TB 191204 A Forecast of Thunderbolts

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes



1) Pizza Party for a Cause Dec 2019

2) How Does Social Change Really Happen?

3) #BERNIOKE & Oly Underground

4) Olympia Climate Strike

5) Monthly 1st Friday Open House: Get to Know a Muslim Event

6) People’s Eviction at NWDC

7) Climate Change Impacts on Local Agriculture: Producer Panel

8) Bonus Tip of the Day

A detailed description of all events is located after the News and Commentary section

To go directly to an event description just click on the index entry above



A Forecast of Thunderbolts




A Forecast of Thunderbolts

Hey, Kids!

So — if you hadn’t noticed — the holiday season is upon us.  As with most things created by humans, I find many admirable things about Christmas and many other highly disturbing things about Christmas.  We’re supposed to be celebrating the birthday of the ‘Prince of Peace’, who was a homeless far-left radical activist who took direct action against the status quo and who paid with his life — yet his holiday has devolved into an insane explosion of consumerism gone wild.  This seems to me to be pretty much the polar opposite of the message that Christ was trying to convey.

I suspect that a contemporary Jesus would likely be throwing over the tables at the nearest Amazon warehouse…

I have a projected Thunderbolt project on the table — another nomination for the official Thunderbolt Most Evil Person in History Award, in fact — but due to my current temporary status as a full time employee and due to the fact that I spent a lot of time on the radio show this week, I’m afraid that I don’t have anything else for this week’s issue.

That means it’s already time to get to work!



The Olympia Action Alert

Week of December 4th thru December 10th, 2019



1) Wednesday December 4th

Pizza Party for a Cause Dec 2019

6 to 8 pm @ 518 Capitol Way S

This event was organized by the Capital Homecare Cooperative:

Feeling those winter blues comin’ for ya? Fear not, for Pizza Party for a Cause is back again! Come share some delicious pizza, play games and drink nummy drinks for a good cause with friends! This event never fails to deliver giggles, a great time, and as always benefits the vulnerable adults in our community! Even if you can’t make it to the event, you can still participate by ordering pizza ToGO on December 4th and writing CDC on the tip receipt.

Pizzeria La Gitana is donating 20% of the event proceeds in support of Capital Homecare Cooperative’s ongoing effort to create a fund for those who do not qualify for public pay and cannot afford private home care prices.



December 4


6:00 pm – 8:00 pm




Pizzeria La Gitana Of Olympia518 Capitol Way SOlympia, 98501 + Google Map


Capital Homecare Cooperative


2) Thursday December 5th

How Does Social Change Really Happen?

7 to 9 pm @ Traditions Café, 300 5th Ave SW

This event was organized by the Thurston Climate Action Team:

Lynn Fitz-Hugh will give a public presentation on both the history and theories of social change. You will leave with a clear understanding of how social change works.

History is written by the victors. The history of social change movements is under reported and generally not taught in our schools. How can we stop recreating the wheel and learn from the success and failures of the amazing giants who acted before us?

What are the tools for social change beyond depending upon politicians who maybe corrupt or unresponsive?

How can we learn to create affective strategies pulling upon a wide range of tactics?

Come join us and learn some of the answers to these questions!



December 5


7:00 pm – 9:00 pm




New Traditions Fair Trade


Thurston Climate Action Team


3) Thursday December 5th

#BERNIOKE & Oly Underground

8 to 11 pm @ 109 Legion Way SW

This event was organized by Keoki Kauanoe:

We have had Thirsting for Bernie at Burial Grounds, Tabling for Bernie at the Farmers Market, Phonebanking for Bernie at various locations. Thursday December 5th let’s leave our cares and worries outside and come in to Oly Underground for a fun night of Bernioke: karaoke with a progressive twist inspired by Bernie Sanders!

Bernioke is karaoke with progressive themes, activist elements, and if you really feel the Bern, singing in the style of Bernie Sanders!

We will be noshing on poblano poppers, discussing the benefits of the Green New Deal, healthcare w/ no deductibles or co-pays, there will even be a prize in the best Bernie look alike contest!

Enjoy the fun side of progressive politicking and feel the BERN with fellow activists. Start planning your karaoke set now and see you next Thursday!



December 5


8:00 pm – 11:00 pm




Oly Underground


Keoki Kauanoe


4) Friday December 6th

Olympia Climate Strike

Noon to 3 pm @ Washington State Capitol, 416 Sid Snyder Avenue SW

This event was organized by the WA Youth Climate Strike:

We had over 2,000 people attend the September 20th strike, let’s keep the momentum going! This time we will be gathering at the Capitol steps, marching, and rallying at Heritage Park!


12PM: information at the Capitol steps, a couple speeches

12:30PM: start marching

1:00PM: arrive at Heritage Park where there will be tables, music, art, etc.

This event is partnered with the Protectors of the Salish Sea, and we stand in solidarity with their demands for Governor Inslee.



December 6


12:00 pm – 3:00 pm




Olympia Capital, Olympia, Washington200 Olympia Ave NW United States + Google Map


WA Youth Climate Strike


5) Thursday December 6th

Monthly 1st Friday Open House: Get to Know a Muslim Event

Noon to 2 pm @ Islamic Center of Olympia – Masjid Al-Nur, 109 Legion Way SW

This event was organized by the Islamic Center of Olympia – Masjid Al-Nur:


Welcoming friends, allies, and people of all faiths or no faith with a sincere desire to learn more about our faith and connect with individuals and families from the most diverse faith community in South Puget Sound.

At the same time you will get to experience the sermon in English and Arabic, hear a beautiful call to prayer, witness the prayer itself, have a Q&A session and enjoy ethnic and American snacks.


• 12:00 PM sharp meet on the steps of the center for a welcome briefing. If it’s raining/snowing please proceed up the steps of the main building to the foyer of the main prayer area (shoes off please).

• 12:10 PM enter the mosque to hear the call to prayer at 12:15 sharp.

• 12:15-12:45 sermon (English and Arabic)

• 12:45-1:00 observe the prayer (or join if you like)

• 1:00-1:15 mix and mingle with community members

• 1:15-2:00 Q&A circle time, a brief presentation and snacks in the community hall (basement)—every 1st Friday of each month.



December 6


12:00 pm – 2:00 pm




Islamic Center of Olympia – Masjid Al-Nur


Islamic Center of Olympia – Masjid Al-Nur


6) Saturday December 7th

People’s Eviction at NWDC

1:30 to 3:30 pm @ the Northwest Detention Center, 1623 E J St, Tacoma

This event was organized by La Resistencia:

For too long, ICE has held the power to determine who stays in our communities and who gets detained and deported. Meanwhile, landlords and big developers determine who stays in our neighborhoods and who is forced to move.

We are reclaiming the power to define our own communities, to determine who stays and what has to go! And we’ve decided that ICE and GEO Group must go! We demand that ICE be abolished and that GEO Group pay reparations to families harmed by the detention system. We demand accountability for big developers and self-determination for displaced tenants. We demand that the land on which NWDC is built be returned to its rightful owners – the Puyallup Tribe.

Join us this Saturday, Dec. 7 for a rally outside NWDC to #EvictGEO!

#ShutDownNWDC #AbolishICE



December 7


1:30 pm – 3:30 pm




1623 E J St, Tacoma, WA 98421-1615, United States1623 E J St United States + Google Map


La Resistencia


7) Tuesday December 10th

Climate Change Impacts on Local Agriculture: Producer Panel

6 to 8:30 pm @ Thurston Conservation District, 815 73rd Ave. SW, Tumwater

This event was organized by the Thurston Conservation District:

Come hear from local farmers about how the current drought conditions and local climate change conditions have impacted their production and practices. Representatives from forestry, vegetable production, livestock farming, and shellfish will be present to answer questions and share their experiences.

Please RSVP here or contact Nora White, nwhite@thurstoncd.com or 360-754-3588 ext.136



December 10


6:00 pm – 8:30 pm




Brighton Park Grange #163


Thurston Conservation District


8) Bonus Tip of the Day:

Check out next week’s issue.





The Thunderbolt newsletter archive (new editions posted every Wednesday morning) and the Thunderbolt radio program archive (new shows posted every Friday morning):


The Thunderbolt Facebook page:


LocalMotive Online Events Calendar:


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