put on another hat and ask, as a journalist, why, after his endless expressed concerns about the problems associated with homelessness, that he would subsequently refuse to support a program that has proven to be an effective method of ending homelessness?


His only reply was that this was his ‘policy’.


This, of course, is the answer that you give when you don’t have an answer.


I might also add that this arrangement would have cost him nothing.


I have found in judging people that little things which mean little in and of themselves are often indicative of deeper insights.  Ralph Stormans, the founder of Stormans Inc., could always be found in the store and he knew all of his employees’ names.  Kevin Stormans is virtually never seen in the stores and he knows virtually none of his employees’ names.


Everyone needs to follow their own conscience, but especially since Mr. Stormans spends his profits on such reprehensible things and since I think he sucks for not allowing me to vend Real Change at his stores, then I am going to now avoid shopping at Bayview or Thriftway.




Pointless Points


As a child and as a young adult I loved playing baseball.  I was an accomplished first baseman.  Sports can teach some good things about cooperation and teamwork and it is just a plain fun thing to do.


Professional sports, though, are a Bankster of a different colour.


If you hadn’t noticed (who knows, maybe you just got back from Mars or something…) evidently Seattle’s football team is going to Super Bowl.


I usually try not to notice things like that but I’m usually not allowed to not notice them.


NPR — edgy revolutionaries that they are — once again pushed the envelope during one of their programs and outrageously asked whether paying so much attention to a game might be frivolous.  One respondent answered this question by pointing out how good sports teams are at bringing people together.  They do indeed — like nothing else that I know of in fact.  Since bringing people together is what I spend a bunch of hours every week trying to do then you’d think I would be in favour of this — but actually it makes me want to tear out my hair because what they do is to bring tens of millions of people together in a massive orgiastic explosion of nationwide passion and desire — all in order to achieve absolutely nothing meaningful in any way.  Some steroided Neanderthals representing our town beat some steroided Neanderthals representing some other town in some game.  Wow.  Earth shattering.


While there are points in the game itself — the point being to make points — the point is that these points are pointless.  Their game is pointless.  Their world is pointless.  A few rich assholes get a lot richer, but that is pointless too and that happens pretty much no matter what you do these days anyway so whatever.


What do you think would happen if people took all the time and all the energy and all the money they spent on some pointless game and instead spent all of that passion and energy on something that actually matters?


How can we make saving our planet as exciting as a frigging football game?




Scandal Rocks New Jersey!


There is news this week from that east coast utopia known as the ‘Garden State’ (even though a large portion of this state is plastered with smokestacks and cement from horizon to horizon)-:  The staff of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (if not Christie himself) recently committed the unforgivable sin of preventing people from leaving New Jersey.  Anyone that has ever been to New Jersey knows that leaving New Jersey can quickly become a top priority in life and preventing people from leaving New Jersey could easily be classified as cruel and unusual punishment.


Christie disclaims all knowledge of this terrible crime and he is trying to throw his staff under the bus — but he is finding that difficult because the bus is still stuck in a traffic jam back in Fort Lee and he might still be on it…




Scandal Rocks New York!


Over to New York now, I often accuse the Media Machine of focusing on crap and ignoring the crème.


In order to maintain the Thunderbolt’s credibility, I must acknowledge when I am mistaken:  The east coast Media Machine is being rocked by an event of profound import and it is feature news!  New York City’s new mayor, Bill de Blasio, is already caught up in his first major scandal!


Yes, Kids, barely begun and already this latest Liberal Pillar of Hope has thrown a truckload of red meat to his critics, who are now howling in joyous glee!


You’d better sit down for this one, Kids:  Mayor de Blasio was filmed eating pizza with a fork!


Many are now wondering how such a man could possibly represent New York.  Outrage is building and an investigation may be pending…




Samantha Bee Just Rocks It!


And the Daily Show made some news:  Even if you are not normally a big fan of Samantha Bee, she delivers one of the most incredible performances that I have ever seen in my entire life on the second segment of the Daily Show for January 14th.  (It takes a minute for her to warm up, so hang on.)


The links for TV shows never seem to work so just Google it or go watch it however you normally watch TV shows.




Defenders of Freedom — Not


Meanwhile, on the national front, our Dear Leaders continue demonstrating their fervent dedication to suspending whatever parts of the Constitution interfere with their ability to defend us from the largely manufactured threat of ‘terrorism’.


Do you feel safer now?




Parasites on the Government Teat


According to the right, our problems are caused by welfare mothers, schoolteachers, and union workers.  I have always been amazed at their ability to never crack even a hint of a smile when they say crap like that.  They somehow fail to mention the fact that over half the recipients of Food Stamps are low income children.


They also fail to mention the fact that in 2008 AIG alone took more tax dollars for nothing than every welfare mother in the country combined.  Evidently the genius of our government has come to the fore again as the current bi-partisan plan is to seriously slash funding to all government programs that go to poor people but keep that golden government gusher flowing unabated into the coffers of the 1%. 


I guess all those low-income children will just have to pull themselves up by their tiny little bootstraps.


(Sorry, but we can’t even afford to put any cute designs on them.)


Evidently welfare dollars that go to rich people are good and should continue forever while welfare dollars that benefit poor people are bad need to be ended immediately.  Evidently Wall Street has a ‘few bad actors’ that should be dealt with individually (by paying them millions of dollars to go away) while a few people scamming welfare benefits means that millions of honest recipients should be thrown out onto the streets.


Evidently welfare is only good when the recipients don’t need it.


I don’t think the term ‘double standard’ even begins to cover this.




Imposing Democracy


The United States suffered just under 60,000 killed as a result of the Vietnam War.  (That does not count the many that later committed suicide because that ugly war fried their brains.)  Since the US famously does not count dead civilians, the best estimates of Vietnamese deaths range between 1.5 and 3.8 million; 2 million seems to be the accepted number but the accepted number often means nothing.  How ever many there were, the vast majority of these Vietnamese deaths were civilians.  This, in fact, that has been the pattern over and over ever since World War II.  Almost all of the major wars that have been fought for the last several decades have consisted of rich countries mass-slaughtering the civilians of some impoverished Third World nation.


Usually — but not always — the perpetrator has been the United States.


As many including myself predicted, the final result of Bush’s wars is that both Iraq and Afghanistan have descended into violent chaos.  Both countries are now run by American puppets that everyone who actually lives there hates.  Militant Muslims in Iraq have now seized control of Fallujah, Iraq’s second largest city.  Fallujah is the city where, after the locals very publically killed some hired western mercenaries that had invaded their country and killed a bunch of their friends — and after said locals hung the body one of said mercenaries from a bridge — George Bush cordoned off the city, kicked out all the reporters, and then committed of one of the most horrendous war crimes of the last several decades by murdering thousands of innocent civilians with things like white phosphorous, depleted uranium, and hellfire missiles.


You wouldn’t know it these days but killing civilians is still a very serious war crime.


Evidently that is now merely a technicality.


Consider all the death and tears and destruction and money and lives and heartbreak caused by Bush’s two wars — and then consider that there was much more of all those things than any human can possibly comprehend.  Then consider that as a result of Bush’s wars both countries are exponentially worse off than they were in the first place and consider that the United States has not achieved even one of either the bullshite stated goals or the actual unstated goals in either place.


In the reality that I live in, this is so utterly completely unthinkably unacceptable that words fail.  I suspect that this would also be unacceptable to virtually every other human on the planet were the actual facts ever to be made known to them.


So why is it being accepted?


This is the conspiracy fact (as opposed to conspiracy ‘theory’):  The narrative does not match reality.


It’s time to get to work…




The Thunderbolt Calendar

Week of January 23rd thru 30th 2014








1)  FYI Section

  1A)  Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation Calendar

  1B)  NSA Update:  Bill Introduced in Washington State House to Clip Big Brother’s Ears

  1C)  ACLU Test:  Do You Know your Rights as a Protester?

  1D)  Message from Move to Amend

  1E)  Big Brother Watching Evergreen Students

2)  Kill Bills:  Hearings on Cannabis Bills

3)  Andrea Smith:  Sexual Violence and Mass Incarceration

4)  Diggin’ Up the Dougies Work Party

5)  40-Hour Professional Mediation Training

6)  Film Screening:  The Ghosts of Jeju

7)  Innocent Convict Speaks

8)  Mangos with Chili:  QTPOC Bliss, Etc

9)  Bonus Tip of the Day





1)  FYI Section:


1A)  Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation Calendar


I usually comb through FOR’s calendar looking for things relevant to the Thunderbolt, but this week there is so much that I thought I’d just reprint their whole calendar.  Contact info is included if you wish to receive Oly FOR’s newsletter on a regular basis.




Late January to early February 2014 in Olympia WA and beyond


Many more items will listed in our newsletter calendar are posted in early February at


  • Events with FOR in the left margin are sponsored by the Fellowship of Reconciliation.
  • All phone numbers are in area code (360) unless specified otherwise.
  • All addresses are in or near Olympia WA unless specified otherwise.
  • The Olympia FOR’s website — – includes the last several years’ worth of newsletters, including descriptions of our TV programs.  You can watch our TV programs through our website’s TV Programs page.
  • More information about some of the Olympia FOR’s sponsored activities are published in our newsletters.  Our newsletters are posted at
  • If you’d like to receive future issues of our newsletter on paper by postal mail – and/or electronic copies by e-mail – contact  or (360) 491-9093.




FOR Twice a week, every week:  Participate in the Olympia FOR’s two peace vigils every week:  every Wednesday from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm in the NW corner of Sylvester Park (at Legion & Capitol Way), and every Friday from 4:30 to 6:00 pm at the south end of Percival Landing (at 4th & Water).  Please come for all or part of these times to witness in a friendly way for peace and nonviolence.  We provide plenty of signs.  The Artesian Rumble Arkestra jazz band joins us every Friday at 5:00 to support our vigil!  Info: 491-9093


FOR 3 times a week throughout January:  Watch “Living Meaningful Lives” on TV in Thurston County or on your home computer at any timeanywhere:  TCTV cable channel 22 air dates are every Monday at 1:30 pm, every Wednesday at 5:00 pm, and every Thursday at 9:00 pm.  Also, you can watch it anytime into the future from anywhere through   Read a description at that part of our website.  Info: (360) 491-9093


FOR 3 times a week throughout February:  Watch “Racial Disparities in Our Criminal Justice System” on TV in Thurston County or on your home computer atany timeanywhere:  TCTV cable channel 22 air dates are every Monday at 1:30 pm, every Wednesday at 5:00 pm, and every Thursday at 9:00 pm.  Soon after it debuts on Monday February 3, you’ll be able to watch it anytime into the future from anywhere through    Read a description at that part of our website.  Info: (360) 


FOR 4 times a week throughout February (every Sunday from 2 to 4 pm, every Monday from 3 to 5 pm, every Friday from 7 to 9 pm, and every Saturday from 2 to 4 pm):  Watch TWO of Olympia FOR’s interesting older TV programs on TCTV channel 77 (different from our usual channel 22) on the “TCTV Time Machine” series: 


à  Watch “Nonviolence, Faith and the Real World,” which aired in January 2003, with guests Nancy First, Rev. Randall Mullins, Rev. Eido Frances Carney, Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948, portrayed by Bernie Meyer).  Nonviolence is widely misunderstood.  And so is religious faith. Both nonviolence and faith are often perceived as impractical.  This program “connects the dots” with people of different religious faiths who draw upon their respective faith traditions to see common ground and inspire them to work nonviolently for peace and social justice.  The Fellowship of Reconciliation welcomes people of all faith traditions – as well as people of no particular faith – to draw upon their deepest values to help them work nonviolently for peace and social justice.  This episode of the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s TCTV series is deeply insightful, rich and warm as it “connects the dots.”  It also shows that – in addition to being ethical – nonviolence is also practical in the real world.  This program originally aired in January 2003.


à  Watch “Soviet and American Teenagers,” which aired in July 1990, featuring 24 teenagers – half from the USSR and half from the Olympia area – with guest host Lucia Burns (Carol Burns’ daughter).  While the governments of the United States and the Soviet Union treated each other as enemies for decades, the Fellowship of Reconciliation refuses to let governments turn human beings into enemies.  Instead, since its beginning in Europe in 1914, the Fellowship of Reconciliation has always reached across national boundaries and created friendships.  In 1990 the FOR brought about a dozen teenagers from the Soviet Union – the USSR – to the United States for a week in each of three different communities.  The Olympia FOR hosted them here and organized a number of activities to build international friendships.  The Olympia FOR’s July 1990 TCTV program features these two dozen teenagers – half from the USSR and half from greater Olympia – along with a special guest host, Lucia Burns, daughter of Carol Burns, one of TCTV’s founders.  Lucia had an impressive background already in US/USSR reconciliation work.  This program is fun to watch, and offers a lesson that our nation needs to learn over and over again, whenever our government fails to make friends with other nations.

Info: Glen Anderson (360) 491-9093 



FOR  Every Monday at 1:30 pm:  Olympia FOR’s interview program on TCTV, cable channel 22 in Thurston County – or on your computer through after the program has debuted on TV:  JANUARY:  “Living Meaningful Lives.”  FEBRUARY:  “Racial Disparities in Our Criminal Justice System.”  


See descriptions and watch programs at    Info: Glen Anderson (360) 491-9093 


FOR  Every Wednesday from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm: Peace Vigil in NW corner of Sylvester Park 


(corner of Legion & Capitol Way). Please come for all or part of the hour to witness in a very friendly way for peace and nonviolence. We provide plenty of signs. Info: 491-9093 


FOR  Every Wednesday at 5:00 pm: Olympia FOR’s interview program on TCTV, cable channel 22 in Thurston County – or on your computer through after the program has debuted on TV:  JANUARY:  “Living Meaningful Lives.”  FEBRUARY:  “Racial Disparities in Our Criminal Justice System.”  


See descriptions and watch programs at    Info: Glen Anderson (360) 491-9093 


FOR  Every Thursday from 9:00 to 10:00 pm:  Olympia FOR’s interview program on TCTV, cable channel 22 in Thurston County – or on your computer through after the program has debuted on TV:  JANUARY:  “Living Meaningful Lives.”  FEBRUARY:  “Racial Disparities in Our Criminal Justice System.”  


See descriptions and watch programs at    Info: Glen Anderson (360) 491-9093 


FOR  Every Friday from 4:30 to 6:00 pm: Peace Vigil at south end of Percival Landing at 4th & Water downtown.  Please join us for whatever length of time you can.  We provide plenty of signs.  Also enjoy the Artesian Rumble Arkestra jazz band that joins us at 5:00 to support our vigil! Sponsor: Olympia FOR. Info: 360-491-9093 


Every Friday from 5:00 to 6:00 pm: “Women in Black” Silent Vigil for Peace on the south side of W 4th Ave near the fountain.  Women only.  Please wear black. Some signs are provided. Since 1988 “Women in Black” has been a loose network of women worldwide committed to peace with justice and actively opposed to war and violence. Info: Rosemary Barnhart 866-7589


FOR  Every Saturday from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm: Peace Vigil in downtown Centralia on the edge of Washington Park at Locust & Pearl in downtown Centralia. On some Saturdays gather afterward nearby at a nearby coffee house.  Sponsor: Fire Mountain FOR. Info: June Butler 360-748-9658 or Larry Kerschner 360-880-4741


Every Sat and Sun:  The South Sound Estuarium, a marine life discovery center, is open at 608 Washington Street NE, one block south of the Olympia Farmers’ Market, from 10 am to 3 pm every Saturday and Sunday.  It is possible to schedule group visits during the week by appointment only.  Info:  Leihla (360) 888-0565




The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929.  The federal holiday is on the third Monday of January (the 20th in 2014).  Every February is Black History Month.  Now would be a good time to read about – or watch films and documentaries about – African-American history and experiences and the Civil Rights Movement. 

Alternatively, as one Black writer suggests, talk with any African-American older than 65.


Mon Jan 20:  Thurston Diversity Council meets on the third Monday of almost every month to strengthen appreciation for diversity in our local community.  The public is invited to attend at 6:30 pm in Building One, Room 152 of Thurston County Courthouse, 2000 Lakeridge DR SW, Olympia.  Info: Carolyn Lynch at 754-6697  or Ruth Elder 


FOR  Tues Jan 21: Global Days of Listening:  On the 21st day of each month, you can connect by telephone and/or computer (through Skype software) with the Afghan Peace Volunteers and other peacemakers of all ages in Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza, and many other countries around the world.  In the US’s Pacific Time Zone it runs from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m.  The conversation is broadcast LIVE, as good as any radio program.  LISTEN HERE  The www/ website tells you how it works.  The project was hatched-out of the Afghan Peace Volunteers three years ago, and it has grown ever since.  You may view the schedule to see who is going to be speaking; and you can sign-up to join the call by email.  


This month’s call begins with a check-in from the Waddington Air Base in the United Kingdom, where Voices for Creative Nonviolence – UK will be speaking out against militarized drones operated from there.  


You can listen to the live broadcast at    or visit the home of Chuck Schultz and Rozanne Rants to listen or help.  Info:    Local info:  Doug Mackey (360) 915-6757    or Chuck Schultz (360) 705-8520    


Listen anytime to the broadcast at this livestream link: LiveStream.


Tues Jan 21:  Americans United for the Separation of Church and State:  You are invited to their monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of each month (except December) at 6:30 pm at the Unitarian church, 2300 East End Street NW (north on Division, left on 20th, right on East End).  Sometimes after convening the meeting decides to move itself to Pints & Quarts at College & Pacific.  Info: Dennis Mansker


Wed Jan 22:  Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace (OMJP) meets at 6:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month to work on a variety of global and local issues. Tonight’s meeting will occur at Traditions Café, 5th & Water, downtown.  It will start promptly at 6:30 and run for only 30 minutes (planning several future events, including organizing an Olympia contingent to go to the Sat. Feb. 8 Leonard Peltier Rally in Tacoma on February 8), immediately before the Free Olympia Project’s 7:00 event.  (See the calendar item immediately below.)  Usually OMJP meets at the POWER office on 5th Ave SE, between Franklin and Adams Streets, but sometimes they meet at Traditions (as on Wed. Jan. 22) or elsewhere.  Location and info: Larry 951-4894 


Wed Jan 22:  The Free Olympia Project Community Assembly with Really Really Free Market will occur at 7:00 pm, immediately after the OMJP meeting (see above), at Traditions Café, 5th & Water SW, downtown Olympia.  This is the third assembly of the Free Olympia Project, which seeks to act as a hub for radical community building projects in Olympia.  They want to help create community assemblies, free food networks, guerrilla gardens, really really free markets, radical literature distribution, free shelter, and any other projects working towards the goal of a community of horizontal abundance that can improve our material conditions and increase our autonomy from capitalism and the state.  Tonight’s gathering is an opportunity to meet face-to-face and share projects and ideas, tell people what you’re working on and how they can plug in, and find others with similar ideas.  Many people are already working on great projects in the Olympia area.  Let’s get together! The organizers invite you to bring food for a potluck and items to give away in the Really Really Free Market.  See the Facebook link at


Thurs Jan 23:  Solar Ready Construction:  Demand for solar is rapidly rising.  Are you interested in renewable energy installations that increase home values?  What about low-cost changes in design or construction that can future-proof projects by preparing them for renewable installations down the road?  This 90-minute session is for contractors, designers, and homeowners interested in incorporating solar into building and remodeling plans – it is easier to start with good information.  It will be presented by Kirk Heffner, owner of South Sound Solar and designer of over 300 local solar projects.  He will explain how to size a solar system, what needs to be done to meet requirements, and easy ways to make a home ready for solar.  Kirk will also cover the latest in rebates and incentives are available to for homeowners and design/construction professionals.  6:00-7:30 pm at the OMB Conference Room, 1211 State Ave NE, Olympia.  Cosponsored by Olympia Master Builders – Built Green ( and the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild ( Info:  Barb Scavezze


Thurs Jan 23:  South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group’s annual meeting will showcase ongoing projects, and elect two new board members.  This will occur from 5:30-8:00pm at the Lacey Community Center, 6729 Pacific Ave SE, Lacey.  Info: An organization actively collaborating with local waterfront-related environmental groups is the Deschutes Estuary Restoration Tem (DERT).  Info: Dani Madrone, DERT’s Volunteer Coordinator,


Thurs Jan 23:  Agriculture Forum sponsored by Thurston County’s League of Women Voters:  As part of the League’s January General Meeting, this will be a panel of local farm advocates talking about issues facing farmers in the county.  The panel members and their main foci are Erik Hagen from WSU Extension (an overview of farmland in Thurston County); Steven Drew, County Assessor (economic aspects of farming in Thurston County); Chris Wilcox, Owner of Wilcox Farms (a large farmer’s perspective); Lisa Smith, Executive Director of Enterprise for Equity (efforts to increase the number of small farms); Loretta Seppanen, Citizen Board Member, of South of the Sound Community Farmland Trust (efforts to purchase and preserve farmland).  7:00-9:00 pm at The United Churches of Olympia, 11th Ave SE and Washington Street SE.  Info:  Dawn Brooks Gibbs (360) 754-4305  .


Sat Jan 25:  Meeting to plan to strengthen democracy by passing a Community Rights Ordinance (CRO):  Several kinds of organizing and work are underway now.  Several CROs that have passed elsewhere are posted at   2:00 pm at Mixx-96 meeting room at SW corner of State & Washington, downtown.  Info:  Mary 360-400-2844  or Janet and South Sound Community Rights (  More info:  and


Sat Jan 25:  Free Pubic Screening of the film “Inequality for All” – This great new film is powerfully informative and sometimes humorous.  Robert Reich (professor, best-selling author, and Clinton cabinet member) demonstrates how the widening income gap has a devastating impact on the American economy and the middle class as well as the poor.  Reich explains how the massive consolidation of wealth by a precious few threatens the viability of the American workforce and the foundation of democracy itself.  This film has been referred to as an “Inconvenient Truth” regarding the economy.  This film showing is free and open to the public.  2:30 to 5:00 pm (with discussion following) in Meeting Room 2 of the Federal Way Regional Library, 34200 1st Way South, Federal Way, WA 98003.  Info:,, and


Sat Jan 25:  Righteous Mothers & Steve Schalchlin Benefit Concert –for Pizza Klatch and PFLAG:  TWO SHOWS (5:00 and 8:30 pm):  Our community has long enjoyed the Righteous Mothers, four funny philosophical fun feminist musicians.  Steve Schalchlin returns by popular demand.  He is a New York-based award-winning composer/lyricist/performer.  After being given a year to live with HIV/AIDS, he won the medicine lottery and was brought back to life.  Steve has written musicals and won awards for his Off-Broadway and London productions.  Also enjoy a guest appearance by the new Olympia Gay Men’s Chorus.  Also enjoy free chocolate!  Pizza Klatch provides a safe and supportive way for GLBT high school students and allies to gather.  PFLAG has long provided safety and support for GLBT individuals of all ages and their straight friends and family members and the larger community.  Traditions Café, 5th & Water SW, downtown Olympia. Suggested DONATION is $30 – $60.  Tickets are likely to sell out in advance, so buy your tickets in advance from Traditions in person or at 705-2819.


Sat-Thurs Jan 25-27:  FILM:  “Black Nativity” – This powerful 2013 film is inspired by Langston Hughes’ classic “gospel song play” and placed in a modern setting with an unemployed young man separated from his mother.  This film maintains the original’s focus on the African-American religious experience.  It plays at Capitol Theater, 206 5th Ave SE, in downtown Olympia.  See a more thorough description and specific times on these dates at


Mon Jan 27:  American Association of University Women (AAUW) urges legislative action:  Our state-level AAUW’s current priorities include pay equity and family sick leave.  The day begins at 8:00 a.m. with expert briefings on the issues and advocacy training.  Then you can take boxed lunches and head to the Capitol for appointments with our state lawmakers.  Meet at First United Methodist Church, 1224 Legion Way SE, Olympia.  Register by Thursday January 23 for next Monday’s Lobby Day, using this link:  Register for the lobby day today!  The registration form has information about the $20 cost. Info:


Mon Jan 27:  “Communicating to Connect,” an introductory workshop in Nonviolent Communication:  Liv Monroe’s excellent “Communicating to Connect” workshops give a great introduction to Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication (NVC).  NVC helps people interact in their daily lives, in families, in the workplace, and even within individuals’ own “self-talk.” Join us if you would like to learn the basic intentions of NVC and some immediately usable tools for resolving conflicts, reducing criticism and misunderstanding, and for increasing respect and hope in your everyday life and in the world.  Free, but donations are appreciated.  6:45 to 9:00 pm at Lincoln Elementary School’s cafeteria.  Easiest access is from Washington Street, south from 21st Ave SE. Go around the south end of the building and enter the ground-floor cafeteria.  Info:  357-4503


Mon-Fri Jan 27-31:  Want to improve your communication skills and help resolve conflicts at home, work and beyond?  Sign-up today for the Dispute Resolution Center’s 40-Hour Mediation Training.  This fun and highly interactive course will acquaint you with the philosophy, model and skills needed in order to have a working knowledge of the role of a neutral mediator.  You don’t have to become a mediator to take this training!  The concepts and skills taught in this training are easily transferable and are designed to improve communication and enhance relationships at home, at work and beyond.  It will run from 8 am to 5 pm each day.  It costs $675.00, but teenagers get a significant discount.  Watch Olympia FOR’s December 2013 TV program at    for good background and inspiration. Info:  Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County, (360) 956-1155  Phone them today to see whether you can still register for this training.  If not, their next training will occur from Monday through Friday May 12-16.


Tues Jan 28:  Housing & Homelessness Advocacy Day at the State Legislature:  Join hundreds of people statewide.  The day includes inside information and timely updates about affordable housing and homelessness legislation, workshops on how to talk effectively with elected officials, meetings with your legislators or their staff members, and opportunities to become more empowered to help the movement for affordable housing and an end to homelessness.  8 am to 4 pm at The United Churches, 110 11th Ave SE, near the Capitol campus.  Info: Washington Low Income Housing Alliance, (206) 442-9455 ext 2013.  Register today at


FOR  Tues Jan 28:  Attend the monthly meeting of the Olympia FOR’s Committee for Alternatives to the Death Penalty at 7:00 pm at a convenient location in Tumwater.  We educate ourselves and plan future activities toward abolishing this atrocity.  Info:  Emily Hammargren 352-0695   or Glen Anderson 491-9093  Olympia FOR’s website has much information about the death penalty at

Wed Jan 29:  Revisiting War Crimes in Viet Nam:  Nick Turse Book Reading (“Kill Anything that Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam”) and “Winter Soldier” film screening will be followed by a panel discussion.  Free and open to the public.  Doors open at 6:00 pm for the event, which runs from 6:30 to 9:30 pm in Johnson Hall, Room 102 at the University of Washington,Seattle.  Also see an accompanying exhibit of material from UW Libraries Special Collections, Allen Lobby (January 11-30).  Info: (206) 543-9606


FOR  Wed Jan 29:  FILM:  “The Ghosts of Jeju” —  The US military has been dominating Jeju Island in South Korea, and this film documents the Korean people’s resistance to that gross and long-standing (since 1947) oppression.  The film uses previously secret and classified photos and other information to inform the public about the US military’s continual occupation and the brave resistance of the people of Gangjeong Village and others who are resisting it.  Even now, Korean people are being arrested, jailed, fined and hospitalized for resisting the construction of a massive naval base that will accommodate the US’s “pivot to Asia” and will destroy their 400-year-old village and their UNESCO-protected environment!  The problems are severe and immediate, but the indomitable spirit of the villagers and their supporters is inspiring.  The filmmaker, Regis Tremblay, will be present to discuss and answer questions.  Thanks to Holly Gwinn Graham for organizing this!  7:00 pm at Traditions Café, 5th & Water, downtown Olympia.  Free and open to the public.  Info: and  Be sure to attend! 


Thurs Jan 30  “Dismantling the Culture of Violence” — Interfaith Advocacy Day helps people of many faiths advocate for social justice and the environment at the State Legislature:  The Faith Action Network (a recent merger of the Washington Association of Churches and the Lutheran Public Policy Office) holds its annual big day at the Legislature today. Join workshops that will break down the issues.  Learn from Earth Ministry and Interfaith Power & Light about this year’s environmental priorities, get current best practices on how to advocate in today’s legislature, learn how to prepare for briefings and hearings, and join with other people of faith from your legislative district for a meeting to speak directly with your state legislators.  Registration begins at 8:00 am.  A brief worship and the program begin at 9 am.  The day ends at 3:00 pm.  It all happens at The United Churches of Olympia, 110 11th Ave SE (just NE from the Capitol Campus), Olympia.  Sponsor: Faith Action Network (206) 625-9790


FOR  Thurs Jan 30:  Innocence and the Death Penalty:  A conversation with Jason Baldwin, who served 18 years in prison in a “life without parole” sentence but was completely innocent:  Jason Baldwin will speak about his experience as an innocent man sentenced to life without parole.  See page 1 of Olympia FOR’s December-January newsletter for complete information.   7:30 pm at Olympia Timberland Library313 8th Ave SE (between Franklin and Adams), downtown Olympia.  Sponsor:  Olympia FOR Committee for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, whose chairperson is Emily Hammargren (360) 352-0695  See Olympia FOR’s very informative website resources  Contact WCADP at (206) 622-8952 Contact the Safe and Just Alternatives campaign to abolish Washington State’s death penalty at   Please mark your calendars and be sure to attend!


Thurs Jan 30:  Mission Creek Park Stewards host their first forum from 6:30-8:30pm at a location that will be confirmed soon.  The Mission Creek Park Stewards are organizing this informative informal forum to highlight the ecological importance of Mission Creek and its watershed, share how we can all contribute to improving its health and the health of South Puget Sound, and encourage broader neighborhood stewardship of our valuable urban natural resource.  The Deschutes Estuary Restoration Team will be tabling at this event. Info: Info: Dani Madrone, DERT’s Volunteer Coordinator,


Sat Jan 31 to Thurs Feb 13:  FILM:  “12 Years a Slave” – This 2013 film has won many awards.  It portrays the 1853 autobiography of a black man living freely in New York who was kidnapped and sold into slavery in Louisiana.  It is a bold, clear-eyed, painful, accurate account of slavery in the US.  It plays at Capitol Theater, 206 5th Ave SE, in downtown Olympia.  See a more thorough description and specific times on these dates at


Fri Jan 31:  Bring items today for tomorrow’s TSTSCA benefit rummage sale:   The Thurston – Santo Tomás Sister County Association (TSTSCA) will raise money for its great work tomorrow, so bring items suitable for the rummage sale to Lincoln Elementary School’s gym today gym from 4 to 7 pm.  It’s behind the school, 21st Ave SE and Washington Street SE.  Donate art, CDs, DVDs, books, tools, sports equipment, clean linens and clothing, collectibles, nice garage sale items, working small kitchen appliances and gadgets, small furniture.  (No large furniture or large appliances.)  Info:  Maureen 786-9505, Jean 943-8642,  and


Sat Feb 1:  Shop for bargains at rummage sale to help TSTSCA carry out its great work in Santo Tomás, Nicaragua, from 9 am to 3 pm:  See the information immediately above.

Sun Feb 2:  Veterans for Peace (Olympia’s chapter 109) now meets jointly with Tacoma’s VfP chapter 134 at 1:30 on the first Sunday afternoon of each month at Coffee Strong, 15107 Union Ave SW (west of I-5 at Exit 122), Lakewood WA 98496.  Info: Dennis Mills (360) 867-1487


Mon Feb 3:  Have a Heart for Kids Day – Urge the State Legislature to support early learning opportunities, healthy food, access to health and dental care and other things that kids really need.  Join hundreds of people like you who care about kids, equity, and opportunity at Have a Heart for Kids Day and speak up for kids and families.  10 am to 3 pm, with a noon-hour rally on the Capitol steps.  Children are welcome!  The organizers are offering training and support to help you speak up to your legislators.  A light lunch will be provided.  The Childrens Alliance 2014 legislative priorities are at this link:  2014 Legislative Agenda  Sponsor:  Childrens Alliance (  Info:  Sign up at this link:  Questions?  Contact Community Organizer Emijah Smith at 1-800-854-5437 ext. 25 or


FOR  Mon Feb 3:  “Racial Disparities in our Criminal Justice System.”   The Olympia FOR’s February TV program airs at 1:30 this afternoon and three times a week this month on TCTV channel 22 for Thurston County’s cable subscribers.  After it debuts on TCTV you’ll be able to watch it at, where you will soon be able to read a .pdf description of this program.


FOR  Tues Feb 4: Olympia FOR’s book discussion group about moving from war to peace:  NOTE NEW TIME = 6:00 pm at Chuck Schultz’s home, 1621 Tullis NE (slightly north of San Francisco Street Bakery).  Info:  Chuck at 705-8520

Tues Feb 4:  Open house for possible volunteers to help with Amahoro House, a new hospice program:  Amahoro House, a project of Hospice Without Borders, will provide compassionate end-of-life care for the homeless in Olympia.  The non-profit organization seeks volunteers who are physically able and comfortable providing intimate physical care to the dying. Volunteers will be asked to commit to two four-hour shifts a week when Amahoro House has a guest.  The House will take only one guest at a time and will have intervals between guests.  Caregiving volunteers, willing to practice compassion without judgment, will be a part of a community team that includes volunteer doctors, nurses, chaplains, medical social workers and certified nurses’ assistants. Caregiving volunteers will receive about 30 hours of training.  Learn more at today’s 6:30 pm open house at 1618 East 4th Ave (behind the Nalanda Buddhist Institute at 1620 East 4th Ave.  (Please enter through the alley.)  Info: (360) 338-0107 or Debe Edden (360) 943-6772 (Volunteer Co-Coordinator)


Wed Feb 5 (and Fri Feb 14):  Urge the Washington State Legislature to protect the environment, protect us from toxics, and make oil companies pay their fair share of taxes:  A number of environmental groups have set priorities for the 2014 legislative session.  The Toxic-Free Kids and Families Act (ESHB 1294) would phase out toxic flame retardants in children’s products and home furniture. These groups also want to close the Big Oil Tax Loophole that was created accidentally in 1949 but still persists, allowing big oil companies to avoid paying $41 million in taxes that they should rightfully pay.  The Oil Transportation Safety Act would protect our waterways and improve safety in communities across Washington.  Although the Environmental Priorities Coalition has decided to not have an Environmental Lobby Day this year, you can communicate with your legislators whenever you want, and especially at two “Capitol Drop-in Days” at the State Capitol, Wed. Feb. 5 and Fri. Feb. 14, both from 10 am to 2 pm.  Info:  Earth Ministry (206) 632-2425 or


Thurs Feb 6:  “Move to Amend” Olympia Chapter Meeting affirms ordinary human beings’ role in political matters, not corporations and not just rich people: Olympia has a local chapter of the nationwide “Move to Amend” organization, which opposes “corporate personhood,” insists that money is NOT “speech,” and wants fair ways to fund elections so rich people and corporations cannot “buy” elections.  This message resonates well all across the political spectrum!  They meet twice a month (first Thursday and third Wednesday) at 6:30 pm in Building 1, Room 280, of the Thurston County Courthouse, 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW, Olympia.  They work on public outreach.  From now through June they are gathering signatures for Initiative 1329, which supports these principles.  Info:  Michael Savoca, and Olympia’s “Move to Amend” also has a Facebook page.


Fri Feb 7 to Thurs Feb 13:  FILM:  “Sweet Dreams” – This inspiring 2013 documentary is about some women in Rwanda after the genocide ended, while the nation was severely traumatized. One bold woman creates a drum troupe to energize spirits and gathers other women to join it and later start an ice cream shop that empowers women.  This powerful and uplifting film plays at Capitol Theater, 206 5th Ave SE, in downtown Olympia.  See a more thorough description and specific times on these dates at


Sat Feb 8:  Northwest Regional Conference of Veterans for Pace:  Hear reports from several NW chapters and a forward-looking report of VfP nationwide.  Enjoy lunch and three sessions of concurrent workshops.  10:00 am to 5:00 pm at First United Methodist Church, 621 Tacoma Ave S, Tacoma.  A $20 donation is requested but no one will be turned away.  Download a registration form at this link:  DOWNLOAD REGISTRATION FORM and send it to Ray Nacanaynay, 3615 Crystal Ridge Dr SE, Puyallup WA 98372  Make your check payable to Veterans for Peace Chapter 134.  Questions?  Contact Ray Nacanaynay at (253) 841-7167 or Dave Dittemore at (253) 590-8501


Sat Feb 8:  Fight worldwide hunger and poverty in the monthly RESULTS National Conference Call from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.  The Global Topic is the Education for All Act.  Connect with Olympia RESULTS, 2813 Aberdeen Ct., Olympia, (360) 463-3656


Sat Feb 8:  March and rally in Tacoma for 18th Annual NW Regional International Day in Solidarity with Leonard Peltier:  Leonard Peltier is yet one more innocent person who was unjustly convicted of a crime.  He has been imprisoned by the US government since 1975 and is widely regarded as a political prisoner.  Amnesty International has renewed their campaign to free Leonard.  (See  Gather  for the 12 noon start at Portland Ave Park (on Portland Ave. between E. 35th & E. Fairbanks, in Tacoma.  Take Portland Ave. exit off I-5 and head east.)   The march will leave from hear and end at the U.S. Federal Court House, 1717-Pacific Ave, Tacoma, for the 1:00 pm Rally for Justice.  The great speakers include many Native Americans.  Please invite your friends through this Facebook page:  Info:


Sat Feb 8:  Ken Butigan, pacifist scholar, trainer, activist speaks here:  Ken Butigan, who used to live in Olympia and still has family here, directs the national Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service (, and will speak at 2:00 pm on the third floor of Cebula Hall, St. Martin’s University, 5300 Pacific Ave SE, Lacey.  This is part of St. Martin’s Benedictine Institute Distinguished Speaker Series.  He will speak about the spirituality and practice of nonviolence.  Organized by the Saint Martin’s Benedictine Institute, the Speaker Series celebrates the long-standing Benedictine tradition of education at Saint Martin’s University.  Info:


Sat Feb 8:  Whistleblowers Thomas Drake (NSA) and Jesselyn Radack (US Dept of Justice) speak in Tacoma this evening:  Thomas Drake is a former senior executive of the National Security Agency as well as a decorated veteran of the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy.  When Drake turned whistleblower, the U.S. government threw the Espionage Act at him and threatened him with 30 years in prison.  Drake rejected several deals because he refused to “plea bargain with the truth,” and the U.S. Dept. of Justice eventually dropped all ten of its original charges. Jesselyn Radack is a former ethics adviser to the U.S. Dept. of Justice who turned whistleblower when she disclosed the FBI’s ethics violations in the investigation of John Walker Lindh, denied an attorney in the aftermath of his capture during the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan.  An honors graduate of Brown University and Yale Law School, Radack is now director of national security and human rights at the Government Accountability Project (GAP,, a bold and necessary nonprofit organization.  7:30 pm at the Washington State Historical Museum, 1701 Pacific Ave, downtown Tacoma.  Admission is free, but seating is limited, so you need to visit for more information and a link in the left margin where you can get a free ticket.


Sat Feb 8:  2014 Illuminated Ball Fundraiser for the 2014 Procession of the Species Celebration:  Enjoy an evening of music, performance, dancing, illuminated art, complimentary appetizers and a no-host bar.  There will be a silent auction and raffle of donations from area artists and businesses.  This classic Olympia event blends fun and art with support for all species.  Enjoy local music, dance, and visuals!  The Illuminated Ball is produced by Earthbound Productions, the non-profit organization that is the project manager of the Procession of the Species Celebration.  Funds from the Illuminated Ball help finance a free community art studio that opens in the weeks prior to the weekend of the Procession, April 25th and 26th, 2014.  At the studio, community members are invited to create large pageant-parade projects and wearable art that represent plants and animals or other aspects of the natural world for celebrating on Procession day.  The theme for this year’s Illuminated Ball is: “In Our Wildest Streams.”  8:00 pm to 1:00 am at Eagles Grand Ballroom, 805 4th Ave E (at Plum Street), Olympia.  Tickets are on sale at Traditions Fair Trade for $65 each. Only 200 tickets are available, so buy yours now!  Info:  Earthbound Productions (360) 705-1087


Tues Feb 11:  Thurston County NOW chapter also serves adjacent Mason, Lewis and Grays Harbor counties.  They welcome new members and visitors to these monthly meetings!  Come this evening and bring questions comments about whatever concerns you facing women’s rights.  5:30-7:30 pm at Traditions Café, 5th & Water, downtown Olympia.  Info: Linda 357-7272


Tues Feb 11:  Learn about the climate crisis:  Stu Henderson, who is well informed about the climate crisis and active with the “Climate Reality” project, will speak at 1:30 pm to the Democratic Study Group at Panorama City’s new Panorama Auditorium in Lacey.  Go south on Sleater-Kinney Road past 14th Ave SE, turn left into the main entrance, and proceed east around the roundabout.  Info:  Polly Boyajian 438-5700


Tues Feb 11:  Urge Washington State’s Legislature to limit the use of drones:  The use of drones is expanding greatly in many different settings, including by law enforcement and other government agencies.  However, Washington State has no laws limiting government uses of this technology – or protecting people’s liberty or privacy – or making anyone accountable.  House Bill 1771 puts reasonable drone regulations in place. It will ensure that Washington can have the benefits of this new technology without turning into a “surveillance society” in which the government tracks, records, and scrutinizes people’s movements without suspicion of wrongdoing.  The ACLU of Washington – (206) 624-2184 – is urging the Legislature to act now.  You can help! Click this link:


Tues Feb 11:  Nationwide online protest against government spying:  On Friday January 17 President Obama addressed the nation about his proposals for reforming the intelligence community – proposals that are primarily cosmetic and ultimately make it clearer than ever that we need to fight back if we want to rein in the NSA.  Obama is asking the intelligence community and Congress (yes, them!) to shape the solutions.  Many people who support freedom, privacy, and human rights are urging that the U.S. should end the bulk collection program entirely.  That’s why Tuesday February 11 will be The Day We Fight Back to say these programs need to end.  See information at this link:  Click here to learn how to participate on February 11th as we host the largest online protest since SOPA/PIPA and demand an end to mass surveillance.  The website site includes a new trailer from the forthcoming film about Aaron Swartz, who was active with the non-profit organization called Demand Progress.  It’s called The Internet’s Own Boy, and it is premiering at the Sundance Film Festival.  See a trailer at this link:  Click here to watch the new trailer of The Internet’s Own Boy, and to learn how to join the cause on February 11th.  Info:


Thurs Feb 12:  Tell Washington State legislators to abolish the death penalty:  The Washington Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (WCADP – is organizing people from around the state to visit the Capitol and urge legislators to abolish our state’s death penalty.  Register online at More info will be sent to those who register.


Thurs Feb 13:  Help Solve the Next Big Energy Challenge:  Healthy Energy Improvements for Rental Housing:  Because of the recession, foreclosures, and lifestyle choices, more people than ever are renting their homes.  But many rental properties can be poorly insulated or maintained, leading to high energy bills and poor indoor air quality.  This hits low-moderate income families especially hard, including elderly people and families with children who can least afford the financial and health burden this creates.  To tackle this issue, a team of local stakeholders has come together to propose a market-based solution with incentives for landlords and renters to make healthy, energy efficient homes more affordable for more people.  Join in a strategic conversation with landlords and renters, construction and energy companies, local utilities as well as housing advocates and public health officials, and refine and implement the vision.  It will feature Steve Abercrombie,President of the South Sound Chapter of the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild, and a panel of local experts.  The presentations will set the stage for lively, generative “world café” breakout sessions to explore the business case and forge partnerships to empower landlords and renters to make improvements.  (This is part of the “Vision2Action Sustainability Symposium” series.)  12:00 noon to 4:30 pm at the office of Thurston County Public Health & Social Services, 412 Lilly Rd NE, Olympia.  The cost is $20/person in advance, or $25 at the door.  Volunteer work-trade and cost-offset available.  Register at More info: and  and (360) 789-9669.


Fri Feb 14:  Heartsparkle Players – Playback Theatre:  Playback Theatre is a spontaneous collaboration between performers and audience. People tell moments from their lives, then watch them re-created with movement, music and dialogue. Each month the Heartsparkle Players invite another performance group or a community organization, arts program or social service agency to be a part of their performance.  This collaboration allows Heartsparkle to acknowledge and honor the work individuals and organizations do in our community.  February’s guest artists are The Thunders, a powerful, courageous group that often collaborates with Heartsparkle.  7:30 pm at Traditions Fair Trade & Café, 5th & Water Street in downtown Olympia.  A donation of $5-$10 is suggested, but nobody will be turned away for not donating.  Info:


For many more events happening in the greater Olympia area see the Olympia FOR’s newsletters at  and additional calendar items posted at


“A nation can be one or the other, a democracy or an imperialist, but it can’t be both.  If it sticks to imperialism, it will, like the old Roman Republic, on which so much of our system was modeled, lose its democracy to a domestic dictatorship.”
— Chalmers Johnson

Glen Anderson (360) 491-9093





1B)  NSA Update:  Bill Introduced in Washington State House to Clip Big Brother’s Ears


This from Janet:


HB2272 was just introduced in the WA State Legislature by David Taylor (R) and Luis Moscoso (D).   It is designed to “make life extremely difficult” for the National Security Agency, or at least any branch of the agency in Washington State.  That would include a “listening post” serving the agency in Yakima.


It would bar government-owned utilities from providing water and electricity.  It makes information gathered without a warrant by the NSA and shared with law enforcement inadmissible in state court.  It blocks public universities from serving as NSA research facilities or recruiting grounds.  And it bans corporations who continue to do business with the NSA from holding any contracts with the state.


This seems like a pretty in-your-face kind of bill.  I wonder how it compares with the kind of bill we are trying to pass?  It does not claim any rights for communities that they don’t already have, but it sure makes good use of community powers.




Washington State Bill Proposes Criminalizing Help to NSA, Turning Off Resources to Yakima Facility


The campaign to turn off power to the NSA has gotten a big boost. Washington has become the first state with a physical NSA location to consider a Fourth Amendment protection act designed to make life extremely difficult for the massive spy agency.


The state-level campaign to turn off power to the NSA got a big boost January 15, 2014, as Washington became the first state with a physical NSA location to consider a Fourth Amendment protection act designed to make life extremely difficult for the massive spy agency.


Bills introduced in California, Oklahoma, Indiana, Missouri and Kansas seek to prevent the NSA from expanding further or sharing data and metadata in non-terror investigations. But Washington’s House Bill 2272 (HB2272) takes things a step farther because the state is home to the secretive “Yakima listening post” documented by famous NSA researcher James Bamford in his 1982 book, The Puzzle Palace.


HB2272 was introduced by a bipartisan team of legislators, Rep. David Taylor, a Republican from Moxee, and Rep. Luis Moscoso, a former three-term secretary of the state Democratic Party from Mountlake Terrace.


If passed, the bill would make it the policy of the state “to refuse material support, participation, or assistance to any federal agency which claims the power, or with any federal law, rule, regulation, or order which purports to authorize, the collection of electronic data or metadata of any person pursuant to any action not based on a warrant.”


Taylor, whose district houses the Yakima post, said he “cannot sit idly by while a secretive facility in his backyard violates the rights of people everywhere.”


“We’re running the bill to provide protection against the ever-increasing surveillance into the daily lives of our citizens,” Taylor said. “Our founding fathers established a series of checks and balances in the Constitution. Given the federal government’s utter failure to address the people’s concerns, it’s up to the states to stand for our citizens’ constitutional rights.”


Practically speaking, the bill prohibits state and local agencies from providing any material support to the NSA within their jurisdiction. This includes barring government-owned utilities from providing water and electricity. It makes information gathered without a warrant by the NSA and shared with law enforcement inadmissible in state court. It blocks public universities from serving as NSA research facilities or recruiting grounds. And it bans corporations who continue to do business with the NSA from holding any contracts with the state.


According to documents made public by the US military, as of 2008, a company called PacifiCorp is the primary supplier of electric power and Cascade Natural Gas Corporation supplies natural gas to YTC. The Kittitas Public Utility District, a function of the state, provides electric power for the MPRC and the Doris site, but no documentation has yet proven that it also provides electricity used directly by the NSA facility. And while YTC does provide a bulk of its own water, documents also show that some of it gets there by first passing through upstream dams owned and operated by the state.


The Army report states, “YTC lies within three WAUs whose boundaries coincide with WRIAs, as defined by the State of Washington natural resource agencies.”


WAU’s are the state’s Water Administration Units. WRIAs are state Water Resource Inventory Areas.


A Washington company has a strong link to the NSA. Cray Inc. builds supercomputers for the agency. Calls to the company for comment were not returned.


Taylor said he understands the need for “national security” but insists we can’t trample over the Constitution in the process.


“Simply claiming ‘national security’ does not negate an individual’s constitutional rights. We have a legal system which provides law enforcement agencies the means to conduct legal, constitutional surveillance. We’re simply asking the government to follow the supreme law of the land,” he said.


Three public universities in Washington are among 166 schools nationwide partnering with the NSA. Taylor’s bill would address these schools’ status as NSA “Centers of Academic Excellence” and would bar any new partnerships with other state colleges or universities.


OffNow national campaign leader Shane Trejo said that while people tend to focus on the banning of resources to NSA facilities, the bill’s prohibition against using data gathered without a warrant in state court probably would have the most immediate impact. In fact, lawmakers in Kansas and Missouri are considering bills simply addressing this kind of data sharing.


“Last fall, Reuters reported that NSA is sharing information gathered without a warrant with local law enforcement. The documents said that most cases where this is happening are not terror-related. By banning this practice, the bill would lessen the practical effect of all that data collecting that NSA is doing.”


Trejo said he expects at least three more states to introduce the act within the next few weeks.


“This idea is catching on. And if people in Washington  make phone calls to committee members, the bill has a good chance of passing. That will just encourage even more states to do the same,” Trejo said. “In the end, our goal is to put a stop to these NSA spying programs, whether the Congress wants us to or not.”




1C)  ACLU Test:  Do You Know your Rights as a Protester?


Take this quiz and learn your rights!




1D)  Message from Move to Amend


These are the folks trying to eliminate ‘corporate personhood’.


Move to Amend is thrilled to announce that the premier of our mini documentary, Legalize Democracy, will be airing on Free Speech TV (FSTV) next week to coincide with the “anniversary” of Citizens United.


Legalize Democracy is a 28 minute film by Dennis Trainor, Jr. about the movement to amend — why it is needed, and how you can get involved.


Please tune in!


Free Speech TV is available on: 


  • Dish Channel 9415
  • Direct TV Channel 348
  • FSTV In Roku Channel Store
  • Burlington Telcom Channel 122
  • Ashland Homenet Channel 96
  • Many Community Access stations across the country
  • And LIVE online at their website,


FSTV will air the film several times next week. 


The big event is Tuesday, January 21 which is the actual anniversary of the Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court ruling. 


Legalize Democracy will air at 9:00pm Eastern, followed by additional interviews and programming by Move to Amend  and supporters. Then the station will show a talk by Move to Amend National Leadership Team member Ashley Sanders.


Invite a group of friends to join you to watch the show!


Legalize Democracy will air these additional times next week as well (all times Eastern):

  • Wednesday, January 22 at 1:00pm
  • Thursday, January 23 at 3:00am
  • Saturday, January 25 at 4:00pm


We want to thank once again the literally hundreds of people who crowd-funded the making of this film!


See ya on TV next week,


Daniel Lee, David Cobb, Egberto Willies, George Friday, Jerome Scott, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Laura Bonham, Nancy Price, Richard Monje


Move to Amend National Leadership Team


PS — Some additional announcements:


Tune in TODAY at 11am PT / 2pm ET for the pre-taping of our radio program, Move to Amend Reports with Gary Ruskin of the Center for Corporate Policy. Gary will be talking about recent findings of corporate espionage against activist groups, including Move to Amend. If you have questions for Gary you’ll want to tune in to the live taping of the show today. (The taped show will air at our regular time (5pm PT/8pm ET) next week).


Also don’t miss Move to Amend Reports TONIGHT at 5pm PT/8pm ET with our guest Danny Shecter, an authority on Nelson Mandela and the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. He is an award winning journalist and has specialized in investigative reporting and producing programming about the interface between human rights, journalism, popular music and society.

Did you miss our webinar last night about How to Get Involved with Move to Amend in 2014? No worries! Check out the recording here:




1E)  Big Brother Watching Evergreen Students


This from Ringo:


Dear current/former Evergreen student:


Have you ever done something to anger or annoy the administration?

Recent records requests have revealed that the school has kept a list titled “Students of Concern” from at least 2010 to 2013, and *we need your help to uncover more information.*


The school is using FERPA (the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) to prevent disclosure of what may be very embarrassing documents for them, but a campaign for a large number of students to request any information about them in these documents is now underway.


If you believe you may be on one of these documents, you can demand to review any parts of this file that pertain to you.  Any information about you in this file will remain private unless you choose to allow it to be shared by organizers.


If you wish to request your own records or submit a waiver so the organizers can do so, contact for a copy of the appropriate waiver.  You can also email the address above if you would like to participate in this campaign by requesting your own records, or are interested but need more information.


*Please forward this to anybody who you think may be interested.*


Stay radical,




2)  Kill Bills:  Hearings on Cannabis Bills

Thursday January 23rd at 10 am @ State Capitol Building


The state legislature is trying to throw the medical marijuana people under the bus.


From Cannabis Action Coalition:




These bills are not necessarily related at this time to medical.


The Second is a bill that would allow minors to participate in cannabis stings. Would you want your child to do that?


Please read these bills over and make your comments known by attending the public hearings in person, or writing to your legislators in person. Find them at


If you attend in person, please wear the color red to show you support the rights of medical cannabis patients in this state!




New bill HB 2303 – 2013-14


Encouraging safe and responsible sales of marijuana by authorizing the use of minors in compliance checks and addressing identification and manufacturing.


History of the Bill
as of Friday, January 17, 2014 10:30 PM


Sponsors: Representative Moscoso

By Request: Liquor Control Board

Companion Bill: SB 6158


Jan 23 Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Government Accountability & Oversight at 10:00 AM. (Subject to change) (Committee Materials)


Don’t use our children in drug stings, especially when it’s a federal crime for them to be purchasing cannabis!




Back to the beginnings of the War on Cannabis!


New bill – Marijuana Tax Stamp


HB 2411 – 2013-14

Creating a tax stamp system for the sale of recreational marijuana.


History of the Bill

as of Friday, January 17, 2014 10:30 PM


Sponsors: Representatives Wylie, Nealey, Tharinger, Ryu


Committee on Government Accountability & Oversight at 10:00 AM. (Subject to change) (Committee Materials)






PLEASE NO POT SMOKING ON THE CAMPUS. This is serious now as lives are depending on it. The media focuses on it. Don’t give it to them.



3)  Andrea Smith:  Sexual Violence and Mass Incarceration

Thursday January 23rd from 5:30 to 7:30 pm @ TESC, Lecture Hall 2


Another important and ugly issue.


From FIST:


Presentation Description: “Andrea Smith will explore the connections between sexual violence in our communities and state violence in the forms of policing and incarceration. Through her experience as co-founder of INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence, Smith will discuss alternative methods and examples of dealing with sexual violence and abuse without strengthening the Prison Industrial Complex and contributing to mass incarceration.”


Andrea Lee Smith is an intellectual, feminist, and anti-violence activist. Smith’s work focuses on issues of violence against women of color and their communities, specifically Native American women. A co-founder of INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence, the Boarding School Healing Project, and the Chicago chapter of Women of All Red Nations, Smith centers the experiences of women of color in both her activism and her scholarship. Formerly an assistant professor of American Culture and Women’s Studies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Smith is currently an associate professor in the Department of Media and Cultural Studies at the University of California, Riverside.


*A member of the Coalition Against Sexual Violence (CASV) will in attendance as an advocate for survivors or anyone who wishes to process and talk.*


o-hosted by Abolish Cops And Prisons (ACAP), Feminists In Solitary Together (FIST!), and Coalition Against Sexual Violence (CASV). This event is a part of No One Wins In Patriarchy month.



4)  Diggin’ Up the Dougies Work Party

Saturday January 25th @ 10 am @ Kissing Ground Farm, Rochester, WA, Address TBD


This is to help with a restoration project.


From the organizers:


Hey Folks!

We are digging up a few hundred baby doug firs from our pasture to donate to the Ohop Preserve, among other ecological restoration projects.

Come for an hour, a few, or all day…we’ll be here rain or shine!

We will provide lunch, snacks, and beverage. If you can bring a shovel, wheel barrow, garden cart, etc., that’d be great!

Kids welcome!



5)  40-Hour Professional Mediation Training

January 28th thru January 31st from 9 am to 5 pm; Contact for Location


I don’t usually include things like this but Conflict Resolution provides an awesome and effective alternative to jails and wars.  They don’t mention it here but I believe financial aid is available.


From TC Pro-Net:


40-Hour Professional Mediation Training


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

8:00AM – 5:00PM

January 27-31, 2014

Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm

Presented by the Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County


For more information or to register visit  call (360) 956-1155 or email


January 27-31, 2014

Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm

Presented by the Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County


Do you want to improve your work environment; help your family solve conflicts more peacefully; build relationships with your neighbors; or enhance your professional skills and become a Certified Mediator?  This fun and highly interactive 40-hour training course will acquaint you with the philosophy, model and skills needed in order to have a working knowledge of the role of a neutral mediator.  The concepts and skills taught in this training are easily transferable and are designed to improve communication and enhance relationships in all settings.  Cost is $675.


For more information



6)  Film Screening:  The Ghosts of Jeju

Wednesday January 29th at 7 pm @ Traditions Café, 300 5th Ave NE


More exposing of military crimes.


From Oly FOR:


The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation ( invites you to watch a powerful new documentary film about the US military’s grossly unjust and long-standing (since 1947) domination and abuse of a rural area in South Korea.


Holly Gwinn Graham arranged for “The Ghosts of Jeju” to be shown at Traditions Café (5th & Water SW, downtown Olympia) at 7:00 pm on WEDNESDAY JANUARY 29.


The US military has been dominating Jeju Island in South Korea, and this film documents the Korean people’s resistance to that gross and long-standing (since 1947) oppression.  The film uses previously secret and classified photos and other information to inform the public about the US military’s continual occupation and the brave resistance of the people of Gangjeong Village and others who are resisting it. Even now, Korean people are being arrested, jailed, fined and hospitalized for resisting the construction of a massive naval base that will accommodate the US’s “pivot to Asia” and will destroy their 400-year-old village and their UNESCO-protected environment!  The problems are severe and immediate, but the indomitable spirit of the villagers and their supporters is inspiring. 

The filmmaker, Regis Tremblay, will be present to discuss and answer questions.  Thanks to Holly Gwinn Graham for organizing this!  7:00 pm at Traditions Café, 5th & Water, downtown Olympia.  Free and open to the public. 


Be sure to attend! 





7)  Innocent Convict Speaks

Thursday January 30th at 7:30 pm @ Timberland Library, 313 8th Ave SE


People suffer from may illusions about our criminal justice system — such as thinking that it works at all, for instance.  Every day guilty people walk free and inncocent people are convicted.  Come hear how easy it is to go to prison for something you didn’t do.


From Oly FOR:


Jason Baldwin served 18 years in prison
for a life sentence for murder,
but he was totally innocent!


Hear him speak at Olympia Library 7:30 pm Thursday January 30


In 1994 three completely innocent teenagers (the “West Memphis 3”) were convicted of murdering three younger boys in their small town.  Two teenagers were sentence to life without possibility of parole (LWOP), and one was sentenced to death.  After 18 years in prison it turned out that they were completely innocent, and they were released from prison in 2011.  Jason Baldwin, one of the teenagers unjustly convicted and sentenced to life, will speak about his experiences at the Olympia Timberland Library at 7:30 pm Thursday January 30.


Baldwin will speak about his experience as an innocent man sentenced to LWOP, and then Holly Ballard from the Washington Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (WCADP) will speak about other problems with capital punishment and share the work that is being done in Washington state.  Holly has worked on a number of social justice issues, and reforming the criminal justice system has emerged as her strongest passion. 


The event will occur at 7:30 pm at Olympia Timberland Library, 313 8th Ave SE (between Franklin and Adams), downtown Olympia.  It is sponsored by the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s Committee for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, whose chairperson is Emily Hammargren (360)


See many very informative resources on the Death Penalty section of the Olympia FOR’s website,


Contact WCADP at (206) 622-8952 


Also contact the Safe and Just Alternatives campaign to abolish Washington State’s death penalty at 


Please mark your calendars for THURSDAY JANUARY 30, 7:30 pm at the Olympia Library – and spread the word!


“Perhaps the bleakest fact of all is that the death penalty is imposed not only in a freakish and discriminatory manner, but also in some cases upon defendants who are actually innocent.”

~ Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan Jr., 1994


Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation   (360) 491-9093



8)  Mangos with Chili:  QTPOC Bliss, Etc

Thursday January 30th at 7 pm @ the Evergreen Experimental Theater, Communications Building Room 124 on TESC Campus


It’s alternative bliss!


From FIST:


Mangos With Chili
The floating cabaret of QTPOC bliss, dreams, sweat, sweets and nightmares proudly presents

WHIPPED: QTPOC Recipes for Love, Sex, and Disaster

(otherwise known as the sometimes annual show about the miracles, dreams, and cream our hearts make)
As part of our 8th anniversary tour!

January 30, 2014
door 7 pm, start 7:30

The Experimental Theater
Evergreen State College campus
Communications Building room 124.
As part of Creating Dangerously: Experiments in And Diaspora Art
Sponsored by FIST

Mangos With Chili knows that queer and trans* folks of color do love, sex and total disaster like none other! In this special Valentine’s themed production queer and trans* folks of color will tell their true life stories of love, desire and disaster through music, spoken word, theater, dance, drag, film, and video diaries. Bring a trinket for the altar we’ll build to the loves we’ve lost, known, and are praying for, and come prepared to hear truths you’ve never heard spoken before but always needed to.

Promising to be sexy, smart, provocative, comical and touching, WHIPPED is sure to explore the many faceted aspects of desire, from the dark to the jubilant.

Valentines exchange to follow shows, so get them lovenotes and that courage ready!


Kay Ulanday Barrett
Yvonne Fly Onakeme Etaghere
Askari González
Beast Ly
Monica McIntyre
Cherry Galette
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

With video art by:
Alexis Pauline Gumbs and Julia Wallace
Yosimar Reyes
Nazbah Tom
Manish Vaidya and Adrian Q Quinteo
more t.b.a

Access info:
The Experimental Theater is wheelchair accessible and all ages. There is fat friendly seating. Shows contain mature content. So that performers and community members with chemical injury can attend, we ask that attendees come fragrance free. Lots of info about how to do so and POC products can be found here:

For more about Mangos With Chili:

For even more information, press or access inquiries:

Our beautiful 2014 touring artists:

A 2009 Campus Pride Hot List artist, 2013 Trans Justice Funding Project Panelist, and 2013 Trans 100 Honoree Kay Ulanday Barrett is a poet, performer, educator, and martial artist navigating life as a disabled pin@y amerikan transgender queer in the U.S. with struggle, resistance, and laughter. Based in NY/NJ, K. has featured at universities and stages internationally; Musee Pour Rire in Montreal, Princeton University, UC Berkeley, University of Chicago, The Brooklyn Museum, and The Loft in Minneapolis to name a few. Their bold work continues to excite and challenge audiences.

K. has facilitated workshops, presented keynotes, and contributed to panels for NQAPIA, Forward Together, Philadelphia Trans Health Conference, The Audre Lorde Project, FIERCE, NQAPIA, Res Artis, and is a proud member/facilitator for The Brown Boi Project and Disability Justice Collective. He has also served on committees and advisory boards for The Sylvia Rivera Law Project and Transgender Law Center. Honors include: Chicago’s LGBTQ 30 under 30 awards, Finalist for The Gwendolyn Brooks Open-Mic Award, and Windy City Times Pride Literary Poetry Prize. His literary contributions can be found in Kicked Out Anthology, Windy City Queer, Filipino American Psychology, Asian Americans For Progress, POOR Magazine, Bitch Magazine, and upcoming anthology, Criptiques. K. turns art into action, dedicated to TQPOC, Asian, youth communities, and remixing his mama’s recipes. Please see his online swerve at: and on twitter @kulandaybarrett.

Beast Ly
San Francisco Bay Area

Beast Ly’s mediums of expression and areas of collaboration include film, repertory theater, painting, writing, and protest/street art, the sweet spot turned out to be site specific performance art and dance installation. Names of shows and artistic collaborations include: Are you there Gaga? It’s me, Mazique. (a lady gaga drag performance in an all queers of color curated by Mel Mel Sukekawa-Mooring), if it’s leaking it’s working, if it’s leaking i want it (with Blair Talbot, a contemporary dance on the hysterical ecstasy of menstruation), and Look at Me (a dance duet in the performance series Penny’s Big 21: queer rites of passage). Beast began working and living in the SF Bay Area in 2011, when they summer interned with the performance project Sins Invalid, doing media, PR, party planning, and promotion, returning again in summer 2012. In June 2013 they returned to live in the Bay full time.

Films about/starring Beast have gone to such film screenings as the Chicago Anarchist Film Festival, “The Monstrous Series” of the MisAlt Film Festival”, the2013 Belgrade International Film Festival for and by People with Disabilities, and The European Film Festival. Summer Stew, directed by Aaron Richmond Havel and inspired by if it’s leaking it’s working, has gone into the vault at Periwinkle Cinema, a queer San Francisco screening series. A fan and sculptress of erotic art, you can also find the seabitch sliding around on an increasing number of places for the romantic, the dirty, and the altsy like Queerporntv, Crash Pad Series, and Indiepornrevolution. “Lame is Punk!” was Beast ly’s short lived and potentially resurrectable guest column in Maximum Rock n Roll. Beast’s performance with Mangos with Chili includes pieces from the erotic essay on bodies, sex, surgery, coming out, and coming in, “body/Horror:Yours/mine”, which is to be published in the forthcoming issue 2 of LIES through AK Press.

Askari González
San Jose & Santa Cruz, CA

Askari González es una bruja, a magical gurl dropout, a wannabe xingona, a genderescent divinity, a political trans woman of color. She is a poet, a mixed media artist, and the author of Trauma Queen. She aspires to create films centered on queer and trans people of color. Her hobbies include online shopping, copious amounts of anime marathons, and unraveling her inner trauma healer.

Yvonne Fly Onakeme Etaghene
Oakland Based. New York Gully. Nigerian Soul.

Yvonne Fly Onakeme Etagheneis an Ijaw and Urhobo Nigerian dyke performance activist, poet, dancer, essayist, playwright, actress, video artist and mixed-media visual artist who was born with a mouth full of dynamite and sugarcane.

Etaghene has rocked stages and melted microphones internationally. She was interviewed by and was a Contributing Writer to None on Record: Stories of Queer Africa, a digital media project that collects the stories of LGBT Africans from the African Continent and the Diaspora. She has toured nationally with both of her one-woman shows, Volcano’s Birthright{s} and GUAVA.

A mixed-media visual artist who has produced four solo art exhibitions, Etaghene founded Sugarcane, an LGBTQ Of Color writing workshop. Etaghene has written and directed 2 poem videos that marry film, poetry and music, has self-published 3 chapbooks of poetry and independently released an album of poetry and music. Her second album of poetry, Nigerian Dyke Realness, drops in 2014. Etaghene’s first novel, For Sizakele, which addresses Queer African love, identity and inter-partner violence, will be released in 2014. For more info: &

Monica McIntyre
New Orleans, LA

Monica McIntyre is equal parts Jamaican metaphor-laden mother and read-the-dictionary-for-fun father; a perfect writers combination. Originally from Hyattsville, MD, she began her cello career in classical studies; honing her craft through private lessons and orchestral ensembles with the District of Columbia Youth Orchestra (DCYO). After graduating from Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt, MD, Monica migrated to Philadelphia, PA to study Fashion Design at Drexel University. In 1999 she earned a BA from the Nesbitt College of Design Arts.

Living in the city of Brotherly Love, where she was immersed in: Funk, Soul, R & B, Jazz, and World Music; brought her back to her first love, music. In October 2003 she released her debut album Blusolaz — a collection of original songs which fused the genres of Blues, Soul and Jazz. Bars of Gold, her first single, was released in August 2005. Monica has been featured at numerous events throughout the world most notably: Soul Sista’s Jukejoint (GA) 2005, The 215 Festival (PA) 2005, Sistahood Celebration (Vancouver) 2008, The Philadelphia Fringe Festival (PA) 2008 & 2009, The Black Women’s Art Festival (PA) 2009, Sisterspace (MD) 2009, Ladyfest New Orleans (LA) 2010 & 2011, New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival (LA) 2013, and The French Quarter Fest (LA) 2013. Most recently Monica was a featured artist on the online International music show “Balcony TV”.

In November 2010, Monica relocated to New Orleans, LA and became immediately involved in the thriving local music community. She joined forces with singer-songwriters Lynn Drury and Margie Perez forming The Honeypots, an acoustic women-led group which beautifully blends genres, original songs and harmonies. Their debut album Something Sweet was released in April 2011 on the ThreadHead Record label. The Honeypots have had immediate success being nominated for The Best of The Beat Awards 2013 and landing coveted spots on the Abita stage of the French Quarter Fest (LA) 2013 and the Lagniappe stage at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage (LA) 2013.

Julio Salgado
Berkeley, CA

(Julio will be appearing in our San Antonio- New Orleans dates)

Julio Salgado is the Art Director of Dreamers Adrift, a creative project documenting the struggles of undocumented youth. He arrived in California from Mexico in 1995 when he was 11 years old, and became undocumented as a child when he overstayed his visa. Julio is a leader in implementing cultural organizing tactics in the immigrant rights movement, and believes that we (undocumented people) should be leaders in documenting our history. He has a bachelors degree in journalism from California State University and is riding the bus because “[he] want[s] to make sure other folks know we have to come out and not be afraid.”

Ms. Cherry Galette

Ms. Cherry Galette is a movement artist, choreographer, queer showgirl, performance artist and producer who has earned recognition for creating movement narratives exploring race, power, empire, migration, queer bodies in diaspora, and for presenting genre pushing work based in sultry, sacred, and profane fusions of traditional dance forms and song with queer story, burlesque and cabaret. Cherry’s performance is a collision – a crossroads of era, tradition, and place – evoking elements of the cosmopolitan cabarets of the golden age of Middle Eastern and Latin American dance, the legacy of movement passed down in women’s kitchens and salons, and the energy, joy, and enthusiasm of collective street dance.

She has has captivated, delighted, roused and stunned audiences on stages across the Americas from La Habana to Montreal, including La UNEAC, Teatro el Sotano (La Habana, Cuba), Irvin Mayfield’s Jazz Playhouse, Tipitina’s, One Eyed Jack’s (New Orleans), Palace of Fine Arts, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Brava Theater (SF), Buddies in Bad Times Theater (Toronto), Juste Por Rire (Montreal), Columbia City Theater, (Seattle), Bronx Academy of Art and Dance, The Knitting Factory, Bowery Poetry Club, WOW (New York), over 28 universities, as well as burlesque and cabaret stages in cities all over North America.

Ms. Galette has danced with some of the Bay Area’s most noted dance ensembles, is proud to have been an Oakland Tribune Timeout covergirl, and has also been featured in Oakland Local, Bitch, Make/Shift, San Francisco Bay Guardian, the SF Chronicle, and other independent media across the US. Cherry was raised by a family of legendary music makers, performers and innovators who centered song and dance as tools for transmitting hope, history, revolt, and the ability transform and lift heavy hearts. She is proud to continue her family’s work by giving audiences quality dance and burlesque performance based in roots of resistance, tradition, and inherited movement and musical legacy. Cherry’s work is grounded in the transformative power of story to make change, creating accessible, community oriented theater and performance, and putting movement and music back in the bodies of the people through creating a dance movement that encompasses all experiences, ages, genders, and bodies. For info on recent projects, please visit

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Oakland, unceded and occupied Mississauga of New Credit territory, Toronto.

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha is a queer disabled Sri Lankan cis femme writer, performer, transformative and disability justice organizer and psychic tarot card reader. The author of the 2012 Lambda Award winning Love Cake and Consensual Genocide and co-editor of The Revolution Starts At Home: Confronting Intimate Violence in Activist Communities, her work has appeared in the anthologies Dear Sister, Letters Lived, Undoing Border Imperialism, Stay Solid, Persistence: Still Butch and Femme, Yes Means Yes, Visible: A Femmethology, Homelands, Colonize This, We Don’t Need Another Wave, Bitchfest, Without a Net, Dangerous Families, Brazen Femme, Femme and A Girl’s Guide to Taking Over The World. She is part of the Allied Media Conference family and a member of the Badass Visionary Healers.

A lead artist with Sins Invalid and an educator with June Jordan’s UC Berkeley’s Poetry for the People, in 2010 she was named one of the Feminist Press’ “40 Feminists Under 40 Who Are Shaping the Future” and is one of the the 2013 Autostraddle Alternative Hot 105. She has taught, performed and lectured across North America, Sri Lanka and Australia and co-founded Toronto’s Asian Arts Freedom School. She is currently completing her memoir, Dirty River, a third book of poetry, Bodymap, and a writer’s manual, Writing the World, to be published by AK Press in 2014. 



9)  Bonus Tip of the Day:


Have a point when you make a point.







The Thunderbolt 011614 When Right is Wrong



The Thunderbolt!!!


News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes





When Right is Wrong






I believe that justice always takes precedence over the law

            —Paul Watson, Founder of the Sea Shepherd Society




Un-Profound and Un-Revolutionary Changes in the Thunderbolt Format!


I recently mentioned how it is easy to allow magic to become routine and how easy it is to fall into ruts that you don’t even realize are there.


I have always placed the Calendar Index at the beginning of the newsletter — but then placed the actual calendar several pages away.  For years I have done it that way just because I started doing that way and then just kept doing it out of thoughtless habit.


A few minutes ago I finally realized how inefficient and inelegant that is.  Thus, while this is hardly a profound or revolutionary change, from now on the Calendar Index will be found — of all places — with the calendar!


On second thought, I don’t know.  Maybe that makes too much sense?




Who is the Intelligent One Around Here?


Good people do bad things because they don’t think they’re bad.


I just watched an Animal Planet series on Paul Watson vs. the Faroe Island Whale Killers.


The series gave full-time to the locals, and in fact the show opens by presenting the Faroese as the jolly happy family and culture centric people that they are.


Then, they show these people mass-murdering a highly intelligent and highly social creature.  A wall of boats herds a school of pilot whales into a dead-end fjord, whereupon dozens of people who have been waiting on the beach wade in and begin butchering the terrified whales by hand.  They have been doing this for literally centuries.  They allegedly kill the whales quickly in a ‘humane’ manner.  They utilize the whale carcasses efficiently and there isn’t much else to sustain them in their neighborhood.


To Paul Watson, though, they are murdering his friends.


One of the Faroese compared the lives of whales to the lives of commercial chickens and cows, with the implication that eating whales was much more humane than eating chickens or cows.  Chickens and cows are higher life forms and thus deserve all the respect that such a designation confers.  The cruelty to those species is definitely an issue and there are people working on that issue — there are several people who are spending over a decade in federal prison over that, in fact — but the fact remains that modern chickens and cows are largely  human-created bastard species that natural selection had little to do with.  In addition, both species are almost too stupid to remain alive.  If chickens and cows are capable of any higher emotional reactions or if they experience any profound bonds with their fellow chickens and cows then they are completely undetectable.


Whales and dolphins, on the other hand, not only have a frontal lobe that is nearly as developed as ours is, but they also have an additional lobe on their brains that does not even exist in ours.


It was once documented that an entire pod of pilot whales — the species that the Faroese target — took turns for over a week supporting and holding up an injured whale on the ocean surface so that he could breathe as he healed from his injuries.


I’ve never heard of chickens or cows doing anything like that.


Whales and dolphins are nothing like chickens and cows.


Kudos to the Sea Shepherd Society.




Ariel Sharon Goes to Hell


It is supposed to be bad form to speak ill of the recently dead.  I think that Ariel Sharon makes a great exception to this rule; I am pretty sure there is no such place as Hell, but when a vile mass-murderer and war criminal like Ariel Sharon dies, I find the thought of such a man roasting to be rather appealing…


If you want a lengthy factual and accurate accounting of Sharon’s career (as opposed to the sanitized sound bites and sycophantic crap that is playing on the Media Machine) then go here:




Accidental Truths


An executive at Ford Motor Company accidently let the cat out of the bag.  He said, “We know everyone who breaks the law, [and] we know when you’re doing it.  We have GPS in your car, so we know what you’re doing.”




TPP News:  Obama Sells Out the Environment


Wikileaks has released documents revealing that Barack Obama is pushing to gut environmental protections as part of the negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership [TPP].


Surprise, surprise!




When Right is Wrong


Reader Alert!


The Thunderbolt is about to use a personal story to make a political statement.  If you are someone that is uncomfortable with this, then you may wish to skip to the next segment.


If I may slightly oversimplify, basically we are dealing with two competing worldviews.


Continuing now in oversimplification mode, the ‘right wing’ view is this:  “Let Everyone Sink or Swim According to Their Ability — Me and my Family First and Screw Everyone Else”.


Then we have the even more oversimplified ‘left wing’ view:  “Build a Society that Benefits Everyone”.


Lately, though, both sides seem to feel that ‘security’ takes precedence over ‘liberty’.


If you feel that ‘security’ should take precedence over ‘liberty’ then I have a suggestion:  Go spend some time inside a federal prison.  There you will see little ‘liberty’, but you will see near perfect ‘security’.



I heard a piece on KOWA last night that put some dominoes into line:  The man explained how people much prefer to be entertained than to be educated.


This came into play on a personal level recently, along with an anecdote about those competing worldviews that I just mentioned:


Another Real Change vendor showed up a few months ago and since the CoOp is the only place in Olympia that will allow Real Change vendors to operate, then he asked if he could share my space.  I could have said no and Real Change would have backed me since the CoOp is my registered turf.  However, I agreed to share the space even though this costs me quite a few sales on a regular basis.  What I receive in return is legion, though:  I build goodwill and a sense of mutual respect and togetherness in my community rather than sowing anger and dissention.  I felt much better about myself as a person because I helped out another down-but-not-out person who’s trying to make an honest living doing meaningful work.  And last but not least, doing things like that maintains my karma at a level that has successfully protected me from the world for several decades now.


That is worth more than any amount of money.


Anyway, about four times over the last couple of months a young man with a guitar has shown up and busked in front of the CoOp for about two hours during Prime Time Friday afternoon.  Every time he does this he takes in around $40-$50 for that two hours whilst my sales completely die.  In addition, the guy is a very bad singer and a very bad guitar player and he does both very loudly — and I very famously have zero-tolerance for bad music.  Thus, for that two hours I am forced to either listen to music that drives me up the wall or listen to some crap I don’t want to hear turned up full blast on my portable walkman radio as I watch everyone almost completely ignore me as they shower money down upon him.


Evidently even patrons of the CoOp people prefer entertainment to education.


After five years of working every Friday, then having some fly-by-night kid suddenly show up and start regularly gutting my Friday afternoon sucked and I made clear that his presence was displeasing to me but he obviously cared not a fig.


Then, last week my daughter was in danger of being evicted and so I took a calculated gamble:  I purchased the maximum number of papers I can usually sell in an average week.  This meant that all I needed was one bad day and I could very well end up eating newspapers, which is a highly counterproductive and undesired outcome.  (They don’t taste very good either.)


Then, of course, the Bad Music Kid showed up Friday afternoon.  I explained to him the situation with my daughter and I explained that I really couldn’t afford to have my Friday afternoon gutted ­and I offered to pay him $5 to go away and come back tomorrow.  He laughed in condescending derision and he told me that $5 was crap and that it was a free country and that he could do whatever he wanted to do and my daughter could sit on it.  (I am paraphrasing there…)


He is evidently a practitioner of the ‘me first and screw everyone else’ school of human relations.


I’m pretty sure that this young man was unaware of the fact that in one of my past lives, had he spoken to me in such a manner I would have caused him serious bodily harm before he even realized anything was happening.  Fortunately for both of us, I no longer conduct my business in that manner.  I am sure he was also unaware that many of the CoOp staff are personal friends of mine who know and respect my work and who I am certain that, should I ask them to do so, would be glad to tell the young man that he wasn’t allowed to busk whilst I was vending.  I also do not conduct my business that manner, though; I shudder at the mere thought of calling in some outside ‘authority’ to deal with my personal problems and I just think it is incumbent upon people to personally deal with their personal issues.  In addition, I would not disrespect my friends on the CoOp staff by placing them into such a situation.  Plus, as the young man himself pointed out, it’s a free country.  That means he is free to collect his own karma and build his own reputation and his own place in our community.


Then came a classic instance of Instant Karma:  As the young man was packing to leave I felt the need to school him, so I approached him and stated that since he could make even more money panhandling than he did by busking, then I actually respected the fact that he chose to busk anyway — which is actually true.  Then, just as I got that out, a friend of mine suddenly popped up from nowhere.  She saw me talking to the young man and saw his guitar case stuffed full of money and asked me if the guy was any good.  I informed her that actually he pretty seriously sucked but that my reaction to his music was my problem, whereupon the young man sneeringly said that I just hated it because he got all of my action.


Evidently he was proud of his ability to screw my day.


I replied that I did indeed hate that, but the point I wanted to make was that when I explain that this was an emergency situation concerning my daughter and yet he tells me to stick it — then I just wanted to say that I was very glad that I didn’t have his attitude because that would mean that I would also have his karma, which he was more than welcome to keep.


I then apologized to my friend for catching her in that crossfire, but that the kid had seriously pissed me off and I needed to say that before he left.


My friend then gave me $40, which saved my daughter’s day.


Like I say, I am very glad I have my karma rather than that kid’s.


Next week, I am going to bring my own guitar and set up my own busking operation, along with flyers explaining that evidently I’ve been in the wrong business this whole time.  Rather than trying to educate people, financial necessity was now forcing me to entertain them instead.


Thus, weather permitting my first public musical performance in over a year will be happening in front of the Eastside Food CoOp at around 2:30 tomorrow [Friday].


No charge, but donations gladly accepted.


If you prefer education to entertainment, though, you will also have the option of purchasing a copy of Real Change.



Getting back to the meta-level:  One of the problems here is that the reality is so magnificently unbelievable that most people don’t believe it.  When I said that it blew my own mind that I turned out to be right on the Syrian Chemical Weapon Attack I meant that quite literally.  We are talking about mass-murdering thousands of women and children in the foulest manner imaginable so that they could frame Bashar al-Assad for the crime and gin up yet another of their vile imperialistic counterproductive power-manipulation wars.  Even as I was pretty sure that this was exactly what had happened, I was still screaming to myself:  “No one could possibly sink so low!”



There is one more thing I want to stress that I think has not gotten nearly enough attention and that the Media Machine has intentionally played down, and in fact I will indulge in some cheap theatrics and inject some fancy font-work here to further stress this because I think that this is very very important:


We stopped a frigging war in its tracks, Kids!


Barack Obama and John Kerry and Diane Feinstein and all of the other Usual Suspect Front Line War Machine Cheerleaders were pushing hard for jamming Syria.  They were twisting the old arms and issuing the old threats and applying the old pressure…


…and we just said NO!



I think that stopping a war is much bigger news than starting one.


Things seem to be shifting.



However:  While we have the facts and the numbers, they still have the money and the bully pulpit.  The sociopaths that invariably rise to the top in any dog-eat-dog type reality always without fail push the envelope as far as they can get away with.  How much they can get away with is dependent upon us.  The problem now is that the media has succeeded in normalizing insanity.  They have made this Through the Discount Looking Glass reality seem ordinary; what just a few years ago would have precipitated over-the-top-off-the-charts outrage has now become business-as-usual.


Local activist Drew Hendricks recently blew the lid off the fact that the DEA has been lifting every phone call that used an AT&T switch for over a decade.


Not long ago there would have been universal outrage over such blatant police state tactics and token heads would have rolled.


Now?  Nary a twitter nor tweet…


They have ‘normalized’ fascism, which is the scariest thing of all.


It’s time to get to work…




The Thunderbolt Calendar

Week of January 16th thru 23rd 2014







1)  FYI:  Contact the FCC about Net Neutrality

2)  State Senate Committee Hearing on Washington State Bank

3)  Special Meeting of Housing Task Force:  Preparing for Homeless Census

4)  Skype Call to Gaza:  Not Afraid to Look

5)  8th Annual MLK Redeeming the Vision Event

6)  Annual MLK Day March on the Capitol

7)  The Free Olympia Project Community Assembly with Really Really Free Market

8)  Bonus Tip of the Day




1)  FYI:  Contact the FCC about Net Neutrality


“Net Neutrality” means that companies like AT&T and Comcast cannot censor your web access.  Evidently a panel of federal judges just struck down the FCC’s rules about net neutrality.


This is from Free Press:


Bad news: Three judges in Washington, D.C., just dealt a huge blow to the open Internet.


An appeals court struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s Open Internet Order because of mistakes the agency made when it adopted its Net Neutrality rules.


Translation: This court just killed Net Neutrality. This could be the end of the Internet as we know it. But it doesn’t have to be.


This decision means that Internet users can expect companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon to block or slow down any website, application or service they like. These companies will rush to change the Web and line their own pockets at our expense — creating new tolls for app makers, expensive price tiers for popular sites, and fast lanes open only to the few content providers that can afford them.


Here’s the Thing: The FCC Could Stop All This Right Now.


Yup, you heard us: The FCC could make all this go away by simply reading the law right and reclaiming the authority it already has to protect Internet users for good.


During the tenure of former FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, the agency made a grave mistake by failing to put its open Internet rules on the most solid legal footing. Internet users will pay the price of that decision unless and until the FCC fixes the problem it created for itself.


New FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler must correct the agency’s past mistakes and truly protect our nation’s communications infrastructure. The agency must ensure that broadband communications networks are open, accessible, reliable and affordable for everyone. It needs to stop fulfilling the wish lists of the big phone and cable monopolies — and start looking out for Internet users.


Let’s Get It Right This Time. Tell Chairman Wheeler to Protect the Open Internet — and All of Its Users — for Real.


Millions of people have fought for Net Neutrality. Together we can fight back against these greedy Internet service providers. Together we can save the Internet we love.




Josh, Candace and the rest of the Free Press team

Free Press


P.S. This isn’t the end of the open Internet. It’s just the beginning of a long fight to save the Internet we love. We don’t take money from business, government or political parties and rely on the generosity of people like you to fuel our work. Please donate $15 (or more!) today. Thank you!



Free Press is a nonpartisan organization building a nationwide movement for media that serve the public interest. Learn more at

Join us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.



2)  State Senate Committee Hearing on Washington State Bank

Thursday January 16th at 1:30 pm @ Senate Hearing Room 2, State Capitol Building


Hah!  Just last week I mentioned that a Washington State Bank was at the top of my political wish list and I complained that the campaign seemed dead.


Molly just informed me that the State Bank is not dead after all!  Yippee!


Long live the Washington State Bank!


From Molly:


This is to notify you that SB 5955 is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate Financial Institutions, Housing & Insurance Committee on January 16, 2014 at 1:30 pm in Senate Hearing Room 2.  This bill creates the Washington publicly owned trust to act as the sole depository for in-state marijuana producers, processers, and retailers and to use taxable earnings from those deposits for the benefit of the people and economy of the state.


Please check the legislative web site for the text of the bill 5955 and also to verify that the hearing has not been moved to another time. Please send your comments to the committee members and your own Washington State Representatives and Senator.  The Cannabis Industry is forced to use cash because of the fear of charges of money laundering by the Federal Government if private banks process the money; This bill would fulfill basic banking needs for  the Cannabis industry, give less opportunity for corruption and  an accounting of moneys for tax purposes.  The state is awaiting a memo clarifying the Feds position, however a memo does not change the Federal law making Marijuana an illegal substance.

SB  5955 would help in the implementation of Initiative 502 passed by Washington voters last year. 


If you  click on the name of the Senator below, you will go to their page, click on email, fill out your address and then you will be able to send an email to them and comment on the bill whether you are in their district or not.


Committee Members





Hobbs, Steve (D) Chair

JAC 239

(360) 786-7686

Mullet, Mark (D) Vice Chair

LEG 415

(360) 786-7608

Benton, Don (R) *

LEG 409

(360) 786-7632

Fain, Joe (R)

LEG 404

(360) 786-7692

Hatfield, Brian (D)

JAC 237

(360) 786-7636

Nelson, Sharon (D)

LEG 316

(360) 786-7667

Roach, Pam (R)

INB 112

(360) 786-7660


Cindy Cole

Washington Public Bank Coalition



3)  Special Meeting of Housing Task Force:  Preparing for Homeless Census

Friday January 17th at Noon @ Olympia City Hall, Room 207


This is the city organization and they actually do good work.  Go to this meeting if you wish to participate in this year’s homeless census.


From the Housing Task Force:


Housing Task Force – Special Meeting


Prep for the 2014 Homeless Census


Noon – Friday, January 17th

City of Olympia

Room 207


Overview of the 2014 Homeless Census


  • 2014 Homeless Census Forms
  • Review of Homeless Census Reporting
    • Transitional Housing – HMIS “Snapshot”
    • Emergency Shelters – Paper Surveys & HMIS Data Entry
    •  Unsheltered – Paper Surveys & HMIS Data Entry




M. Anna Schlecht  / Housing Program Manager

City of Olympia Housing Program

City of Olympia / 601 4th Avenue East  /  Olympia WA 98501

(360) 753-8183  /


City of Olympia Website:


Please NoteThis message and any reply may be subject to public disclosure.



4)  Skype Call to Gaza:  Not Afraid to Look

Saturday January 18th at 7 am @ LTBA


Come show solidarity with the Palestinians.


From the Rachel Corrie Foundation:


Jan. 18th: Not Afraid to Look


Join the Rachel Corrie Foundation’s kick-off on Martin Luther King memorial weekend, Saturday, January 18th, with an (early) 7 am Skype call with comrades in Gaza City, Edinburgh, and London!  The three cities are concurrently displaying a photo exhibit, Not Afraid to Look: In Loving Memory of Tom Hurndall and Rachel Corrie, and they’ve invited Olympia to their event!


Saturday, January 18th, marks the five-year anniversary of the end of “Operation Cast Lead,” a three week long military assault on Gaza.  January 13th, the day the exhibit opens, marks the ten-year anniversary of the death of Tom Hurndall in 2004.  Tom was an International Solidarity Movement (ISM) activist wounded on April 11, 2003, in Gaza by an Israel Defense Forces sniper.


The photo exhibit, Not Afraid to Look: In Loving Memory of Tom Hurndall and Rachel Corrie is organized by the Network of Photographers for Palestine.  The compilation of photographs Rachel and Tom took while in Gaza in 2003, and recent photos highlighting the current situation in Gaza, are being displayed simultaneously across the world.


The 7 AM Skype Call in Olympia will connect our community and the three cities currently displaying the exhibit (Gaza City, Edinburgh, London).  The intention is to forge solidarity and connection across borders.  At 7:10 there will be a series of musical and spoken performances, followed at 7:40 by discussion between the four hosting communities.  The call will end at 8:30 a.m. with opportunity for local groups to debrief among themselves.  Bagels and coffee will be available!


To be a part of this early morning, international conversation, please RSVP to or call the Rachel Corrie Foundation office at (360) 754-3998 by Monday, January 13th, so we can make accommodations for all interested.  We look forward to honoring the memory of Martin Luther King by raising our voices for justice and freedom in Gaza.



5)  8th Annual MLK Redeeming the Vision Event

Sunday January 19th @ Urban Grace Church, 902 Market St, Tacoma


This is out-of-town (Tacoma) but it’s big and it’s good.


From the organizers:


Our mission is to recapture, reinvigorate, and redeem the prophetic vision of Reverend, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  We want to present his vision with its sharp searing insight within the context of everyday life in contrast to what we see as an ongoing effort to render it as benign, anemic, antiseptic, allusive, and static.  We want to bring it back to the streets, to the people, where it started, where it belongs.

For more info visit



6)  Annual MLK Day March on the Capitol

Meet at at 9 am @ Capitol Theater, 206 5th Ave E


This is a massive annual march on the state capitol building to lobby legislators for working people and poor.  Numerous organizations, both local and statewide, will be participating.  Thousands of people are bussed in from all over the state representing all of the major social justice organizations.  There are workshops and legislative trainings available.




6A)  Washington CAN Action


Hello Friends!


Coming up is our Annual MLK Lobby Day!  It is an exciting opportunity for you to join fellow members from across the state to convene on the capitol and advocate for important issues.


This year some of the issues we are focusing on are; passing a Basic Health Option in Washington, a DREAM act for high achieving undocumented students, Paid Sick Days for everyone and Dental Access that we all can afford.


The day will start at 9 am on January 20th at the Capitol Theater in downtown Olympia.  We will provide breakfast, lunch and transportation if needed, and please feel free to share this opportunity with anyone who supports our goals.  Join us and celebrate Dr. Kings legacy in a powerful way!


Register here:


See you there!


Malon Kelly

Community Organizer

Washington CAN!

Phone: (360) 319-1496




6B)  Poverty Action Network Action


Mon Jan 20:  Lobby the Legislature for poor people and related social & economic justice concerns:  Every year on the Martin Luther King holiday, Statewide Poverty Action ( organizes hundreds of people from around the state to gather for a day of information-sharing and lobbying at the Washington State Capitol.  The organizers are planning workshops, training, legislative appointments, and more.  Info:




7)  The Free Olympia Project Community Assembly with Really Really Free Market

Wednesday January 22nd from 7 to 9 pm @ Traditions Café, 300 5th Ave SW


Looking to set up a hub for radical community building.


From the organizers:


→Bring stuff for Really Really Free Market ♥

→Bring food for a potluck ♥


This is the third assembly of the Free Olympia Project


The Free Olympia Project seeks to act as a hub for radical community building projects in Olympia.  We want to help create community assemblies, free food networks, guerrilla gardens, really really free markets, radical literature distribution, free shelter, and any other projects working towards the goal of a community of horizontal abundance that can improve our material conditions and increase our autonomy from capitalism and the state


This is a space to gather face to face and share projects and ideas, tell people what you’re working on and how they can plug in, and find others with similar ideas. There are already tons of great people working on great projects in Oly.  Let’s get together!



8)  Bonus Tip of the Day:


Be right without being wrong.






The Thunderbolt 010914 Good News Bad News



The Thunderbolt!!!


            News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes


Thunderbolt Action Alert:


1)  FYI Section

  1A)  Update from West Central Park Project

  1B)  Mobilizing against Fast Track for the Trans Pacific Partnership

  1C)  Petition to Port of Olympia to Stop Shipping Fracking Material through the Port

2)  Cascadia Bus to Bellingham for People’s Movement Assembly

3)  Community Rights Ordinance Meeting

4)  Asemblea de Movimientos Populares/ People’s Movement Assembly

5)  Movie:  Meetings with Remarkable Men

6)  Sunday Assembly Olympia

7)  ACS CAN’s 2014 Lobby Day in Olympia

8)  Toilet Training:  Addressing Discrimination against Trans and Gender Non Conforming Individuals

9)  Official Cannabis Action Coalition Lobby Days

10)  Queer Prisoner Letter Writing Night

11)  Bernie Meyer and Larry Kerschner Report from India

12)  Bonus Tip of the Day



Good News Bad News




Hey Kids!


Please read this week’s Thunderbolt.  It is a good one — and it is relatively short and sweet.


(One complaint I keep getting is that the News and Commentary section is too long.  I don’t know what to do about that as I’m afraid that it is what it is.  I actually had more this week but I sometimes save stuff for when I experience a slow-creativity week, so you’re lucky…)


So welcome to the Thunderbolt for January 9th, 2014!




We’re not going down there to protest what they’re doing; we’re going down there to stop what they’re doing.


—Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd upon setting sail for Antarctica to stop illegal whaling by the Japanese




Good News


Let’s start off with good news:  According to Bloomberg, over the last year the 1% got a lot richer!


Yay for them!




Bad News


The bad news is that the other 99% (us) continued to suck rocks.


Too bad for us, I guess.




Boeing News


The definition of a ‘protection racket’ is when someone creates a danger and then charges people for protection from the danger that they created.  Since that is exactly what Boeing — the second largest war profiteer on the planet — is doing to both the State of Washington and to their own workers, then take it from there.


By the way, even as Boeing extorts the largest individual tax break in American history from our seriously cash-strapped state (a state that has recently slashed funding for higher education and infrastructure and for programs absolutely vital to the disabled and veterans and widows and orphans and the homeless — along with the promise of more cuts to come) and even as Boeing systemically coldly and efficiently destroys the future for the children of the workers that created their fortune for them — Boeing itself is enjoying record profits at $1.09 billion, a 9% increase over last year.


In addition, Boeing CEO Jim McNerney received a 15% raise in pay for a total of $21.1 million.


Wow.  Nice work if you can get it.



If I didn’t have the outlet provided by this newsletter then I would probably be screaming and banging my head against a wall by this point.


What do ya’ll do?




Bezos News


Speaking of failures to seriously freak out, why do I hear crickets chirping over the fact that Jeff Bezos — that famous practitioner of dog-eat-dog-by-eating-all-the-other-dogs-capitalism and reviver of the Great American Sweat Shop and tax-dodger extraordinaire — yes, that Jeff Bezos — has just almost simultaneously both purchased the Washington Post and inked a $600 million contract with the CIA?


Jeez, people!  Can you imagine the American reaction should one of the lead spy agencies in Iran or Venezuela make a massive business deal with the owner of one of the most influential newspapers in their country?


Yeah, yeah, the Washington Post has been a shill for the War Machine for a long time — but this is pretty blatant even for them.


I am guessing that Bezos and the CIA were guessing that they don’t even need to bother hiding such things anymore.


From the reaction — or serious lack of same — I am now guessing that their guess was 100% accurate.


Jeez, people!




More Proper Props


I realize that the Thunderbolt is very hard on politicians.


It is rumoured that politicians are human.  Others suggest that they lack certain qualities necessary for a strict interpretation of that designation — but be that as it may, I must admit that there is some convincing evidence both empirical and circumstantial to back this assertion.  Just in case they are actually human, then in order to show the common respect due to all humans, then I guess I must try to muster some sensitivity even to their lot in Life…


…and thus, I will now give some proper due:


For one thing, while I think most of you understand the money part of the equation, I suspect that most don’t appreciate the great lengths and massive effort required in order to both achieve and then maintain a position wherein you get paid the Big Bucks for never actually doing anything.  Begging for money press conferences constant travel begging for money constant meetings votes begging for money committee reports begging for money prodigious hand-shaking floor-votes baby-kissing begging for money swerving lying ass-kissing phone calling bribing crying begging for money jumping threatening begging for money cheating smiling begging for money smiling begging for money smiling…


…all so that you can achieve a station in Life wherein you never actually do anything!


How many of you could do this?  (How many of you would want to do this?)  Truly, how many have considered the prodigious effort these people expend in order to not do anything?


And consider this:  If they weren’t not doing anything then they probably would be doing something which would very likely suck even more than their current practice of not doing anything…


…so maybe we should just go along and humour them until our Revolution gets going good…




Political Genie Wish


If some genie gave me $10 million for any political campaign that I chose, then I would choose to finance a campaign for instituting a Washington State Bank.


That represents a resounding blow right to the money throat.  That hits Wall Street not only right in the pocket book but also represents a powerful drop-kick right in their power-manipulation groin.  That would be talking the talk and walking the walk.


(Okay, so I’m not the world’s greatest metaphorist…)


Back in 1915 a bunch of socialists took control of the North Dakota state government, established a state bank called the Bank of North Dakota, and then they disappeared from history.  North Dakota has been enjoying the many many many benefits of the Bank of North Dakota ever since.  They are almost completely out from under the oppressive thumb of Wall Street and so a large percentage of their money stays local.  Rather than seeking ways to fleece you and your community, the Bank of North Dakota instead seeks to help their patrons and build their state.  North Dakota barely noticed both the Great Depression of 1929 and the Great Recession of 2007 and in fact they have maintained more-or-less a happy healthy economy throughout the nearly 100 years that they have had their state bank.  There are many apples that don’t relate to the oranges in other states, but most people are fine with either apples or oranges…


…which is another of my awkward metaphors saying that most of the differences are irrelevant.


This article tells you what you need to know:


The Washington State Bank Campaign seems to have died.


It should rise again.




You Know You’re in Trouble When…


…telling the truth becomes a subversive act…


…the legends and stories that define your culture are all lies…


… your president says that it’s okay for him to murder people…


…Wall Street is enjoying record profits…


…you get up at 5 am and stumble into the kitchen to make coffee — but when you turn the water tap, the water comes out underneath the sink instead of out the faucet.


(That happened to me this morning.)


(The rest of the day has progressed more-or-less normally, so that was evidently not some ill omen…)


And so, on that cautionary tale…


It’s time to get to work!



The Thunderbolt Calendar

Week of January 9th thru 16th 2014






1)  FYI Section:


1A)  Update from West Central Park Project


Happy 2014 and way to go keeping the Park looking spiffy since last May!  We are heading into the weekend and have a fun line up of work to do on Sunday at our upcoming work party.  Work will be from 10 to 1 and will include taking down the rest of our holiday decor, creating more landscaping berms along Division, planting some new trees and moving stones into the permanent design. We hope you can make it out! We will provide tools and refreshments but gloves are always recommended. 


See you then!




1B)  Mobilizing against Fast Track for the Trans Pacific Partnership


The Trans Pacific Partnership is Very Important.  This absolutely MUST be defeated.


From the Green Party:


2013 was an eventful year in organizing, and the successes we achieved on the “No Fast Track for the TPP” campaign owe to your remarkable work and dedication!  I can’t wait to celebrate with you when we defeat this job-killing “trade agreement” once and for all!


But this coming week, we need to mobilize – and quickly – – as it looks like the beast will be rearing its ugly head when Congress reconvenes this week!


With a Fast Track bill expected in the next few days, we need to bring everyone into the loop ASAP!


Overview: Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus, and House Ways & Means Committee Chair David Camp, are expected to introduce a Fast Track bill as soon as Congress reconvenes next week.  


From a recent Counterpunch article:


“Fast Track is needed to prevent Congress from doing its job under the Constitution.  The Commerce Clause gives the constitutional responsibility of “regulating trade between nations” to Congress.  If Congress does its job that will require the contents of the TPP to be made public, hearings to be held and experts and citizens to weigh in.  If the people know what is in the TPP, it will not become law.  The only way for the TPP to pass is for its contents to remain secret. . . .


“A new Public Citizen report shows that not only did promises made by proponents [of NAFTA] not materialize, but many results are exactly the opposite.  Such outcomes include a staggering $181 billion U.S. trade deficit with NAFTA partners Mexico and Canada, one million net U.S. jobs lost because of NAFTA, a doubling of immigration from Mexico, larger agricultural trade deficits with Mexico and Canada, and more than $360 million paid to corporations after “investor-state” tribunal attacks on, and rollbacks of, domestic public interest policies.”


“The TPP is an issue that unites the movement because it affects not just workers but the environment, regulation of finance, Internet freedom, food safety, healthcare and gives corporations control of virtually every aspect of our lives. There are many ways to organize in local communities to unite people and stop the TPP.  We can stop the TPP and when we do, it will be a major victory of the people over the transnational corporations and their government allies.”


 Everyone needs to mobilize on this one.  This is the biggest threat in recent memory to U.S. citizens and to democracy.  Please call your Senator and your Representative to tell them not to approve Fast Track. 








1C)  Petition to Port of Olympia to Stop Shipping Fracking Material through the Port




2)  Cascadia Bus to Bellingham for People’s Movement Assembly

Friday January 10th at 6 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE


The name describes the event!  The PMA is happening in Bellingham on Saturday.


(See Calendar entry below.)


From the Cascadia Bus People:


Taking off Friday 6pm from Media Island International to go to Bellingham for the People’s Movement Assembly on Saturday. Will return Saturday evening.  Room for folks to join up, this is part of the road to the NW Social Forum this September in PDX.  Need to throw down on gas and gratis for our illustrious movement mechanic and driver Rick Fellows!



3)  Community Rights Ordinance Meeting

Saturday January 11 at Noon @ MIXX FM, 119 Washington St NE


This is important and this is happening.  People are organizing.  This is about taking our communities back from the Machine.  They have come up with a very interesting and possibly effective strategy:  The Community Rights Ordinance.


From the organizers:


Next Meeting Saturday, Jan 11th at Noon at the MIXX meeting space


Dress warm.  119 Washington St NE, Olympia.


Our plan for the next meeting is to review the Lane County, OR Food Security CRO and the Spokane CRO.  We are currently discussing/drafting a South Sound CRO that will focus on food security and the health of the Salish Sea (aka Puget Sound).  There is some thought about adopting the orca as a symbol or icon for the health and safety of the Salish Sea.  This particular combination of issues gives us the possibility of campaigning based on “Orcas, YES!  Monsanto, NO!” or variations on those themes and icons.


Here is a link to the Lane County food security CRO movement.


Here is some of the proposed text from the Lane County CRO:


Section 2. Statements of Law – Local Food Bill of Rights

  1. Right to Local Food System: The people of Lane County possess the right to a local food system, which shall include, but not be limited to, the right to grow, sell, purchase, store, consume, use, share and distribute local food.
  1. Right to Seed Heritage: All people of Lane County possess the right to save, grow, preserve, protect, collect, share, store, use, harvest, and distribute all seeds used within Lane County. This right shall include, but not be limited to, the right to be free from patents of seed and from infection, infestation, contamination, or drift by any means from genetically engineered organisms.
  1. Rights of Natural Communities: Natural communities, such as soils and other terrestrial systems, and aquatic systems such as aquifers, streams, rivers, and wetlands, shall possess the right to exist, persist, maintain themselves and regenerate their own vital cycles, structures, functions and evolutionary processes in order to ensure the integrity of the local food system within Lane County.
  1. Right to Self-Government: All residents of Lane County possess the right to a form of governance where they live which recognizes that all power is inherent in the people and that all free governments are founded on the people’s authority and consent, for the purpose of the creation and protection of the local food system. Use of the Lane County municipal corporation by the people of Lane County to make law shall not be deemed, by any authority, to eliminate or reduce that self-governing authority.
  1. Rights are Self-Executing: All rights delineated and secured by this ordinance shall be self-executing, shall be deemed to be fundamental and inalienable, shall be enforceable against both public and private actors, and shall not require implementing legislation for their enforceability.


We are looking at the Spokane CRO for the language that has been developed with their work.  Here is a sample from Spokane:


Community Bill of Rights

Initiative 2012-3

First.        Neighborhood Residents Have The Right To Determine Major Development In Their Neighborhoods.


Neighborhood majorities shall have the right to approve all zoning changes proposed for their neighborhood involving major commercial, industrial, or residential development. Neighborhood majorities shall mean the majority of registered voters residing in an official city neighborhood who voted in the last general election. Proposed commercial or industrial development shall be deemed major if it exceeds ten thousand square feet, and proposed residential development shall be deemed major if it exceeds twenty units and its construction is not financed by governmental funds allocated for low-income housing.


It shall be the responsibility of the proposer of the zoning change to acquire the approval of the neighborhood majority, and the zoning change shall not be effective without it. Neighborhood majorities shall also have a right to reject major commercial, industrial, or residential development, which is incompatible with the provisions of the City’s Comprehensive Plan or this Charter.

Approval of a zoning change or rejection of proposed development under this section shall become effective upon the submission of a petition to the City containing the valid signatures of neighborhood majorities approving the zoning change or rejecting the proposed development, in a petition generally conforming to the referendum provisions of the Spokane municipal code.


Second.      The Right To A Healthy Spokane River And Aquifer.


The Spokane River, its tributaries, and the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer possess inalienable rights to exist and flourish, which shall include the right to sustainable recharge, flows sufficient to protect native fish habitat, and clean water. All residents of Spokane possess fundamental and inalienable rights to sustainably access, use, consume, and preserve water drawn from natural cycles that provide water necessary to sustain life within the City. The City of Spokane and any resident of the City or group of residents have standing to enforce and protect these rights.


Third.         Employees Have The Right To Constitutional Protections In The Workplace.


Employees shall possess United States and Washington Bill of Rights’ constitutional protections in every workplace within the City of Spokane, and workers in unionized workplaces shall possess the right to collective bargaining.


Fourth.       Corporate Powers Shall Be Subordinate To People’s Rights.

Corporations and other business entities which violate the rights secured by this Charter shall not be deemed to be “persons,” nor possess any other legal rights, privileges, powers, or protections which would interfere with the enforcement of rights enumerated by this Charter.



4)  Asemblea de Movimientos Populares/ People’s Movement Assembly

Saturday January 11th from 10 am to 5 pm @ Community to Community Development, 203 West Holly St. Bellingham, WA 98225  (Olympia Carpool Leaving Friday Evening — See Previous Entry)


The Alliance for Global Justice has organized another mass-meeting of national activists to plug in and network.


This from AFGJ:


Analyze current political moment and develop action items as we build to the Pacific Northwest Social Forum in Portland, OR.  All fronts if struggle welcome to participate.

US Social Forum 3 People’s Movement Assembly (PMA) Movement building, going from defensive to offensive

1. Discuss and model the People’s Movement Assembly (PMA) process within the overarching USSF3 process

2. Use the PMA process to analyze, vision, and strategize movement building in the current moment

3. Encourage organizations /networks to apply to NPC and/or sign on as “allies, if appropriate

4. Build commitment to join USSF3 working groups, and to anchor and organize PMAs locally, regionally and /or thematically on the road to USSF3

Analizar momento político actual y desarrollar elementos de acción a medida que construimos para el Foro Social del Noroeste del Pacífico en Portland, OR. Todos los frentes de lucha son bienvenidos a participar.

Asamblea del Movimiento del Foro Social de los EE.UU. 3 Popular (PMA) Construcción de movimientos y al pasar de la defensiva a la ofensiva

1. Comentar y modelar Asamblea del Movimiento Popular (PMA) dentro del proceso global

2. Utilisar el proceso de PMA para analizar, visión y estrategias de construcción de movimientos en el momento actual

3. Alentar a las organizaciones / redes

4. Construir un compromiso de unirse a grupos de trabajo y para anclar y organizar medios de acceso permanentes a nivel local, regional y / o temáticamente en el camino a USSF3



5)  Movie:  Meetings with Remarkable Men

Saturday January 11th at 2:30 pm @ Timberland Library, 8th Ave Downtown


This is a film screening.


From the organizers:


Saturday-Jan. 11 at 2:30 PM at the Timberland Library, 8th Ave. downtown


Movie- Meetings with Remarkable Men- a Peter Brook film about the life and travels of G.I. Gurdjieff, the Russian Mystic, who founded a spiritual tradition called The Fourth Way.


The Movie incorporates spectacular photography and a highly evocative score, incorporating various indigenous music.


Admission is free



6)  Sunday Assembly Olympia

Sunday January 12th at 10 am @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE


This is assembling for revolution.


From the organizers:


Hey Olympia! Welcome to Sunday Assembly! This is a bit of a movement out of an effort in England that is organizing atheists to live better, help often and wonder more. Perhaps after the holiday blitz of religious overtones you all may need a respite that honors the good nature of the season, the connection to the natural world and solstice but drops some of the other stuff.


This will be the first one and it will be what we make of it. Expect enlightened conversation, coffee, tea, pastries, singing, music, perhaps a short talk on something good, announcements and gratitude. We will be aiming to have it twice monthly, every second and 4th Sunday.


Below is some information from:


The Sunday Assembly Public Charter


The Sunday Assembly is a godless congregation that celebrate life. Our motto: live better, help often, wonder more. Our mission: to help everyone find and fulfill their full potential. Our vision: a godless congregation in every town, city and village that wants one.


We are here for everyone who wants to:


Live Better. We aim to provide inspiring, thought-provoking and practical ideas that help people to live the lives they want to lead and be the people they want to be


Help Often. Assemblies are communities of action building lives of purpose, encouraging us all to help anyone who needs it to support each other


Wonder More. Hearing talks, singing as one, listening to readings and even playing games helps us to connect with each other and the awesome world we live in.


The Sunday Assembly


Is 100% celebration of life. We are born from nothing and go to nothing. Let’s enjoy it together.


Has no doctrine. We have no set texts so we can make use of wisdom from all sources.


Has no deity. We don’t do supernatural but we also won’t tell you you’re wrong if you do.


Is radically inclusive. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their beliefs – this is a place of love that is open and accepting.


Is free to attend, not-for-profit and volunteer run. We ask for donations to cover our costs and support our community work.


Has a community mission. Through our Action Heroes (you!), we will be a force for good.


Is independent. We do not accept sponsorship or promote outside businesses, organisations or services


Is here to stay. With your involvement, The Sunday Assembly will make the world a better place


We won’t won’t tell you how to live, but will try to help you do it as well as you can


And remember point 1… The Sunday Assembly is a celebration of the one life we know we have


What should you expect from a Sunday Assembly event?


Just by being with us you should be energised, vitalised, restored, repaired, refreshed and recharged. No matter what the subject of the Assembly, it will solace worries, provoke kindness and inject a touch of transcendence into the everyday.


But life can be tough… It is. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, we have moments of weakness or life just isn’t fair. We want The Sunday Assembly to be a house of love and compassion, where, no matter what your situation, you are welcomed, accepted and loved.


Most of all, have fun, be nice and join in.



7)  ACS CAN’s 2014 Lobby Day in Olympia

Sunday January 12th from 8 am to 4:30 pm @ Capitol Campus


Come lobby against cancer.  It’s even more unpopular than Congress.


From the organizers:


The fight against cancer should remain a top priority for lawmakers in Olympia! 

On February 12, experience the power of advocacy firsthand by taking part in ACS CAN’s 2014 Lobby Day in Olympia.  By using your voice and your own personal experiences, you can help your elected officials to understand why cancer needs to remain a top priority this legislative session.


Click here to register for 2014 Lobby Day in Olympia!


February 12, 2014 

8:00AM – 4:30PM 

State Capitol campus, Olympia, WA

Light breakfast and lunch will be provided


Lobby Day gives ordinary people extraordinary power – the power to fight back against cancer! Lobby Day is a fantastic event where ACS CAN volunteers get to meet with their state legislators in Olympia and talk about our state priorities in the fight against cancer.

The first half of the day is dedicated to learning about ACS CAN’s 2014 legislative priorities, which include restoring Washington’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment program and keeping kids off tobacco by funding Tobacco Prevention and Control Programs. You will learn how to talk to your legislators about these issues during our hands-on, interactive training.

In the afternoon, you will be accompanied by volunteers from your legislative district as you sit down to speak with your senator and representatives.  Don’t miss this amazing opportunity!


RSVP for 2014 Lobby Day in Olympia NOW!


I look forward to seeing you there!

Mary McHale

Grassroots Relationship Manager



8)  Toilet Training:  Addressing Discrimination against Trans and Gender Non Conforming Individuals

Monday January 13th from 6:30 to 8 pm @ 317 4th Ave E, 4th Floor in Co-Lab


Come learn how to address discrimination.  This is through Partners in Prevention Education [PiPE]


From PiPE:


Toilet Training:  Addressing Discrimination against Trans and Gender Non Conforming Individuals


Monday, January 13, 2014

6:30pm until 8:00pm

317 4th Ave E, 4th Floor in Co-Lab


Ever wonder what your rights or responsibilities for ensuring EVERYONE has safe bathroom access to restrooms that match with an individual’s gender identity? Join us for a video and presentation on trans* bathroom access and the impact of all sex-segregated facilities on people who do not fit within gender norms. This is one of the most controversial and important fronts in the struggle to end gender identify discrimination, and we strongly believe that community education is key to dispelling cultural myths and fears and establishing understanding about the struggles faced by those who do not fit easily into existing norms of binary gender. Presentation includes a screening of “Toilet Training” video from the Sylvia Rivera Law Project followed by a presentation and Q&A from the Washington Human Right’s Commission about discrimination cases the Commission has investigated regarding bathroom issues faced by trans people.

This event is great not only for the general public, but for business owners as well community organizations to get educated about what the law says around accommodations.



9)  Official Cannabis Action Coalition Lobby Days

Tuesday January 14th and Wednesday January 15th at 9 am @ State Capitol


Standing up for the medical marijuana folks.


From the organizers:


Meet with your legislators in a day of direct action for medical cannabis patients in our state. Wear red to show unity with patient rights!



10)  Queer Prisoner Letter Writing Night

Tuesday January 14th at 5 pm @ the Cusp, 4th and Franklin, Downtown


It’s more ‘alternative’ lifestyle/ worldview.  Come educate and activate.


This from the Cusp:


At The Cusp: Olympia Anarchist Social Center we will be holding a queer prisoner letter writing night.  At 5pm there will be a brief introduction and presentation on some specific queer prisoners who you can write to.

Letter writing supplies, snacks, coffee and postage will be available as they always are in the space.

Come Hang Out!



11)  Bernie Meyer and Larry Kerschner Report from India

Tuesday January 14th from 7 to 9 pm @ Traditions Café, 5th and Water St. Downtown


This will be interesting.


From the organizers:


Bernie Meyer + Larry Kerschner report from India trip


Tuesday, January 14, 2014


7:00PM – 9:00PM

Short Description:

Bernie Meyer and Larry Kerschner will report back with info + insights from their intensive 38-day activities in India and Nepal.


Traditions Café

5th & Water SW, downtown

Olympia WA 98501



Bernie Meyer (360) 570-0975

Bernie Meyer (“The American Gandhi”) visits India often and meets with people of all ages — young peace seekers at an annual international youth peace conference, media reporters, college + university groups, etc., etc. — and reports back to the Olympia community on information and experiences.  This year another longtime peace activist, Larry Kerschner from Centralia, went with Bernie for an intensive 38-day visit to India and Nepal.  Hear them report back tonight:


7:00 pm at Traditions Café, 5th & Water SW, Olympia.  

Info:  Bernie 570-0975



12)  Bonus Tip of the Day:


Spread the news!






The Thunderbolt 010214 Feedbackers





The Thunderbolt!!!


            News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes


Thunderbolt Action Alert


1)  FYI Section

   1A)  Update from West Central Park Project

   1B)  Resistance to Keystone Pipeline Mobilizing

   1C)  Annual Homeless Census Asking for Help

2)  Poppy Seed Street Lesson 4 to Air on KOWA

3)  King Tide at Percival Landing

4)  Media Island Benefit Brunch:  Campaign for Gaza Children & Families

5)  POWER Outage:  Planning the MLK Day March

6)  Author Appearance; Karen Litfin, Author of Ecovillages:  Lessons for Sustainable Community

7)  Hungry Cloud Darkening, SiLM and Autococoon @ Timberland Library

8)  Bonus Tip of the Day









Proper Props


Hey Kids!


I wish to start off this week’s Thunderbolt by giving props to organizations such as Médecins Sans Frontières, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Occupy Sandy, POWER, PiPE, Sidewalk and on and on (you know who you are) for providing so much to so many for so long with so little.


The Thunderbolt also wishes to give proper due to corporations such as Dow Chemical, Monsanto, General Electric, Goldman $achs — and on and on — whose generosity makes such organizations necessary.


Last — and possibly least — the Thunderbolt also wishes to thank the beef industry…


…because thanks to you, beef is now so much more than just dead cow meat!




Through the Discount Looking Glass — Again


The goal of the NSA is to completely eliminate privacy for everyone worldwide

                                —Glen Greenwald


We need to give heartfelt thanks to James Bamford for blowing the lid off the NSA with his book The Puzzle Palace.


The NSA is much more powerful and has a much bigger budget than the CIA, and in fact the NSA makes the CIA look like a bunch of boy scouts — yet up until Mr. Bamford published his book in 1982, the NSA operated almost completely in the shadows.


And now the NSA is doing exactly what the 4th Amendment was written to prevent.


The NSA has literally turned the 4th Amendment on its head, in fact:  Rather than conducting searches based upon suspicion, they are conducting searches of everyone and then looking for suspicion.


Basically, the NSA is treating everyone in the country like a potential terrorism suspect.


Make no mistake:  The NSA is possibly the most dangerous and powerful enemy that we now face.  In many ways, information is even more powerful than money.


Make no mistake:  The NSA is the Machine’s enforcement arm.  The people at the NSA are the storm troopers for the Machine’s efforts to install a worldwide corporate dictatorship.


This is important.  Keep an eye out.  Raise your voice.  Take to the streets.




Thunderbolt on Thunderbolt


Warning to Readers:  This week the Thunderbolt is going to indulge in some navel-gazing.


(If a corporation can be a ‘person’, then I guess a newsletter can have a ‘navel’.)


(And you thought ‘Thunderbolt on Thunderbolt’ was some kind of kinky sex thing, eh?)


Before getting lost in the Thunderbolt’s navel, though, I want to touch base with the fundamental foundational thing here:  I wish to emphasize stress accentuate call attention to underline underscore point out and point up once again ad-nauseum ad-infinitum how absolutely vital an informed public is to a functioning democracy.  There is a very good reason why the press was the only private enterprise that was given special consideration in the United States Constitution and there is a very good reason why the press is called the Fourth Branch of Government.


There was also a very good reason why the US Postal Service was the number one budget priority of the United States’ government for the first 100 years of its existence; this represented a massive government subsidy to assure a flourishing free press and it worked awesomely (often to the great distress of some of the Framers themselves, as it ironically turned out).  The Framers knew well that the media is our watchdog and they knew well that the need for such watchdogs is never-ceasing and relentless; they say just that over and over again in the Federalist Papers.


Since that time, though, our media has been bought paid for and transformed from a watchdog into a lapdog…


…and that is the reason that I now spend 20+ unrecompensed hours per week producing this newsletter and the associated radio program.  I consider the numero uno absolutely vital thing that absolutely positively must happen is the education of Americans about what is really going on.  That is the Key to the Revolution.


In doing this, though, I am in direct competition with a massive multi-billion dollar Media Machine that has been showering a well-financed and well-researched waterfall of counter-narrative down upon our little heads for several decades now, and by this point everyone is near drowned.  In addition, the Machine Narrative is generally comforting and pleasant whilst mine is generally quite the opposite.  Their arguments are much easier to accept and people are naturally more inclined to favour that narrative — often even in cases where they know the narrative is false — because that narrative is so much more emotionally appealing than my apocalyptic doomsday sky-is-falling hysteria.


People will often prefer the Machine narrative even in cases where they know that I am right.


The Machine has spent and continues to spend a whole bunch of serious cash studying how to manipulate public perception and they’ve been spending a whole bunch of serious cash implementing the best practices that their studies reveal.


I see no ethical problems with stealing their research and using it for the good guys.


Double-edged swords can be a bitch.


The Machine is winning, though.  They have largely succeeded in installing a faux-reality that has little to do with actual reality.  Their money and their bombs and their missiles — these are actually of highly limited utility (as the US military has been finding over the last few decades.  The United States military has won every battle but lost every war it has fought since World War II.)


No, the Machine’s most potent weapon is not a bomb or a missile:  Their most potent weapon is in shaping reality — and then using that reality to inculcate public apathy.


I sometimes ask people to define the opposite of ‘love’.  The obvious answer would be ‘hatred’.  I would disagree.  I consider ‘hatred’ to be frustrated love and I think that hatred is closely related to love.


I think that the opposite of love would be ‘indifference’.  Not caring.  Not considered to be worthy of consideration.


The central wall I hit when trying to activate people is not an argument in favour of the status-quo; people who do that are usually dedicated idiots anyway and talking to them is usually pointless.  No, rather than hearing arguments that try to justify anything, this is what I hear over and over and over:


“That’s just the way it is.  There is nothing we can do about it.”


The Machine’s gravely metallic laugh booms out sinisterly whenever it hears anyone say that.  This is exactly what it wants you to think.  Encouraging you to think this is why they spend the big bucks on all the propaganda.


I find this widespread ‘belief’ in our helplessness to be truly maddening because the provable fact is that once a grassroots critical mass makes a decision about something, then that something almost always gets done.  What that means is that not only can we indeed do something about it but — indeed — we are the only ones that can do anything about it!


The ‘we can’t do anything’ argument is provably false — but no one knows this because — again — the bad guys own the media — and that’s probably the very last thing in the world that they want us to know.




Credible Incredibility


Establishing credibility can be a bitch, especially since the Media Machine spends a lot of resources discrediting people like me.  In addition, a lot of people do indeed say a lot of crazy stuff and establishing yourself as a credible source of information — especially when the information you share sounds ‘paranoid delusional’ to someone who is unfamiliar with these things — then you could project your message across the sky in mile-high letters, yet it will all be utterly useless if no one pays any attention.


I have argued that — contrary to the Media Machine Narrative — there are numerous reasons to trust someone with an obvious point of view over someone that is hiding behind what — these days — is usually a put-on face of ‘objectivity’.  Attempting true objectivity is a worthy goal, but it should be understood that with the modern Media Machine, most of the time this purported ‘objectivity’ is actually a false front being utilized to push very specific agendas.  Even in those cases where journalists are attempting true objectivity — even in those cases, there should be the unspoken understanding by all concerned parties that no human is ever truly ‘objective’ about much of anything.


A journalists’ subjective bias can be determined right off the bat, for instance, by that journalist’s decision about which stories they choose to cover and which they choose to ignore.


I understand that I probably toot my own horn more than is seemly, especially considering that my observation has shown that — at least in personal life — most people with a right to boast usually do not need to.  Part of this boasting is my attempt to establish credibility and part of this is due to the fact that there are constantly new readers who are unfamiliar with past Thunderbolts and part of this is due to the fact that it also blows my own mind when every fact I pass along later proves out and when every conjecture I make turns out to be right on the money.


I probably also have some personal insecurities over the fact that I have neither academic nor journalistic credentials of any kind other than a press pass from Works in Progress which comes in handy on the few occasions when I am conducting actual journalism…


…yet I am always right and they are always wrong.


Whatever:  In order to get the message across, I am willing not only to boast but I am willing to sing dance beg joke cajole coerce bribe lay guilt trips — and I very consciously use many of the same tricks that the Media Machine uses in their brainwashing activities.  I sensationalize I use inflammatory emotional language and I even sometimes leave out relevant information (figuring the other side will make sure everyone knows about it).  I very intentionally push envelopes stretch rules push buttons and ignite controversy for its own sake.


My facts are facts, though.  I don’t include as many links to source info as I used to (doing that is actually a fairly major pain in the ass, especially since I don’t have the most efficient filing system in the world) but feel free to enquire if you ever want to do further reading upon any subject that I touch upon and/or if you wish to verify any of the facts that I relay.  I have them; I would just need to find them.


As for my credibility and accuracy:  In 2006, I called everyone I knew from the federal prison where I was engaged in a facsimile of living at the time and I strongly urged them to immediately sell their homes close their bank accounts and put everything they had into gold because the Wall Street looters were about to cash in.


I was a pot smuggler in a federal prison and I frigging figured it out — to me, in fact, it was like the impending crash was lit up in neon lights — yet now I must watch as all of these so called ‘economic experts’ on the Media Machine talk about how no one could have seen the 2007 crash coming.


I saw it coming because I have been studying this stuff all my life, and while history does not repeat itself per se, after awhile you can see distinct patterns that occur over and over.  For instance, except for the period between the mid-30’s and the mid-70’s, the Bubble-Bust Cycle has been the norm more or less constantly throughout American history.  If you know the pattern it was actually very easy to see 2007 coming.


I tried to warn people about Obama during the 2008 election but people got so incredibly upset with me that — believe it or not — I finally just shut my mouth about it.


As a special service this week, I will reveal my Great Secret of how I was able to identify Obama as a fascist whilst everyone else was convinced that he was our saviour:  I looked up his campaign financiers and saw Goldman $achs at the top of that list.


That told me all I needed to know about Barack Obama.  It was that easy.


In order to see the patterns, I need the facts — and they are out there if you know where to look, and in fact I think that the most important service that I can provide to Thunderbolt readers is that over the decades I have simply figured out who knows what they are talking about and I have figured out where to go to find out what is really going on.


Last week, in the midst of my last orgy of self-delusion and horn-tooting, I mentioned the fact that back in September I speculated that the Syrian Chemical Weapon Attack was a False Flag Attack orchestrated by a Western Intelligence agency.  I specifically mentioned that because the last time I received any feedback on the Thunderbolt was over that speculation.  This feedbacker went to lengths to point out that she considered the CIA to be a criminal organization — but then said that accusing them of something so incredibly vile without any supporting evidence was irresponsible.  She then went on to accuse me of being delusional and paranoid before asking to be taken off my mailing list.


Now my ‘paranoid delusional’ speculation has been mostly confirmed by none other than Pulitzer Prize Winner Seymour Hersh, who is pretty much the definition of credibility.


Again I based my speculation upon familiar patterns.  Again I based my speculation upon the fact that they’ve done things just like this over and over in the past and this incident bore all of the traditional hallmarks that are easy to see if you know what to look for.  I will also point out that I did this immediately after the attack happened and as far as I know I called it before anyone else did.  I searched the web at the time specifically looking for such speculation, and while I found a lot of skepticism over Obama’s and Kerry’s contention that Bashar al-Assad was responsible for the attack, I could find no one anywhere who mentioned even the possibility of this being a false-flag attack or even that the Syrian Resistance may have played any kind of hand — other than to parrot the US government’s contention that the Syrian Resistance didn’t have the capability to mount such an attack even though — as Mr. Hersh has just documented — actually western intelligence actually knew full-well that — well — actually…




Taking Things Personally


I didn’t hear anything about it this time, but in the past I have been rather heatedly criticized more than once by more than one person for combining the personal with the political.  On that we must just disagree because I think the two are inseparable, but I don’t want to go into all that again right now…






I love feedbackers.  The more views the better.  People often come up with things I hadn’t considered and they often correct me when I am mistaken, and this helps with the credibility thing.


Plus, I like to know that someone is actually reading this.


It is impossible for me to be truly objective about my own work.  That said, I think that overall I am very good at what I do.  I think I have developed a very good network for information and I think I am very good at determining what is the most relevant of that information.  I think I am very good at analysis and I think I am very good at detecting hidden agendas and I at least like to think that I am very good at presenting all of this an entertaining and memorable manner.


The one-year anniversary of the radio program approacheth and I’ve been taking some stock lately.  While I constantly try to shake things up and keep innovation happening, I know that over the course of the last year the Thunderbolt has transformed from a magical new thing into a somewhat routine and formulaic same-ole same-ole.


In addition, for the last two months the radio show has been shackled by ASCAP, and while I think I’ve kicked ass with what I had, it still put a crimp into my thing and changed the entire dynamic of how I do things; with two exceptions, I have previously always written the narrative first and then I perused my extensive music library to pick the accompanying music.  For the last two months that has been on its head:  I’ve had to look over the available non-copyrighted music and then construct the narrative around what I had — which was fun in some ways — but it still placed limitations upon where I could go with the narrative, which I didn’t like at all.


I am breaking that proscription this week, by the way, and the radio version of the Thunderbolt is going to feature Poppy Seed Street Lesson 4:  Drugs R Us, which I couldn’t play during the ASCAP Alert.


Anyway, the lack of feedback recently was another sign of the stagnation and so last week I came out and asked for some.  I received numerous responses, both from people I know and people I don’t know.  Thank you.


Most of it was positive.  Here is a representational example from my friend and local activist PL:


I read the Thunderbolt!  It’s a fuggin’ awesome treasure trove of vital info, commentary and wit 🙂  Feel free to quote me on that…


Another response came from my central target audience, i.e. someone I don’t personally know and who is not already an activist but who is very concerned about what is happening and who uses the Thunderbolt to keep up with things.


However, while I thoroughly enjoy hearing from folks who think I am the cat’s meow and the greatest thing since blue cheese, I am not going to reprint any more of those because it would be somewhat self-serving (if flattering) and I now find I should perhaps become a little more sensitive about using the Thunderbolt in self-serving manners…


I am actually even more interested in what people don’t like about the Thunderbolt as sometimes it is something in which I have never shined a critical enough light upon or something that I have never even before considered.


I got this from local activist DR:


Hey Kid,


I think you’re getting less feedback ‘cuz your messages are bloated/excessive.  Too much scrolling…


But the work you do is awesome and could be a leading voice in our community if you could reformat your presentation.


To do it right you need to get as many opinions as possible from your readers about the format they’d prefer.


My personal opinion is you’d be a mad genius if you posted to a blog/website everyday and then once a week or every other week emailed your usual email as a very brief one or two page list of excerpts of the very best sentence or two from each effort with a link to the full presentation. And I believe in you, so I’d be willing to donate a custom designed WordPress website, free hosting, and all the training/question answering you need.


I actually received suggestions from two knowledgeable folks to move the Thunderbolt to an online blog; I’m not real familiar with ‘blogs’ and I’m not real sure why reading and/or responding to a blog is easier than reading an email or hitting a reply button, but one hesitation is that while I spend a lot more time and energy on the News and Commentary section, I consider the Calendar to be the most important part of the Thunderbolt and I’m thinking that the Calendar is probably best served in an email format.  However, I will do some more research on this and possibly I will transform the Thunderbolt into an online-email hybrid of some kind.


Thanks for the offer and I might take you up on it.


I will also gladly accept your advice about soliciting feedback in that area:  I hereby officially solicit as many opinions as possible from my readers about the format in which you would prefer your Thunderbolts to strike.



I also got this response from CS:


I don’t read it much anymore.  Too self-serving.  “Kids” got old real quick?  It’s like your own playground but it isn’t amuzing anymore.  It’s radicalism run amok.  sorry, I’m sure I’m not the first to offer criticism.


First of all, CS is a local activist organizer extraordinaire whom I hold in very high regard, so to some critiques I do give added weight…


As far as calling ya’ll ‘Kids’ too much, I’ve wondered about that myself a few times.  Maybe I’ll stop doing it so much.  If you have been annoyed by this habit then I will apologize — Kids.


As far as ‘radicalism run amok’, on that one I’m afraid I simply disagree; I actually restrain myself quite a bit in this newsletter.  If you want ‘radical run amok’, you should read the things that I don’t publish.


I generally avoid writing about ‘9-11 Truth’, for instance — not because I don’t think most of the things they say about the 9-11 Attack are not indeed the truth, but because 9-11 is simply one of those things that — like the Kennedy Assassination — the Machine is simply not going to allow into the public purview for at least 40 or 50 years.


It aint gonna happen.


I know this because this is another typical pattern whenever they cover up such highly explosive information; they will literally kill you.


For the record:  Numerous credible sources provided numerous detailed warnings to the Bush Administration of the impending 9-11 attacks, including especially the CIA.  It has recently come to light that the entire CIA team involved seriously discussed quitting the Agency due to the Bushies ignoring of their warnings — especially since they accurately predicted that they would become the fall-guys when the shite hit the fan.


This leads to speculation about why Bush’s people would ignore such warnings.


Numerous credible sources state that there it is not anywhere near even the remotest of possibilities that the three towers — and especially Building 7 — collapsed for the reasons stated in the 9-11 Commission Report.  Numerous credible sources state, in fact, that the tower collapses showed all the hallmarks of a controlled demolition.


This leads to speculation about why the towers did actually collapse and to speculation about why the government would lie about something like that.


It has been proven beyond doubt that there was a massive cover-up of the facts surrounding the 9-11 attack — and that this cover-up was conducted at the highest levels of government.


This leads to speculation about what really did happen on 9-11 — and to speculation upon why the government would lie about something like that too.


Then, the true rotten tomato:  There is far less compelling but still striking evidence that there was operational assistance provided to the 9-11 attackers at the highest levels of the US government.


This leads to speculations of a much more dire nature…


Yes, 9-11 Truth would appear on the surface to be the ultimate playground for the Thunderbolt to deploy its infamous conspiracy detectors — but consider:  Say that someone was to come up with anything that could seriously shake up the 9-11 thing.  If they tried to actually push that out there then they would immediately be subjected to the typical progression in matters that are that high on the Machine’s priority list:  They would first be consciously ignored by everyone that ‘matters’.  If ignoring them didn’t work then they would be ridiculed.  If that didn’t work then they would be attacked (i.e., railroaded into prison and/or blackmailed and/or have their family threatened and/or whatever).


If none of that worked, then — like I said — they would be killed.


In any case the information would never see the light of day — so why bother?


Be patient:  We’ll find out about most of it in 40 or 50 years.



As far as the Thunderbolt being ‘self-serving’, I’m not sure what is meant by that.  I shamelessly promote the Thunderbolt at every opportunity and I haven’t hesitated to boast when I call something correctly, which is pretty much every time.  (There I go again.)  (I also don’t hesitate to admit it in the very few instances where I have proven wrong, though.)  This may be a character flaw on my part — but I do all this to promote the Thunderbolt and since I do not profit in any fiscal manner from the Thunderbolt then I cannot be accused of self-serving there, and if feeding my ego can be called self-serving, then I think priding myself on being good at saving my granddaughter’s planet is a rather benign form of that particular psychological derangement.


I have used the Thunderbolt a couple of times to encourage people to purchase a copy of Real Change from me.  I was fully conscious at the time that this was basically using a political newsletter to promote my private for-profit enterprise, which could be ethically problematic.  However, the fact is that selling Real Change is what finances all the other things I do that I don’t get paid for, and while I make a profit, Real Change itself is a 501 C-3 as well as an activist newspaper in its own right, and Real Change has won several prestigious journalistic awards; purchasing Real Change is not only a political act in itself, but you receive a top-quality product with a lot of information much of which you won’t get anywhere else.  Thus, while this was most definitely ‘self-serving’, it was all up-front with no hidden agendas and it was self-serving in two good causes; when you purchase Real Change from me you are directly contributing to  Real Change and you are indirectly contributing to the Thunderbolt.


I will even do a full-full disclosure here:  I do spend around $40 per week from my Real Change income on the marijuana that is partly responsible for the wacky loony-tunes ambiance that I so carefully cultivate.


So anyway, what I was doing was asking for contributions.  As far as ‘fund-raisers’ are concerned, I think mine are far less obnoxious than most…


If you prefer, you can just kick down the $2 without taking a paper; whatever.  I may even check out one of those alternatives to Pay Pal.  There are a couple of people who kick small contributions on a regular basis, there were several who kicked larger contributions over the holiday season, and shortly after I started publishing the newsletter I received a $100 bill as a donation.  DR just offered to set me up with a website.


Thanks to all.


I also love hearing from folks.  Thanks for that too.


So now that all the navel gazing and sappy sentimentality has been dispensed with…


It’s time to get to work…




The Thunderbolt Calendar

Week of January 2nd thru 9th 2014




1)  FYI Section:


1A)  Update from West Central Park Project


Here’s hoping everyone had a beautiful holiday and lots of good friends and family time!  As we approach the end of the year, the crew at West Central Park is very grateful for all the work the volunteers have done at the Park and wants to send out a huge THANK YOU!!!


This weekend, our Sunday work party will be about taking our christmas lights down,  tidying up the park, and making more progress on our Division Street plantings.  We are over half way to our goal of planting the whole Eastern side of the park.  Help us make that a reality soon and come on down to the park this Sunday, from 10 -1  and help us move dirt and mulch and turn sod into beautiful new beds.


In other news, we are well on our way to filing our 501c3 application, and we hope that this will greatly improve our chances to raise the remaining $120,000 we need to build our permanent park. 


Also, we will be meeting with City officials in the new year to revisit our next steps in going forward with a Neighborhood Park use, and to examine the possibilities for interacting more with the West Olympia Farmer’s Market at the park.  


Thanks to all for staying involved and helping us make this dream real, we couldn’t do it without you!




1B)  Resistance to Keystone Pipeline Mobilizing


I’m not sure how effective online petitions are, but Glen suggested plugging in with these folks, so they are most likely very good.


From Glen:


I have known and respected Vivien for decades, and we have conducted trainings together over the years.  She invites people who oppose the Keystone XL to sign the pledge – and to sign up to take training in Seattle on Sat. Jan. 11.


From Vivien Sharples:


Please join me and over 76,000 others around the country in signing the Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance  ( ).  By signing, we’re saying that we are willing to risk arrest, or support those risking arrest, in a massive wave of nonviolent civil disobedience actions all over the U.S. should the State Department recommend approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline to President Obama.  The power of this action is in its numbers and geographic spread, to show President Obama the level of opposition to Keystone XL.  So it will make a difference to our leverage if you sign the Pledge too, if you haven’t already!  You can sign it here:


In communities large and small across the country, groups are being trained to be ready for the wave of actions, should it prove to be necessary.  In Seattle we have already had 4 trainings so far, and we have two more coming up in January.  Please join us!  The training is not only for people willing to risk arrest, but also for those preferring to take support roles.  There will also be local Pledge actions in Everett, Bellevue, Portland, and more.  You can search for your closest actions by zipcode and city here:




1C)  Annual Homeless Census Asking for Help


From Anna Schlecht:




Thurston County needs your help with the 2014 Homeless Census!  The annual County-wide Homeless Census is how we learn who is homeless and why – – information that helps to guide funding and other resources to critically needed programs and projects. 


The Homeless Census will occur on Thursday, January 23rd and will continue into the following week.  Many shifts & volunteer activities are available all across Thurston County – including the urban hub of Lacey / Olympia / Tumwater;  the Yelm / Rainier hub; and, the Tenino / Bucoda hub areas.  Please sign up now using the following link:


Once you sign up we will get in touch with you soon to provide more information and training opportunities.


Thanks for making this a better community for all!


M. Anna Schlecht  / Housing Program Manager

City of Olympia Housing Program

City of Olympia / 601 4th Avenue East  /  Olympia WA 98501

(360) 753-8183  /


City of Olympia Website:


Please NoteThis message and any reply may be subject to public disclosure.



2)  Poppy Seed Street Lesson 4 to Air on KOWA

Friday January 3rd at 8 am and 7 pm and Saturday January 4th at 8 am on KOWA, 106.5 fm in Downtown Olympia or streaming at all over the world


I am engaging in unabashed self-promotion once again:  I have had Poppy Seed Street Lesson 4 recorded for a couple of months, but over that couple of months I have been seriously constrained by the fact that I could not use any copyrighted music because ASCAP was breathing down our throats.


We think/ hope/ pray that ASCAP has their baleful eye turned elsewhere by this point, so I am going to air Poppy Seed 4 for the next two weeks.


For some reason, the Poppy Seed Street format seems to draw the most formidable blasts from my arsenal.


I also have a heavy-metal blasting of ASCAP recorded as an intro to Poppy Seed 4.


If you’ve never heard the radio show, basically I read the Thunderbolt to the accompaniment of music.  Imagine having your Thunderbolts hurled to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony — or, if you prefer, to Rage Against the Machine.  I also have bluegrass, classic rock, new age, and many other things that are simply unclassifiable.


I’ve been collecting kick-ass music in a wide variety of genres for my whole life.


Check it out!



3)  King Tide at Percival Landing

Sunday January 5th at 8 am @ Percival Landing, 4th Ave NW and NW Water St


There is a full day of events today!  Get an early start by bearing witness to the King Tide.


From Mike:


Join Olympia Confronting the Climate Crisis, Fellowship of Reconcilation, and Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace at the Harbor House and let’s reflect on the future of downtown Olympia with global warming and rising tides.


This would be a good way to start the day, then follow up this event by heading over the Media Island International for the 11 am brunch benefit with the Rachel Corrie Foundation and friends for families in Gaza.


We also have a planning meeting for Transition Olympia and Free Olympia Project tentatively set for 2ish at Media Island.



4)  Media Island Benefit Brunch:  Campaign for Gaza Children & Families

Sunday January 5th from 11 am to 2 pm @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE


On the first Sunday of each month Media Island teams up with another social justice organization and then they jointly sponsor the Media Island Monthly Benefit Brunch.


You really should check out one of these brunches.  It’s a great way to meet local activists in a relaxed setting.  For several of the brunches I had never met any of the people before and I was unfamiliar with their work.  I am always very glad I met them and I am always very glad I now know what they do.


Making these connections is the whole point of the brunches.  Now they are on our radar and we are on their radar and now we’ll know what each other are up to and now we can spread the word to our various networks.


As for what actually happens:  People hang out and talk about whatever they want to talk about.  Usually a representative of whatever organization is co-sponsoring gives a short talk about what they do.  Sometimes there are live performances of one kind or another.


The meal consists of eggs scrambled with several varieties of bell peppers, onion, garlic, and secret proprietary spices that I will not reveal under threat of torture.  (Just the right amount of cayenne is the trick…but don’t tell anyone!)  There are potatoes similarly fried with similar ingredients and there are big fat pancakes — both glutinous and gluten-free…


…yes, Kids, all of these culinary delights are all to be had at Media Island’s famous gastronomic tour dé force!


11 am to 2 pm the first Sunday of every month at Media Island, 816 Adams St SE (across the street from the downtown library).


From Media Island:


It’s time once again for Media Island Internationals monthly community benefit brunch!  We are celebrating the presence of our friend, and current Media Island roommate Anees Mansour, and partnering with the Rachel Corrie Foundation, Al Basma Club For The Disabled and the Rachel Corrie Cultural Center (in Gaza) to bring you a wonderful morning of delicious food and productive conversation.


Community Benefit Brunch For Gaza

Sunday, January 5th from 11am-2pm

at Media Island (816 Adams St SE, by downtown library)

Sliding scale starting at $5-20 (no one turned away for lack of funds)

Presentations and Discussion around Noon!




Anees and the Rachel Corrie Foundation are leading the effort to raise money for a couple of current projects in Gaza.  Come chow down on January 5th and join the conversation as we discuss these important projects for Gazan families and children:


1) The Rachel Corrie Cultural Center in Gaza is seeking $1500 dollars to help purchase much needed books for their library for the children and youth.  This cultural center is an important place of learning and socializing for the community, especially the young, and the center is in need of new materials and books to help the children continue to learn and grow.


2) Since Operation Cast Lead in 2008, the Gazan people have suffered with extreme power outages. These outages have become even more severe in the last six months, with most families now only receiving 4-8 hours of electricity a day.  The Al Basma Club For Disabled seeks $5500 to purchase 150 rechargeable emergency lights for the poor families in Rafah and to educate all on the risks of using candlelight.


For more information on these organizations:


Rachel Corrie Foundation:


Al Basma Club For Disabled:


Media Island International:


KOWA Community Radio:



5)  POWER Outage:  Planning the MLK Day March

Sunday January 6th Potluck at 5:30 pm @ Darby’s Café, 211 5th Ave


The is the monthly POWER Outage, always an educational experience.  Come help plan the MLK Day March.


This from POWER:


Happy New Year!  Our hope is for forward movement toward poverty awareness and eradication in 2014! 


Toward this end, POWER will be developing a strong campaign to take to our state legislators and to DSHS policy makers.  See the notes from our member meeting discussion below.  To that end, we hope you can join us at POWER Outage on Monday, January 6th for sign making, campaign development, and planning for our MLK Day March to the Capitol.


POWER Outage begins with a potluck meal at 5:30 pm.  Bring something to share if you are able. Discussions from 6 – 8 pm at Darby’s Café in downtown Olympia, 211 5th Avenue.  The café is closed, but the owners kindly let us use the space.


Childcare will be provided down the Street at the POWER office, 309 5th Avenue by the Olympia Childcare Collective!


You can reach us at 360-352-9716 toll free 866-343-9716        Find us on Facebook.


POWER is an organization of low-income parents and allies advocating for a strong social safety net while working toward a world where children and care giving are truly valued and the devastation of poverty has been eradicated.



6)  Author Appearance; Karen Litfin, Author of Ecovillages:  Lessons for Sustainable Community

Tuesday January 7th at 7 pm @ Orca Books, 509 4th Ave E


It’s time to learn about alternative ecological living!


From the organizers:


Tues Jan 7:  Karen Litfin will talk about her new book, Ecovillages: Lessons for Sustainable Community:  In a world of dwindling natural resources and mounting environmental crises, who is devising ways of living that will work for the long haul?  To answer this fundamental question, the author embarked on a journey to many of the world’s ecovillages, intentional communities at the cutting-edge of sustainable living.  From rural to urban, high tech to low tech, spiritual to secular, she discovered an under-the-radar global movement making positive and radical changes from the ground up.  This event is free and open to the public at 7:00 pm at Orca Books, 509 4th Ave E, downtown Olympia.  Info:  (360) 352-0123



7)  Hungry Cloud Darkening, SiLM and Autococoon @ Timberland Library

Wednesday January 8th from 7:30 to 9:30 pm @ Timberland Library, 313 8th Ave SE


This is radical political music — at the library!


From the organizers:


“Glossy Recall” by Hungry Cloud Darkening will be released on cassette.



8)  Bonus Tip of the Day:


Don’t get lost in your navel.



