Dancing Angel Media

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Hey Kids! I have finally figured out how to post my novels online! Just click on the title and it should open a downloadable PDF file for you. You can also click on the covers to see them better.



Trip About Infinity
(c) 1980


This was my very first novel. It explores some of the possibilities of an infinite universe.


Edge City

(c) 1984


This is a reflection upon the over-importance that our culture places upon physical appearance. The two central protagonists are the most beautiful women in the world and the ugliest woman in the world — and “Edge City” describes how neither of them can enjoy normal human relations with other people due to their physical appearance.


Pied Piper of California

(c) 1999


Who was the Pied Piper? How did he do what he did? Why did he do what he did? And since I was a child myself when I first heard the story, the central question: What did he do with the children that he took?

Well, I am happy to announce that these and many other questions are finally answered in “The Pied Piper of California”. This is sort of a western/ faerie tale/ social satire/ comedy and in many ways my favourite novel.


Happy Town

(c) 2007


“Happy Town” is my least favourite and my most important novel. It was written while I was serving six years in a federal prison for a pot charge and my outrage is apparent. This is an expose of the criminal justice system in general and the War on Drugs in particular.


Battle of Evermore

(c) 2008

BE Cover

In my other novels shit happens but everything works out in the end. In “The Battle of Evermore” shit happens, then MAJOR shit happens, then the book ends with a goat eating the dead protagonist’s boots.


Angel from Hell

(c) 2009

AH Cover

“The Angel from Hell” is my anti-war book. It is basically a history of the first half of the 20th Century.


Stitch in Time

(c) 2010


“A Stitch in Time” is an autobiographical novel. (Since I am still middle-aged I made up the rest of my life.) This was my favourite novel to write.


Legends of the West

(c) 2010

LW Cover

“Legends of the West” is a history of western America told from the point of view of my fictional protagonist. He witnesses everything from the Battle of the Little Bighorn to the assault on Bud Dajo in the Philippines.

4 thoughts on “Dancing Angel Media

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