The Thunderbolt 6_6_13 Discount Looking Glasses

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Action Alert Calendar

Discount Looking Glass Outlet:

1) FYI: The Pen is Taking Action on GMO’s
2) FYI: News from the Homeless Wars
2A) Quixote Village Groundbreaking
2B) City’s Budget for Homeless Services
3) Poetics of Displacement: Indigenous Identity in Unwelcome Space
4) PiPE-Line Benefit for Partners in Prevention Education
5) Really Really Free Market
6) FOR Potluck @ Priest Point Park
7) Come Meet Sue Gunn
8) Bonus Tip of the Day

Hey Kids!

I am very proud of this week’s Thunderbolt. I have also made a radio show out of this that is — at the risk of tooting my own horn — a masterpiece.

A couple of weeks ago I pointed out that since only rich kids can afford college now, then that means that federal prisons can provide a fantastic alternative for learning the skills necessary for survival in this Brave New World…

…but then I realized that this doesn’t address the little kids! (i.e. the real kids!)

Thus, I am proud to announce that the first segment of this week’s Thunderbolt will be aimed at the little people!

Yes, Kids, (and kids too!) we here at The Thunderbolt (actually, I here at The Thunderbolt) feel that kids are never too young to learn about genocide and slaughter and about the ties between illicit drugs and the economy!

Yes, I feel that kids should be prepared for the actual world that they will actually be facing!

And I’m here to tell you, kids, that you need to immediately forget nearly everything that they taught you in school and just listen to old Uncle Dana as he tells you how the world really works!

This is a segment I am calling…

(Start Sesame Street theme song…)

Poppy Seed Street!

Hazy Daze!
Climbing up the walls all day!
On my way to where the drugs are cheap!

Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Poppy Seed Street?
[Yeah, Dude, I can hook you up! Wha cha need?]

Smoke crack all day!
Everything’s A-OK !
Deadly neighbors there!
But that’s where we meet!
[You got my money, punk? You got any life insurance?]

Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Poppy Seed Street?

It’s a puke on the carpet ride!
Every cell door will open wide!
For strung out people like you!
Strung-out people like…
What a wasted…

Hazy Daze!
Climbing the walls all day!
On my way to where the drugs are cheap!

Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Poppy Seed Street…
How to get to Poppy Seed Street!
[You got my money, bee-atch? This ain’t no Sesame Street game we playin’ here! You in de Hood now!]


Poppy Seed Street: Lesson One

So, kids, our first lesson is about ‘capitalism’.

Can you say ‘capitalism’?

Now ‘capitalism’ is a parasite that consumes its host and it consists of ‘predators’ and ‘prey’. Under this system there are ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ and those who rise to the ‘top’ are those who are the most ruthless and cutthroat. I am afraid that nice people don’t fare so well here, kids, so forget all those things they taught you in kindergarten about fairness and sharing and not hitting people because then you will be a ‘loser’.

Now, the game is completely rigged so the only way to get to the top is to ingratiate yourself with those already at the top and the best way to do that is to kill lots of people. I know this sounds like a lot of trouble and bother and maybe it’s not very nice — but ‘predators’ get to own more than a thousand families could possibly spend in a thousand lifetimes and they get to live in decadent luxury while ‘prey’ is lucky if they can feed their children and they often live in poisonous crime-ridden hell-holes; thus, as long as ‘capitalism’ reins you definitely want to be a ‘predator’ rather than ‘prey’ — but the reality is that there is lots of ‘prey’ while I am afraid that there are not very many ‘predators’ — so you need to take measures! The best way to be a ‘predator’ is to be born into a wealthy white family; but as our current president demonstrates, there have been many cases of people rising from the bottom to take over! It simply requires insane amounts of ambition, completely killing all human compassion, and selling your soul to the Devil.

It’s easy, kids!

Now: In order to assure that you become a ‘predator’ rather than ‘prey’ you must become rich, and to become rich you need to steal lots and lots of money — but you must be very careful because if you don’t steal enough money then you might go to jail!

The trick here is to steal enough money to buy yourself a government! Then you can steal to your heart’s content with no fear of suffering anything as distasteful as being arrested! Plus, when you own a government then even if you lose all your money then you can get your pet government to make the ‘losers’ pay for that too!

Heads you win and tails they lose! You can’t beat it! Literally!

Yet another way for someone who is not rich to get rich is to buy lots and lots of those pretty poppy flowers! (That, in fact, is why I called this segment ‘Poppy Seed Street’!) Yes, Kids! Thanks to the ingenious ‘War on Drugs’, illicit drugs have become the biggest business on the whole entire planet and this little innocent pretty easy-to-grow flower can be processed into some of the most popular illicit drugs there are — and then you can make a fortune!

That’s all for this week kids! Next week we’ll learn how to corrupt governments and assassinate labor leaders!

Won’t you be my neighbor?


A Word from Your Discount Looking Glass Outlet!
(E Caveat Emptor, Sucker!)

Yes, Kids, I also have some spectacular news exclusive to The Thunderbolt for you this week!

I am proud to announce that after many decades of painstaking and extensive research and study — I have finally figured out what is wrong with the world!

(Sorry it took me so long!)

You see, here is our problem: We’ve fallen through a frigging discount Looking Glass!

Consider: What if you reported a crime and they threw you into jail for reporting it while the actual criminal received a promotion?

That is exactly what they did to Brad Berkenfeld. That is exactly what they are trying to do to Bradley Manning.

Really? What the hell kind of Looking Glass is that?

What if you were robbed of nearly everything you owned but when you called the police, the police explained that the robber had subsequently lost all of your money gambling at a casino and that now in addition to your losses from the theft you must also now pay for his gambling debts?

That is exactly what Wall Street just did to us and that was exactly the government’s response.

Wow, that Looking Glass must have some shite on the lens or something, eh?

What do you say when the task that is the most important most demanding and carries the most responsibility (i.e. motherhood) receives not one doodly of any squat concerning financial remuneration for their efforts whilst arrogant sociopathic human-mutant hybrids who not only contribute absolutely nothing to our world but actually suck it dry receive compensation that is so over-the-top overblown that is quite literally insane?

Jeez! This Looking Glass must have been made by a child slave in a Third World sweatshop or something!

Can I get a refund on this thing?


A Word from the Society for Evangelical Sexism

My question here: Does anyone really know anyone who isn’t a ‘sexist’? I mean, really?

From what I can gather not being a sexist means that you must view all humans with no regard for any sexual differences and/or to view both sexes as totally equal. Sorry, Kids, but this philosophy/ worldview/ religion/ whatever seems flawed on its face by the fact that men and women are profoundly different from each other in ways far deeper than the merely physiological or even the cultural baggage that all of us carry whether we want it or not; we are different in the way our psychologies work, in both brain function and physiology and in many other ways as well. There are a wide variety of individual permutations upon this theme but that is the general rule.

I believe that the bottom line concerning sexism is that women can have babies and that men can’t.

I think this means that the women are the ones with the real power around here.

My theory about the oppression of women is I think that while most men understand this subconsciously I think that most do not understand this consciously — and the cognitive dissonance this creates is what I think responsible for the fact that the lives of so so so many frigging women have been so so so frigging miserable for so so so many centuries now.

Get it? Women have been so brutally oppressed for all these centuries because all these big bad tough nasty men are so scared of them…

(Should I say it?)


…just like a bunch of little sissy girls!

Man-up, dudes! Acknowledge the real frigging power around here!

Have you had any babies lately? Huh?

I suspect that most of the long line of Catholic popes that were collectively responsible for the murder of over 9 million European women for being ‘witches’ probably were consciously aware of where the real power lied.

Thus, I must indeed plead guilty to the charge leveled at me of being a sexist for I do indeed consider women to be far superior to men in nearly every way that really counts. If you need some brute strength or if you want a boy-toy or if you need someone’s ass kicked then you might want to call a man — but otherwise we’re pretty much useless except possibly for purposes of entertainment. (Gee! Look at the monkey throwing the ball through the hoop!)

As far as the brutal oppression of women goes: That is getting better but it is still systemic. While I feel I have little if anything to apologize for on a personal level — I am a man and so I will apologize on the behalf of all men for you ladies having to endure all of that. I understand that that probably means next to nothing as far as any real effect upon such a monstrous and permeating disease — but you also have my word that I will do what I can to marginalize this worldview.

That is part of what I am doing here.


A Word from Your Creator:

I’m going to return now to the meme of putting aside personal differences and combining forces to fight the Machine now…

Being the hyper-critic that I am when it comes to any and all powerful institutions I have never bought into any religious beliefs and in fact I consider people who live by ‘faith’ and ‘belief’ to have a socially acceptable and often quite powerful form of mental illness. This particular mental disorder is more often than not benign and in many cases their condition actually leads to some profoundly cool things on both the societal and personal levels. My ex-wife became a full-bore born-again Christian shortly before our marriage completed the final stages of the crash. (Long story.) (They usually are.) Yet to this day my ex-wife remains my favourite person that I’ve ever known in a very long and insanely varied life of getting to know lots and lots of insanely varied people all over the highways streets coffee houses university campuses parties festivals concerts Rainbow Gatherings and Burning Man’s of North America.

Christians are always at the forefront of social justice issues and unlike most liberals many of them even get the homeless thing.

My ex-wife is an anti-abortion activist. I accept that in her because in her case I know it is because she is convinced in her heart-of-hearts that that fetus is a human and — unlike many other anti-abortion activists — because my ex-wife also cares with the same dedicated fervour about people after they are born.

Refer to my previous work, The Concept of Accepting a Diversity of Worldviews for the view that we need to put more of our personal differences aside and focus on our mutual enemy — that darned old Machine…

…who views our inner dissention with great glee and fuels the flames whenever possible.

Again: I know many activists in Olympia would reject my ex-wife because of her stance on abortion even though she is one of the most awesome people I have ever known — and even though when it comes to the Machine she is on our side. Yes, I know that the attitude of other Christians can be problematic. Even putting aside the overarching things like Inquisitions and Witch Burnings there are things like the Olympia Union Gospel Mission; those folks feed clothe and provide referrals to people for medical care and the myriad other needs for a good portion of Olympia’s homeless population. However, the OUGM tells homeless people that they are in such sorry shape because they are evil bad people and the only way to save themselves from their evil badness is to wholly and without question accept their bigoted and ignorant brand of religious dogma because otherwise a god that profoundly loves them will still allow them to scream in agony in a lake of fire for all eternity if they don’t follow a bunch of rules that are in some cases problematic and in other cases just plain stupid.

I find the OUGM’s attitude toward homelessness problematic for several reasons and on several levels — but whatever…

I just wish all these religious people would stop trying to use the power of the law to force their bigoted superstitions down everyone else’s throat.

Anyway, rather than saying I ‘believe in’ karma, the correct depiction is to say that I am ‘aware of the existence’ of karma. I have no idea of how or why it works; I just know that it does work because I have quite literally been living on it all my adult life. In addition, I don’t really care much about how or why it works either, because part of the deal seems to be that you will learn whatever you need to learn to do whatever you need to do if you pay attention — and believe me, there is a whole infinite universe[s] out there. It should be noted, for instance, that even when you pay attention probably about 99.99999999% of what’s coming at you still flies by you without notice. Thus, at any given time there’s infinitely more going on than you or any other human on the planet will ever be able to absorb — so just take it as it comes and enjoy the ride! I have always just gone with the flow and played it for all it was worth — and it has worked for me very well for many decades now, thank you.

While I don’t have ‘beliefs’, I do have some ‘theories’. Aware of the fact that every atom in our bodies were once inside an exploding star I suspect that humanity represents a manifestation of the Universe attempting to become aware of itself. I suspect and theorize that we have our own personal energy and that everything else has energy of differing levels and types and that the Earth itself has energy (and possibly even a sort of collective intelligence) and that all these energies interact in various magical mysterious and wondrous ways.

Therefore, if my theories are accurate then we probably also have a collective karma. Thus, besides the fact that murdering families for profit is such a stupendously heinous thing to do — it is also very bad karma, dude!

Someone tell Goldman $achs! I am sure they will return all the money the stole from grandma’s pension fund if only they knew that it would mean cleaning up their karma!

It’s time to get to work…

1) FYI: The Pen is Taking Action on GMO’s

Here is the Pen’s Action Page for GMOs:


2) FYI: News from the Homeless Wars

2A) Quixote Village Groundbreaking
Saturday June 8th @ 3350 Mottman Road SE

It’s a groundbreaking party for the new permanent homeless village!

Who says activism doesn’t work?

This from the City of Olympia:


Panza & Quixote Village extends this cordial invitation to attend the Quixote Village Groundbreaking to be held on Saturday, June 8th at 3350 Mottman Road SE, Olympia.

For more information please call 459-7177

M. Anna Schlecht / Housing Program Manager
City of Olympia Housing Program
City of Olympia / 601 4th Avenue East / Olympia WA 98501
(360) 753-8183 /

City of Olympia Website:

Please Note: This message and any reply may be subject to public disclosure.

(Please Note: That message that is now tacked on at the end of all city emails resulted when some of us went through a bunch of city emails and discovered some very interesting stuff…)


2B) City’s Budget for Homeless Services

In a related development the city just released its budget for homeless services:

Pasted below is information on the City of Olympia’s CDBG public hearing and proposed allocations for the upcoming program year 2013 (September 1, 2013 – August 31, 2014) and the proposed Consolidated Plan, 2013 – 2017. I will be emailing a link to the Draft Consolidated Plan on Friday, May 31st. Paper copies will be made available at Olympia City Hall, Thurston County Courthouse Bldg. #1, the Housing Authority, any of the Thurston County Timberland Public Libraries.

Please let me know if you need special accommodations to participate in the public hearing.

Olympia CDBG Public Hearing
5:30 pm – 6:45 pm
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Olympia City Council
(Special Meeting)
Room 207
Olympia City Hall
601 4th Avenue, E.

The Olympia CDBG public hearing is open to anyone who is interested in the City’s five-year CDBG Consolidated Plan as well as the one-year Annual Action Plan for the first Program Year 2013 (September 1, 2013 – August 31, 2014). This public hearing will occur at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, June 11th as a special meeting of the Olympia City Council.

In order to maximize the amount of time for public testimony there will be no staff presentation. Those wishing to testify must sign-up prior to the beginning of the 5:30 meeting on June 11th, doors will open by 4:30 pm. People not accommodated during the June 11th Public Hearing will have a second opportunity to testify during the regular City Council meeting on June 25th – but only if they signed up prior to 5:30 on June 11th. For more information on the CDBG Program, Consolidated Plan or how to participate, please contact either:

Anna Schlecht at 360-753-8183 or
Heather Reed at 360-753-8436 or

$55,000 (Public Facilities) Panza – Quixote Village Community Center Construction Costs
$40,500 (Social Services) Panza – Quixote Village O & M
$144,000 (Public Facilities) CYS Shelter/ Rosies Drop-in Shelter Construction Costs
$158,000 (Housing Rehab) Family Support Center Housing Construction Costs
$10,000 (Social Services) CYS / Transitional Housing O & M
$12,000 (Social Services) Out of the Woods – Family shelter O & M
$5,000 (Social Services) Together – Evergreen Villages Community Center O & M
$25,500 (Economic Development) Enterprise for Equity Micro Enterprise Business Trainin
$450,000 (Public Facility)* Isthmus Park project Demolish two existing buildings

*Please note: Funds will only be used as a contingency use for any additional CDBG program income that may be received for the acquisition and demolition of the isthmus property. Funds will only be used to ensure compliance with timeliness rules if any of the other programs doesn’t use its allocation on schedule

3) Poetics of Displacement: Indigenous Identity in Unwelcome Space
Thursday June 6th at 6 PM @ TESC Library

This from the organizers:

Join us in the Evergreen Library Lobby for an important reading by Mapuche Williche poet Graciela Huinao—one of the most renowned Latin American writers of this decade! Huinao will be joined by:

• Sin Fronteras: Canto Nuevo music honoring Latin American indigenous regions

• Dr. Leticia Nieto: Anti-oppression educator, psychotherapist, performer

• Carmen Hoover: Ioway poet and novelist

• Paul Che Oke Ten Wagner: Coast salish storyteller and flute player

• Pasajer@s Playback Theater

Bring an open and respectful heart • contact for more information •

Brought to you by the President’s Diversity Fund, Afrofuturisms, the Spanish Speaking World, Jose Gomez, SOS: Sustainability and Justice, Reading Between the Lines, Gateways for Incarcerated Youth, the Longhouse, First Peoples Advising Services, academic deans, Native Student Alliance, Native Studies Programs, Esencia and Partners of the Americas

4) PiPE-Line Benefit for Partners in Prevention Education
Saturday June 8th at 8 PM @ Buzz’s Tavern, 5018 Mud Bay Road NW

It’s a benefit concert for PiPE!

This from PiPE:

This is it! There will be an auction between songs … Westport fishin’ trip, massage session, Sounders tickets, all good stuff!

5) Really Really Free Market
Sunday June 16th from 2 to 5 PM @ Heritage Park, Corner of 5th Av SW and Water St

It’s the ‘other’ Free Store! Since it was so popular last year, management is discussing declaring a price war on the CoOp Free Store again, but the Really Really Free Market always guarantees that all merchandise in stock will be covered by our no-questions-asked 100% non-money back guarantee if you are dissatisfied with your non-purchase in any way.

This from the organizers:

Bring what you can, take what you need

A free gift economy!

Community gathering

Bring, and give away absolutely free, any usable items, skills, ideas, smiles, talents, friendship, excitement, discussions, games and many others things that we as a community can come together and share.

100% free and non-commercial event.

Temporary autonomous zone instituting the gift economy as an alternative to the capitalist mode of resource distribution.

An ethos and a way of being that transforms people through its experience and is then carried into other areas of life.

6) FOR Potluck @ Priest Point Park
Wednesday June 12th at 5:30 PM @ Priest Point Park

It’s party time for the Fellowship of Reconciliation [FOR]! Come join in one of Olympia’s venerable activist organizations!

This from the organizers:

Wednesday June 12 at 5:30 pm:
Potluck Picnic at Priest Point Park

Everyone is invited to the Olympia FOR’s potluck picnic at 5:30 pm on Wednesday June 12in the Rose Garden kitchen area at Olympia’s Priest Point Park on East Bay Drive. The picnic will help us build a sense of community through sharing food and leisurely, wide-ranging conversations with other Olympia FOR folks.
Everyone is invited to stay for the 6:30 pm Steering Committee meeting. The Olympia FOR’s Steering Committee provides overall guidance and decision-making.
For information contact Glen Anderson at 491-9093

7) Come Meet Sue Gunn
Thursday June 13th from 5:30 to 7:30 PM @ 1607 East Bay Dr

Come meet an alternative to politics as usual.

This from the organizers:

• A scientist with years of experience in budget and appropriations processes
• Passionate about jobs, social justice, the environment and the public interest
• A strong advocate for a vibrant, working port

Hosts: Peggy Bruton and David Edwards
RSVP, 866-7165 or


8) Bonus Tip of the Day:

Don’t be a predator.



Action Alert Calendar

Viral Marketing:

1) FYI Section:
1A) News from KOWA!
1B) Backbone Campaign TPP Action Workshop
1C) Legislature Decapitating Low-Income Children with Budget Axe [Again]
1D) Update from Washington Low Income Housing Alliance
2) 3RD WVWV Phosphorescence Mini-Tour with iji, Eleanor Murray, Freaky Pup & Guests!
3) Green Party of South Puget Sound Coordinating Council
4) Joe Cappocia and Miles Nowlin @ the Pig Bar
5) Bradley Manning Support March in Seattle
6) Media Island/ Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace Benefit Brunch
7) Really Really Free Market
8) Mother Earth News Fair
9) POWER Outage: Peer-Review and the Art of the Writing Process
10) Bonus Tip of the Day

Hey Kids!

This is a pain in the ass but I feel it’s worth it: I am changing the name of both this newsletter and the radio show to The Thunderbolt. When Matt and I first finalized plans for my radio show he wanted to list it in the schedule on the website — and so we needed an immediate name and ‘Oly Oly Action’ was the first thing to come to mind. However, I’ve never really been happy with that name and at this point of my life I want to be happy about as much as I can find to be happy about so I’m changing the name of my frigging operation.

Welcome to The Thunderbolt.

Now I am happy.


I’m also happy about something else: My novels are now available online in downloadable PDF format. You can find them here:

I am also going to see if I can post my radio shows online soon, so stay tuned. (I believe that Matt is working on archiving all of our KOWA shows on the KOWA website, too.)

And you can see the online version of The Thunderbolt at:


So you may remember all the way to last week when I complained that lately I’ve been thinking about how we’ve been doing the same thing for 30 years now and have been getting our asses kicked the whole time and that my enthusiasm for business as usual was waning?

Last Saturday I went to the March Against Monsanto expecting to see the same 100 or 200 people who are always there for all the marches. Instead I saw 600 to 700 people most of whom I have never seen before. This was a truly inspiring march and I have regained heart!

Maybe the word is finally getting out?

Anyway, I’ve got a lengthy bit on genetic engineering and on viruses that I actually wrote a couple of years ago but it is still very relevant so I am going to include that in its own section at the end of the commentary section this week.

First though:


The Dreamweaver in Chief
While it comes in very handy whilst conducting political analysis, it actually bugs me how good I am at detecting the hidden agendas of politicians. Most of the time it’s pretty easy as most politicians actually suck at the game; however, even with the masters I can almost instantly discern the hidden meanings and intentions behind their words and why they’re really saying whatever they’re saying and it’s almost like we’re kindred spirits or something because in certain ways my brain works so much like theirs do.

It is fortunate that I am honest because I probably could have been an effective politician.

As with every president since John Kennedy, the mere sound of Barack Obama’s voice makes me want to start pulling out my hair and beating my head on a wall. Thus, I spend little time listening to the Dreamweaver in Chief. Upon learning he was going to address the drone issue and the Guantanamo issue, though, I made an exception and listened to Obama’s latest speech — and thus gained firsthand witness to a Master Wizard who is at the very top of his game…

I am starting to think that Obama is probably the most effective manipulator of public perception that has ever inhabited the White House. This guy is truly epically scary dangerous, Kids. I came away from Obama’s speech shaken freaked and frightened to the core of my being because this guy is so frigging totally awesomely forbiddingly good.

Barack Obama proved that he is the perfect man for the job that he is actually there to do by adroitly suavely brilliantly and effectively convincing his army of acolytes that he is completely on top of everything. His performance was all the more impressive in that nearly everything he said was lies cover-ups and distortions — yet I am sure that millions hung on his every word.

Then, Medea Benjamin managed to get into the room. You can always tell when Medea Benjamin is in attendance at such events because she tends to very loudly disrupt whatever farce is playing out by screaming uncomfortable truths at high volume into the faces of powerful people.

In an interview the following morning Amy Goodman asked Ms. Benjamin how she always manages to gain entry to these things since it is a pretty sure bet that every security agent in Washington DC has Ms. Benjamin’s picture prominently displayed in their ‘watch out for this person’ list?

Ms. Benjamin replied she had trade secrets that she couldn’t share.

Medea Benjamin is a hero of major proportions and I would sit (and indeed I have actually sat) at her feet listening to her. I would probably do nearly anything that she might ask me to do…

…but I am afraid that I must call her out on that one:

Ms. Benjamin gained entrance because she was allowed entrance and she was allowed entrance because Obama then proceeded to play her like a fine Stradivarius. Rather than having her immediately tackled arrested and hauled away a lá George Bush, Obama instead engaged with Medea Benjamin directly — and then he very effectively made it seem as if he were the calm adult in the room while Ms. Benjamin was a ranting lunatic. He accomplished this feat even though Ms. Benjamin is actually an honest dedicated brilliant and knowledgeable activist who was speaking hard truth to power while Obama is a lying child-murdering sold-out sack of shite. While Obama referred to Ms. Benjamin a couple of times as “that woman” you can rest assured that he knows exactly who Medea Benjamin is and that he is quite aware of the fact that Ms. Benjamin is a major hero to millions of the people — and that many of those very same people who idolize Ms. Benjamin also comprise his ‘base’ (i.e. the people that he manages to fool into voting for him.)

Thus — after Ms. Benjamin was finally removed from the room — Obama masterfully played to Ms. Benjamin’s people by saying something to the effect of, “We should pay attention to what ‘that woman’ says because these issues are important and we need passion like hers to fix these problems and blahdy blahdy blah blah…”

(I could find the exact quote but since Obama’s words are worth approximately one sack of fecal material I’m not going to bother.)

Don’t you see, Ms. Benjamin? Obama cares about the fact that an innocent American child named Abdulrahman al-Awlaki — who had absolutely nothing to do with ‘terrorism’ — was murdered by one of Obama’s drones! We know he feels bad about this because he said so!

Yes — it is true that at the time the official Obama mouthpiece Robert Gibbs, when pressed about the murder of an American child with a drone, said that the young al-Awlaki “…should have had a more responsible parent.”

I kid you not. He actually said this. Amy has a clip somewhere on her website. The spokesperson for the president of the United States said that it is acceptable to kill a child if you don’t like his father…

But Obama now wants you to forget all that! That was then and this is now! Obama doesn’t believe in ‘looking backward’! (Except when he does.)

And you can take heart, Ms. Benjamin, when it comes to your expressed concerns about Guantanamo! Obama has your back! He has already mounted his white steed and he is even now charging to the rescue!

Yes — it’s true that he waited until ten years after scores of completely innocent people who were guilty of absolutely nothing yet have been imprisoned without any sort of doodly of any kind of squat concerning any manner of legal proceedings of any kind whatsoever for that entire ten years — but now that they are literally trying to starve themselves to death due to Obama’s inaction we can finally take heart because now we have yet more Obama promises!

Don’t you see, Ms. Benjamin? President Obama is personally attending to your valid concerns! Just ignore nearly everything that he has actually done for his entire presidency thus far! Listen to that soothing dulcet voice that is so smart so reasonable so heartfelt so engaging so believable and just listen to those comforting words! It’s so easy to just believe him!

You are now falling asleep…

Straight up: Watch the video of Obama’s speech through the lens that I just created.

Medea Benjamin may be one of my heroes but I am afraid even the truly formidable Medea Benjamin was no match for the Grand Master of public manipulation.


Life Happens

Hysterical religious rhetoric aside, life is certainly mind-blowingly amazing and remarkable and it may even be miraculous — but it is hardly impossible, as our existence empiri¬cally proves. If you wish to create life — be it a slug, a head of broccoli, or a human being, you need only four principal elements — carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen — plus trace amounts of a few others — principally sulfur, phosphorous, calcium, and iron. Put all of these together in about three dozen or so combinations to form a few sugars, acids, and other basic compounds, and you can build anything that lives.

Of course, it is not quite that simple…

You must first create amino acids. Scientists have, in fact, created amino acids in a laboratory. Amino acids are not the problem though — proteins are. Proteins are what you get when you string amino acids together, and life requires a huge number and variety of them — and this is where things start to appear miraculous, because if you go by random probability, proteins should not exist at all much less in their vast and varied forms. To make a protein, you need to assemble amino acids in a specific order, similar to arranging letters in a specific order to create a word. To spell collagen, for instance, you need to arrange eight letters in their proper order — however, to make colla¬gen you need to arrange 1,055 amino acids in precisely the right order. Only you do not make collagen. It makes itself spontaneously and without direction. The chances of a 1,055-sequence molecule like collagen spontane¬ously self-assembling are virtually nil. The odds of spontaneously creating even a rela¬tively simple 200-sequence molecule are 1 in 10260.

10260 is a very large number.

There are, in fact, less than 10260 atoms in the entire universe.
And collagen is only one of several hundred-thousand types of protein — each unique — and as far as we know, each is vital to our life processes.

And that is still not all! To be of use, a protein must not only assemble scores of amino acids in precisely the right sequence, but must then fold itself into a very specific shape. Then, in order for everything to work, a protein has to reproduce itself. But it can’t. For reproduction, DNA is required. DNA is very good at reproduc¬ing itself but it cannot do anything else. So protein cannot exist without DNA and DNA is useless without protein — which leads to a classic chicken and egg scenario. Did they both arise simultaneously with the purpose of supporting each other?

If so, then gee golly whiz!

And that is not all! Without a cellular structure to contain them, all of these proteins and DNA are nothing more than interesting chemicals — but without the chemicals the cell has no purpose!

So if everything needs every¬thing else, how did it all ever get together in the first place?

Well, for one thing, they almost certainly evolved. Whether or not this evolution had a guiding intelligence directing it can be a subject of much useless debate since there is no empirical evidence one way or the other on that question but extreme self-assembled complexity is common in the universe — including the chemical reactions associated with life. Lots of mole-cules get together to form long chains called polymers. Sugars constantly assemble to form starches. Crystals do a number of lifelike things: They replicate, respond to environmental stimuli, take on patterned complexity, and so on. They have never achieved actual life, but they show repeatedly that complexity is a natu¬ral, spontaneous, and entirely commonplace event. There is no shortage of ordered self-assembly in everything from snowflakes to the rings of Saturn.

As for life, maybe a cumulative selection process allowed amino acids to assemble in chunks for some simple purpose, and then gradually moved on from there. In fact, so powerful is this natural impulse to assemble that many scientists now believe that given the proper conditions, then life is inevitable.


Viral Marketing and GMOs

Early in our planet’s history, its mantle of nitrogen was transformed into a mix containing water vapour, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia. The water vapour condensed and fell as rain, collected in basins, and eventually formed vast and turbulent seas as the Earth gradually cooled under a furious storm that lasted for thousands of years. Ultraviolet radiation, huge volcanic eruptions, and massive thunderstorms provided the energy required to eventually produce organic compounds and trigger chains of chemical reactions. Then, deep in the seas, and thus protected from most ultraviolet radiation, these reactions eventually created deoxyribo¬nucleic acid, or DNA. [See the ‘Life Happens’ section above]

Sometime during this process was when the proteins were synthesized or created or whatever however they came about. Then the proteins combined with the deoxyribonucleic acid to form prokaryotes — the first living organisms. (This whole process was infinitely more complex and myste¬rious than I am indicating here but I wish to focus on viruses here so I am condensing the story a great deal…)

Some of these prokaryotes then mutated into photosynthetic bacteria that were capable of transforming carbon dioxide into a highly caustic poison called oxygen — a toxin that also happened to be a necessary component to the subsequent evolution of cellular respiration, a mechanism by which energy is now almost universally transformed by all advanced life forms. (Again, I am vastly oversimplifying in order to get to the point.)

After hundreds of billions of years these bacteria produced enough oxygen to begin shielding the Earth from ultraviolet radiation thus allowing the primitive respirating life forms — which were already evolving into ever increasingly complex multi-cellular organisms — to emigrate from the sea and onto the land.

However, even before this emigration occurred pieces of DNA had broken free from their cellular masters and set out on their own. Since they had no cellular structure of their own they were incapable of reproducing or trans¬forming energy on their own. Thus, in order to live and to reproduce, they became the original parasites; they invaded the cellular structures of other organisms and used these mechanisms in order to reproduce and to convert energy.

These were the viruses.

Viruses are unique. They exist in a state somewhere between life and non-life since they exhibit attributes of both. There is much controversy in scientific circles as to whether to classify viruses as ‘life’. They have no cells to confine them and no nuclei or organelles to direct them. They have no metabolism for converting energy; they do not produce ATP, the molecule that conducts energy for the biochemical reactions necessary for ‘life’ — thus, on their own viruses are incapable of performing even the most basic life func¬tions. They cannot exist outside other cells except as an inert substance. Unless they are inside a living cell they just sit there and nothing happens. Technically, while they are in this state they are not ‘alive’. However, in this ‘dead’ state, viruses are sticky. If a living cell happens to come along and touch the virus and if the stickiness of the cell happens to be compatible with the stickiness of the virus then the virus attaches itself to the cell. The cell feels the virus sticking to it and drags it inside — where the virus switches on and begins converting energy and reproducing using the machinery and the material from the cell to accomplish these tasks.

Thus, viruses became — and remain to this day — the ultimate parasite.

In size they are dwarfed even by bacteria. They are nothing more than minute packages of genetic material encased in a coat of protein — yet this very simplicity gives them an incredible ability to almost instantly mutate and adapt to almost any cellular environment. In fact, viruses ability to mutate and adapt might even qualify them for the title of ‘hyper-mutants’; they constantly change. They are quite literally shape-shifters, altering their nature as they move through populations and individuals. A virus can mutate even in the course of a single infection. A person who dies of aids, for instance, is usually infected with multiple strains that have all arisen spontaneously as mutants adapting to their environment. They are able to mutate faster than any likely changes to their environment. They are able to mutate faster than any likely changes in their ecosystems — and considering that they have survived for several billion years they are obviously extremely adept at looking after their own best interests.

There is evidence that AIDS — arguably, the worst envi¬ronmental disaster of the 20th Century as far as humanity is concerned — may well have adapted itself to infect humans after its original host, African primates, began to go extinct. A strain of simian AIDS virus was recently isolated from a chimpanzee in Gabon. This strain is the closest thing to HIV-1 that anyone has found in the animal kingdom to date. And while the chimpan¬zee is an endangered species their virus — now that it has adapted to humans — is thriving. In terms of sheer numbers and the amount of time that they have existed, next to bacteria viruses are by far the most successful of all creatures on the face of the Earth. They are on a constant single minded never ending quest to invade new cellular homes and set up shop. They invade infect reproduce and mutate at rates hundreds of thousands of times faster than plants or animals. They can destroy and re-infect again and again…

It would be intuitive to think that the most successful parasites would be those that caused no serious harm to their hosts much less killed them; thus, logic dictates that evolution would favour a benign parasite or especially a parasite that actually enhances its host’s ability to survive. This paradigm is indeed the case — but only as long as the parasite has incentive to do no harm. If viruses acquire the ability to easily and quickly pass from one host to another then this incentive is eliminated and the parasite is free to consume hosts as voraciously and as quickly as it wishes — the only impediment being that the host must live long enough for the virus to infect others.

While random mutation does not play nearly as prominent a rôle in evolution as Darwin originally thought, it plays a very important rôle nonetheless. Mutation acts on the gene sequence of DNA by deleting, inserting, trans¬posing, inverting, and rearranging the individual nucleotides that make up the chromosomes of every living organism and existing virus. And though muta¬tions are very rare, they occur with enough frequency and over a long enough period of time that they help create the changes needed for life to adapt and continue. Most of these changes are detrimental but the process is self-regu¬lating. Changes that are detrimental to survival die off; changes that enhance survival are more likely to survive and thus more likely to be passed on to future generations. But whether the change is lethal, beneficial, or neutral, all changes are the result of some form of random error in the process. Often these errors occur during DNA replication — however, more often than once thought, these errors are the result of physical and chemical factors in the envi¬ronment. ‘Mutagens’ alter the blocks of genes within a chromosome and often cause the mistakes that create the fuel for genetic change.

Enter Monsanto
During the last few decades humanity has been toying with and altering the basic building blocks of life in processes collec¬tively known as ‘genetic engineering’. Since these processes are mind-bogglingly complex and since humanity’s understanding of these processes is far from complete — if not downright rudimentary — then this tinkering is thought by many to be highly irresponsible.

In order to genetically alter a living organism genetic engineers first make a carrier, or a ‘vector’. They combine the gene that they wish to transfer with strands of DNA from viruses or bacteria adept at invading the targeted host. They construct these vectors not only to assure invasion of the host organism and insertion of the gene to its DNA but also to include bits of what is called ‘promoter DNA’, a segment that maximizes expression of the gene in its new host thereby guaranteeing the appearance of whatever desirable trait it carries. It is believed that naked strands of these man-made DNA vectors can subsequently escape intact from the host into the environment as a result of excretion, secretion, or cell death. It was once thought that these discarded entities were inert unless they were within a living cell or virus and that they would quickly break down once exposed to the elements. However, there is now evidence to the contrary showing that they can exist much longer in soil than previously expected. Other research indicates that they also have the capacity to infect species other than the intended host and incorporate their DNA into the genes of unintended targets.

Genetic engineers have always made a key assumption as they put a gene from one species into the DNA of another: That once it is inserted, a particular gene will act in the way it always has in its natural host.

Some recent work has shown that this is not so. How a gene behaves depends upon its context among other genes, and geneticists are now mixing genes that have never before been together.

Also, there is evidence that when an organism is genetically modified by the DNA of another species, the viruses, bacteria, and other parasites in the host organism are modified as well. The findings raise the possibility that these hitchhiker bugs — now carrying the DNA of synthetic vectors specifically designed to jump the species barrier — may acquire new virulence and the capacity to invade new species. The result could be that diseases now unique to one species may begin infecting other species, and since the new disease host has no antibodies with which to cope with the new pathogens, the results are very likely to be catastrophic. The Spanish Flu epidemic that killed 21 million people in 1918 may have arisen from a swine virus that adapted to humans. AIDS and Ebola are both thought to be monkey viruses that vaulted the species barrier.

Thus, if we modify the genes of a plant or animal there is abundant evidence that the altered genetic material will also pass to potential human viruses, bacteria, and/or parasites living on that host. There are also studies that suggest ordinary animals ingesting such genetically altered plants might acquire these same man-made strands of DNA. This is particularly worrisome when you consider animal species known to be reservoirs of human pathogens, such as deer with Lyme disease, rodents with Hantavirus, and cattle with Tuberculosis. We are providing these species — and their pathogens — with a DNA makeover.

Not only that: We are providing them with a makeover that contains mechanisms which have been specifi¬cally and intentionally given the ability to invade new species.

Ingested foreign DNA survives transiently in the gastrointestinal tract and then enters the bloodstream. From there it enters peripheral leukocytes, the spleen, the liver, and the gonads via intestinal wall mucosa; and thus we literally become what we eat.

While it is true that such exchanges have occurred naturally since life first formed, until now evolution and time have screened the DNA to which we have been exposed. Genetically altered foods, though, subject our systems to human-created strains of nucleic acids that have been specifically designed to be able to jump species barriers. This phenomenon is very likely to have long-term effects that are completely unknown and unpredictable. These artificial vectors may in fact be sidestepping a system of cheques and balances that has regulated such ‘jumps’ for hundreds of millions of years. The potential of significant mistakes causing catastrophic harm to humanity are staggering, especially when you consider that if such an error does occur then there is no taking it back. The fault would already be indelibly imprinted on the genome. There would be no alternative of recalling it or undoing it.

Nor would it end with the victim if the reproductive process is affected: If the host ever repro-duced, the changes would be passed on to the offspring.”

Someone may ask: “If we are completely ignorant of possible cata¬strophic side effects then why are these people allowed to continue?”

If you did, then I might rub my fingers together in the universal sign of money changing hands. “Simple,” I might say. “In the United States, money is more important than anything else, and the genetic engineering industry already grosses hundreds of billions of dollars. Rather than using the European model of with¬holding a product from the market until it has been proven safe, in America, we immediately place a new product on the market and then keep it there until it is proven unsafe. In the case of a product that is bringing in serious cash, a large portion of that cash is used to make sure that no such proof is ever forthcoming. Companies such as Monsanto have taken complete control of the debate by their usual method of buying politicians and journalists. Thus, inspired by the large sums of cash that they have placed into their campaigns, both Republicans and Democrats favour developing bioengineering technology at home as well as exporting it around the planet and they vigourously fight any attempts to control regulate or study it. They place millions into advertising the ‘miracles’ of genetic engi¬neering and they make sure that their pet journalists ignore all evidence to the contrary. When the safeties of their processes are credibly questioned they use the same defense as that once used by the tobacco companies and by the manufacturers of thalidomide: There is no proof that genetically modified organisms are in any way harmful to human health. That assertion is indeed true. There is no such proof. However, as tobacco and thalidomide proved, it is also true that a lack of proof that it is harmful does not mean that it is not harmful. Some scientists have replied to their argument with the seemingly obvious: That there has not been enough time and that there have not been enough studies to see what the possible side effects might be. And in fact, the industry does everything in their considerable power to make sure that no such studies will ever be conducted. For instance, scientists in Norway fed lab rats potatoes that had been genetically modified to produce lectin, a substance intended to increase the plant’s resistance to insects. The rats lost weight, the lectin bound itself to their white cells, and their T-cell counts went up, suggesting an immune response. The study has had critics, but both the scientists and most of their critics were adamant that further studies with better controls on variables were called for before the product was released into the food chain. Instead, the scientists were fired, no one attempted to repeat the study, and the editor of the journal that published the work became the victim of a concerted smear campaign financed largely by the manufacturers of GE food. (To her credit, the editor subsequently issued an eloquent rebuttal defending her deci¬sion ‘…to favour debate over the suppression of information.’)”

Yes. I favour debate over the suppression of information, especially when tinkering with the basic building blocks of life.

It’s time to get to work…

1) FYI Section:

1A) News from KOWA!

Very exciting news from KOWA: Matt Fu has been working miracles down at KOWA 106.5 FM and streaming at We now have a LOT of quality local programming and Matt is also working on the funding for increasing our signal strength se we can reach the whole metro area.

Here is a rough schedule of some of our local programming (subject to change):

Northwest Pour-Over
Open Mic with Olivia and Sarah
Airs Wednesday from 8 to 11 PM

Oly Oly Action
News and commentary with a calendar of activist events in Olympia
Airs 8 AM Friday and Saturday

Interference strives to connect local experiences with current global events and historical influence. This show will also strive to manifest the active and compassionate presence of the human spirit while interfering with the normalization of oppression and silence
Airs Thursdays and Sundays from 9 to 11 AM

Our Cascadian Airs
Regional news and public affairs stories
Airs Friday from 7 to 8 PM

Trynity Variety Hour
Featuring: Music, and is it music? And it’s not music. And noise potlucks. And autonomous expression taking on new and changing forms. And guests who know all about it. And the listener, maybe even you, waiting to speak to us and to be the voices escaping us.
Airs Monday from 2 to 4 PM

Ancient Perfume
Women’s reproductive health discussions
Airs Thursday from 7 to 9 PM

TuneIn Now!
Alternative Reality Melody Machine brings you a delicious mix of goth, steampunk, alternative, & experimental music
Airs Thursday night from 11PM to 1AM

We also feature Democracy Now!, Flashpoints, Free Speech Radio News, Hard Knock Radio, Counterspin, National Native News, Al Jazeera, Informativo Pacifico, the Corbett Report, and many other high-quality national news programs.

We also play music

Live streaming at


1B) Backbone Campaign TPP Action Workshop
Register Now for Classes to be held June 14th thru June 16th

This from the Backbone Campaign:

Join Veteran Strategists and Expert Action Trainers for a Weekend of Action-Oriented Workshops, Skills Trainings, and Strategizing in Bellingham, WA June 14th-16th.


TPP: Corporate Greed vs. Human Needs? – You Decide…
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will impact every one of us in the Pacific NW; as eaters, as workers and as people who care about healthy communities. It is a super-sized version of NAFTA, and after 20 years of corporate gains on the backs of workers and communities-we can’t afford more of the same.

TPP Action Camp offers a unique opportunity to come together, just before the TPP enters into its 18th Round of negotiations in July. A weekend to collectively strategize on how to best educate and activate our communities, as well as build the necessary skills. TPP resisters throughout the NW will emerge from TPP Action camp energized and inspired to lead the movement that will bring down the TPP! Join us!

TPP Action Camp is jointly organized by Occupy Bellingham, Oregon Fair Trade Campaign, TPPxBorder, the Washington Fair Trade Coalition, Backbone Campaign, with in-kind support from Laborers 276, and Mary Mullen.
Trainings and Workshops Offered (descriptions linked)

• Grand Strategy
• Non-Violent Direct Action
• Creative Tactics For Visibility and Building Power
• Strategic Campaign Planning & Avoiding Burn Out
• Strategy Session to Stop the TPP
• Action Planning
• Introduction to Blockades
• Giant Overpass Banner and Overpass Light Brigade Building

Cost: Sliding Scale $100-$150 (No one turned away because of lack of funds).
Make Organizing a Sustainable endeavor: The best organizers mobilize their community to invest in their work. If we really want to dethrone the corporate coup, we’ll need to honor our vocation and regard our work as valuable. One way of doing this is to muster the financial resources to support our collective work commensurate with the opposition we face and the efforts that it will take to bring into reality our vision for a more just world. Our costs are $100 – $150 per person. Please pitch in as much as you can afford. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Get creative with funding your participation and check out our tips for crowd funding HERE

If you have the means, PLEASE consider increasing your contribution to $200 or more in order to help us cover the cost of scholarships. If you cannot attend please help sponsor the attendance of other enthusiastic organizers by donating to scholarships. Contact the Backbone office if you have questions at 206-408-8058.


1C) Legislature Decapitating Low-Income Children with Budget Axe [Again]

This from the Children’s Alliance:

A dangerous and damaging bill for children—and for all of Washington—is being considered by your state legislators right now. As part of the negotiations for a two-year budget agreement, some legislators are pushing for a bill with much longer-term consequences.

Senate Bill 5895 would impose arbitrary and careless restrictions on future funding of health care and human services, including support for our elders, children, and people with disabilities.

Please ask your legislators to oppose Senate Bill 5895.

How bad is this bill? Here’s an example: During the Great Recession, nearly 100,000 of Washington’s children lost their health coverage when their parents lost their jobs. Fortunately, Apple Health for Kids was there to catch our kids before they fell, providing health coverage and preventive health care.

If Senate Bill 5895 was the law of the land four years ago, legislators would have been restricted from making the investments that allowed Apple Health for Kids to keep our children healthy.

Senate Bill 5895 would change the math for state budgeting. It would force our state to make budget choices based on a formula on paper, not on the real-life needs of our kids or our state.

Our children already face many challenges. Let’s not let this bad policy add another.
Thank you for speaking up for kids.


Jon Gould
Deputy Director

P.S. This is a flawed idea. It failed in Colorado, where it caused the state to fall in national rankings of education, health care and public safety. Washington voters already rejected this failed policy approach in 2009 when we defeated a Tim Eyman’s Initiative 1033.


1D) Update from Washington Low Income Housing Alliance

Everyone should have the opportunity to live in a safe, healthy, affordable home. But, if the Senate has their way, homelessness will double in Washington State.

If passed, the Senate budget will enact deep cuts to every affordable housing and homelessness program we have. Emergency shelters, youth shelters, domestic violence shelters, rent assistance, and more would be cut by 50%, and the Housing Trust Fund, funded by the Senate at just $35 million, would only be able to address a small fraction of the need.

The Senate budget also proposed 57% cuts to the successful Housing and Essential Needs program and eliminating the Aged, Blind, and Disabled program. These cuts will force disabled individuals onto the streets. We can’t let this happen.

Our lawmakers are in “special session” right now, and there is still time to ask them to invest in affordable homes and to protect the services that help people meet their most basic needs. The House Budget restored all the Senate’s cuts, while the Governor proposed a much deeper investment in the Housing Trust Fund at $65 million.
Please take action today to urge the House to stand strong on their Operating Budget, to ask the Senate to reconsider, and to tell them both to invest $65 million in the Housing Trust Fund. Tell them what it would mean to double the amount of people in your community who are experiencing homelessness. Tell them why that is unacceptable and why they have to enact revenue to prevent any more cuts. Your action, especially if you personalize it with your own thoughts, will make a significant difference!

Thank you for standing up,


Michele Thomas, Director of Policy and Advocacy
Washington Low Income Housing Alliance

206.442.9455 x205 | | fb @wliha | tw /wliha

Our vision is that all Washington residents have the opportunity to live in safe, healthy, affordable homes in thriving communities. Help us make this vision a reality: click here to donate.


2) 3RD WVWV Phosphorescence Mini-Tour with iji, Eleanor Murray, Freaky Pup & Guests!
Friday May 30th at 8 PM @ the Hot Tub House, 1202 State St

This is activist self-care. Come hear performance art from Bellingham, Seattle, and Olympia.

This from the organizers:

Abstract: Artists performing these all-ages shows in Seattle, Bellingham & Olympia are iji, Eleanor Murray, Freaky Pup (Jasmine from Rat Riot), Briana Marela, Garrett and a couple more TBA.

From May 31st through June 2nd we are happy to present to you the THIRD WAV3 of Phosphorescence, a new monthly concert series bringing artists from the NW cities of Bellingham, Seattle & Olympia on a short 3-day tour of their hometowns together. The aim of the series is to foster shared essence across the divide of geographic miles & to further connect and cross-breed the beautiful energies & creativity of our friends in & around the vibrant, salty Puget Sound. It’s important that we get out there & visit more with our neighbors, right?

All Shows for the TH3RD WAVE are with these northwest jewels:
iji (Seattle)
Eleanor Murray (Olympia)
Freaky Pup (Bellingham)

and along to ride this wave is 3 veteran friends of the New American Underground playing some configuration of each others music together in short-set format:
Tony Presley (Austin, TX)
Super Famicom (St Augustine, FL)
Dustin & The Furniture (Asheville, NC)


Friday May 30th at The Hot Tub House (Olympia, WA)
at 8pm at 1202 State St (all-ages / $3-5 sugg donation / no jerks)
with Garrett

Saturday June 1st at The Peach (Bellingham, WA)
at 7pm at 1628 James St (all-ages / $3-5 sugg donation / no jerks)
with Karl Blau or Lovers Without Borders

Sunday June 2nd at Hollow Earth Radio (Seattle, WA)
at 7pm at 2018 E Union St. (all-ages / $5 sugg donation / broadcast online!)
with Briana Marela ( )

3) Green Party of South Puget Sound Coordinating Council
Saturday June 1st at 7 PM Upstairs Above Bucks 5th Avenue, 209 5th Ave

Come help subvert the dominant paradigm again. (It needs all it can get.)

This from Janet:

The Coordinating Council of the Green Party of South Puget Sound is meeting this Saturday at 7:00 at Buck’s 5th Avenue.

This is the working (action) committee of the local Green Party but all are invited if they want to get to work.


Janet Jordan

4) Joe Cappocia and Miles Nowlin @ the Pig Bar
Saturday June 1st at 8:30 PM @ the South Bay Pig Bar, 619 Legion Way SE

It’s more revolutionary music! Come to the unfortunately-named “Pig Bar” to see some good stuff and eat some of whatever it is that you eat. (Since this is Olympia I’ll assume they have vegetarian and vegan options.) (Or with a name like the “Pig Bar” then maybe not.)

5) Bradley Manning Support March in Seattle
Saturday June 1st @ Westlake Park, 4th and Pine, Seattle, 98104

I don’t usually promote Seattle stuff but this is important. Private Manning’s trial starts the following Monday.

This from the organizers:

Bradley Manning Support March

Organizer Email:
Organizer Phone #: 206 499-0226
When: 01/06/2013, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

6) Media Island/ Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace Benefit Brunch
Sunday June 2nd from 11 AM to 2 PM @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE

This month Media Island is teaming up with the OMJP for the monthly brunch. Come eat good food, meet good people, and plug into the Olympia activist community.

This from the organizers:

On Sunday, June 2nd, 2013, Media Island is hosting our monthly brunch in support of the Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace (OMJP).

OMJP is committed to building a mass movement to further justice and peace. We believe that the issues of justice and peace cannot be separated, and that by furthering economic and social justice we create the conditions for a peaceful world. Our long term goal is to build a society that meets the needs of all people, not one based on profit and economic values.

OMJP actively supports movements that challenge corporate-sponsored globalization, and those that further racial, gender and economic equality. Our efforts are focused on working in solidarilty and in coalition with individuals and groups on a local, regional, national, and global level. To achieve our goals, our principle tactics will be popular education, active protest, and direct action.

Media Island International (MII) is a resource and networking center for individuals, organizations and movements working on social justice, economic democracy, ecological sustainability and peace. We gather, evaluate and distribute under-published information on critical issues at strategic times.

7) Really Really Free Market
Sunday June 2nd from 2 to 5 PM @ Sylvester Park, Capitol Way and Legion Downtown

The Really Really Free Market is back in non-business! Come subvert the dominant paradigm — again!

This from the organizers:

Community gathering

Bring, and give away absolutely free, any usable items, skills, ideas, smiles, talents, friendship, excitement, discussions, games and many others things that we as a community can come together and share.

100% free and non-commercial event.

Temporary autonomous zone instituting the gift economy as an alternative to the capitalist mode of resource distribution.

An ethos and a way of being that transforms people through its experience and is then carried into other areas of life.

8) Mother Earth News Fair
Sunday June 2nd
9 AM to 7 PM @ Washington State Fair Events Center, 110 9th Ave. SW, Puyallup, 98371

Come learn to live sustainably!

This from the organizers:

Mother Earth News Fair
Date: Sunday, June 2, 2013
Time: 9AM – 7PM
Location: Washington State Fair Events Center
110 9th Ave. SW
Puyallup, WA 98371

The Mother Earth News Fair is a fun-filled, family-oriented sustainable lifestyle event that features practical, hands-on demos and workshops:

• Renewable energy
• Small-scale agriculture
• Gardening
• Green building and more

Come check out all the latest and greatest in homesteading, renewable energy, and more. Speakers include Ed Begely Jr. and our Kirk Haffner. Get your tickets now!
We hand-select local and national exhibitors to bring you the best in:

• Organic food and drink
• Books and magazines
• Tools and seeds
• Clothing and more

The Puyallup Fairgrounds are located 35 miles south of Seattle and 10 miles east of Tacoma in the shadow of Mount Rainier.

Saturday Fair hours: 9:00 AM-7:00 PM
Sunday Fair hours: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM


9) POWER Outage: Peer-Review and the Art of the Writing Process
Monday June 3rd, Potluck at 5:30 PM, Workshop from 6 to 8 PM
Darby’s Café, 211 5th Ave (Childcare Provided)

Come hone your writing skills with some pros! I know I’ll be there!

This from the organizers:

We are writing up a storm here at POWER. I hope you can join us for June’s POWER Outage for a very special writing workshop:

Peer-Review and the Art of the Writing Process

A writing workshop with Ben Chassler Lucal and Dr. Sandra Yannone of the Writing Center at The Evergreen State College.

– Enhance your unique writing process.
– Discover the secrets for giving -and receiving- helpful feedback.
– Learn to speed up by slowing down.

In this interactive workshop Ben Chassler Lucal and Dr. Sandra Yannone will offer effective tools to enrich your writer’s toobox. In addition, they’ll share successful peer-review strategies used by writing tutors across the globe.

POWER Outage Monday, June 3rd at Darby’s Café, 211 5th Avenue

As always, POWER Outage starts at 5:30 with a potluck meal. The writing workshop will be from 6 – 8 pm with childcare at the POWER office, 309 5th Avenue SE in downtown Olympia

POWER is an organization of low-income parents and allies advocating for a strong social safety net while working toward a world where children and care giving are truly valued, and the devastation of poverty has been eradicated.

Questions? Contact Parents Organizing For Welfare and Economic Rights

360-352-9716 toll free 866-343-9716

Find us on Facebook.

10) Bonus Tip of the Day:

Don’t mess with Mother Nature.



Oly Oly Action 5-23 New Strategies

OOA Logo Purple

Action Alert Calendar

Winning Strategies Needed:

1) FYI Section: Support Student Support Services at TESC
2) Memorial for Douglas Adams (author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
3) March Against Monsanto
3A) March Against Monsanto Olympia
3B) March Against Monsanto Aberdeen
4) Really Really Free Market Westside
5) Film Screening: Michelle Alexander, Author of The New Jim Crow
6) Solar 101
7) Bonus Tip of the Day

Hey Kids!

Jon Stewart did a great bit on his May 13th show; first he asked why we couldn’t pass the gun control laws, then he showed a clip of a Republican senator explaining that this was the first step toward a national gun registry. Stewart then went into a bit about, “Yeah, the tin-foil hat people are saying the government is a dark evil power that wants to take everyone’s guns and install a police state!”

Since I am one of those people myself I took umbrage at Stewart’s depiction — until he followed this with clips of the IRS lady saying they had indeed been targeting right-wing groups — then a clip showing the admission that the government had seized the phone records of dozens of AP reporters.

Stewart then threw his papers in the air in disgust. He pointed out that conspiracy theorists can survive an anaerobic environment and that they had just dumped an algae bloom on their heads. He pointed out that the government had thus shifted the burden of proof from us tin-foil hat people to the president.

Excuse me, Mr. President, but your fascism is showing…


And Chris Hedges wrote a very good piece in Common Dreams. Here is an excerpt:

Corporations write our legislation. They control our systems of information. They manage the political theater of electoral politics and impose our educational curriculum. They have turned the judiciary into one of their wholly owned subsidiaries. They have decimated labor unions and other independent mass organizations, as well as having bought off the Democratic Party, which once defended the rights of workers. With the evisceration of piecemeal and incremental reform—the primary role of liberal, democratic institutions—we are left defenseless against corporate power.


A couple of years ago I was in a break-away session at a forum when I had a tactical disagreement with one of the other panelists — and her response to my criticism was that they had been doing it that way for over 20 years.

She thus inadvertently proved my point for me: I have lately started becoming progressively more disturbed over the fact that we’ve been doing the same shite for decades now and we’ve been totally getting our asses kicked the whole time. While we have gained some significant victories on the social front over the last few years, on the economic corruption and the Great Wall Street Rip-Off (and their immunity from prosecution for it) and the War Machine and the imperialism and the war crimes and the War on Blacks (which for purposes of public relations is known as the ‘War on Drugs’) — on all of these fronts everything is worse than it ever has been before — and on all of these fronts the crimes are totally bi-partisan; on Wall Street and the War Machine the Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans are and on civil liberties (which is my favourite as I think all the other freedoms stem from that foundation) the Democrats are even worse than the Republicans.

While voting is very low on my list of effective tactics I still encourage people to do it — just don’t expect it to mean anything. Besides the fact that there is a two-faced single-party monopoly on political power the voting machines are frigging manufactured and sold by private for-profit companies with strong right-wing political connections who use proprietary secret software to count our votes — and since these voting machines have been definitively proven to be rigged (and curiously neither political party will even talk about this — which means both parties hope to benefit from this) then that kind of turns this whole process of ‘voting’ into a complete farce right from the top and represents the final nail in the coffin of even the vestige of ‘free’ elections in the United States — all of this meaning that voting doesn’t change doodly-squat. I still encourage people to do it, though, because it is a cheap and easy method to throw a small handful of dirt into the cogs of their Machine: Vote third party or vote your dogcatcher or write in “none of the above” or whatever — just vote against the status-quo which means voting against all Republicans and against all Democrats. Even with the rigged voting machines they still need to get enough real votes to make it at least seem somewhat credible. Rejecting the existing ‘choices’ both messes them up and sends a powerful message — so if nothing else you can still use your ballot to flip a metaphorical middle-finger at the Machine.

One of the categories of tax-exempt status that were targeted by Obama’s IRS in the recent scandal were groups that educated people about the Constitution. Evidently the Constitutional Scholar in Chief doesn’t want the peons knowing what it says.

And this is what we’re fighting; this mass-hypnotic spell that Obama seems to have cast over the left is very very frigging real and the Obama-bots are just as immune to facts as the Bush-bots were and just as willing to blindly follow the leader over the cliff.

As far as our tactics and strategies, it seems that even when we win an occasional token tactical victory here and there (usually resulting from public outrage over some scandal) the Machine has their army of lawyers and their army of lobbyists out the very next day chipping away even at those. The only thing that will actually change anything is a mass-movement in the streets — but it aint happening because the Media Machine has almost completely succeeded in their efforts to install a bubble-reality around the vast majority of the American public. Thus we have a lot of very good honest moral smart caring people who are supporting the mass-murdering fascist war criminal that currently occupies the White House — and those are the Democrats! Never mind the bubble that encompasses the frigging Republicans!

I’ve been beating my brains out for decades trying to educate people as to what is really going on. While I have succeeded in entertaining a few people who already knew most of this stuff to begin with, otherwise I seem to have had zilch effect on much of anything. The fact that no one else seems to have had zilch effect either doesn’t help. Sometimes I feel like this newsletter just provides a forum for me to show off my writing skills but that as far as effectiveness is concerned I feel like I am engaging in metaphorical masturbation.

What we’ve been doing doesn’t work and I am at a loss. A lot of people a lot smarter than I am with a lot more influence than I have must have noticed this but if they have any ideas about how to change this then I have not heard them.

Whatever. You gotta do what you gotta do and sometimes you create profound change without even realizing it, so maybe the right person will read the right riff and that will inspire him/her to go kick some ass and my efforts will not prove in vain.

It’s time to get to work…

1) FYI Section: Support Student Support Services at TESC



The Evergreen Student Support Services Staff Union (SSSU), affiliated with AFSCME Council 28 in Washington State, supports students as academic advisors, mental health counselors, financial aid specialists, admissions recruiters, resident housing directors, student activities advisers, athletics coaches and other workers here on campus.

Since the SSSU organized their union in 2011, they have been trying to negotiate a fair first contract. Yet they still have no agreement on basic protections. Currently, Student Support Services Staff are At-Will employees, which members of the union feel puts them “At Risk.” Just cause is a fair process of discipline for everyone and protects workers from being fired unfairly, or without being given an opportunity to do better. All three other Evergreen campus unions are afforded this basic union protection. Union workers shouldn’t have to fight this hard for basic labor right. Why is the administration so resistant to equal and fair protections for all union workers at Evergreen?
Pay is low and turnover is high among student support services staff. Student support services staff haven’t received a raise since 2008; not even a cost of living increase. In the past 16 months, over one third of the Student Services Support Staff Union members have had to make the difficult choice to seek employment elsewhere.. Evergreen’s President, Les Purce says: “We value our employees.” The actions of his Administration tell a different story.

As students we know that a stable and knowledgeable student support staff is critical to our educational experience. We must get involved and let the administration know that we DO value the staff who support us and we want fair compensation and job security for them!

Members of the SSSU have said enough is enough! On Wednesday, May 15th, they voted by 88% to approve actions up to including a strike. They have decided on May 28th as the deadline for a fair contract. The administration has a chance to settle this and agree to a fair contract for the SSSU at their next bargaining team meeting on Tuesday May 21st. WE HOPE THEY WILL, BUT IF NOT WE MUST STAND WITH THE SSSU!

You can learn more about the struggle of the Student Support Services Staff Union by watching this informative video:

Watch a video of students supporting Just Cause for all campus workers, as well as a possible strike on campus here:

To stay informed, follow us on Facebook here:

In Solidarity,
Nikki Miller

2) Memorial for Douglas Adams (author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
Carry a Towel Day!
All day Saturday May 25th

In addition to being one of the funniest writers I’ve ever read Douglas Adams was also pretty radical. If you’ve read his books you get the reference to carrying a towel.

If you haven’t read his books I suggest you do so.

This from the organizer:

On May 25th carry a towel as a tribute to the late author Douglas Adams!

Please invite your hoopy friends! 🙂

And check out what’s happening in your country on

3) March Against Monsanto

3A) March Against Monsanto Olympia
Saturday May 25th at 11 AM @ Washington State Capitol

Monsanto bad. Monsanto very bad. Come give them a big fat raspberry.

This from the organizers:

The fight for our food!!!

On May 25, activists around the world will unite to March Against Monsanto. This year I-522 on the ballot will require GMO labeling on our food!

Why do we march?
Research studies have shown that Monsanto’s genetically-modified foods can lead to serious health conditions such as the development of cancer tumors, infertility and birth defects.
In the United States, the FDA, the agency tasked with ensuring food safety for the population, is steered by ex-Monsanto executives, and we feel that’s a questionable conflict of interests and explains the lack of government-lead research on the long-term effects of GMO products.
Recently, the U.S. Congress and president collectively passed the nicknamed “Monsanto Protection Act” that, among other things, bans courts from halting the sale of Monsanto’s genetically-modified seeds.

For too long, Monsanto has been the benefactor of corporate subsidies and political favoritism. Organic and small farmers suffer losses while Monsanto continues to forge its monopoly over the world’s food supply, including exclusive patenting rights over seeds and genetic makeup.
Monsanto’s GMO seeds are harmful to the environment; for example, scientists have indicated they have caused colony collapse among the world’s bee population.

What are solutions we advocate?
Voting with your dollar by buying organic and boycotting Monsanto-owned companies that use GMOs in their products.
Labeling of GMOs so that consumers can make those informed decisions easier.
Repealing relevant provisions of the US’s “Monsanto Protection Act.”
Calling for further scientific research on the health effects of GMOs.
Holding Monsanto executives and Monsanto-supporting politicians accountable through direct communication, grassroots journalism, social media, etc.
Continuing to inform the public about Monsanto’s secrets.
Taking to the streets to show the world and Monsanto that we won’t take these injustices quietly.
Direct action against GMO crops.

We will not stand for cronyism. We will not stand for poison. That’s why we March Against Monsanto.
Join us!


3B) March Against Monsanto Aberdeen
Saturday May 25th at 11 AM in Aberdeen

If you’re in Grays Harbor then you can join in too!

This from the organizers:

On May 25, activists around the world will unite to March Against Monsanto.

Read the mission statement:

Facebook event:

Weekly Friday planning sessions:

4) Really Really Free Market Westside
Sunday May 26th from Noon to Whenever @ Woodruff Park, Harrison and Thomas

It’s the Westside’s own Really Really Free Market! Come find cool stuff to take home! Bring cool stuff to give away! Come subvert the dominant paradigm!

This from the organizers:

Bring what you can, take what you need

A free gift economy!

Sunday May 26th
On the West Side @ Woodruff Park
(Thomas and Harrison)

Starts at noon

Ends whenever we want it to…

5) Film Screening: Michelle Alexander, Author of The New Jim Crow
Sunday May 26th from 3 to 5:30 PM
@ Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 2300 East End St NW

It’s an interview with the author of The New Jim Crow, about how the War on Drugs represents the newest form of apartheid.

This from the organizers:

Film: Michelle Alexander, Author of The New Jim Crow
Date: Sunday, May 26, 2013
Time: 3:00PM – 5:30PM
Location: Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation
2300 East End St NW
Olympia, WA 98502

A pair of films and discussion sessions are offered respectively on May 20 from 6:30 – 9:00 p. m. (The House I Live In) and on May 26 from 3:00 – 5:30 p. m. (Michelle Alexander, the author of The New Jim Crow) to the broader community as the impassioned response of participants in an Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation (OUUC) Adult Education Class led last month by Molly Gibbs.
The focus was Michelle Alexander’s arresting book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. Her book was selected as the 2012–2013 nation-wide Unitarian Universalist Association Common Read.
Alexander, an attorney who is a civil rights advocate and litigator, writes about how the “war on drugs” and the incarceration system fall disproportionately and intentionally upon Americans of color, resulting in lifelong discrimination and disenfranchisement of those who have been branded “felon.” Once you’re labeled a felon, the old forms of discrimination — employment discrimination, housing discrimination, denial of the right to vote, denial of educational opportunity, denial of food stamps and other public benefits, and exclusion from jury service — are suddenly legal.

6) Solar 101
Wednesday May 29th from 6 to 8 PM @ the New Market Skills Center, 7299 New Market St SW

Come learn the basics of self-powering your home with the sun.

This from the organizers:

We will cover:
• Effectiveness of solar in Washington
• How solar powers your home (or business)
• How to know if your site is right
• The essentials of State, Federal, and Utility Incentives
• The latest and greatest technology
• Washington-made solar options
• The best systems for your goals and budgets
Kirk Haffner earned his Master’s in Physics at the University of Washington. He has worked as an award-winning high school math and science teacher, an engineering manager in the corporate world, and is the founder, president, and lead engineer of South Sound Solar.

7) Bonus Tip of the Day:

Don’t lose hope.



Oly Oly Action 5_16 Career Opportunities

Action Alert Calendar
Career Opportunities:

1) FYI Section:
1A) Tamale Fusion Food Cart Kickstarter
1B) Peter Bohmer’s Charges Dropped or Deferred
1C) The Police State Marches On
2) Protest PSE Rate Increases
3) Fruition with the Hinges and DJ Oki Brown
4) NW Leonard Peltier and Mother Earth March and Rally
4B) Olympia Caravan to the Leonard Peltier and Mother Earth March and Rally
5) Mobroll: Olympia
6) Talking Crude: Stopping the Oil Trains
7) Occupy Love
8) OC3 Olympia Confronting the Climate Crisis/ Really Really Free Market
9) M.O.B. Roll Tour 2013
10) Word Art Night Open-Mic feat. Asmaa’ Bint
11) Bonus Tip of the Day

Hey Kids!

The shills in the Media Machine are outraged because the government illegally tapped their phones. That is indeed outrageous and they are indeed correct to be outraged — but this makes me wonder where the defenders of the public’s right to know were when Obama’s storm troopers were stomping all over our basic civil liberties? I might have a little more sympathy for their plight if they had stood up for us…

I was out of town last weekend so I don’t have much commentary this week. At last report the world situation was still pretty desperate, as usual, and a quick perusal of the news reveals that this seems to remain more-or-less so.

I haven’t done the “Career Opportunities” thing for awhile so I’ll just redo that this week.

Career Opportunities!
THOUSANDS of positions available in your town and across the world!
Job Title:
Subversive Rabble Rousers and Related Trades
Required Skills:
The only requirement is a compassion for humanity. Everyone is good at something and the revolution needs everything. We have positions available for stone masons, organizers, clowns, farmers, conflict resolution experts, mad geniuses, buskers, doctors, acrobats, media people, mothers, zombies, politicians, computer techs, fund-raisers, musi¬cians, students, lawyers, witches, teachers, paper shufflers, general experts on whatever, and people to yell at other people entertainingly through a bullhorn. This is an equal opportunity revolution. No experience required.
Our benefits package includes a deep sense of satisfaction that can only be gained from doing the right thing, especially when you are doing it with a bunch of magical and beautiful people. Unless you are an incredibly vile human being you will make little if any money. It will, in fact, often cost you dearly. A desire for riches is not why you do things like this.
Reporting Date:
Who to Contact:
There are many choices depending upon your goals, skills, and issues. You can stay within the lines or you can travel to far reaches.

You’ve already signed up for this newsletter, so that’s a good start. I would also suggest stopping by Media Island sometime as we have lots of information about nearly everything (if you can find it, anyway…)

It has reached a point wherein if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. If everyone throws a few shovels full of dirt into the cogs then the Machine can’t function. DO SOMETHING! DO ANYTHING! Sing! Charm them with a smile! Work quietly behind the scenes! Use ‘Yes Men’ tactics on their asses! Dance! Baffle them with bullshit! Enchant them! Wear a clown nose! Run for office! Throw a pie in their face! Guide people toward the light! Yell at them through a bullhorn!

There are lots of people doing lots of things often with less than nothing and they always need help. There are many within the faith community who are kicking ass. There are many student organizations — especially at TESC and SPSCC — who are kicking ass.

The Machine is stealing everything and there is no more burying your head in the sand unless you want your family living in a cardboard box in an alley. The important thing is to DO SOME-THING!



It’s time to get to work…

1) FYI Section:

1A) Tamale Fusion Food Cart Kickstarter

The Tamale Fusion Café is engaged in a Kickstarter campaign to set up a locally sourced food cart at Fertile Grounds.

This from Melanie:

We are giving ourselves 3 weeks to raise $3k for the opening of a farm-to-fork food cart at the Commons @ Fertile Ground in Olympia, WA! We have a lot to offer our community and are enlisting your help in raising the last of the funds needed to make this happen by June!

No donation is too small! But if you cannot afford to donate then we of course understand. You can also help by pasting a link to this event on your timeline, inviting friends to the “event” and/or liking our kickstarter page (you can do this by following the link).

Just follow the link below to donate or to like the page. There are incentives for donations, including merchandise, an invitation to our opening party, or even a party thrown just for you and your friends!

You can be a part of making this happen!


1B) Peter Bohmer’s Charges Dropped or Deferred

This from Peter:

I went to Thurston County District Court today and accepted the following deal. The assault charges (on a State Police Officer) were dropped against me and the district attorney and judge stipulated that they cannot bring a charge of assault in any form against me in the future connected to the temporary shelter and actions of March 5th, 2013. I agreed to a deferral on the trespass charge with the agreement that it would be dropped in one year if I am not arrested and I would be found guilty on this charge if I am arrested in the next year. I agreed to pay $43 to cover court costs. When Judge Wilcox asked me what happened on March 5th, I said the following:

1) Housing and shelter is a basic human right.
2) Olympia and Thurston County criminalize the poor and homeless.
3) That in response to this increased criminalization of homeless people and as someone who has organized to end homelessness, and in order to take action in solidarity with homeless people, I went onto the parking lot of the abandoned Fish and Wildlife Building on North Washington St. in Olympia on March 5th at about 6:15 P.M.
4) I saw the State Police on the property and heard their order to leave but decided to remain on the property to show my support for the on-site temporary shelter and the people there.

I want to thank my lawyer, Legrand Jones, for his excellent representation. There are six defendants remaining facing trespassing charges. Let us all support them and continue the struggle to end poverty and homelessness.


1C) The Police State Marches On

A friend sent this, and I’m sharing it with you.

Big Brother IS Watching !!! WOW !


Using the same technology as Google Earth to track you, be warned it will be most difficult to lose yourself in any crowd.

This is the crowd before the riots in Vancouver.

Put your cursor anywhere in the crowd and double-click a couple of times.
To further help with image, use the scroll button in the centre of your mouse.
Zero in on any one specific single face. The clarity is incredible…

This is the photo taken by Port Moody photographer Ronnie Miranda that appeared in the Tri-City News 24-June.
You can see perfectly the face of every single individual – and there were thousands.
Just think what the police and the military have at their disposal.


2) Protest PSE Rate Increases
Thursday May 16th at 6 PM @ the Richard Hemstad Building, 1300 S Evergreen Park Dr SW

PSE! Again! Arrrgh!

This from the organizers:

PSE pushing for 6% increase on gas and electric rates without public comment

Did you know that PSE is currently trying to slam a 6% rate increase through the UTC without public or professional input/comment?
Give your opinion at the open meeting on Thursday, May 16th, 6:00 pm in the Richard Hemstad Building (1300 S Evergreen Park Dr SW, Olympia).

PSE proceedings before the WUTC
Before the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC), there are three different PSE cases, composed of five different “dockets” that have been consolidated into one proceeding.
First, there is the TransAlta proceeding, Docket UE-121373. Puget Sound Energy (PSE) agreed to buy power from the TransAlta coal power plant in Centralia through 2025. This is allowed by the legislation crammed through by PSE and TransAlta, with help from Sierra Club and NW Energy Coalition. The theory was that this would lead to the closing of the coal plant. Not so as discussed below.
Second, there is the “decoupling” proceeding, Dockets UE-121697 (electric) and UG-121705 (gas). These would create a mechanism by which PSE would be assured of a defined amount of revenue regardless of power sales. It is intended to make the company more receptive to energy conservation and customer installation of solar (both of which cause sales to go down).
Third, there is the “expedited rate filing” or “attrition” proceeding, Dockets UE-130137 and UG-130138. This would allow Puget to raise rates once a year with a very short review process to account for inflation in labor and specific improvements made to its system, rather than going through the full year-long rate case process.
Each of these three cases is controversial on a stand-alone basis. The “multiparty proposal” now before the WUTC combines them into a guano stew.

TransAlta Coal Plant
PSE agreed to buy 380 megawatts (MW) of power at a fixed price from the TransAlta coal plant in Centralia. Under the legislation, PSE is entitled to a “profit” on this, even though purchased power is normally flowed through at cost. Utilities earn a profit on their investment in “plants” like poles, wires, transformers, and power plants. Not on their “operating expenses” like labor, fuel, or purchased power.
The TransAlta contract is controversial for many reasons:
First, many believe that if the legislation had not passed, TransAlta would have shut it down by now, and the legislation is keeping it alive.
Second, PSE has no ability to “turn the plant down” to save fuel when there is lots of hydro or wind power; it pays a fixed price 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Third, TransAlta does have the option to turn it down when it can buy power cheaper. So, when spring runoff occurs, TransAlta can buy cheap power and re-sell it to PSE at the higher contract price. Without this contract, PSE could buy the cheap power and would be required to share the savings with customers under their “power cost adjustment” mechanism.
Finally, it’s a contract for “coal transition power.” Many of us want PSE to stop buying coal power.
PSE filed this contract for approval last fall. The WUTC eventually approved it, but gave PSE only about half of the “bonus” profit it wanted. PSE filed for “reconsideration” and has been trying to politically influence the WUTC.

The decoupling case is an effort by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NDRC) to change how utility rates are set in order to reduce utility incentives to sell more power. NRDC is a member of the NW Energy Coalition, and the NRDC Energy Project Co-Director is the witness in this case.
Normally, utility rates are set in a rate case, allowing recovery of the utility’s operating expenses plus a return on its capital investment. This sum, called the “revenue requirement” is divided by the sales to calculate the rate. The rate stays constant until the WUTC changes it. But if sales go up, the utility gets more revenue (and, normally, more profit). If sales go down, revenues decline. This makes utilities resistant to energy conservation and customer renewables.
Decoupling changes the formula. The Commission would set an allowed “revenue per customer” level for PSE. Each month, as the number of customers goes up, the allowed revenue would increase. Once a year, they would compare the “allowed” revenue to the “actual” revenue, and allow PSE to surcharge (or credit) the difference, depending on whether sales had been higher or lower. This removes the sales incentive. It still leaves a cost control incentive, because if PSE can reduce expenses (like, maybe, pay their executives less money, or gut their employee health insurance) then PSE would make more profit.
PSE originally objected to decoupling, because they said that their costs were rising, and the only way to keep their profits solid was to either file rate cases every year or increase sales. They literally testified that increased sales for electric vehicle charging was an important part of their business plan, and decoupling would take away that opportunity to increase their revenues.
PSE originally filed an approach to decoupling that solved their problem, but it created different problems. Eventually they settled on the current proposal, that lets the “revenue per customer” rise at 3%/year (electric) and 2.2%/year (gas). These are based on historical trends in their rates.

PSE proposed an expedited rate filing mechanism, better known as an Attrition Adjustment, which would let them raise rates in a simpler fashion than a rate case. The general idea is that some costs are going up, and everybody knows they are going up, so why should they have go through a long complicated rate case to get the money? The opposition position is that some costs are going down, and these should be offset against those that are going up.

“The Deal”
The multiparty proposal of PSE, Commission Staff, and NW Energy Coalition is to roll these together.
PSE drops its request for reconsideration of the TransAlta decision, and accepts half as much bonus as they asked for.
The decoupling mechanism is approved, with a built in 3% per year increase for electricity (6% this year, then 3% a year after that).
Because they are getting 3% per year, PSE drops its request for a separate attrition mechanism.

What’s Wrong With This?
The TransAlta deal is wrong! PSE should be moving toward supplying Washington ratepayers with renewable energy. Instead, they are more dependent on coal. Further, the agreement with the Governor to close the plant in 2025 is only “triggered” if TransAlta signs 500 MW of long-term contracts, and the PSE contract is only for 380 MW. If there are no more contracts, then TransAlta is under no obligation to close the plant. Keeping PSE from stopping the plant when cheaper power is available means TransAlta gets more profit, ratepayers pay more cost, and Puget gets a bonus profit without a corresponding profit.
The decoupling deal is OK, but the 3%/year (electric) and 2.2%/year (gas) rate increases means rates will go up every year with no detailed review of whether it is justified.
It’s a stew of coal and assorted guano that tastes just as bad combined as the separate ingredients do individually.

Who are the Players?
PSE is a private utility that makes profit for its Australian shareholder, Macquarie Infrastructure Partners, Inc.
WUTC Staff is the analytical part of the agency. It is separate from the Commissioners, who are the judicial part. There is very limited interaction between them when a “case” is being put together.
NW Energy Coalition is made up of over 100 public interest, environmental, low-income advocacy, labor, clean energy business, and utilities that work together implementing a clean energy agenda. In this case, they are being led along by one of their members, the Natural Resources Defense Council. Their membership has not endorsed their position in this case.
Public Counsel is a branch of the Attorney General’s office that represents the public. They have opposed the TransAlta contract (mostly on cost to ratepayer grounds), are skeptical of decoupling, and oppose attrition adjustments that only consider things that are going up in cost without analyzing everything to see what is going down.
Industrial Customers of NW Utilities and NW Industrial Gas Users represent Boeing, Weyerhaeuser, and the like. They have are opposed to all three proposals.
Kroger is QFC and Fred Meyer grocery chains. They are lightly involved.
Energy Project is a group that represents low-income ratepayers. They are skeptical of all three parts of this.

What Should People Say?
The TransAlta deal costs too much. PSE has to pay the coal power price even when cheaper power is available from hydro and wind. Ratepayers pay more, and PSE and TransAlta shareholders get the money.
There is no guarantee the TransAlta plant will shut down, and without that guarantee, the entire basis of the legislation is being evaded.
The TransAlta deal makes PSE more dependent on coal. They should be investing in wind, solar, geothermal, tidal power, wave power, and energy efficiency instead.
A 3% rate increase per year is unjustified. In 2012, PSE earned more than its allowed return, sharply up from 2011. The big reason is that the cost of borrowing has come down, PSE has refinanced a lot of its debt at lower interest rates, and that brings costs down. The 3% annual increase does not consider this.
It was all negotiated in secret. The WUTC should NOT allow its staff to have secret meetings with PSE. The public should be allowed to participate.
It’s being rushed through the approval process. The WUTC needs to really examine the underlying basis for the proposed 3% per year increases, independent of the TransAlta and decoupling pieces.
They are cramming it down in a very quick proceeding, without giving Public Counsel and the industrial customers time for adequate analysis by experts who can then testify in front of the UTC.
We must bring sunshine to these backroom dealings. Attend the May 16 public comment meeting at 6 pm at the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission offices: Richard Hemstad Building, 1300 S Evergreen Park Drive SW, Olympia. Tell the UTC what you think about their secret negotiations and this outrageous “deal”.
John Pearce is a founding member and current Chair of Thurston Public Power Initiative.
Compiled from various sources by John D. Pearce. © 2013, All Rights Reserved

John Pearce et al
One of the most important things we do on Growthtalk is to share information with each other. We need to become more effective at this.

I have a modest request when you are sharing something: make it easy for the rest of us to know what it’s about, and to find it.

1) If you are forwarding something, don’t just say “FYI” but say “I’m forwarding this because I think people will be interested in item 3G on the agenda, in which the Port is proposing to sell the Port Peninsula properties to Weyerhaeuser for ten dollars.”

2) If you are suggesting people read something, and it is NOT attached or embedded in the email, include a working link to the article or document. This is easy — when the item is in the browser, just copy the URL (location of the link( to the clipboard, then paste it into the email. Example:

3) If you want us to take some specific action (write a letter, make a phone call, show up at a meeting), tell us exactly what we need to know, what we need to include in our communication, and where we direct it to. This will double or triple the chances of us actually doing something.

Nancy Partlow is the champion at doing this well, and we should ask her to give lessons to those of us who don’t do as well.

Walter R. Jorgensen
823 North St SE
Tumwater, WA 98501-3526
360-489-0764 (home)
360-529-1581 (cell)

3) Fruition with the Hinges and DJ Oki Brown
Friday May 17th at 9 PM @ the Olympia Ballroom, 116 Legion Way

It’s radical political music.

This from the organizers:

The ballroom has been twice rocked by FRUITION, and the third will be an extrastellar charm.

With the beloved psychedelic folk of THE HINGES and the amazing twang selector on the 1’s and 2’s dj OKI BROWN!!


Doors at 9
$10 general/$8 students

4) NW Leonard Peltier and Mother Earth March and Rally
Saturday May 18th at Noon in Tacoma
Portland Ave. Park (on Portland Ave between E 35th & E Fairbanks)
(See below for info on a caravan leaving from Olympia)

It’s a rally for America’s premier political prisoner.

This from the organizers:


MAY 18, 2013, 12 NOON, TACOMA, WA

12:00 NOON: MARCH FOR JUSTICE Portland Ave. Park (on Portland Ave. between E. 35th & E. Fairbanks. Take Portland Ave. exit off I-5 and head east)




Matilaja: Yu’Pik Eskimo from Mountain Village Alaska. Member of N.W. AIM since 1973, Friend of Leonard Peltier for 38 odd years and member of Tacoma Chapter LPDOC
Dorothy Ackerman: Lakota Elder
Deeahop Conway, Puyallup Tribal member, Tacoma Chapter LPDOC
Leonard’s case and up-date:
Arthur J. Miller: Northwest Regional Organizer LPDOC
Keynote Speaker:
Ramona Bennett: Puyallup Tribal Elder, Life long friend of Leonard Peltier, Grand Mother, Great Grand Mother
Jimbo Simmons: AIM West
James OldCoyote: Sacred Water Canoe Family
Sweetwater Nannauck: Gishbuwada (Tsimshian nation – Killer Whale clan) Idle No More activist
Peter Bohmer: long-term activist, member of Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace, and faculty at the Evergreen State College
Aaron Mirmalek: Leonard’s cousin
Michael OneRoad: Portland Chapter LPDOC
Closing words:
Steve Hapy: Long time Leonard Peltier and Native struggles activist, Tacoma Chapter LPDOC



“I have no doubt whatsoever that the real motivation behind both Wounded Knee II and the Oglala firefight, and much of the turmoil throughout Indian Country since the early 1970s, was—and is—the mining companies’ desire to muffle AIM and all traditional Indian people, who sought—and still seek—to protect the land, water, and air from their thefts and depredations. In this sad and tragic age we live in, to come to the defense of Mother Earth is to be branded a criminal.” –Leonard Peltier, Prison Writings –

Mother Earth is in peril! The resistance to the continuing abuse of Mother Earth and all that dwell upon her is gaining strength. The movements against Keystone XL Tar Sand Pipeline, the coal trains, Idle No More, Leonard Peltier and many others are all connected. We all seek to resist the harmful things being done to our Mother Earth!

It will take a great united voice from all of us to be heard by those that profit by exploiting Mother Earth for their personal wealth. It will take the people in the streets for the pressure that is needed. Though they have much money and power, we are not weak. We have the power of the spirit of the people united in common cause for the well-being of Mother Earth and the people who dwells upon her.

President Obama has yet to listen to us. But we cannot stop until our goals have been met. For this reason we have called for the NORTHWEST REGIONAL LEONARD PELTIER AND MOTHER EARTH MARCH AND RALLY in Tacoma on May 18. We ask all supporters, all who believe in the well-being of Mother Earth and all those who believe in human rights for all, to please join us here in Tacoma.

Tacoma Chapter LPDOC, e-mail or on facebook at:

Subscribe to: Northwest Peltier Support at:

For more information:

Leonard Peltier supporters have taken Leonard’s struggle around the world. Though much good work has taken place, we are still working to build the momentum that will create enough public pressure to free Leonard. All Leonard Peltier support work is grassroots voluntary work. We understand that not everyone can be a continuous support worker and many do other important work. We do not ask you to stop the other things you do, but rather include Leonard in them.

The Tacoma Chapter, LPDOC does have a core group that, along with key supporters in Portland, Olympia and Seattle, who organize the needs of our regional marches. We get different fliers for download, send out notices for the marches, set up an events page and so on. It is at that point on we need your help. Our NW Leonard Peltier Marches (this will be the 17th one in Tacoma since 1992) help greatly in creating understanding of Leonard’s case and building the support that he needs in our region. And our work would have been so much less without the grassroots support of Leonard Peltier supporters.


1. Please download the flier and copy it and post it, hand them out, and give copies to families, friends, groups and organizations. MARCH AND RALLY FLIERS FOR DOWNLOAD 002.pdf

2. When you see e-mail notices for the march please forward them to e-mail lists, friends, groups and organizations. You can find our notices and latest information on our facebook page at: or subscribe to our e-mail list at:
3. On facebook, like and share march notices.
4. Facebook events page: We have an events page up for the march. If you can make the march please join and invite your friends by hitting on to the key on the right side of the page that says “invite”.
5. Web search: If you have some time you could search the web for groups and people to send the march notices to or find web sites where you can post the march notice.
6. Phone Tree: Call your friends and groups and ask them to come to the march and ask them to also make such phone calls.
7. Set up transportation to get your family and friends to the march.
8. Organize letter writing for Leonard Peltier:


NW Regional March for Leonard Peltier and Mother Earth

We need video of our up-coming march and rally. You Tube video is useful, but we need DVD video also. Some within our region can’t make the march and rally and we would like to share a DVD with them. Supporters have taken our DVDs and spread them throughout our region. This will be the 17th Leonard Peltier march and rally in Tacoma and our events are known about throughout the world. Even a former FBI agent who wrote a book to discredit Leonard starts the book off with Tacoma. For many supporters look to Tacoma for inspiration and organizing ideas. Also, our regional events are not just the work of the Tacoma Chapter, LPDOC, they are also the work of regional Peltier organizers from Portland, Olympia and Seattle and the work of Peltier supporters in our region. Please if you can video our march and rally, please send us a copy at: Tacoma Chapter, LPDOC so that this march and rally can live on!

We need other help. We need photos for Leonard and LPDOC. We need banners, we only have one banner left. We also need signs for people to carry.

TACOMA CHAPTER, LPDOC. E-mail: bayou@blarg,net or


4B) Olympia Caravan to the NW Regional Leonard Peltier and Mother Earth March And Rally
Leaving at 10 AM from 2100 Harrison Ave NW, Olympia, WA (Grocery Outlet Parking Lot)

Join the Caravan from Olympia to Tacoma, WA, to Join the NW Regional Leonard Peltier and Mother Earth March And Rally!

On May 18th there is an international day of solidarity with Leonard Peltier. As part of this global day of events, in Tacoma, WA there is a march and rally to join the global movement to tell US President Barack Obama that we demand Leonard’s release. President Obama has the sole power to finally do the right thing and Free Leonard Peltier.

Leonard Peltier is an American Indian Movement activist who has been in federal prison for nearly 40 years for a crime that all process and evidence is showing he did not commit.

Amnesty International has designated him a political prisoner. Over 30 million people worldwide have called for his release, including a long list of human rights organizations and public luminaires, from Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa to First Nations and Native organizations like the National Congress of American Indians, many celebrities, and people around the world just like you.

5) Mobroll: Olympia
Saturday May 18th at 1 PM @ the Evergreen Bike Shop, 2700 Evergreen Parkway NW

It’s radical bicycling! (See related event on Sunday)

This from the organizers:

MOBROLL is the convergence of bikes, music and film on a spring tour of the Puget Sound. MOBROLL is a nonstop freestyle living poem of spontaneity, collaboration and forward motion. We are tickled to be culminating our three weeks on wheels with all you in Olympia! Bring bikes, tell your frenz

TESC Bikeshop Alleycat Scavenger Hunt Bike Race
meet @ the Evergreen Bikeshop, race starts at 1pm sharp so come early!
5pm – race concludes. prizes, music and revelry to follow.

MOBROLL Houseshow
9:30pm @ the Portal 2420 Bush St. NW
$3-$5 sliding scale

the FEMME Cs
K. Shay and JK

SUNDAY may 19
SPOKE n’ WORD Bike Ride
2pm @ Last Word Books
a short bike ride that winds up at poetry.

Short films from Puget Sound mossbacks
7pm @ the Portal

6) Talking Crude: Stopping the Oil Trains
Saturday May 18th at 1 PM @ the Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St NW

More oil. Just what we needed.

This from the organizers:

Come hear leaders of Citizens for a Clean Harbor (CCH) from Aberdeen/Hoquiam discuss their opposition to 21 new oil tanks in the Port of Grays Harbor. You’ve heard about coal trains and oil pipelines, but this new oil trains plan also affects us locally.

The plan involves 50 oil tanker trains a month coming from North Dakota, on a route through the Columbia Gorge, Centralia, and along the Chehalis River to Hoquiam. The oil would be then shipped in huge Panamax oil supertankers in Grays Harbor and along our Pacific coastline.

The Ports of Grays Harbor and Olympia are colluding with the oil industry that has been waging war against climate stability. What can we do to stop them?

Join us at the Olympia Center (downtown at 222 Columbia St NW) on Saturday, May 18 at 1:30 pm for “Talking Crude,” for this unique chance to hear from our neighbors, and discuss how to stop the oil trains! For questions contact Olympia Confronting the Climate Crisis at For background see Citizens for a Clean Harbor at

7) Occupy Love
Saturday May 18th from 6 to 8 PM @ the Capitol Theater, 206 5th Ave SE

Community building for a better revolution!

This from the organizers:


Olympia Theatrical Screening – Veterans for Peace Benefit

Price: $8 / $6
Date: Sat, May 18, 2013
Time: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Venue: Capitol Theater
Location: Olympia

[Occupy Love] makes a broad, beautiful, soaring and eloquent argument for placing love at the centre of our understanding of what moves people to make revolution . It’s a feverish and lucid run of free-association that evokes the all-night conversations of a new romance. It’s a heaping buffet table of food for thought.

–Dru Oja Jay, The Media Co-op

8) OC3 Olympia Confronting the Climate Crisis/ Really Really Free Market
Sunday May 19th from 2 to 4 PM @ West Bay Park

Come educate yourself about the climate crisis and come give free stuff away and find free stuff to take home and eat free food and meet free people at the Really Really Free Market.

This from the organizers:

Come and learn about how the North West is involved
in the tar sands oil extraction

Lets talk about the future of the SALISH SEA

The Climate Crises Coalition of Olympia’s Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) and Backbone Campaign is planning a fun day of kayaking, music and food at West Bay Park.

Our goal is to share with our community information about our regions increasing presence in the fossil fuel industry, the effects this has on our delicate ecosystems, about alternatives and what our local organizations are doing.

We are hoping to have a discussion with the community on the role the Port of Olympia has with the Hydraulic Fracturing in North Dakota, the proposal for a dirty tar sands oil terminal in Grays Harbor and the exportation of coal through West Coast ports. Many people are unaware of these happenings and we want to ensure the public understands their consequences as well as the alternatives that are available.

Kayaks will be available

All Welcome

9) M.O.B. Roll Tour 2013
Sunday May 19th at 7 PM @ Last Word Books, 211 4th Ave E

Critical mass on bicycles? Sounds good to me!

This from the organizers:

Imagine biking with your friends to all the dope Puget Sound seaside cities and going to shows, seeing art, watching films, doing workshops, camping out, and going on critical mass rides. Now stop imagining and do it.

MOB ROLL is an extended May Day critical mass on Bicycles. It’s the Puget Sound’s own private DIY music, arts, & film tour. It’s a seaside marathon zig-zaging from house-shows, to art spaces, to coffee shops, to music venues, all by bike, and enmasse.

Mobroll has been created by Bombus Bikes & Jet Set Raw records to be an annual Spring ride/music tour that renews & facilitates the strong network of independent makers and d.i.y.ers that make Puget Sound culturally dope.

The tour is the first two weeks of May and covers 9 of the puget sounds seaside towns. Each tour date includes a bike ride hosted by a local bike-shop and multiple events in town (within riding distance) during the day and into the night.

Participants are encouraged to show up with bikes for the town rides and for use between shows. They can also join the tour for a few days (or the whole tour) and ride with friends to the next round of shows.

Music includes hip-hop, punk rock, roots americana, indy, folk, rock, funk, spokenword, electro artists and everything in between.

10) Word Art Night Open-Mic feat. Asmaa’ Bint
Wednesday May 22nd at 8:30 PM @ Werd Salad, 1320 5th Ave SW

Open mic for worders. Check it out.

This from the organizers:

That’s right! Come join us, again or for the first time, and enjoy a night of beautiful words! Share poems, tell stories, read from that novel you’re working on, perform a stand-up routine, anything with artful language, we want to hear it! We’re offering eight 5 minute slots this time around, so please count on fitting within that time frame to respect the time of other readers and performers.

Feature: Asmaa’ Bint, poet extraordinaire of OGPC, will be sharing 20 or so minutes of poetry with musical accompaniment. More details to come on that.

Whether you have a masterpiece to melt our minds and hearts with, a certain work of words you’re unsure about, or you simply love language, join us! Invite your friends! Write a poem about it! Hope to see you there!

11) Bonus Tip of the Day:

Check out a career in world-saving!



Oly Oly Action Alert 05_9_13 Theme Park

Action Alert Calendar


Democracy Theme Park:


1)  FYI Section:  Rainbow Gathering Info

2)  Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation Annual Meeting

3)  The Hinges and Brian McCraken at the Northern

4)  International Day of Action against the TPP

5)  2013 Conference on Ending Homelessness

6)  Troubling the Line:  Poetries of Resistance

7)  Bonus Tip of the Day




Hey Kids!


I am proud to announce that this week the Oly Oly Action Alert will be promoting:


The American Democracy Theme Park!


Yes, Kids, it’s the American Democracy Theme Park, where you can pull levers and talk into microphones but you don’t have to worry because none of it is actually connected to anything and no one is actually listening!  You can pull levers on rigged voting machines that will determine which of two lying corporate fascists that Wall Street is going to install in the White House!  Or, you can speak at committee meetings and/or attend ‘public hearings’ put on by the regulatory agencies — and you don’t have to bother yourself with any concerns that anyone who can do anything is actually going to do anything!


It’s almost like a real Democracy!


Be sure to include the American Democracy Theme Park in your vacation plans!




Stop Crying and Whining and Shut Up


What regulatory law regulates is citizen input, not corporate behaviour.  They are there to provide a pretense that they are doing something.  They are a pacifier that the Machine sticks in the public’s mouth to stop our crying and whining and to shut us up.




Our Dependable President


Good old Barack Obama has come through again!


It is truly amazing!  I’ve been ranting about Obama for years now and everything that he keeps doing just keeps proving that everything I am saying about him is absolutely 100% spot-on accurate!


Background:  I learned of the first news item that I’m going to focus on this week whilst planning the Media Island Benefit Brunch.


This month’s brunch was done in conjunction with Northwest Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee.


Leonard Peltier is the American Indian Movement activist who has spent over 30 years in prison for a crime it has been proven that he didn’t commit; however, an FBI agent was killed and the rule is that when a cop gets killed then someone goes to prison for the rest of their lives — whether or not they actually had anything to do with anything.


One of the Peltier people’s demands is that Obama grant Mr. Peltier clemency.


Obama?  Right.  Good luck with that.  Evidently Clinton made some promises to the Peltier people but — due to serious FBI pressure — Clinton caved and instead pardoned Marc Rich who was a proven convicted felon who stole millions of dollars from your granny’s pension fund — but who was also a major campaign contributor to both Bill and Hillary Clinton.  Clinton passed on the pardon for Mr. Peltier even though it is beyond doubt that Mr. Peltier is completely innocent — but Mr. Peltier was not a campaign contributor to either Bill or Hillary Clinton.


It would seem that the last line of the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ should be changed to “With liberty and justice for those who can afford to bribe a president!”


If the Native Americans think they’re gonna get any love from Obama because they are a racial minourity then I think it highly likely that they have another think coming:  Not only has Obama done absolutely nothing about racial disparities but he is vigourously expanding all of the institutions and promoting all of the policies that make such disparities even worse.


Wall Street’s house boy indeed.


And now this week Obama has yet once again revealed his true face as far as activists in general and as far as activists of colour in particular are concerned and I am afraid that — totally predictably — it portends ill as far as Mr. Peltier’s chances for clemency are concerned…


(Maybe they should try giving some campaign contributions?)




Assata Shakur


Younger readers may be unfamiliar with Assata Shakur [aka Joanne Chesimard] but she was on the front lines of the Black Liberation Movement of the 60s and 70s in general and the Black Panthers and the Black Liberation Army in particular.  In other words, she not only called out the Machine as a low-income black woman but she got seriously into its face.


She was a brave hero, in other words.


She was also a truly effective activist whose rhetoric resembled a flamethrower and she was very good at moving crowds to paroxysms of righteous indignation over injustice.


Remember I mentioned the exception to the “freedom of speech shall not be abridged” part of the United States Constitution?  If you missed that one or if you’ve been smoking too much of that legal pot then I’ll remind you:  “The freedom of speech shall not be abridged — as long as no one listens to what you are saying.”


If people start listening and if the Machine feels threatened by your message then they will shut you up one way or another.  (I could provide a lengthy list of names and events just off the top of my head but you get the point beginning with Shay’s Rebellion in 1786.)


Assata Shakur was preaching revolution and lots of people were listening — and so in a story that is all too familiar — a cop got shot and Ms. Shakur became the designated scapegoat.


(See the rule about shooting cops above.)


Gee, this story just repeats itself over and over again, doesn’t it?


In 1973 Ms. Shakur was railroaded into prison by an all-white jury (Ms. Shakur is black) even though there was not only no evidence of any kind that she shot the cop but it was in fact proven that since Ms. Shakur had herself been shot through the clavicle at the time (the cops had shot her in the back after she had surrendered and as her hands were in the air) she would have thus been physically incapable of wielding a weapon at the time.


That didn’t matter.  A cop was shot.


(See the rule about shooting cops above.)


However, Ms. Shakur’s story became very unusual in 1979 when she managed to escape from prison!  She then made her way to Cuba where she was granted political asylum and where she has been living in peace ever since — regularly denouncing America’s imperialist racist exploiting ways the entire time.


I’ll bet Fidel loves her.


Another all-too-familiar aspect of this story, though, is that throughout all of this Ms. Shakur has adamantly maintained her innocence.


Now, over 30 years later, Obama’s Justice Department has just suddenly (and for no apparent reason) elevated Ms. Shakur to the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted Terrorist List.


They have not only classified her as a ‘terrorist’ but they are calling her one of the top-ten who present a current threat to the United States.  They are demanding her return from Cuba.


They have also offered a $2 million reward for Ms. Shakur (it is not clear whether they mean dead or alive) which has surely elicited the attention of mercenaries the world over.


I assume that Obama has decided that a loudmouthed black woman cop-killer that said and did lots of controversial stuff makes a much better test-case for trashing the constitutional rights of American citizens than, say, a good looking white kid like Dzokhar Tsarnaev for instance.


I assume that this means Ms. Shakur may also be subject to a drone strike or a night raid since Obama has done away with even a pretense of due process for ‘terrorists’.


Amy Goodman is on to Obama’s Assata Shakur move:


Why is he doing this?


I have been telling you why for a long time now and everything he does further proves everything I’ve been saying.


Maybe I should emphasize it more?  How about this:


Barack Obama is a Fascist
He is installing a police state


Get a clue, people.




Selective Terrorism


What makes all of this even more outrageous is that a true terrorist named Luis Posada Carriles — a man who has not only confessed but boasted of blowing up a civilian airliner and killing 73 civilians — now lives happily in Florida with Obama’s full protection even though both Cuba and Venezuela have been demanding his extradition for many years now and even though he was convicted of terrorism in Panama.


Luis Posada Carriles was also involved in the Bay of Pigs and Iran Contra and anyone who knows of those infamous dealings knows that the cast of characters for those two fiascos included all of the top rock-stars of Fascist World at that time, so Carriles kept good company.


Since the airliner Carriles blew up was Cuban and since most of the murdered civilians were Cubans then evidently Obama is totally chill with that.  It would seem that blowing up airliners full of civilians is only ‘terrorism’ when the other side does it; thus, Luis Posada Carriles lives the high life in Miami whilst dozens of families still grieve for their loved ones in Cuba.




Relevant History


As far as government connections for a man such as Luis Posada Carriles go, this is all standard sop.  As far back as World War II Mafia don Lucky Luciano supplied intelligence for the American invasion of Sicily to the OSS (precursor of the CIA).  (There was a conscious and cynical double meaning to the 7th Infantry’s appellation as the ‘Lucky Seventh’…)


These guys go way back.  Once you start researching this stuff it seems that every time you open yet another can of historical worms you find all of the same slimy faces in there wriggling around; Carriles is just one example of thousands.  The Iranian coup of 1953, the Bay of Pigs, both Kennedy assassinations, the King assassination, Vietnam, Watergate, Iran Contra, BCCI, the October Surprise, the Salvadoran Death Squads, the Honduran Coup, countless other coups, systemic worldwide terrorism, vile nastiness on a scale and of a manner incomprehensible to normal human non-sociopathic non-corporate people — and as you read all this stuff in amazement it just keeps going on and on and on and you keep finding the same players playing the same sick twisted games and you soon begin to understand that all of these people know each other and that the CIA and the Pentagon and even the White House works with organized crime and terrorists and drug dealers and war criminals as a matter of course; that, in fact, it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt (i.e. hundreds of thoroughly documented press reports and dozens of thoroughly documented books and Senate investigations and investigations by the CIA’s own Inspector General and the CIA has publically admitted it and apologized saying they felt the ends justified the means) that the CIA is the largest drug trafficking organization in the world.


My experience has been that the ends usually closely resemble the means.  That’s why I advocate non-violence in my activism.


There are also strong indications that several of our wars (Vietnam and Afghanistan in particular) have had direct links to this fact.  They were not the reason for those wars but there is substantial evidence that they were a major consideration.  If this seems farfetched keep in mind that illicit drugs represent $2 trillion in under-the-table untraceable un-taxed secret cash profit every year and that this represents 8% of total world trade.  Thanks to the War on Drugs illicit drugs have become by far the most valuable and profitable enterprise on the planet; exactly why the War on Drugs continues with such vigour even though it has completely failed in its stated purpose of reducing drug use for over 30 years now.


That kind of easy money attracts the big boys like sharks to easy prey.


Ever since Korea, every time that the US military occupies somewhere then the drug trade in that place suddenly explodes.  It is proven with dulling regularity that the CIA and sometimes even the DEA are buried neck-deep in these deals themselves; about once a decade now there are outraged headlines in the newspapers and there are outraged talking heads on the television machine for a few days — and then the hullaballoo dies down and everyone moves on and nothing happens and it just continues.


All of this stuff is documented.  It is all in the public record.  It is all incontrovertible fact.


While strategic oil pipelines and strategic military bases and strategic airfields were definitely the central cassus belli of the Afghan Occupation and foremost in the thoughts and wet dreams of the war planners — I also think it very likely that the fact the Taliban had successfully eradicated the opium poppy trade in Afghanistan was also part of the reason that it was decided that they had to go.


I believe that 9-11 was allowed to happen partly so that it could be used as a pretext for something that they very badly wanted to do anyway, i.e. insert a massive American military presence right in the heart of Southwest Asia and right into the heart of Opium World.


They are using Afghanistan like a hypodermic syringe to inject the deadly bacillus of American imperialism deep into the heart of Southwestern Asia — i.e. same ole’ same ole’.


It’s time to get to work…



1)  FYI:  Rainbow Gathering Info


I happen to be a close personal friend with one of the central organizers of the Rainbow Gathering and he lives in Montana which is where the Gathering is happening this year; if you would like to get on their mailing list for Rainbow info let me know and I’ll hook you up.



2)  Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation Annual Meeting

Thursday May 9th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm @ Traditions Café, 300 5th Ave SW


Come celebrate with Oly FOR.


This from the organizers:


Enjoy free music and food, connect with Olympia FOR’s people, find out what we have done since last May, and elect Steering Committee members on THURSDAY MAY 9, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Traditions Café, 5th & Water SW, in downtown Olympia.


At 6:30 we’ll celebrate with light refreshments, social time, and jazz performed by Go Joe Go (Joe Mailhot’s jazz band with Erich Hahn, Scott Reed, Charles Adler, and Joe’s sun Moey).  Then we’ll review our rich and varied accomplishments since last May; and elect some Steering Committee members and officers.



3)  The Hinges and Brian McCraken at the Northern

Friday May 10th at 8 pm @ the Northern, 414 ½ Legion Way


This is Danny Kelly and the Hinges, Brian McCraken, and others performing political art at its best!


—–Gary Alan May—–The Hinges—-The Super8



4)  International Day of Action against the TPP

Saturday May 11th from 1 to 3 pm @ the Labor Building, 906 Columbia (2nd floor)


The Trans Pacific Partnership [TPP] is NAFTA on steroids.  This is the next big step in installing the New World Order.  This is the International Machine deciding who can do business in your neighborhood whether you want them there or not, what kind of medicine you can have and how much you pay for it and the TPP provides yet another major boost in the race to the bottom for slave-wage sweatshops.


Obama is — typically — keeping all the details of this major international trade agreement that will have serious impact on nearly every aspect of our lives so secret that even senators on the relevant committees can’t get any information about it.


What’s he got to hide?


Come educate and activate on this issue.


This from the organizers:


The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Find out why TPP matters to you and what you can do about it!


May 11th is World Fair Trade Day & International Day of Action Against the TPP.


1-3pm @ the Labor Building, 906 Columbia (2nd floor) Olympia, WA


Join the Washington Federation of State Employees 443, South Sound Clean Cloths Campaign, Marigold Fair Trade, Traditions, the Green Party, & the Washington Fair Trade Coalition to educate & activate yourself as an eater, a conscious shopper, a worker, & a community member.


Enjoy fair trade coffee & chocolate and connect fair trade products to fair trade policy.  TPP will impact food, sustainable jobs, access to affordable medicine, our environment, education & our democracy.


Be involved in upcoming actions!  Activities for all ages!



5)  2013 Conference on Ending Homelessness

Wednesday May 15th thru Thursday May 16th @ Hotel Murano, Tacoma

Early Registration Rates End on April 15th


This is through the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance.  It costs money and I suspect this is a bunch of rich liberals but scholarships are available so depending on what you do you might want to check this out.


This from WLIHA:





Join homelessness and housing providers from around the     state as the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance hosts the 2013 Conference on Ending Homelessness. This     year’s conference will offer a dynamic mix of sessions, speakers, and     exhibits — all focused on ensuring everyone in Washington has access to a     safe, healthy, and affordable home.




Workshops topics include:



  • Homelessness          and housing policy and advocacy

  • Innovative          housing and homeless programs from across the state

  • Health care          reform implications for homeless and housing providers

  • Housing          First

  • Data          management and coordinated entry

  • Self-care          and skill-building


You can visit our program page for a full description of     all workshops!




Keynote Speakers:


Sherman Alexie – Poet, Writer, and Filmmaker


Richard Cho – Policy Director for the U.S.     Interagency Council on Homelessness






The Housing Alliance is able to offer a limited amount of     scholarships to help individuals attend the conference.  You can download the application here.




lease note all applications are due by Monday, April 8 at     5:00pm.




 Early     registration discounted rates end on April 15, 2013.  So register now!




See you in Tacoma,




Click Here to Register for the 2013 Conference on Ending     Homelessness!




Wednesday, May 15 -Thursday, May 16




Hotel Murano in Tacoma, Washington








Kevin Solarte


Homeless and Statewide Outreach Coordinator




206.442.9455 x213  |  |  fb @wliha  |  tw /wliha




Early Registration Rates End on April 15



Our vision is that all Washington residents have the   opportunity to live in safe, healthy, affordable homes in thriving   communities.  Help us make this vision   a reality: click here to donate.



6)  Troubling the Line:  Poetries of Resistance

Wednesday May 15th at 7 pm @ TESC Library Underground, 2700 Evergreen Pkwy NW


Poetry to blister your paint job!  Come hear activist art.


This from the organizers:


You’re invited to an evening celebrating the release of Troubling the Line:  Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics.


The event will feature readings by:

Molly Bess

TT Jax

Y Madrone

Fabian Romero

TT Jax


Readings will be followed by a round table discussion/Q&A.


For more on the anthology, please go to:


Where: the Library Underground

When: May 15th, 7pm



7)  Bonus Tip of the Day:


Wish the best for Assata Shakur.






Oly Oly Action 5_2_13 Priorities

Action Alert Calendar
Questionable Priorities:

1) FYI Section:
1A) POWER Down
1B) Update from the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance
2) Olympia Port Fracking Resistance Rally
3) Perennial Plant Sale to Benefit Our Sister Community in Santo Tomás, Nicaragua
4) Coopatopia CoOp Festival
5) Raging Glitter and Bubbles Musical Mischief at Le Voyeur
6) Media Island International/ Free Leonard Peltier Benefit Brunch
7) Crop Walk
8) May Day Meeting of the Minds, Hearts, and Bellies
9) Annual Meeting of the Green Party of South Puget Sound
10) POWER Outage: Mama Care Fair
11) Synergy 2013 at the Evergreen State College
12) Bonus Tip of the Day

Hey Kids!

Did you know that the FBI is conducting an massive and expensive coast-to-coast investigation and that as part of this investigation they imprisoned three people without charge for 5 months who admittedly had nothing to do with anything but just knew things the feds wanted to know for simply refusing to discuss the political beliefs of their friends to a federal grand jury and that as part of this investigation they just conducted a frigging armed invasion of Olympia scaring the beelzebubs out of a bunch of innocent civilians who aren’t even activists and shaking up the other caretaker at Media Island asking him about some caretaker from years ago — and they are doing all this because they seem so terrified of a few idealistic kids who broke some windows in Seattle last year?

Really? Considering the massive overabundance of serious crime that is doing serious harm I must ask upon whose list does some kids breaking some windows rate such a massive and expensive effort from the frigging federal government? Don’t they have anything better to do?

I have been engaged in rhetorical battle with those kids myself for years now; but I think we all know who the real enemy is. I don’t want to harass their friends and put them in prison for decades because I disagree with their politics.

As for the FBI, this makes me question their priorities and those questions lead to questions about the real reason they are doing this — i.e. those kids broke those windows for political reasons i.e. in a police state such things need to be severely nipped in the bud.

Hmmmm. Obama’s people allowed fully-armed Tea Partiers to attend political events unmolested but they brutally suppressed the non-violent unarmed Occupy Movement. Obama ignores enourmous heinous crimes that cause mass-death and suffering for millions yet he brutally oppresses and imprisons the whistleblowers that expose these crimes and the activists who protest these crimes. Obama promised transparency yet we get almost complete opacity surpassing even Bush; he promised no lobbyists in his White House yet his entire team is dominated by Goldman $achs apparatchiks; he promised to close Guantanamo yet now the completely innocent prisoners who are admittedly guilty of nothing yet have been in prison in some cases for over a decade are now killing themselves in a massive hunger strike because Obama seems content to allow them to rot away forgotten. Meanwhile, Obama — of the most prolific mass-murderers of children on the planet — is all over the airwaves bemoaning the deaths of the children in Connecticut to push gun control.

Excuse me but whose side is he on?

Meanwhile, fellow gun control advocate Diane Feinstein maintains her perfect record for never meeting a war that she didn’t like by jumping up and down now advocating for an invasion of Syria.

Wall Street continues on its tear while everyone blames the schoolteachers and punishes the homeless and disabled.

Other than that, it was a very nice day today.


You gotta give Obama some credit; it’s really hard to install a police state when people keep telling the truth! You would think that with Obama prosecuting more whistle blowers than all previous presidents combined and calling them ‘terrorists’ and sending numerous people to prison for lengthy terms for telling us about crimes whilst the crimes themselves continue unabated and the criminals themselves continue to enjoy record profits — you would think that this would stop the flow of truthiness that keeps intruding into Obama’s Potemkin Village — and I am sure that it has indeed seriously slowed it down — but still there are people who just don’t seem to be getting the message!

The presiding theory for most of our country’s history has been that government should be transparent to us whilst our personal lives should be opaque to them. (That sounds fair to me!) However, over the last few decades those roles have been consciously and intentionally reversed; now the government knows nearly everything about us while Obama operates the most secretive White House in my lifetime.

One uncomfortable truth that most Americans may not even realize is that the United States is by far the most hated and loathed country in the world. I am actually surprised more people don’t attack us.

Evidently the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Richard Falk does know this and he has just become the latest to commit the unforgivable sin of telling the truth in public. He said:

“The American global domination project is bound to generate all kinds of resistance in the post-colonial world. In some respects, the United States has been fortunate not to experience worse blowbacks … We should be asking ourselves at this moment, ‘How many canaries will have to die before we awaken from our geopolitical fantasy of global domination?’”

Good bye, Mr. Falk. Officials in Canada and Britain as well as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice have already called for Falk to be fired.


I don’t have a lot this week because I spent most of my creative energies making a special edition of my radio show centered upon the FBI after the FBI visited Media Island. (The radio show is basically an audio version of this newsletter with music.) This is the script I used during the broadcast though this was more a guide than any accurate word-for-word transcript; I sometimes tend to wander and ad-lib whilst actually recording the show.

And by the way, I have made an audio CD of this broadcast. Listening to this story told with strategically chosen musical background gives it a whole power in some ways greater than reading these antiseptic dry scribbles on a computer screen. (I made them green and used the comic sans font so it would be friendlier.) If anyone wants a copy of this CD to share with any law-and-order types you may know or just to listen to yourself then let me know; I’ll probably ask $5 to cover costs or something but whatever. You can also find me at the Westside Food CoOp on Wednesday afternoons and the Eastside CoOp Thursday and Friday afternoons.

This is a special edition of the Oly Oly Action Alert; I have scary stories for you today, Kids, because the big bad wolf — in the form of the Federal Bureau of Intimidation — has come to feed in the Olympia area!

Perhaps you will not prove astonished upon learning that I, your humble producer commentator and writer of the Oly Oly Action Alert happen to have some information about those busy little bees in the Fibber Squad!

The FBI was founded by J. Edgar Hoover. I was gonna say that he was as responsible as anyone for the fascistic turn taken by our government but actually that wouldn’t be true (this was definitely a group effort) but J. Edgar was a big player nonetheless — and he was the most successful blackmailer and extortionist of the 20th Century.

The FBI is by this point a pretty much autonomous organization that does whatever the hell it wants and the judiciary usually has their backs no matter the outrageousness of the conduct. Check out Leonard Peltier. Check out Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney. Over and over again.

However; Peltier Bari and Cherney were left-leaning activists and thus present a sympathetic portrait; today I will intentionally pick a highly unsympathetic portrait with which to detail at length the perfidy of the FBI; i.e. Randy Weaver.

Randy Weaver was a perfect victim; he was dirt poor, and he harboured highly unpopular beliefs — a sheep at the very outer edge of the flock. Federal agents developed the idea that if they could threaten Mr. Weaver with several years in prison, then they could probably coerce him into snitching on all of his Aryan Brotherhood friends.
And so the feds employed a now common practice — that until recently was illegal — called ‘entrapment’. ‘Entrapment’ is when the police themselves offer someone inducement to commit a crime so that the police can subsequently arrest them for it. In effect, the police can offer incentive to an otherwise law-abiding citizen in order to create a crime where otherwise there would have been no crime! Here is a scenario: They approach some 18-year old kid, and offer him $100 to go buy $50 worth of heroin. The kid is not a drug dealer, but he knows where to get some. He knows that you can probably get some heroin from someone else if you don’t get it from him and $50 is a lot of money to a kid — and so the kid goes and gets the heroin. Boom! He how has a felony drug record and virtually no chance of ever leading a lawful existence. He is now completely under the power of the Machine — which was the whole point to begin with.
In Weaver’s case, a federal agent offered Mr. Weaver a large sum of money to cut off the barrels of a couple of shotguns contrary to federal law. Randy Weaver had never before owned an illegal weapon. At no time in his life had he engaged in manufacturing illegal weapons. The idea of selling an illegal firearm had never entered his mind until said idea was planted and financially encouraged by said federal agent. The government knew that Randy Weaver desperately needed money. He had 3 daughters, a son, and a wife to support. He lived in an isolated cabin without elec¬tricity or running water. Randy Weaver was not a criminal. He made his living honestly by chopping firewood and by seasonal logging. He had never received as much as a traffic ticket in his entire life. He was discharged honourably from the army with several meritorious cita¬tions. Heretofore, the only ‘crime’ that he had been guilty of was harbouring unpopular beliefs.
One winter’s day shortly after the shotgun incident, Mr. and Mrs. Weaver set out in their old pick-up to buy supplies. They saw another pick-up that appeared stalled on a bridge. When the Weavers offered assistance they suddenly found themselves surrounded by several heavily armed marshals and Randy was arrested. The magistrate incor¬rectly informed Mr. Weaver that if he were convicted, he would proba¬bly lose his house, the only major asset that he owned. Then, using the usual methods of blackmail and coercion, federal agents insisted that Mr. Weaver become a snitch, and that if he refused he would spend several years in prison. This was when the first instance of the failure of the government conspiracy occurred: Randy Weaver was an honour¬able man, and he refused to betray those who trusted him by betraying those who trusted him. Randy Weaver told the agents to go to hell.
Faced with the horror of losing their home, Randy and Vicki Weaver began to ask questions of each other. How could they ever win the case? He had sawed off the shotguns, and the feds had him on tape selling them to the undercover ATF agent. If they became home¬less, wouldn’t the government take their kids? And so, with no help, no money, no legal counsel, and facing the omnipotent might of the federal government, the Weavers decided just to stay on their mountain and pray; Randy Weaver failed to appear for his court date.
“Learning that the Weavers remained isolated, resolute, and armed — all because of the erroneous information provided by a federal magi¬strate — a local marshal suggested to the prosecutor, who was a grim and humourless man named Ronald Howen, that if Weaver received assurances that he was not in jeopardy of losing his home, then he would probably surrender. Howen squelched this idea, saying, ‘…these are the type of matters properly addressed in a plea agreement in exchange for guilty pleas, but not mere surrender.’ This was in spite of the fact that due to the nature of the charges, the Weavers were in no danger of losing their home in the first place.
Thus, the AUSA scornfully rejected an opportunity to seek a peaceful end to the situation.
During this period, the Weavers attacked no one. They threat¬ened no one. The pregnant Vicki was unable to see a doctor. Their mail, being delivered by friends, was first intercepted and read by the government.
Strictly because he dared to challenge the government, the status of Randy Weaver’s case was elevated to a ‘Major Case’, thus authorizing the marshals to take extraordinary measures. They surrounded the Weaver ranch with video cameras and listening devices. They noted that the Weavers never left the house without their firearms. One plan that the government agents concocted was to kidnap 17-year old Sara — who had committed no crime, and for whom they had no warrant — which made the police plan a prosecutable crime in and of itself, (not that any of the police would ever actually be prosecuted…)
Eventually, though, the plan to kidnap Sara was abandoned. (It’s on paper, though!)
Instead, 18 months later, a crack team of trained government marksmen sneaked onto the Weaver property on a reconnaissance mission preparatory to a contemplated arrest. They wore camouflage suits, they gave no warning of their arrival, they had no warrant, and they never identified themselves.
The Weavers owned three dogs, one of whom, Striker, was consi¬dered a member of the family by the children, who loved him with all their hearts. The dogs discovered the intruders, and began barking at them. Randy, his friend Kevin Harris, and Randy’s 14-year old son Sam, thinking that the dogs had discovered a game animal, grabbed their guns and ran to investigate. Kevin and Sam went one direction, while Randy went in another. The agents shot and killed Striker, as is their wont. 14-year old Sam, seeing his beloved dog fall dead, returned the fire. The government agents then shot Sam in the arm. Sam turned and began running away — whereupon the agents shot a child who was running away from them in the back.
Kevin Harris witnessed the shootings, and in an action that a jury later ruled to be fully justified self-defense, Kevin Harris shot and killed a US Marshal named Degan. Randy Weaver, who had taken off in another direction, was nowhere near.
The marshals fired 14 rounds. Kevin and Sam fired 5. The marshals realized that they were in deep doo-doo. They had been repeatedly admonished by Washington not to engage the Weavers, and at all costs, not to injure an of the Weaver children. Instead, they had shot a child in the back. And so, they employed the standard technique used by government officials in such situations, i.e. lies and cover-ups. At trial, they claimed that they did not know that they had shot a child; it was later proven that there was no way they could not have known. They reported that they had been engaged in a horrendous firefight with possibly 1,000 rounds fired by the Weavers; this also was later proven to be a conscious lie. They reported that they were surrounded, and required immediate reinforcement; yet another lie. The next day, they supplied an affidavit to the court that blatantly and falsely claimed that the Weavers had been shooting at the marshals from a pick-up truck.
The FBI Hostage Rescue Team was summoned. The leader of this team, Richard Rogers, and the Associate Director of the Marshal’s Service, Duke Smith, flew to Idaho. During the flight, they decided to change the Rule of Engagement. They had no authority to change the Rule of Engagement, and thus their doing so was illegal. The Rule of Engagement is an euphemism for the authority under which officers are authorized to kill citizens. Under the law, one can intentionally kill another only in self-defense, or if a third person is in imminent peril of death or serious bodily harm. This is a rule that is very plainly spelled out, and a rule to which the police are fully bound. It is also one that is systemically ignored. In fact, it would be difficult to find a group of people who have less respect for the law than law enforcement…
Thus, during the flight to Idaho, Richard Rogers changed the Rule of Engagement to ‘…shoot on sight any armed adult.’ There was no requirement, as required by law, for the person being shot to be threatening anyone. Thus, Mr. Rogers summarily changed the law of the land, and according to Eugene Glenn, the On Site Commander at Ruby Ridge, he did this with the full knowledge and consent of Larry Potts, the Assistant Director of the FBI. The number two man in the entire FBI was alleged to have changed the law of the land by a bald secret order. It was an order providing that FBI agents could and should kill any armed adult at the so-called ‘Weaver Compound’. It was literally an order for federal agents to commit murder.
Rogers changed the law as any tyrant would: By overt edict, with¬out the consent or even the knowledge of the people. Since they knew from their surveillance that the Weavers never left their cabin unarmed, Mr. Rogers was effectively issuing an order to execute the Weavers summarily, even those for whom there were no pending charges.
Smith and Rogers arrived at Ruby Ridge to learn that the famous ‘firefight’ was not happening, and had never happened. The only sounds were being made by the hundreds of armed government agents surrounding the property, the rumble of the armoured vehicles, and the thwacking of the helicopters. Under cover of darkness, this multitude secretly surrounded the Weavers. The FBI made no offer of surrender.
The next morning, Randy, his 17-year old daughter Sara, and Kevin Harris left the cabin and headed toward a shed wherein lay the body of Sam. They wished to once more commune with the dead child before burial. They wished only to say good-by. An FBI sharpshooter named Lon Horiuchi, without warning, shot Randy in the arm. Sara began pushing Randy back toward the cabin. Kevin joined them. ‘I’m hit,’ Randy cried to Vicki as Vicki held the door open, cradling their newborn baby in her arms.
‘Get in here!’ Vicki cried with what proved to be her last words.
Then, Lon Horiuchi, who using his high-powered scope could admit¬tedly see and hit a fly at 200 yards, shot Vicki Weaver through the brain, tearing half of her face away. Horiuchi later claimed that he did not see Vicki, in spite of his claim that he could see a fly at 200 yards, and in spite of the fact that he shortly after the incident drew a picture of the scene clearly showing two people at the door. This drawing, in spite of being a vital piece of evidence, was later illegally withheld from defense attorneys. And while the judge excoriated the prosecution for this blatant and illegal act, no one was prosecuted for it. Instead, as ‘punishment’, the FBI was required to pay one day’s attorney fees for the defense. Since the defense attorneys were working without any fees, and since the attorneys wanted nothing from the government, they made no effort to collect it. And predictably, the government made no effort to pay it. (We must keep in mind that the FBI is the same organization founded and headed for over 48 years by J. Edgar Hoover, the man who presented himself as a virtuous para¬gon of law and order, but who was actually a blackmailer and extortion¬ist. He was also a man who stole from the government, misused agents and the agency for personal gain, colluded with mobsters, broke securi¬ties laws, illegally wiretapped and spied on legitimate left wing and civil rights organizations, and on and on.)
Instead of prosecuting the multiple and aggravated felonies committed by the police, the AUSA instead threw the book at Randy Weaver. Mr. Weaver was indicted on a cornucopia of charges up to and including murdering a federal agent.
Now, keep in mind that under normal circumstances federal pros¬ecutors can do pretty much whatever they want to do, and they can convict pretty much anyone that they wish to convict on pretty much any charge that they wish to charge them with. Also, under normal circumstances federal law enforcement can tell whatever lies they wish on the witness stand and have those lies believed by juries. Since there is no accountability even if they are caught lying under oath, this is precisely the reason that the practice of lying under oath is such a common practice among law enforcement.
However, shortly before Mr. Weaver’s trial, yet another hitch appeared in the government conspiracy to railroad Randy Weaver: An attorney named Gerry Spence agreed to defend Mr. Weaver.
Gerry Spence is one of America’s great unsung heroes. He has spent his life defending the poor, the injured, the forgotten, and all of the other victims of corporate-controlled America. Mr. Spence has never lost a criminal case and he has received more million-dollar verdicts for injured citizens than any other lawyer in America. He was born and educated in the small towns of Wyoming, and currently lives in Jackson Hole.
One piece of ‘evidence’ presented at trial was a bullet from a .233 calibre rifle matching a rifle that they believed belonged to Weaver. (Perhaps the FBI forgot that Mr. Weaver was carrying a shotgun that day…) And how was this ‘evidence’ found? The FBI claimed that it was found, in pristine condition, lying daintily on top of some leaves. It was not buried, not marred, scratched, bent, bruised, dented, or otherwise blemished except for the rifling, which conveniently allowed them to match it to what they thought was Weaver’s rifle. But it was not Weaver’s rifle — it belonged to 16-year old Sara, who was far away in the cabin at the time of the shooting of Agent Dugan. At Mr. Spence’s prodding, the FBI agent who recovered the bullet finally admitted that he had placed the bullet there — yet another criminal act known as ‘manufacturing evidence’. (Again, there was no prosecution.)
Mr. Spence exposed all of the government’s perfidy that I have described here, conducting an exhaustive and expensive investigation without any compensation from either Mr. Weaver, or from the government.
Before the trial, the FBI did a quick and dirty internal investiga¬tion that whitewashed the whole affair. According to them, nobody did anything wrong. However, at the urging of Gerry Spence and others, the Justice Department investigated. As a result, several agents were given letters of censure, one agent was suspended for 15 days, the investigation noted ‘significant defects in the indictment’, and Mr. Howen was scolded for refusing to negotiate surrender terms, and thus ‘forced the Marshal’s Service to engage in extraordinary effort to plan and execute a non-confrontational alternative to require Weaver to respond to the warrant’.
And that was it. No one in law enforcement was indicted. No one in law enforcement went to prison. The Department of Justice, despite the illegal killings of a child and an innocent woman with a baby in her arms, did not choose to prosecute anyone in law enforcement. Yet this same Department of Justice showed incredible zeal in order to prose¬cute two citizens who in this particular instance had committed no legal wrongs at all.
After an exhaustive and lengthy trial wherein the prosecution played no-holds-barred hardball trying to prejudice the jury about Mr. Weaver’s beliefs — whilst simultaneously trying to cover up the complete lack of evidence — the jury acquitted Mr. Weaver of all charges except the failure to appear on the original gun charge. After several more years of legal wrangling, Mr. Weaver was eventually awarded a multi-million dollar cash settlement in a civil suit. The outcome of Mr. Weaver’s case is extraordinary due only to the fact that the govern¬ment was caught — and that came about only thanks to the extraordi¬nary efforts of the extraordinary Gerry Spence. The illegal methods used by government agents and prosecutors in the Weaver case are not only common, they are standard operating proce¬dure, and they are standard operating procedure because the govern¬ment almost always gets away with it, and nothing happens to them even if they do not get away with it. And keep in mind that the Weaver case was world famous, and that the press kept a close eye on the proceedings. If the government was willing to pull the kind of extra-legal shenanigans they pulled as the whole world was watching, imagine the methods they employ in the vast majority of cases where no one is paying attention…
The function of the legal system is not to provide justice or the preserve freedom. Its function is to keep those who hold power in power, and to persecute anyone who challenges that power. A black man in Texas was convicted for rape strictly on the word of one white woman, in spite of the fact that the man’s girlfriend stated that he was with her at the time. Later, the man who actually committed the crime confessed — only to have the judge accuse the confessor of lying! The judge failed to explain why someone would freely confess to a crime he didn’t commit without any apparent coercion to do so. After 20 years in prison, the man was exonerated by DNA evidence after his case was taken up by the Innocence Project, a highly successful organization dedicated to freeing wrongly convicted prisoners.
The Innocence Project does not lack for business.


It’s time to get to work…

1) FYI Section:

1A) POWER Down


POWERDOWN stands for Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights Developing our Own Welfare Narrative. This is a project of POWER (Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights) members and volunteers. Our project will enable people who have or currently do receive welfare benefits to collect stories from themselves, their families and friends. The audio pieces will be hosted on this website and provide both a real narrative from low-income families in the State of Washington and be used as a resource for people needing to access this information to protect their rights.

In our state recently there was an investigative journalism flood over cash assistance being withdrawn from ATMs at strip clubs, and food stamp benefits being handed out in exchange for drugs. This is just the most recent example of the media being used to assassinate the character of those in poverty. They call into question whether people deserve to have their basic needs protected by our government. Depictions such as these can be equated to the racist and classist portrayal of the “Welfare Queen” during the Reagan Era. This is how the mainstream media portrays the poor in this country. These direct attacks on the families we are, whom we advocate for, and inform about welfare rights, real people worthy of respect and life.

POWERDOWN is a project that seeks to reclaim reality on behalf of our community and organize families in poverty and on welfare to challenge crude depictions. In addition, the audio clips we collect as a community will provide a listenable tool to inform families about their welfare rights.

Click here for pieces recorded by Community Journalist Mary Vent

POWERDOWN (Developing Our Welfare Narrative)

POWERDOWN is seeking stories from courageous mamas and papas who have experience with the welfare system. We really want to be empowered and encouraged by your struggles, experiences, and advice in dealing with the system of public benefits. In addition, the best way to change the system is to educate people. We all get strength when hearing stories we can relate to. For our summer newsletter, we would like to feature these stories.

POWERDOWN is also seeking people willing to put on educational workshops once per month on Fridays from noon – 2:30 pm each week to help develop our narrative in writing workshops, public speaking, acting, and writing from the soul.

Each week, childcare is provided by Casey from the Olympia Childcare collective. For more information please refer to our website at or call Patricia at 360-352-9716 or email her at

Thank you!


1B) Update from the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance

The session officially ended last night after 105 long days. But, since budgets are still not done, we’ll need a special session for our elected officials to finish their business. Head on over to our blog to find out why we believe this is actually a good thing!

What’s Next?
Our legislators will be getting a two-week break and then return on Monday, May 13. This presents an excellent opportunity for you to schedule an in-person meeting with your lawmakers while they are home. Check out our list of effective advocacy actions you can take during these two weeks.

All About the Revenue
Revenue is the key to a budget that both funds education and maintains the safety net. And the Senate and House budgets are radically different in this regard. To learn more about the proposals in play, please join us for a special member call on Thursday, May 2 at noon. Please RSVP by emailing me at We’ll send you the phone number once you’ve RSVP’d.

A Special Thank You
This has been a long, hard session. And we’ve got more work to do! But it’s important to recognize the accomplishments that your advocacy won this session. The passage of the Fair Tenant Screening Act (SSB 5568), of Foster Care to 21 (E2SSB 5405), and of the 72-hour youth shelter notification rule (SB 5147) are significant accomplishments that everyone should be proud of. Advocacy isn’t always fun, but it’s always necessary. Thank you for standing up repeatedly and please stick with us over this two-week break and then into the special session.

You can find the longer version of this newsletter here at our website.

Thanks for all you do,

Michele Thomas, Director of Policy and Advocacy
Washington Low Income Housing Alliance

P.S. Did you see Rachael Myer’s op-ed in The Seattle Times on Sunday? We also recorded Juanita Maestas’ personal story related to the op-ed. Lastly, I’ll be on KBCS today at 4:30pm talking about the Housing Trust Fund. Stay tuned.

206.442.9455 x205 I I fb /wliha I tw @wliha

2) Olympia Port Fracking Resistance Rally
Thursday May 3rd at 5 PM @ Port Plaza, 915 Washington St

Resist fracking! Come join the protest!

This from the organizers:

Another proppants ship is expected in port tomorrow. The proppants are destined for the North Dakota Bakken Oil Shale Oil Fracking industry. The ship may arrive tonight or tomorrow, higher high tides are around Midnight and Noon.

Olympia FOR Confronting the Climate Crisis is planning a “Flash Mob” rally tomorrow, 5pm at the Port Plaza.

Fracking has caused human and environmental damage, and it is up to us to stop our port from supporting and enabling this hideous industry.

North Dakota is booming, with all the associated violence and ills that come with a mineral boom. Fracking is harmful in so many ways, on so many levels.

Please join the protest to resist fracking.

What: Olympia Port Fracking Resistance Rally

When: 5 pm tomorrow Thursday the 2nd of May

Where: Port Plaza

Thank you, hope you can be part of the protest!

Berd (Robert) Whitlock

p.s. if you’re interested in more information about activities and events to oppose the use of the Port to support the fossil fuels industry, you can sign up on the Olympia Port Fracking Resistance Twitter Account @olypfr If you have a cell phone, and you receive text messages, you can also sign up for mobile notifications, using the dropdown menu next to the follow icon.


Robert F. W. Whitlock • Olympia, Washington • (360) 259-4291 •

3) Perennial Plant Sale to Benefit Our Sister Community in Santo Tomás, Nicaragua
Saturday May 4th and Sunday May 5th 2013 from 10 AM to 2 PM @ 117 N. Thomas Street

This from the organizers:

Perennial Plant Sale to Benefit Santo Tomas, Nicaragua, activities
Date: Sunday, May 5, 2013
Time: 10:00AM – 2:00PM
Location: Jean Eberhardt’s front yard, south of W. Harrison, west of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church’s parking lot
117 N. Thomas Street
Olympia, WA 98502

Perennial Plant Sale Benefits Our Sister Community in Santo Tomás, Nicaragua
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Each Day in West Olympia

Large, healthy starts of fifty varieties of perennial plants will be on sale at very modest prices to benefit the Thurston-Santo Tomás Sister County Association (TSTSCA) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. onSaturday May 4 and Sunday May 5 at a convenient location in West Olympia.

TSTSCA is a genuine grassroots effort founded in 1988 in Olympia, Washington, and Santo Tomás, Chontales, Nicaragua. TSTSCA supports ing a number of projects there, including a children’s free lunch program, a small library with support for homework, and college scholarships. TSTSCA also organizes delegations from Olympia to Santo Tomás and from there to here.

The group works actively all year around and needs a constant flow of financial support to keep it all running. Now you can simultaneously help TSTSCA while you make your own yard look better for years to come! Visit TSTSCA’s benefit perennial plant sale at a convenient location on Olympia’s West Side (Jean Eberhardt’s front yard, 117 Thomas Street NW (just south of W Harrison, west of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church’s parking lot) from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on both Saturday and Sunday May 4 and 5.

TSTSCA volunteer George Hartwell raises an amazing variety of perennial plants and is donating many in decent-sized pots (along with starts of a few shrubs) so you can take them home and plant them with confidence. Many more than 100 plants of about fifty varieties will be available for sale, including a few exotic ones. If you want to ask about a particular species of perennial plant, call George Hartwell at 459-1079.

Also, some local artists will set up tables (weather permitting) at the plant sale and donate 25% of their proceeds to TSTSCA.

For information about the plant sale or about TSTSCA, contact Maureen Hill at (360) 786-9505 or

More information about TSTSCA is at

The Thurston-Santo Tomas Sister County Association does good work all year around!


4) Coopatopia CoOp Festival
Saturday May 4th from 1 to 6 PM @ St. Martins Marcus Pavillion Norman Worthington Center, 5300 Pacific Ave. SE, Lacey

The cooperative business model is the model of the future! Come plug in

This from the organizers:

St. Martins University Presents: Co-opatopia

St. Martins University Presents: Co-opatopia
May 4, 2013 1:00 pm
May 4, 2013 6:00 pm
Everyday, Family Events, Food & Wine, Music Concerts
April 19, 2013
Saint Martin’s Marcus Pavilion – Norman Worthington Center
5300 Pacific Ave. SE, Lacey

Co-opatopia is a free event open for you, your family and the local community. This special event will celebrate cooperative businesses and all they contribute to our communities and the local economy. Experience a variety of co-ops from across the Puget Sound! There will be great food, local entertainment, and lots of fun.

Co-opatopia will be held at the St. Martins Pavilion in Lacey, Washington on Saturday, May 4th, 2013 from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

5) Raging Glitter and Bubbles Musical Mischief at Le Voyeur
Saturday May 4th at 9 PM @ Le Voyeur, 404 4th Ave E

The name says it all!

This from the organizers:

Carnivorous Clitoris
& the Snatch Snacks
Months of Indecision
Double Decker Bus Culture
Heavy Rituals

There will be:

and bubbles.

the usual

6) Media Island International/ Free Leonard Peltier Benefit Brunch
Sunday May 5th from 11 AM to 2 PM @ Media Island, 816 Adams St SE

It’s Media Island’s monthly benefit brunch. This time MII is teaming up with the Free Leonard Peltier movement!

Leonard Peltier was an American Indian Movement activist who has been in prison for over 30 years for something he did not do. Come learn about America’s premier political prisoner.

This from Media Island:

For May 2013, Media Island International in Olympia, WA is partnering with the Northwest Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee for our monthly Benefit Brunch.

On May 18th there is an international day of solidarity with Leonard Peltier. As part of this global day of events, in Tacoma, WA there is a march and rally to join the global movement to tell US President Barack Obama that we demand Leonard’s release. President Obama has the sole power to finally do the right thing and Free Leonard Peltier.

Please join us in Olympia, Washington on May 5th at 11:00 AM for food and friendship to support the efforts of the Northwest Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee.

Leonard Peltier is an American Indian Movement activist who has been in federal prison for nearly 40 years for a crime that all process and evidence is showing he did not commit.

Amnesty International has designated him a political prisoner. Over 30 million people worldwide have called for his release, including a long list of human rights organizations and public luminaires, from Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa to First Nations and Native organizations like the National Congress of American Indians, many celebrities, and people around the world just like you.

For the May 5th event at Media Island, Donations are highly encouraged, though everyone is welcome regardless of ability to donate. Standard brunch will be served. If you have dietary restrictions, you are encouraged to contact us and volunteer in the kitchen to help accommodate them.

Please spread the word about the Media Island May 2013 Brunch in support of Leonard Peltier, and invite your friends!

7) Crop Walk
Sunday May 5th at 1 PM @ Capitol Campus

This is a fundraiser for local hunger-relief organizations and to fund humanitarian projects around the world.

This from the organizers:

Crop Walk
Date: Sunday, May 5, 2013
Time: 1:00PM
Location: Begins & ends at State Capitol Campus
Olympia, WA

Volunteer walkers raise funds for local hunger-relief organizations and to fund humanitarian projects around the world.

Our local Thurston County CROP HUNGER WALK successes:

• 2012 Walk raised $46,520
• 2011 Walk raised $49,021
• 2010 Walk raised $54,188

Ways YOU Can Participate!
• Be a walker, a sponsor, a team leader, or a committee member.
• Volunteer to help register walkers, serve refreshments or sell tee shirts on Walk Day.
• Make a financial donation to our Walk.

Contact Chairman Wayne Gruen at 352-9703, or phone us at 360-357-7224, or see ‘To register on-line’ below.

Donate or Register to Walk On-line
You can sign up to participate or donate on-line to the Thurston County CROP HUNGER WALK. Just follow the link below:

You can also support a particular person or team if they have registered on the site. Donating money with your credit card at this website is fast, easy, and very secure.
Walker Information

The 10K (6.2 mile) walk starts and ends at the State Capitol Campus in downtown Olympia. For a map of the route click here. For more information on being a walker, click here.

On the day of the walk, park on the Capitol Campus and come to the Temple of Justice steps. Bring your walker form to the Registration tent between 12:30 & 1:30. The Opening Ceremony is at 1:15 p.m. The walk starts at 1:30, led by the Olympia Highlanders Pipe and Drum Corps.


8) May Day Meeting of the Minds, Hearts, and Bellies
Sunday May 5th from 3 to 8 PM @ Fertile Grounds, 311 9th Ave SE

It’s food talk! With food! And talk!

This from Melanie:

We want to come together to share food, and share feelings, thoughts and ideas around the current, prevalent food systems inadequacies. We can also talk about how this is linked to the larger system at work and how far it has gone beyond representing the peoples’ need for quality food, a thriving economy and farmable land for future generations.

There will be time for talking about this and there will be a good amount of time in the evening dedicated to music and poetry on the theme of revolution and freedom. Bring songs or poetry to share along this theme.

It isn’t enough to talk about these things, the how and why of it. The “what now” is already apparent and people know what steps need to be taken. So we want to host a gathering where we can be supportive of each other’s feelings on these issues, listen, speak, and begin the healing process. It can feel so overwhelming and oppressive, and anger is a natural response to the system that has willingly afflicted us with such dire conditions (maybe I’m wrong about the “willingly” part and you’d like to show up and voice that).

And it isn’t enough to be angry. We cannot fight this and hate and anger are not effective tools. All we can do is opt out of supporting that which hurts us, and to focus on the alternative, to focus on what we want. We can raise our voices together in song and play our own part toward feeding our visions and energies into the new paradigm.

There will of course be food, Pastels with hearty vegan options, and these will be offered openly. Donations are welcome to help pay for the cost of food and the space, but no one will be turned away.

There will be activities for the kids. PLEASE bring your children if you have some, or borrow someone else’s! We will also try to get together a may pole.

Anyone is welcome to sell their wares or offer services if they so choose to. Feel free to bring a blanket to picnic on or lay your wares on.

This will be from 3p-8p at Fertile Ground on Sunday, May 5th (with a nod to Mexico’s liberation as well -cinco de mayo)

9) Annual Meeting of the Green Party of South Puget Sound
Sunday May 5th Potluck at 6, Meeting at 7 PM upstairs above Buck’s 5th Avenue, 209 5th Ave SE

This is the annual meeting. Officers will be elected, and a celebration is likely to ensue.

This from Janet:

Annual Meeting of the
Green Party of South Puget Sound

The meeting will be at Buck’s Fifth Avenue — second story room at 209 5th Avenue SE in downtown Olympia.

The potluck starts at 6:00 and the business meeting at 7:00. We will be electing officers and celebrating. See you there!

Janet Jordan

10) POWER Outage: Mama Care Fair
Monday May 6th from 5:30 to 8 PM @ Darby’ Café, 407 5th Ave SW

It’s POWER’s monthly greet!

This from POWER:

May 2013 POWER Outage:

This is our opportunity to say THANK YOU to all the amazing people raising our next generation, a very challenging and underappreciated job.

So if you’re a mama –

Come relax and enjoy an evening of pampering on Monday, May 6th from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm at Darby’s Café located at 407 N 5th Ave SW in downtown Olympia.

If you are an admirer of mamas, you can help out:

Serve a meal, play music, offer massages, tarot readings, chair yoga, childcare, or any other relaxing, fun thing for the mamas. Help us put on a really good party!

Can’t make it? Provide a gift certificate for services mamas can use later, ex. haircut, massage, etc.

Let us know what you can do!

11) Synergy 2013 at the Evergreen State College
Wednesday May 8th from 1 to 9 PM @ TESC

It’s a sustainable living conference! Good idea!

This from the organizers:

Synergy 2013 at the Evergreen State College

Brought to you by The Clean Energy Committee, The Campus Food Coalition, The Community Gardens & the R.A.D. Aquaponics Project

The goal of the Synergy Conference is to provide opportunities for a synergistic path towards sustainability through education, action, dialogue, and celebration. The theme is to be the change, with a focus on participation in local issues.

Tentative Schedule:

Wednesday, May 8th:
Clean Energy Fair 1-4pm
Real Food Challenge/ Emma Brewster at 4:30pm

Thursday, May 9th:
D.E.A.P. & Young Roots (GRuB) Forum 12-1pm
Farm Worker Justice Panel 1-3pm
Mijas Food Demo 3-5pm
Peter Dorman and Zoltan Grossman 5pm

Friday, May 10th:
CCBLA Action Day (school gardens) 12:30 – 5pm
*Register with Marinda Sanders:

Rachel Carson Forum
Community Group Expo 5pm
Forum 6pm

Also, a tentative additional event from the Flaming Eggplant on Wednesday.

Please check back for updates to the Schedule.
Blog page coming soon.

See you all there!

12) Olympia Pickets Bank of America
Wednesday May 8th at 4 pm @ Bank of America, 210 5th Ave SW

Don’t look now, but we’re baaaaack!

Bank of America is a personification of everything that is wrong and we’ve been slacking on our campaign to educate their customers to the fact that their bank is using their money to corrupt their government.

This is part of a coordinated nationwide effort.

This from the organizers:

Bank of America is bad for America! Since the 2008 Great Recession was orchestrated by the ‘too big to fail’ Wall Street banks, citizens have stepped forward as the true leaders who reject the too big to fail premise. Too big to fail is too big to exist.

Last year thousands came to Charlotte, NC, to voice their anger at the 1% Bank of America shareholders meeting. The shareholders and CEO Moynihan don’t respect the people. It is now clear that there is no chance for reforming Bank of America, it must be broken up. During this year’s shareholders meeting we are taking the protest nationwide.

A new Rasmussen survey shows that 50% of U.S. Adults favor a plan to break up the 12 megabanks, which currently control about 69% of the banking industry. Twenty-three percent (23%) oppose breaking up the largest banks, while another 27% are undecided.

Bank of America, with trillions in assets, won’t break by a few isolated protests. It won’t break by individuals moving their money to credit unions. It will break up by sustained collective will that infects the government, enlivens credit unions, revitalizes labor unions, enlists students and restores homeowners. Millions of pinpricks and a sustained demand: Breakup Bank of America.

The Achilles Heel that breaks up Bank of America is a sustained persistent stubborn picket at many of their 16,000+ ATMs and 5,600+ branches around the country. A picket can be as simple as 1 person with a sign in front of a BoA during business hours for an hour a week. People who picket can also put on educational events, flashmobs, marches, rallies, sit-ins, teach-ins, institutional divestment campaigns, government divestment campaigns, citizen lobbying, LTE’s, gorilla marketing, but a picket isn’t a onetime event but a sustained effort that realizes that change may take a while and a stubborn persistent presence is absolutely needed.

On May 8th, the day of Bank of America’s 1% shareholders meeting, nationwide picketing will occur during open business hours at the Bank of America locations nearest by. Be there, dressed in a way that welcomes strangers’ conversations, carrying a sign that wins their support. Inform your neighbors, your coworkers, your friends, and ask them to join and support the picket.

In some cities, people will organize marches, some may do creative direct action and some might consider civil disobedience. Organized actions are enthusiastically encouraged but the common picketer, with the sign holding a simple truth, are the everyday heroes that will provide the persistence necessary for the long task of breaking up Bank of America.

May 8th, long live the picket!

13) Bonus Tip of the Day:

Get your priorities straight.

